Commit Graph

58 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
bastimeyer 45e515eb5a session/plugin: fix DeprecationWarning stacklevel 2023-03-24 09:41:23 -07:00
bastimeyer a85ef31680 tests: share session fixture 2023-03-12 00:53:46 +01:00
bastimeyer 2a24f314f2 session: fix http-trust-env option 2023-02-23 22:26:38 +01:00
bastimeyer 74e0f7a99d session: fix http-query-params string delimiter 2023-02-17 09:54:35 -08:00
bastimeyer 94e14e6724 session: fix options docstring
- Fix default options
  - Reorder according to cli argparse mapping
  - Add missing defaults (except deprecated keys)
  - Fix incorrect defaults
- Fix set_option() docstring
  - Replace rst table with list-table from myst-parser extension
  - Reformat table and add key, type, default and description columns
  - Add all missing keys, including deprecated keys
  - Reorder keys according to default keys
  - Fix types and update descriptions
- Add docstring tests
2023-02-17 09:54:35 -08:00
bastimeyer 6c2d710eda chore: fix PT009 ruff rule 2023-02-15 17:29:22 -08:00
bastimeyer cb8c8df7d5 chore: fix PT004 ruff rule 2023-02-15 17:29:22 -08:00
bastimeyer 656ded9d6c chore: fix PT0{01,03,22,23} ruff rules 2023-02-15 17:29:22 -08:00
bastimeyer 57fa6f80e8 chore: add "COM" rules to ruff config 2023-02-09 10:26:50 -08:00
bastimeyer faab9200c7 chore: add "I" and "TID" rules to ruff config 2023-02-09 10:26:50 -08:00
bastimeyer c3f942beff chore: remove unneeded noinspection directives 2023-01-18 08:01:52 +01:00
bastimeyer 2d74c69882 tests: set filterwarnings=always via pytest config
- Add pytest config to pyproject.toml
- Set pytest 6.0.0 as minimum version via dev-requirements.txt
- Remove unneeded filterwarnings("always") calls from tests
2023-01-14 20:14:33 -08:00
bastimeyer 777d1be3de logger: add StreamlinkWarning
- Add `StreamlinkWarning` and `StreamlinkDeprecationWarning`
  and replace `FutureWarning`s
- Don't include the warning's origin in the warning logger if it's a
  subclass of `StreamlinkWarning`
- Update tests
2023-01-12 15:54:18 -08:00
bastimeyer d5b2981fbe logger: turn deprecation log msgs into warnings
- Replace all deprecation warning log messages with `FutureWarning`s
- Fix deprecated session options in tests
- Update and fix tests
2023-01-12 15:54:18 -08:00
bastimeyer 5e3719f1f9 session: refactor option getter+setter methods
Replace the logic of the `Streamlink.{get,set}_option()` methods with
a new `StreamlinkOptions` subclass which uses mapped option
getters+setters that apply the custom option logic instead.

This improves the runtime of said methods, as option mappers are
looked up in Python dictionaries in constant time, so option names
don't have to be checked one after another.

Also add deprecation messages when
- getting the deprecated `https-proxy` option
- setting the deprecated `{hls,dash}-segment-attempts` options
- setting the deprecated `{hls,dash}-segment-threads` options
- setting the deprecated `{hls,dash}-segment-timeout` options
- setting the deprecated `{hls,dash,http-stream}-timeout` options
2023-01-07 18:04:38 -08:00
bastimeyer 89d9453ad0 plugin.api.http_session: remove parse_* methods
The `parse_{cookies,headers,query_params}` methods were added when the
subclass of `requests.Session` was implemented in order to support
setting cookies, headers and query parameters via `k1=v1;k2=v2` strings
(in addition to key-value dicts) via the session API and via the CLI:
- 936e66dd90
- c6e54fd57a

Since these methods implement logic purely for the `Streamlink` session
interface and are not meant to be called by any plugin or stream
implementations which use the session's `HTTPSession` instance, they
should be removed. Cookies, headers and query string parameters should
be set directly on their respective `HTTPSession` attributes:
- `cookies`: instance of `requests.cookies.RequestsCookieJar`
- `headers`: instance of `requests.structures.CaseInsensitiveDict`
- `params`: instance of `dict`

Also, at least in regards to HTTP headers, the `key=value` syntax
does not reflect the syntax of raw HTTP requests/responses or interfaces
of other tools like cURL, etc., so having these methods on the
`HTTPSession` class makes it unnecessarily confusing. The method names
themselves are also confusing, as they suggest that the input gets
parsed and that some result gets returned, which is wrong.

