
665 lines
25 KiB

import logging
import pkgutil
import warnings
from functools import lru_cache
from socket import AF_INET, AF_INET6
from typing import Any, Callable, ClassVar, Dict, Iterator, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Type
import urllib3.util.connection as urllib3_util_connection
import urllib3.util.ssl_ as urllib3_util_ssl
from streamlink import __version__, plugins
from streamlink.exceptions import NoPluginError, PluginError, StreamlinkDeprecationWarning
from streamlink.logger import StreamlinkLogger
from streamlink.options import Options
from streamlink.plugin.api.http_session import HTTPSession
from streamlink.plugin.plugin import NO_PRIORITY, NORMAL_PRIORITY, Matcher, Plugin
from streamlink.utils.l10n import Localization
from streamlink.utils.module import load_module
from streamlink.utils.url import update_scheme
# Ensure that the Logger class returned is Streamslink's for using the API (for backwards compatibility)
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_original_allowed_gai_family = urllib3_util_connection.allowed_gai_family # type: ignore[attr-defined]
def _get_deprecation_stacklevel_offset():
"""Deal with stacklevels of both session.{g,s}et_option() and session.options.{g,s}et() calls"""
from inspect import currentframe
frame = currentframe().f_back.f_back
offset = 0
while frame:
if frame.f_code.co_filename == __file__ and frame.f_code.co_name in ("set_option", "get_option"):
offset += 1
frame = frame.f_back
return offset
class PythonDeprecatedWarning(UserWarning):
class StreamlinkOptions(Options):
def __init__(self, session: "Streamlink", *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.session = session
# ---- utils
def _parse_key_equals_value_string(delimiter: str, value: str) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]:
for keyval in value.split(delimiter):
key, val = keyval.split("=", 1)
yield key.strip(), val.strip()
except ValueError:
def _deprecate_https_proxy(key: str) -> None:
if key == "https-proxy":
"The `https-proxy` option has been deprecated in favor of a single `http-proxy` option",
stacklevel=4 + _get_deprecation_stacklevel_offset(),
# ---- getters
def _get_http_proxy(self, key):
return self.session.http.proxies.get("https" if key == "https-proxy" else "http")
def _get_http_attr(self, key):
return getattr(self.session.http, self._OPTIONS_HTTP_ATTRS[key])
# ---- setters
def _set_interface(self, key, value):
for scheme, adapter in self.session.http.adapters.items():
if scheme not in ("http://", "https://"):
if not value:
adapter.poolmanager.connection_pool_kw.update(source_address=(value, 0))
self.set_explicit(key, None if not value else value)
def _set_ipv4_ipv6(self, key, value):
self.set_explicit(key, value)
if not value:
urllib3_util_connection.allowed_gai_family = _original_allowed_gai_family # type: ignore[attr-defined]
elif key == "ipv4":
self.set_explicit("ipv6", False)
urllib3_util_connection.allowed_gai_family = (lambda: AF_INET) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
self.set_explicit("ipv4", False)
urllib3_util_connection.allowed_gai_family = (lambda: AF_INET6) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
def _set_http_proxy(self, key, value):
self.session.http.proxies["http"] \
= self.session.http.proxies["https"] \
= update_scheme("https://", value, force=False)
def _set_http_attr(self, key, value):
setattr(self.session.http, self._OPTIONS_HTTP_ATTRS[key], value)
def _set_http_disable_dh(self, key, value):
self.set_explicit(key, value)
default_ciphers = [
for item in urllib3_util_ssl.DEFAULT_CIPHERS.split(":") # type: ignore[attr-defined]
if item != "!DH"
if value:
urllib3_util_ssl.DEFAULT_CIPHERS = ":".join(default_ciphers) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
def _factory_set_http_attr_key_equals_value(delimiter: str) -> Callable[["StreamlinkOptions", str, Any], None]:
def inner(self: "StreamlinkOptions", key: str, value: Any) -> None:
getattr(self.session.http, self._OPTIONS_HTTP_ATTRS[key]).update(
value if isinstance(value, dict) else dict(self._parse_key_equals_value_string(delimiter, value)),
