mirror of https://github.com/streamlink/streamlink synced 2024-10-05 01:01:30 +02:00

Added GOMTV plugin support adapted from https://github.com/sjp/GOMstreamer

This commit is contained in:
Niall McAndrew 2012-08-25 21:30:11 +12:00
parent 8545ee9aec
commit 52636ae1b7
4 changed files with 222 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import argparse
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import getpass
from livestreamer import *
from livestreamer.compat import input, stdout, is_win32
@ -64,6 +65,13 @@ pluginopt.add_argument("-r", "--rtmpdump", metavar="path",
help="Specify location of rtmpdump")
pluginopt.add_argument("-j", "--jtv-cookie", metavar="cookie",
help="Specify JustinTV cookie to allow access to subscription channels")
pluginopt.add_argument("--gomtv-cookie", metavar="cookie",
help="Specify GOMTV cookie to allow access to streams")
pluginopt.add_argument("--gomtv-username", metavar="username",
help="Specify GOMTV username to allow access to streams")
pluginopt.add_argument("--gomtv-password", metavar="password",
help="Specify GOMTV password to allow access to streams (If left blank you will be prompted)",
nargs="?", const=True, default=None)
if is_win32:
RCFILE = os.path.join(os.environ["APPDATA"], "livestreamer", "livestreamerrc")
@ -257,9 +265,17 @@ def main():
if args.stdout or args.output == "-":
if args.gomtv_password is True:
gomtv_password = getpass.getpass("GOMTV Password:")
gomtv_password = args.gomtv_password
livestreamer.set_option("errorlog", args.errorlog)
livestreamer.set_option("rtmpdump", args.rtmpdump)
livestreamer.set_plugin_option("justintv", "cookie", args.jtv_cookie)
livestreamer.set_plugin_option("gomtv", "cookie", args.gomtv_cookie)
livestreamer.set_plugin_option("gomtv", "username", args.gomtv_username)
livestreamer.set_plugin_option("gomtv", "password", gomtv_password)
if args.url:

View File

@ -24,9 +24,10 @@ except ImportError:
import urllib2 as urllib
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs
from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs, urlencode
except ImportError:
from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qs
from urllib import urlencode
__all__ = ["is_py2", "is_py3", "is_win32", "input", "stdout", "str",
"bytes", "urllib", "urlparse", "parse_qs"]

