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import concurrent.futures
import logging
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
from contextlib import suppress
from functools import lru_cache
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import which
from typing import List, Optional, TextIO, Union
2017-02-06 11:41:12 +01:00
from streamlink import StreamError
from import Stream, StreamIO
from streamlink.utils.named_pipe import NamedPipe, NamedPipeBase
from streamlink.utils.processoutput import ProcessOutput
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_lock_resolve_command = threading.Lock()
class MuxedStream(Stream):
Muxes multiple streams into one output stream.
__shortname__ = "muxed-stream"
def __init__(
*substreams: Stream,
:param streamlink.Streamlink session: Streamlink session instance
:param substreams: Video and/or audio streams
:param options: Additional keyword arguments passed to :class:`ffmpegmux.FFMPEGMuxer`.
Subtitle streams need to be set via the ``subtitles`` keyword.
self.substreams = substreams
self.subtitles = options.pop("subtitles", {})
self.options = options
def open(self):
fds = []
metadata = self.options.get("metadata", {})
maps = self.options.get("maps", [])
# only update the maps values if they haven't been set
update_maps = not maps
2023-03-24 14:22:33 +01:00
for substream in self.substreams:
log.debug("Opening {0} substream".format(substream.shortname()))
if update_maps:
fds.append(substream and
for i, subtitle in enumerate(self.subtitles.items()):
language, substream = subtitle
log.debug("Opening {0} subtitle stream".format(substream.shortname()))
if update_maps:
fds.append(substream and
metadata["s:s:{0}".format(i)] = ["language={0}".format(language)]
self.options["metadata"] = metadata
self.options["maps"] = maps
return FFMPEGMuxer(self.session, *fds, **self.options).open()
def is_usable(cls, session):
return FFMPEGMuxer.is_usable(session)
class FFMPEGMuxer(StreamIO):
2022-09-14 13:28:29 +02:00
__commands__ = ["ffmpeg"]
FFMPEG_VERSION: Optional[str] = None
errorlog: Union[int, TextIO]
def is_usable(cls, session):
return cls.command(session) is not None
def command(cls, session):
with _lock_resolve_command:
return cls._resolve_command(
not session.options.get("ffmpeg-no-validation"),
def _resolve_command(cls, command: Optional[str] = None, validate: bool = True) -> Optional[str]:
if command:
resolved = which(command)
resolved = None
for cmd in cls.__commands__:
resolved = which(cmd)
if resolved:
if resolved and validate:
log.trace(f"Querying FFmpeg version: {[resolved, '-version']}") # type: ignore[attr-defined]
versionoutput = FFmpegVersionOutput([resolved, "-version"], timeout=cls.FFMPEG_VERSION_TIMEOUT)
if not
log.error("Could not validate FFmpeg!")
log.error(f"Unexpected FFmpeg version output while running {[resolved, '-version']}")
resolved = None
cls.FFMPEG_VERSION = versionoutput.version
for i, line in enumerate(versionoutput.output):
log.debug(f" {line}" if i > 0 else line)
if not resolved:
log.warning("No valid FFmpeg binary was found. See the --ffmpeg-ffmpeg option.")
log.warning("Muxing streams is unsupported! Only a subset of the available streams can be returned!")
return resolved
def copy_to_pipe(stream: StreamIO, pipe: NamedPipeBase):
log.debug(f"Starting copy to pipe: {pipe.path}")
# TODO: catch OSError when creating/opening pipe fails and close entire output stream
while True:
data =
except (OSError, ValueError) as err:
log.error(f"Error while reading from substream: {err}")
if data == b"":
log.debug(f"Pipe copy complete: {pipe.path}")
except OSError as err:
log.error(f"Error while writing to pipe {pipe.path}: {err}")
with suppress(OSError):
def __init__(self, session, *streams, **options):
if not self.is_usable(session):
raise StreamError("cannot use FFMPEG")
self.session = session
self.process = None
self.streams = streams
self.pipes = [NamedPipe() for _ in self.streams]
self.pipe_threads = [threading.Thread(target=self.copy_to_pipe, args=(stream, np))
for stream, np in
zip(self.streams, self.pipes)]
ofmt = session.options.get("ffmpeg-fout") or options.pop("format", self.DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FORMAT)
outpath = options.pop("outpath", "pipe:1")
videocodec = session.options.get("ffmpeg-video-transcode") or options.pop("vcodec", self.DEFAULT_VIDEO_CODEC)
audiocodec = session.options.get("ffmpeg-audio-transcode") or options.pop("acodec", self.DEFAULT_AUDIO_CODEC)
metadata = options.pop("metadata", {})
maps = options.pop("maps", [])
copyts = session.options.get("ffmpeg-copyts") or options.pop("copyts", False)
start_at_zero = session.options.get("ffmpeg-start-at-zero") or options.pop("start_at_zero", False)
self._cmd = [self.command(session), "-nostats", "-y"]
for np in self.pipes:
self._cmd.extend(["-i", str(np.path)])
self._cmd.extend(["-c:v", videocodec])
self._cmd.extend(["-c:a", audiocodec])
for m in maps:
self._cmd.extend(["-map", str(m)])