return inner
def _factory_set_deprecated(name: str, mapper: Callable[[Any], Any]) -> Callable[["StreamlinkOptions", str, Any], None]:
def inner(self: "StreamlinkOptions", key: str, value: Any) -> None:
self.set_explicit(name, mapper(value))
f"`{key}` has been deprecated in favor of the `{name}` option",
stacklevel=3 + _get_deprecation_stacklevel_offset(),
return inner
# bind explicitly with dummy context, to prevent `TypeError: 'staticmethod' object is not callable` on py<310
_factory_set_http_attr_key_equals_value = _factory_set_http_attr_key_equals_value.__get__(object)
_factory_set_deprecated = _factory_set_deprecated.__get__(object)
# ----
"http-cookies": "cookies",
"http-headers": "headers",
"http-query-params": "params",
"http-ssl-cert": "cert",
"http-ssl-verify": "verify",
"http-trust-env": "trust_env",
"http-timeout": "timeout",
_MAP_GETTERS: ClassVar[Mapping[str, Callable[["StreamlinkOptions", str], Any]]] = {
"http-proxy": _get_http_proxy,
"https-proxy": _get_http_proxy,
"http-cookies": _get_http_attr,
"http-headers": _get_http_attr,
"http-query-params": _get_http_attr,
"http-ssl-cert": _get_http_attr,
"http-ssl-verify": _get_http_attr,
"http-trust-env": _get_http_attr,
"http-timeout": _get_http_attr,
_MAP_SETTERS: ClassVar[Mapping[str, Callable[["StreamlinkOptions", str, Any], None]]] = {
"interface": _set_interface,
"ipv4": _set_ipv4_ipv6,
"ipv6": _set_ipv4_ipv6,
"http-proxy": _set_http_proxy,
"https-proxy": _set_http_proxy,
"http-cookies": _factory_set_http_attr_key_equals_value(";"),
"http-headers": _factory_set_http_attr_key_equals_value(";"),
"http-query-params": _factory_set_http_attr_key_equals_value("&"),
"http-disable-dh": _set_http_disable_dh,
"http-ssl-cert": _set_http_attr,
"http-ssl-verify": _set_http_attr,
"http-trust-env": _set_http_attr,
"http-timeout": _set_http_attr,
"dash-segment-attempts": _factory_set_deprecated("stream-segment-attempts", int),
"hls-segment-attempts": _factory_set_deprecated("stream-segment-attempts", int),
"dash-segment-threads": _factory_set_deprecated("stream-segment-threads", int),
"hls-segment-threads": _factory_set_deprecated("stream-segment-threads", int),
"dash-segment-timeout": _factory_set_deprecated("stream-segment-timeout", float),
"hls-segment-timeout": _factory_set_deprecated("stream-segment-timeout", float),
"dash-timeout": _factory_set_deprecated("stream-timeout", float),
"hls-timeout": _factory_set_deprecated("stream-timeout", float),
"http-stream-timeout": _factory_set_deprecated("stream-timeout", float),
class Streamlink:
The Streamlink session is used to load and resolve plugins, and to store options used by plugins and stream implementations.
http: HTTPSession
An instance of Streamlink's :class:`requests.Session` subclass.
Used for any kind of HTTP request made by plugin and stream implementations.
def __init__(
options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
:param options: Custom options
self.http = HTTPSession()
self.options = StreamlinkOptions(self, {
"user-input-requester": None,
"locale": None,
"interface": None,
"ipv4": False,
"ipv6": False,
"ringbuffer-size": 1024 * 1024 * 16, # 16 MB
"mux-subtitles": False,
"stream-segment-attempts": 3,
"stream-segment-threads": 1,
"stream-segment-timeout": 10.0,
"stream-timeout": 60.0,
"hls-live-edge": 3,
"hls-live-restart": False,
"hls-start-offset": 0.0,
"hls-duration": None,
"hls-playlist-reload-attempts": 3,
"hls-playlist-reload-time": "default",
"hls-segment-stream-data": False,
"hls-segment-ignore-names": [],
"hls-segment-key-uri": None,
"hls-audio-select": [],
"dash-manifest-reload-attempts": 3,
"ffmpeg-ffmpeg": None,
"ffmpeg-no-validation": False,
"ffmpeg-verbose": False,
"ffmpeg-verbose-path": None,
"ffmpeg-fout": None,
"ffmpeg-video-transcode": None,
"ffmpeg-audio-transcode": None,
"ffmpeg-copyts": False,
"ffmpeg-start-at-zero": False,
if options:
self.plugins: Dict[str, Type[Plugin]] = {}
def set_option(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
Sets general options used by plugins and streams originating from this session object.