View File

@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ class Plugin(object):
to be of highest quality.
ranking = ["iphonelow", "iphonehigh", "240p", "320k", "360p", "850k",
"480p", "1400k", "720p", "2400k", "hd", "1080p", "live"]
ranking = ["iphonelow", "iphonehigh", "240p", "320k", "360p", "SQTest", "SQ", "850k",
"480p", "HQTest", "HQ", "1400k", "720p", "2400k", "hd", "1080p", "live"]
streams = self._get_streams()
for rank in reversed(ranking):
if rank in streams:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
This is derived from https://github.com/sjp/GOMstreamer
and carries the following licence
Copyright 2010 Simon Potter, Tomas Herman
Copyright 2011 Simon Potter
Copyright 2011 Fj (fj.mail@gmail.com)
Copyright 2012 Niall McAndrew (niallm90@gmail.com)
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
from livestreamer.compat import str, bytes, urlencode
from livestreamer.plugins import Plugin, PluginError, NoStreamsError
from livestreamer.stream import HTTPStream
from livestreamer.utils import urlget, urllib
from livestreamer.options import Options
import xml.dom.minidom, re
import cookielib
import Cookie
class GomTV(Plugin):
options = Options({
"cookie": None,
"username": None,
"password": None,
def can_handle_url(self, url):
return "gomtv.net" in url
def _get_streams(self):
options = self.options
# Setting urllib up so that we can store cookies
self.cookiejar = cookielib.LWPCookieJar()
self.opener = urllib.build_opener(urllib.HTTPCookieProcessor(self.cookiejar))
if options.get("cookie"):
self.authenticate(options.get("username"), options.get("password"))
streams = {}
qualities = ["HQ", "SQ", "HQTest", "SQTest"]
streamChoice = "both"
response = self.grabLivePage(self.url)
goxUrls = []
validGoxFound = False
failedGoxAll = False
for quality in qualities:
urls = self.parseHTML(response, quality)
for url in urls:
# Grab the response of the URL listed on the Live page for a stream
goxFile = urlget(url, opener=self.opener)
# The response for the GOX XML if an incorrect stream quality is chosen is 1002.
if (goxFile != '1002' and goxFile != ''):
streamUrl = self.parseStreamURL(goxFile)
req = urllib.Request(streamUrl, headers={"User-Agent": "KPeerClient"})
streams[quality] = HTTPStream(self.session, req)
validGoxFound = True
return streams
def authenticate(self, username=None, password=None, cookie=None):
if (username is None or password is None) and cookie is None:
raise PluginError("GOMTV.net Requires a username and password or cookie")
if cookie is not None:
name,value = cookie.split("=")
c = cookielib.Cookie(version=0, name=name, value=value,
port=None, port_specified=False, domain='gomtv.net',
domain_specified=False, domain_initial_dot=False, path='/',
path_specified=True, secure=False, expires=None, discard=True,
comment=None, comment_url=None, rest={'HttpOnly': None},
values = {
'cmd': 'login',
'rememberme': '1',
'mb_username': username,
'mb_password': password
data = urlencode(values)
# Now expects to log in only via the website. Thanks chrippa.
headers = {'Referer': 'http://www.gomtv.net/'}
request = urllib.Request('https://ssl.gomtv.net/userinfo/loginProcess.gom', data, headers)
urlget(request, opener=self.opener)
req = urllib.Request('http://www.gomtv.net/forum/list.gom?m=my')
if 'Please need login' in urlget(req, opener=self.opener):
raise PluginError("Authentication failed")
# The real response that we want are the cookies, so returning None is fine.
def getEventLivePageURL(self, gomtvLiveURL, response):
match = re.search(' \"(.*)\";', response)
assert match, 'Event Live Page URL not found'
return urljoin(gomtvLiveURL, match.group(1))
def getSeasonURL(self, gomtvURL):
# Getting season url from the 'Go Live!' button on the main page.
match = re.search('.*liveicon"><a href="([^"]*)"', urlget(gomtvURL, opener=self.opener))
assert match, 'golive_btn href not found'
return match.group(1)
def grabLivePage(self, gomtvLiveURL):
response = urlget(gomtvLiveURL, opener=self.opener)
# If a special event occurs, we know that the live page response
# will just be some JavaScript that redirects the browser to the
# real live page. We assume that the entireity of this JavaScript
# is less than 200 characters long, and that real live pages are
# more than that.
if len(response) < 200:
# Grabbing the real live page URL
gomtvLiveURL = self.getEventLivePageURL(gomtvLiveURL, response)
response = urlget(gomtvLiveURL, opener=self.opener)
return response
def parseHTML(self, response, quality):
urlFromHTML = None
# Parsing through the live page for a link to the gox XML file.
# Quality is simply passed as a URL parameter e.g. HQ, SQ, SQTest
patternHTML = r'[^/]+var.+(http://www.gomtv.net/gox[^;]+;)'
urlFromHTML = re.search(patternHTML, response).group(1)
urlFromHTML = re.sub(r'\" \+ playType \+ \"', quality, urlFromHTML)
except AttributeError:
# Finding the title of the stream, probably not necessary but
# done for completeness
patternTitle = r'this\.title[^;]+;'
titleFromHTML = re.search(patternTitle, response).group(0)
titleFromHTML = re.search(r'\"(.*)\"', titleFromHTML).group(0)
titleFromHTML = re.sub(r'"', '', titleFromHTML)
urlFromHTML = re.sub(r'"\+ tmpThis.title[^;]+;', titleFromHTML, urlFromHTML)
except AttributeError:
# Check for multiple streams going at the same time, and extract the conid and the title
# Those streams have the class "live_now"
patternLive = r'<a\shref=\"/live/index.gom\?conid=(?P<conid>\d+)\"\sclass=\"live_now\"\stitle=\"(?P<title>[^\"]+)'
live_streams = re.findall(patternLive, response)
if len(live_streams) > 1:
liveUrls = []
options = range(len(live_streams))
for i in options:
# Modify the urlFromHTML according to the user
singleUrlFromHTML = re.sub(r'conid=\d+', 'conid=' + live_streams[i][0], urlFromHTML)
singleTitleHTML = '+'.join(live_streams[i][1].split(' '))
singleUrlFromHTML = re.sub(r'title=[\w|.|+]*', 'title=' + singleTitleHTML, singleUrlFromHTML)
return liveUrls
if urlFromHTML is None:
return []
return [urlFromHTML]
def parseStreamURL(self, response):
# Grabbing the gomcmd URL
streamPattern = r'<REF href="([^"]*)"\s*/>'
regexResult = re.search(streamPattern, response).group(1)
except AttributeError:
return None
regexResult = urllib.unquote(regexResult)
regexResult = re.sub(r'&amp;', '&', regexResult)
# SQ and SQTest streams can be gomp2p links, with actual stream address passed as a parameter.
if regexResult.startswith('gomp2p://'):
regexResult, n = re.subn(r'^.*LiveAddr=', '', regexResult)
# Cosmetics, getting rid of the HTML entity, we don't
# need either of the " character or &quot;
regexResult = regexResult.replace('&quot;', '')
return regexResult
__plugin__ = GomTV