MPEG DASH Support (initial) (#1637) * stream.dash: parser for dash manifest files * stream.dash: stream player for dash with plugin to support dash:// prefixed urls * cli.main: make sure that streams are closed on errors * stream.dash: fix some parsing bugs * stream.dash: tidy up the segment number generation * plugins.dash: wip segment timeline * stream.dash: update to segment timeline parsing * stream.dash: py3 support * stream.dash: raise an error for DRM protected streams * stream.dash: fixes for timescaling and some segment templates * docs: add DASHStream to docs with other Stream classes * dash: fix for video only stream * plugins.dash: fix bug where all URLs were matched * stream.dash: fix issue with manifest reload * plugin.dash: add tests and fix a couple of bugs found in testing * stream.dash: add some tests to cover the DASHStream classes * WIP: audio only streams * add some debugging for threads and remove the thread joins * dash: startNumber should default to 1 * dash: follow redirects to get the base url * dash: fix bool parser, and segment template parser * dash: fixed some issues... ...with some segment templates, as well as improving the presentation delay handling * dash: add a back-off for checking for manifest changes * dash: fix broken tests * dash: incomplete support for Segment@r * dash: fixed audio/video sync issue Added a `copyts` option to the FFMPEG muxer class so that the timestamps given in the source files are maintained, this appears to fix the a/v sync issues. NB. The timestamp can get weird, but that's how it is :) * dash: support for Time _and_ Number in segment timeline * tests: add some dash parser tests + a little refactor * tests: add dash to built in plugins * tests: more coverage of dash_parser Added a new module for tests, `freezegun`, for mocking time. * dash: fix for missing publishTime * dash: update available_at times to be datetime This should fix any timezone or leap-second issues, etc. * fixed timing issue for * dash: fix availability timeline for segment timeline * dash: flake8 tweaks * dash: add a few debug logging messages
2018-05-30 21:30:38 +02:00
if copyts:
if start_at_zero:
MPEG DASH Support (initial) (#1637) * stream.dash: parser for dash manifest files * stream.dash: stream player for dash with plugin to support dash:// prefixed urls * cli.main: make sure that streams are closed on errors * stream.dash: fix some parsing bugs * stream.dash: tidy up the segment number generation * plugins.dash: wip segment timeline * stream.dash: update to segment timeline parsing * stream.dash: py3 support * stream.dash: raise an error for DRM protected streams * stream.dash: fixes for timescaling and some segment templates * docs: add DASHStream to docs with other Stream classes * dash: fix for video only stream * plugins.dash: fix bug where all URLs were matched * stream.dash: fix issue with manifest reload * plugin.dash: add tests and fix a couple of bugs found in testing * stream.dash: add some tests to cover the DASHStream classes * WIP: audio only streams * add some debugging for threads and remove the thread joins * dash: startNumber should default to 1 * dash: follow redirects to get the base url * dash: fix bool parser, and segment template parser * dash: fixed some issues... ...with some segment templates, as well as improving the presentation delay handling * dash: add a back-off for checking for manifest changes * dash: fix broken tests * dash: incomplete support for Segment@r * dash: fixed audio/video sync issue Added a `copyts` option to the FFMPEG muxer class so that the timestamps given in the source files are maintained, this appears to fix the a/v sync issues. NB. The timestamp can get weird, but that's how it is :) * dash: support for Time _and_ Number in segment timeline * tests: add some dash parser tests + a little refactor * tests: add dash to built in plugins * tests: more coverage of dash_parser Added a new module for tests, `freezegun`, for mocking time. * dash: fix for missing publishTime * dash: update available_at times to be datetime This should fix any timezone or leap-second issues, etc. * fixed timing issue for * dash: fix availability timeline for segment timeline * dash: flake8 tweaks * dash: add a few debug logging messages
2018-05-30 21:30:38 +02:00
for stream, data in metadata.items():
for datum in data:
stream_id = ":{0}".format(stream) if stream else ""
self._cmd.extend(["-metadata{0}".format(stream_id), datum])
self._cmd.extend(["-f", ofmt, outpath])
log.debug("ffmpeg command: {0}".format(" ".join(self._cmd)))
if session.options.get("ffmpeg-verbose-path"):
self.errorlog = Path(session.options.get("ffmpeg-verbose-path")).expanduser().open("w")
elif session.options.get("ffmpeg-verbose"):
self.errorlog = sys.stderr
self.errorlog = subprocess.DEVNULL
def open(self):
for t in self.pipe_threads:
t.daemon = True
self.process = subprocess.Popen(self._cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=self.errorlog)
return self
def read(self, size=-1):
def close(self):
if self.closed:
log.debug("Closing ffmpeg thread")
if self.process:
# kill ffmpeg
executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor()
# close the substreams
futures = [
for stream in self.streams
if hasattr(stream, "close") and callable(stream.close)
concurrent.futures.wait(futures, return_when=concurrent.futures.ALL_COMPLETED)
log.debug("Closed all the substreams")
# wait for substream copy-to-pipe threads to terminate and clean up the opened pipes
timeout = self.session.options.get("stream-timeout")
futures = [
executor.submit(thread.join, timeout=timeout)
for thread in self.pipe_threads
concurrent.futures.wait(futures, return_when=concurrent.futures.ALL_COMPLETED)
if self.errorlog is not sys.stderr and self.errorlog is not subprocess.DEVNULL:
with suppress(OSError):
class FFmpegVersionOutput(ProcessOutput):
# The version output format of the fftools hasn't been changed since n0.7.1 (2011-04-23):
_re_version = re.compile(r"ffmpeg version (?P<version>\S+)")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.version: Optional[str] = None
self.output: List[str] = []
def onexit(self, code: int) -> bool:
return code == 0 and self.version is not None
def onstdout(self, idx: int, line: str) -> Optional[bool]:
# only validate the very first line of the stdout stream
if idx == 0:
match = self._re_version.match(line)
# abort if the very first line of stdout doesn't match the expected format
if not match:
return False
self.version = match["version"]