This commit therefore moves the `k1=v1;k2=v2` string logic from the
`http_session` module to the `session` module where it belongs and it
also simplifies the option setter.
2022-09-05 11:29:45 -07:00
bastimeyer f020259832 logger: log deprecation messages as warnings 2022-08-29 22:56:58 -07:00
bastimeyer 6ec535f88f plugin: remove Plugin.bind()
This changes the way how the Streamlink session and other objects like
the plugin cache and logger are stored on each plugin.

Previously, those objects were set as class attributes on every `Plugin`
class via `Plugin.bind()` when loading plugins via the session's
`load_plugins()` method that gets called on initialization.

This meant that whenever a new Streamlink session was initialized,
references to it (including a dict of every loaded plugin) were set
on each `Plugin` class as a class attribute, and Python's garbage
collector could not get rid of this memory when deleting the session
instance that was created last.

Removing `Plugin.bind()`, passing the session via the `Plugin.__init__`
constructor, and setting the cache, logger, etc. on `Plugin` instances
instead (only one gets initialized by `streamlink_cli`), removes those
static references that prevent the garbage collector to work.

Since the plugin "module" name now doesn't get set via `Plugin.bind()`
anymore, it derives its name via `self.__class__.__module__` on its own,
which means a change of the return type of `Streamlink.resolve_url()`
is necessary in order to pass the plugin name to `streamlink_cli`,
so that it can load config files and initialize plugin arguments, etc.

Breaking changes:

- Remove `Plugin.bind()`
- Pass the `session` instance via the Plugin constructor and set the
  `module`, `cache` and `logger` on the plugin instance instead.
  Derive `module` from the actual module name.
- Change the return type of `Session.resolve_url()` and include the
  resolved plugin name in the returned tuple

Other changes:

- Remove `pluginclass.bind()` call from `Session.load_plugins()` and
  use the loader's module name directly on the `Session.plugins` dict
- Remove initialization check from `Plugin` cookie methods
- Update streamlink_cli.main module according to breaking changes
- Update tests respectively
  - Add explicit plugin initialization test
  - Update tests with plugin constructors and custom plugin names
  - Move testplugin override module, so that it shares the same module
    name as the main testplugin module. Rel `Session.load_plugins()`
  - Refactor most session tests and replace unneeded `resolve_url()`
    wrappers in favor of calling `session.streams()`
2022-08-28 12:24:56 -07:00
bastimeyer dc548ab4b7 session: fix typing issues 2022-05-22 19:30:15 +02:00
bastimeyer d973cfc044 session: fix deprecated imports
- Import urllib3 directly instead of importing from requests.packages
- Remove unneeded urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl.DEFAULT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST
  override, as it's not used on py3
- Update ipv4/ipv6 tests, add http-disable-dh tests
2022-05-12 10:52:09 -07:00
bastimeyer a7063e1d70 stream: remove RTMP and RTMPDump dependency
- drop RTMP stream implementation
- drop RTMP plugin
- drop RTMPDump dependency
- remove stream.streamprocess and utils.{rtmp,swf}
- remove "rtmp" from default stream types list
- remove "rtmp" from player-passthrough options list
- remove all `--rtmp*` CLI args and `rtmp-*` session options
- remove all `--subprocess-*` CLI args and `subprocess` session options,
  as these were used only by StreamProcess which is no longer needed
- update tests
- update docs and CLI argument help texts
2021-11-13 13:24:25 +01:00
bastimeyer 46817a1cff streams: remove HDS/AkamaiHD and flashmedia pkg
- drop HDS and AkamaiHD stream implementations
- drop HDS and AkamaiHD plugins
- drop streamlink.packages.flashmedia
- remove stream.flvconcat, stream.playlist and plugins.common_swf
- remove "hds" from default stream types list
- remove all `--hds-*` CLI arguments and `hds-*` session options
- remove unneeded flashmedia license text files
- update tests
- update docs and CLI argument help texts
2021-11-12 20:09:53 +01:00
bastimeyer 26f115f7eb session.resolve_url: return plugin class + URL
Breaking change:
Instead of resolving a plugin instance in `Streamlink.resolve_url(url)`
from the provided input URL (which can be redirected), resolve the
plugin class and the resulting URL, and cache the tuple. Also affects

The main reason for this change is streamlink_cli and how the plugin
options get set. The plugin options need to be set on the class before
it gets initialized, so that the instance can access the options in its
constructor method. This also fixes any kind of state stored on the
plugin instance.

