
171 lines
6.1 KiB

from typing import Dict, List, Match, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Type, Union
import pytest
from streamlink.plugin.plugin import Matcher, Plugin
generic_negative_matches = [
# TODO: use proper type aliases
TUrl = str
TName = str
TUrlNamed = Tuple[TName, TUrl]
TUrlOrNamedUrl = Union[TUrl, TUrlNamed]
TMatchGroup = Union[Dict[str, str], Sequence[Optional[str]]]
_plugin_can_handle_url_classnames: Set[str] = set()
class PluginCanHandleUrl:
__plugin__: Type[Plugin]
should_match: List[TUrlOrNamedUrl] = []
A list of URLs that should match any of the plugin's URL regexes.
URL can be a tuple of a matcher name and the URL itself.
should_match = [
("bar", "https://bar"),
should_match_groups: List[Tuple[TUrlOrNamedUrl, TMatchGroup]] = []
A list of URL+capturegroup tuples, where capturegroup can be a dict (re.Match.groupdict()) or a tuple (re.Match.groups()).
URL can be a tuple of a matcher name and the URL itself.
URLs defined in this list automatically get appended to the should_match list.
Values in capturegroup dictionaries that are None get ignored when comparing and must be omitted in the test fixtures.
("https://foo", {"foo": "foo"}),
("https://bar", ("bar", None)),
("https://bar/baz", ("bar", "baz")),
(("qux", "https://qux"), {"qux": "qux"}),
should_not_match: List[TUrl] = []
A list of URLs that should not match any of the plugin's URL regexes.
Generic negative URL matches are appended to this list automatically and must not be defined.
# ---- test utils
def matchers(cls) -> List[Matcher]:
empty: List[Matcher] = []
return cls.__plugin__.matchers or empty
def urls_all(cls) -> List[TUrlOrNamedUrl]:
return cls.should_match + [item for item, groups in cls.should_match_groups]
def urls_unnamed(cls) -> List[TUrl]:
return [item for item in cls.urls_all() if type(item) is str]
def urls_named(cls) -> List[TUrlNamed]:
return [item for item in cls.urls_all() if type(item) is tuple]
def urlgroups_unnamed(cls) -> List[Tuple[TUrl, TMatchGroup]]:
return [(item, groups) for item, groups in cls.should_match_groups if type(item) is str]
def urlgroups_named(cls) -> List[Tuple[TName, TUrl, TMatchGroup]]:
return [(item[0], item[1], groups) for item, groups in cls.should_match_groups if type(item) is tuple]
def urls_negative(cls) -> List[TUrl]:
return cls.should_not_match + generic_negative_matches
def _get_match_groups(match: Match, grouptype: Type[TMatchGroup]) -> TMatchGroup:
return (
# ignore None values in capture group dicts
{k: v for k, v in match.groupdict().items() if v is not None}
if grouptype is dict else
# capture group tuples
# ---- misc fixtures
def classnames(self):
yield _plugin_can_handle_url_classnames
# ---- tests
def test_class_setup(self):
assert hasattr(self, "__plugin__"), "Test has a __plugin__ attribute"
assert issubclass(self.__plugin__, Plugin), "Test has a __plugin__ that is a subclass of the Plugin class"
assert len(self.should_match) + len(self.should_match_groups) > 0, "Test has at least one positive URL"
def test_class_name(self, classnames: Set[str]):
assert self.__class__.__name__ not in classnames
# ---- all tests below are parametrized dynamically via
def test_all_matchers_match(self, matcher: Matcher):
assert any( # pragma: no branch
for url in [(item if type(item) is str else item[1]) for item in self.urls_all()]
), "Matcher matches at least one URL"
def test_all_named_matchers_have_tests(self, matcher: Matcher):
assert any( # pragma: no branch
name ==
for name, url in self.urls_named()
), "Named matcher does have a test"
def test_url_matches_positive_unnamed(self, url: TUrl):
assert any( # pragma: no branch
for matcher in self.matchers()
), "Unnamed URL test matches at least one unnamed matcher"
def test_url_matches_positive_named(self, name: TName, url: TUrl):
assert [ # pragma: no branch
for matcher in self.matchers()
if matcher.pattern.match(url)
] == [name], "Named URL test exactly matches one named matcher"
def test_url_matches_groups_unnamed(self, url: TUrl, groups: TMatchGroup):
matches = [matcher.pattern.match(url) for matcher in self.matchers() if is None]
match = next((match for match in matches if match), None) # pragma: no branch
result = None if not match else self._get_match_groups(match, type(groups))
assert result == groups, "URL capture groups match the results of the first matching unnamed matcher"
def test_url_matches_groups_named(self, name: TName, url: TUrl, groups: TMatchGroup):
matches = [(, matcher.pattern.match(url)) for matcher in self.matchers() if is not None]
mname, match = next(((mname, match) for mname, match in matches if match), (None, None)) # pragma: no branch
result = None if not match else self._get_match_groups(match, type(groups))
assert (mname, result) == (name, groups), "URL capture groups match the results of the matching named matcher"
def test_url_matches_negative(self, url: TUrl):
assert not any( # pragma: no branch
for matcher in self.matchers()
), "URL does not match any matcher"