:param key: key of the option
:param value: value to set the option to
**Available options**:
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:width: 100%
* - key
- type
- default
- description
* - user-input-requester
- ``UserInputRequester | None``
- ``None``
- Instance of ``UserInputRequester`` to collect input from the user at runtime
* - locale
- ``str``
- *system locale*
- Locale setting, in the RFC 1766 format,
e.g. ``en_US`` or ``es_ES``
* - interface
- ``str | None``
- ``None``
- Network interface address
* - ipv4
- ``bool``
- ``False``
- Resolve address names to IPv4 only, overrides ``ipv6``
* - ipv6
- ``bool``
- ``False``
- Resolve address names to IPv6 only, overrides ``ipv4``
* - http-proxy
- ``str | None``
- ``None``
- Proxy address for all HTTP/HTTPS requests
* - https-proxy *(deprecated)*
- ``str | None``
- ``None``
- Proxy address for all HTTP/HTTPS requests
* - http-cookies
- ``dict[str, str] | str``
- ``{}``
- A ``dict`` or a semicolon ``;`` delimited ``str`` of cookies to add to each HTTP/HTTPS request,
e.g. ``foo=bar;baz=qux``
* - http-headers
- ``dict[str, str] | str``
- ``{}``
- A ``dict`` or a semicolon ``;`` delimited ``str`` of headers to add to each HTTP/HTTPS request,
e.g. ``foo=bar;baz=qux``
* - http-query-params
- ``dict[str, str] | str``
- ``{}``
- A ``dict`` or an ampersand ``&`` delimited ``str`` of query string parameters to add to each HTTP/HTTPS request,
e.g. ``foo=bar&baz=qux``
* - http-trust-env
- ``bool``
- ``True``
- Trust HTTP settings set in the environment,
such as environment variables (``HTTP_PROXY``, etc.) and ``~/.netrc`` authentication
* - http-ssl-verify
- ``bool``
- ``True``
- Verify TLS/SSL certificates
* - http-disable-dh
- ``bool``
- ``False``
- Disable TLS/SSL Diffie-Hellman key exchange
* - http-ssl-cert
- ``str | tuple | None``
- ``None``
- TLS/SSL certificate to use, can be either a .pem file (``str``) or a .crt/.key pair (``tuple``)
* - http-timeout
- ``float``
- ``20.0``
- General timeout used by all HTTP/HTTPS requests, except the ones covered by other options
* - ringbuffer-size
- ``int``
- ``16777216`` (16 MiB)
- The size of the internal ring buffer used by most stream types
* - mux-subtitles
- ``bool``
- ``False``
- Make supported plugins mux available subtitles into the output stream
* - stream-segment-attempts
- ``int``
- ``3``
- Number of segment download attempts in segmented streams
* - stream-segment-threads
- ``int``
- ``1``
- The size of the thread pool used to download segments in parallel
* - stream-segment-timeout
- ``float``
- ``10.0``
- Segment connect and read timeout
* - stream-timeout
- ``float``
- ``60.0``
- Timeout for reading data from stream
* - hls-live-edge
- ``int``
- ``3``
- Number of segments from the live position of the HLS stream to start reading
* - hls-live-restart
- ``bool``
- ``False``
- Skip to the beginning of a live HLS stream, or as far back as possible
* - hls-start-offset
- ``float``
- ``0.0``
- Number of seconds to skip from the beginning of the HLS stream,
interpreted as a negative offset for livestreams
* - hls-duration
- ``float | None``
- ``None``
- Limit the HLS stream playback duration, rounded to the nearest HLS segment
* - hls-playlist-reload-attempts
- ``int``
- ``3``
- Max number of HLS playlist reload attempts before giving up
* - hls-playlist-reload-time