- resolve and cache a tuple of the plugin class and resulting URL
- initialize plugin in streamlink_cli after applying its options
- remove plugin variable from global scope in streamlink_cli
- fix, rewrite and add tests
2021-11-12 16:23:24 +01:00
bastimeyer aa7cf1453c plugin.api: implement WebsocketClient
- bump websocket-client requirement to >=1.2.1,<2.0
- avoid circular import by importing HTTPSession in session directly
- implement a common WebsocketClient based on the WebSocketApp API of
  websocket-client, so that plugins don't have to re-implement basic
  boilerplate code
- automatically apply User-Agent header
- automatically apply proxy settings
- set websocket log level (globally)
- add tests
2021-11-06 15:07:55 +01:00
beardypig 501e4a027b cli: deprecate the --https-proxy option as well as the Session options 2021-10-29 19:43:07 -07:00
bastimeyer e255b96da4 session: move from http to https as default scheme
Apply the https scheme to all input URLs if the scheme is missing:
- session:
  - Session.resolve_url()
  - session option `http-proxy` (`--http-proxy` CLI argument)
- plugins.akamaihd: `akamaihd://URL`
- plugins.dash: `dash://URL` or `URL.mpd`
- plugins.hds: `hds://URL` or `URL.f4m`
- plugins.hls: `hls://URL` or `URL.m3u8`
- plugins.http: `httpstream://URL`

Regular http URLs (non-https/TLS) will need to be set explicitly now.

- update/fix test_session
- refactor/fix test_dash
- refactor/fix test_stream
2021-10-03 11:27:40 -07:00
bastimeyer 4c50ae3931 session: don't override https-proxy scheme 2021-10-03 16:33:25 +02:00
bastimeyer a0437c2e7b stream: clean up imports 2021-09-20 15:31:39 +00:00
bastimeyer 518598f81f session: resolve deprecated plugins
Resolve deprecated plugins which are using the old
`can_handle_url(url)` and `priority(url)` methods.

Since the `Plugin` class doesn't implement the `priority` classmethod
with the NORMAL_PRIORITY return value anymore, the NORMAL_PRIORITY
gets set by the resolver if the method is missing on plugins which
implement `can_handle_url` and don't have the `matchers` list.
2021-06-29 16:45:36 +02:00
bastimeyer 8d5712a306 plugin: new matchers API
- drop `Plugin.can_handle_url` and `Plugin.priority`
- introduce `Plugin.matchers`
- implement `pluginmatcher` decorator
- automatically match url (on change) and store result
- update `Session.resolve_url`
- add and fix related tests
2021-06-29 16:45:36 +02:00
bastimeyer 6152a60143 session: implement --interface, --ipv4 and --ipv6 2021-02-02 08:59:35 -08:00
bastimeyer 6b59f7d594 utils: remove custom memoize decorator 2021-01-30 07:46:33 +01:00
bastimeyer db46759c07 plugin.api: remove support_plugin 2020-12-07 18:19:01 +01:00
bastimeyer 5468573157 refactor: test_session, move testplugin files
- move testplugin and its related files into their own `tests/plugin`
  directory, so that tests don't have to unnecessarily import regular
  plugin test files
- refactor test_session
  - don't initialize session in `setUp`
  - add test cases for ImportError and SyntaxError
  - add assertion for plugin override debug log call
  - rename "load_plugins" test cases
  - rename some confusing variable names
- fix remaining tests in regards to the testplugin path changes
2020-12-05 15:56:10 +01:00
bastimeyer 156d8709fb session: replace usage of deprecated imp module
Refactor `utils.load_module`:
- move it to the top and add it to `__all__`
- move imports and loader_details to the global scope

Refactor `session`:
- replace plugin imports via `imp` with `utils.load_module`
- fix incorrect plugin module names
  "streamlink.plugin.{name}" -> "streamlink.plugins.{name}"
- use `log.exception()` to print plugin load failures
- remove unused `print_small_exception`

Add / fix tests:
- remove session dependency from test_plugins
- add proper assertions for plugin modules, methods and their signatures
- add tests for invalid and for overridden plugins
2020-12-03 18:15:22 +01:00
beardypig a585e88297 chore: sort imports, fix a dependency cycle and use absolute imports
Co-authored-by: bastimeyer <>
2020-10-27 17:17:49 +01:00
bastimeyer f538d684df chore: remove compat imports from tests 2020-10-19 17:48:57 +02:00
bastimeyer 2d7d15aa87 cleanup: remove unnecessary unittest.main() calls 2020-02-25 05:35:16 +01:00
bastimeyer 1878c59d75 flake8: E303
E303 too many blank lines
2020-02-19 18:40:29 +01:00
beardypig fb5cbe2c18
tests: test the behaviour of setting http-proxy and https-proxy 2019-07-20 11:48:34 +02:00
bastimeyer 5c03dbf639 feature: {best,worst}-unfiltered stream synonyms
Add special stream synonyms "best-unfiltered" and "worst-unfiltered" in
cases when all available streams have been filtered out by the
`--stream-sorting-excludes` parameter and the "best" and "worst" stream
synonyms don't exist. These new synonyms point towards the respective
streams of the unfiltered streams list so that the user is able to
select a fallback stream.

streamlink --stream-sorting-excludes '>=480p' URL best,best-unfiltered
Will try to open the best stream below 480p, but if none is available
will continue with the best of all streams as a fallback selection.

