
136 lines
4.6 KiB

import logging
import pkgutil
from import PathEntryFinder
from pathlib import Path
from types import ModuleType
from typing import Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union
import streamlink.plugins
from streamlink.options import Arguments
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
from streamlink.plugin.plugin import NO_PRIORITY, Matchers, Plugin
from streamlink.utils.module import exec_module
log = logging.getLogger(".".join(__name__.split(".")[:-1]))
# The path to Streamlink's built-in plugins
_PLUGINS_PATH = Path(streamlink.plugins.__path__[0])
class StreamlinkPlugins:
Streamlink's session-plugins implementation. This class is responsible for loading plugins and resolving them from URLs.
See the :attr:`Streamlink.plugins <streamlink.session.Streamlink.plugins>` attribute.
def __init__(self, builtin: bool = True):
self._plugins: Dict[str, Type[Plugin]] = {}
if builtin:
def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> Type[Plugin]:
"""Access a loaded plugin class by name"""
return self._plugins[item]
def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Type[Plugin]) -> None:
"""Add/override a plugin class by name"""
self._plugins[key] = value
def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None:
"""Remove a loaded plugin by name"""
self._plugins.pop(key, None)
def __contains__(self, item: str) -> bool:
"""Check if a plugin is loaded"""
return item in self._plugins
def get_names(self) -> List[str]:
"""Get a list of the names of all loaded plugins"""
return sorted(self._plugins.keys())
def get_loaded(self) -> Dict[str, Type[Plugin]]:
"""Get a mapping of all loaded plugins"""
return dict(self._plugins)
def load_builtin(self) -> bool:
"""Load Streamlink's built-in plugins"""
return self.load_path(_PLUGINS_PATH)
def load_path(self, path: Union[Path, str]) -> bool:
"""Load plugins from a custom directory"""
plugins = self._load_from_path(path)
return bool(plugins)
def update(self, plugins: Dict[str, Type[Plugin]]):
"""Add/override loaded plugins"""
def clear(self):
"""Remove all loaded plugins from the session"""
def iter_arguments(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Arguments]]:
"""Iterate through all plugins and their :class:`Arguments <streamlink.options.Arguments>`"""
yield from (
(name, plugin.arguments)
for name, plugin in self._plugins.items()
if plugin.arguments
def iter_matchers(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Matchers]]:
"""Iterate through all plugins and their :class:`Matchers <streamlink.plugin.plugin.Matchers>`"""
yield from (
(name, plugin.matchers)
for name, plugin in self._plugins.items()
if plugin.matchers
def match_url(self, url: str) -> Optional[Tuple[str, Type[Plugin]]]:
"""Find a matching plugin by URL"""
match: Optional[str] = None
priority: int = NO_PRIORITY
for name, matchers in self.iter_matchers():
for matcher in matchers:
if matcher.priority > priority and matcher.pattern.match(url) is not None:
match = name
priority = matcher.priority
if match is None:
return None
return match, self._plugins[match]
def _load_from_path(self, path: Union[Path, str]) -> Dict[str, Type[Plugin]]:
plugins: Dict[str, Type[Plugin]] = {}
for finder, name, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules([str(path)]):
lookup = self._load_plugin_from_finder(name, finder=finder) # type: ignore[arg-type]
if lookup is None:
mod, plugin = lookup
if name in self._plugins:"Plugin {name} is being overridden by {mod.__file__}")
plugins[name] = plugin
return plugins
def _load_plugin_from_finder(name: str, finder: PathEntryFinder) -> Optional[Tuple[ModuleType, Type[Plugin]]]:
# set the full plugin module name, even for sideloaded plugins
mod = exec_module(finder, f"streamlink.plugins.{name}")
except ImportError as err:
log.exception(f"Failed to load plugin {name} from {err.path}\n")
return None
if not hasattr(mod, "__plugin__") or not issubclass(mod.__plugin__, Plugin):
return None
return mod, mod.__plugin__