- ``str | float``
- ``"default"``
- Override the HLS playlist reload time, either in seconds (``float``) or as a ``str`` keyword:
- ``segment``: duration of the last segment
- ``live-edge``: sum of segment durations of the ``hls-live-edge`` value minus one
- ``default``: the playlist's target duration
* - hls-segment-stream-data
- ``bool``
- ``False``
- Stream data of HLS segment downloads to the output instead of waiting for the full response
* - hls-segment-ignore-names
- ``List[str]``
- ``[]``
- List of HLS segment names without file endings which should get filtered out
* - hls-segment-key-uri
- ``str | None``
- ``None``
- Override the address of the encrypted HLS stream's key,
with support for the following string template variables:
``{url}``, ``{scheme}``, ``{netloc}``, ``{path}``, ``{query}``
* - hls-audio-select
- ``List[str]``
- ``[]``
- Select a specific audio source or sources when multiple audio sources are available,
by language code or name, or ``"*"`` (asterisk)
* - dash-manifest-reload-attempts
- ``int``
- ``3``
- Max number of DASH manifest reload attempts before giving up
* - hls-segment-attempts *(deprecated)*
- ``int``
- ``3``
- See ``stream-segment-attempts``
* - hls-segment-threads *(deprecated)*
- ``int``
- ``3``
- See ``stream-segment-threads``
* - hls-segment-timeout *(deprecated)*
- ``float``
- ``10.00``
- See ``stream-segment-timeout``
* - hls-timeout *(deprecated)*
- ``float``
- ``60.00``
- See ``stream-timeout``
* - dash-segment-attempts *(deprecated)*
- ``int``
- ``3``
- See ``stream-segment-attempts``
* - dash-segment-threads *(deprecated)*
- ``int``
- ``3``
- See ``stream-segment-threads``
* - dash-segment-timeout *(deprecated)*
- ``float``
- ``10.00``
- See ``stream-segment-timeout``
* - dash-timeout *(deprecated)*
- ``float``
- ``60.00``
- See ``stream-timeout``
* - http-stream-timeout *(deprecated)*
- ``float``
- ``60.00``
- See ``stream-timeout``
* - ffmpeg-ffmpeg
- ``str | None``
- ``None``
- Override for the ``ffmpeg``/``ffmpeg.exe`` binary path,
which by default gets looked up via the ``PATH`` env var
* - ffmpeg-no-validation
- ``bool``
- ``False``
- Disable FFmpeg validation and version logging
* - ffmpeg-verbose
- ``bool``
- ``False``
- Append FFmpeg's stderr stream to the Python's stderr stream
* - ffmpeg-verbose-path
- ``str | None``
- ``None``
- Write FFmpeg's stderr stream to the filesystem at the specified path
* - ffmpeg-fout
- ``str | None``
- ``None``
- Set the output format of muxed streams, e.g. ``"matroska"``
* - ffmpeg-video-transcode
- ``str | None``
- ``None``
- The codec to use if transcoding video when muxing streams, e.g. ``"h264"``
* - ffmpeg-audio-transcode
- ``str | None``
- ``None``
- The codec to use if transcoding video when muxing streams, e.g. ``"aac"``
* - ffmpeg-copyts
- ``bool``
- ``False``
- Don't shift input stream timestamps when muxing streams
* - ffmpeg-start-at-zero
- ``bool``
- ``False``
- When ``ffmpeg-copyts`` is ``True``, shift timestamps to zero
self.options.set(key, value)
def get_option(self, key: str) -> Any:
Returns the current value of the specified option.
:param key: key of the option
return self.options.get(key)
def set_plugin_option(self, plugin: str, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
Sets plugin specific options used by plugins originating from this session object.
