
210 lines
7.8 KiB

import pkgutil
import re
import tokenize
from inspect import Parameter, signature
from pathlib import Path
import pytest
import streamlink.plugins
import tests.plugins
from streamlink.plugin.plugin import Matcher, Plugin
from streamlink.utils.module import load_module
plugins_path = streamlink.plugins.__path__[0]
plugintests_path = tests.plugins.__path__[0]
protocol_plugins = [
plugintests_ignore = [
plugins = [
for finder, pname, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules([plugins_path])
if not pname.startswith("common_")
plugins_no_protocols = [pname for pname in plugins if pname not in protocol_plugins]
plugintests = [
re.sub(r"^test_", "", tname)
for finder, tname, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules([plugintests_path])
if tname.startswith("test_") and tname not in plugintests_ignore
PLUGIN_TYPES = "live", "vod", "live, vod"
PLUGIN_METADATA = "id", "author", "category", "title"
re_url = re.compile("^https?://")
re_metadata = re.compile(rf"^({'|'.join(re.escape(item) for item in PLUGIN_METADATA)})(\s.+)?$")
def unique(iterable):
seen = set()
for item in iterable:
if item not in seen:
yield item
class TestPlugins:
@pytest.fixture(scope="class", params=plugins)
def plugin(self, request):
return load_module(f"streamlink.plugins.{request.param}", plugins_path)
def test_exports_plugin(self, plugin):
assert hasattr(plugin, "__plugin__"), "Plugin module exports __plugin__"
assert issubclass(plugin.__plugin__, Plugin), "__plugin__ is an instance of the Plugin class"
def test_classname(self, plugin):
classname = plugin.__plugin__.__name__
assert classname == classname[0].upper() + classname[1:], "__plugin__ class name starts with uppercase letter"
assert "_" not in classname, "__plugin__ class name does not contain underscores"
def test_constructor(self, plugin):
assert (
plugin.__plugin__.__init__ is Plugin.__init__
or tuple(
(, param.kind)
for param in signature(plugin.__plugin__.__init__).parameters.values()
) == (
("self", Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD),
("args", Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL),
("kwargs", Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD),
def test_matchers(self, plugin):
pluginclass = plugin.__plugin__
assert isinstance(pluginclass.matchers, list), "Has at a matchers list"
assert len(pluginclass.matchers) > 0, "Has at least one matcher"
assert all(isinstance(matcher, Matcher) for matcher in pluginclass.matchers), "Only has valid matchers"
def test_plugin_api(self, plugin):
pluginclass = plugin.__plugin__
assert not hasattr(pluginclass, "can_handle_url"), "Does not implement deprecated can_handle_url(url)"
assert not hasattr(pluginclass, "priority"), "Does not implement deprecated priority(url)"
assert callable(pluginclass._get_streams), "Implements _get_streams()"
class TestPluginTests:
@pytest.mark.parametrize("plugin", plugins)
def test_plugin_has_tests(self, plugin):
assert plugin in plugintests, "Test module exists for plugin"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("plugintest", plugintests)
def test_test_has_plugin(self, plugintest):
assert plugintest in plugins, "Plugin exists for test module"
class TestPluginMetadata:
def metadata_keys_all(self):
return (
def metadata_keys_required(self):
return (
def metadata_keys_repeat(self):
return (
def metadata_keys_no_repeat(self, metadata_keys_all, metadata_keys_repeat):
return tuple(
for key in metadata_keys_all
if key not in metadata_keys_repeat
@pytest.fixture(scope="class", params=plugins_no_protocols)
def tokeninfo(self, request):
with (Path(plugins_path) / f"{request.param}.py").open(encoding="utf-8") as handle:
tokeninfo = next(tokenize.generate_tokens(handle.readline), None)
assert type(tokeninfo) is tokenize.TokenInfo, "Parses the first token"
assert tokeninfo.type == tokenize.STRING, "First token is a string"
return tokeninfo
def metadata_items(self, tokeninfo):
match ="^\"\"\"\n(?P<metadata>.+)\n\"\"\"$", tokeninfo.string, re.DOTALL)
assert match is not None, "String is a properly formatted long string"
lines = ["^\$(?P<key>\w+) (?P<value>\S.+)$", line)
for line in"metadata").split("\n")
assert all(lines), "All lines are properly formatted using the '$key value' format"
return [("key"),"value")) for match in lines]
def metadata_keys(self, metadata_items):
return tuple(key for key, value in metadata_items)
def metadata_dict(self, metadata_keys_no_repeat, metadata_items):
return {k: v for k, v in metadata_items if k in metadata_keys_no_repeat}
def test_no_unknown(self, metadata_keys_all, metadata_keys):
assert not any(True for key in metadata_keys if key not in metadata_keys_all), \
"No unknown metadata keys are set"
def test_required(self, metadata_keys_required, metadata_keys):
assert all(True for tag in metadata_keys_required if tag in metadata_keys), \
"All required metadata keys are set"
def test_order(self, metadata_keys_all, metadata_keys):
keys = tuple(key for key in metadata_keys_all if key in metadata_keys)
assert keys == tuple(unique(metadata_keys)), \
"All metadata keys are defined in order"
assert tuple(reversed(keys)) == tuple(unique(reversed(metadata_keys))), \
"All repeatable metadata keys are defined in order"
def test_repeat(self, metadata_keys_repeat, metadata_keys, metadata_items):
items = {key: tuple(v for k, v in metadata_items if k == key) for key in metadata_keys if key in metadata_keys_repeat}
assert items == {key: tuple(unique(value)) for key, value in items.items()}, \
"Repeatable keys don't have any duplicates"
def test_no_repeat(self, metadata_keys_no_repeat, metadata_keys):
keys = tuple(key for key in metadata_keys if key in metadata_keys_no_repeat)
assert keys == tuple(unique(keys)), "Non-repeatable keys are set at most only once"
def test_key_url(self, metadata_items):
assert not any(re_url.match(val) for key, val in metadata_items if key == "url"), \
"$url metadata values don't start with http:// or https://"
def test_key_type(self, metadata_dict):
assert metadata_dict.get("type") in PLUGIN_TYPES, \
"$type metadata has the correct value"
def test_key_metadata(self, metadata_items):
assert all(re_metadata.match(val) for key, val in metadata_items if key == "metadata"), \
"$metadata metadata values have the correct format"
indexes = [PLUGIN_METADATA.index(val.split(" ")[0]) for key, val in metadata_items if key == "metadata"]
assert [PLUGIN_METADATA[i] for i in indexes] == [PLUGIN_METADATA[i] for i in sorted(indexes)], \
"$metadata metadata values are ordered correctly"