Resolves #1055
2018-10-24 17:37:02 +02:00
back-to cd6f94a5a4
Removed old Livestreamer deprecations and API references
- removed versionchange references as Streamlink does not use it.
- removed old code that was deprecated in Livestreamer
- removed DeprecatedWarning for 2.6 as it is already mentioned in 
a14f170a04/ (L82)
- removed unittest2
- Flake8 for some lines/files that I changed.
2018-08-04 16:31:09 +02:00
beardypig c9fff48e9a Test coverage increase (#1646)
* tests: logger tests

* test: file stream

* test: missing sessions tests

* test: missing util tests

* tests: call can_handle_url for each plugin to ensure it won't error

* tests: speed up by 2 seconds, mocking sleep

* test for streamname lookups

* refactor test structure

* tests: rebase plugins tests

* tests: no need for Python 3.6 support

* tests: remove 2.6 from the travis build

* tests: rebase on master

* tests: rename plugin.api tests

* tests: add mock http resource

* move new plugin tests

* rebase master

* tests: coverage for ConsoleOutput
2018-06-29 11:31:37 -07:00
beardypig 9d63e64bbc API for plugins to request input from the user (#1827)
* API for plugins to request input from the user

* console: handle lack of TTY for user input

* New fatal plugin error, for unrecoverable errors

* tests: remove deprecated calls
2018-06-21 16:15:21 -07:00
beardypig c1489782cf MPEG DASH Support (initial) (#1637)
* stream.dash: parser for dash manifest files

* stream.dash: stream player for dash with plugin to support dash:// prefixed urls

* cli.main: make sure that streams are closed on errors

* stream.dash: fix some parsing bugs

* stream.dash: tidy up the segment number generation

* plugins.dash: wip segment timeline

* stream.dash: update to segment timeline parsing

* stream.dash: py3 support

* stream.dash: raise an error for DRM protected streams

* stream.dash: fixes for timescaling and some segment templates

* docs: add DASHStream to docs with other Stream classes

* dash: fix for video only stream

* plugins.dash: fix bug where all URLs were matched

* stream.dash: fix issue with manifest reload

* plugin.dash: add tests and fix a couple of bugs found in testing

* stream.dash: add some tests to cover the DASHStream classes

* WIP: audio only streams

* add some debugging for threads and remove the thread joins

* dash: startNumber should default to 1

* dash: follow redirects to get the base url

* dash: fix bool parser, and segment template parser

* dash: fixed some issues...

...with some segment templates, as well as improving the presentation
delay handling

* dash: add a back-off for checking for manifest changes

* dash: fix broken tests

* dash: incomplete support for Segment@r

* dash: fixed audio/video sync issue

Added a `copyts` option to the FFMPEG muxer class so that the timestamps
given in the source files are maintained, this appears to fix the a/v
sync issues.

NB. The timestamp can get weird, but that's how it is :)

* dash: support for Time _and_ Number in segment timeline

* tests: add some dash parser tests + a little refactor

* tests: add dash to built in plugins

* tests: more coverage of dash_parser

Added a new module for tests, `freezegun`, for mocking time.

* dash: fix for missing publishTime

* dash: update available_at times to be datetime

This should fix any timezone or leap-second issues, etc.

* fixed timing issue for

* dash: fix availability timeline for segment timeline

* dash: flake8 tweaks

* dash: add a few debug logging messages
2018-05-30 12:30:38 -07:00
beardypig b0c093155e plugins: add priority ordering to plugins
Plugins can return a priority level for the URLs that they support.
If two plugins match the same URLs then the plugin with the higher
priority will be used. This means that the built-in HLS and HDS
plugins can support `.m3u8` and `.f4m` URLs with a lower priority
without causing issues with overlapping URL patterns.

By default plugins return NORMAL priority for any URL. It is expected
that the `priority` method will only be called with URLs that are
actually supported by the plugin.
2017-08-16 10:41:04 +01:00
stepshal 922e169207 Add blank line after class or function definition (#408) 2017-01-12 14:54:55 +00:00
RosadinTV fd4d09f926 --can-handle-url-no-redirect parameter added (#333)
* --can-handle-url-nohead parameter added
2017-01-10 19:16:05 +00:00
Charlie Drage a6ceedc4e7 Rename instances of "livestreamer" to "streamlink"
Renames all instances of "livestreamer" to "streamlink".
2016-09-19 15:46:06 -04:00
Christopher Rosell 92acad4c88 tests: Fix broken test after the justintv plugin was removed. 2014-08-06 19:34:44 +02:00