:param plugin: name of the plugin
:param key: key of the option
:param value: value to set the option to
if plugin in self.plugins:
plugincls = self.plugins[plugin]
plugincls.set_option(key, value)
def get_plugin_option(self, plugin: str, key: str) -> Optional[Any]:
Returns the current value of the plugin specific option.
:param plugin: name of the plugin
:param key: key of the option
if plugin in self.plugins:
plugincls = self.plugins[plugin]
return plugincls.get_option(key)
@lru_cache(maxsize=128) # noqa: B019
def resolve_url(
url: str,
follow_redirect: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[str, Type[Plugin], str]:
Attempts to find a plugin that can use this URL.
The default protocol (https) will be prefixed to the URL if not specified.
Return values of this method are cached via :meth:`functools.lru_cache`.
:param url: a URL to match against loaded plugins
:param follow_redirect: follow redirects
:raises NoPluginError: on plugin resolve failure
url = update_scheme("https://", url, force=False)
matcher: Matcher
candidate: Optional[Tuple[str, Type[Plugin]]] = None
priority = NO_PRIORITY
for name, plugin in self.plugins.items():
if plugin.matchers:
for matcher in plugin.matchers:
if matcher.priority > priority and matcher.pattern.match(url) is not None:
candidate = name, plugin
priority = matcher.priority
# TODO: remove deprecated plugin resolver
elif hasattr(plugin, "can_handle_url") and callable(plugin.can_handle_url) and plugin.can_handle_url(url):
prio = plugin.priority(url) if hasattr(plugin, "priority") and callable(plugin.priority) else NORMAL_PRIORITY
if prio > priority:
f"Resolved plugin {name} with deprecated can_handle_url API",
candidate = name, plugin
priority = prio
if candidate:
return candidate[0], candidate[1], url
if follow_redirect:
# Attempt to handle a redirect URL
res = self.http.head(url, allow_redirects=True, acceptable_status=[501]) # type: ignore[call-arg]
# Fall back to GET request if server doesn't handle HEAD.
if res.status_code == 501:
res = self.http.get(url, stream=True)
if res.url != url:
return self.resolve_url(res.url, follow_redirect=follow_redirect)
except PluginError:
raise NoPluginError
def resolve_url_no_redirect(self, url: str) -> Tuple[str, Type[Plugin], str]:
Attempts to find a plugin that can use this URL.
The default protocol (https) will be prefixed to the URL if not specified.
:param url: a URL to match against loaded plugins
:raises NoPluginError: on plugin resolve failure
return self.resolve_url(url, follow_redirect=False)
def streams(self, url: str, **params):
Attempts to find a plugin and extracts streams from the *url* if a plugin was found.
:param url: a URL to match against loaded plugins
:param params: Additional keyword arguments passed to :meth:`streamlink.plugin.Plugin.streams`
:raises NoPluginError: on plugin resolve failure
:return: A :class:`dict` of stream names and :class:`` instances
pluginname, pluginclass, resolved_url = self.resolve_url(url)
plugin = pluginclass(self, resolved_url)
return plugin.streams(**params)
def get_plugins(self):
"""Returns the loaded plugins for the session."""
return self.plugins
def load_builtin_plugins(self):
def load_plugins(self, path: str) -> bool:
Attempt to load plugins from the path specified.
:param path: full path to a directory where to look for plugins
:return: success
success = False
for _loader, name, _ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules([path]):
# set the full plugin module name
# use the "streamlink.plugins." prefix even for sideloaded plugins
module_name = f"streamlink.plugins.{name}"
mod = load_module(module_name, path)
except ImportError:
log.exception(f"Failed to load plugin {name} from {path}\n")
if not hasattr(mod, "__plugin__") or not issubclass(mod.__plugin__, Plugin):
success = True
plugin = mod.__plugin__
if name in self.plugins:
log.debug(f"Plugin {name} is being overridden by {mod.__file__}")
self.plugins[name] = plugin
return success
def version(self):
return __version__
def localization(self):
return Localization(self.get_option("locale"))
__all__ = ["Streamlink"]