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from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
# noinspection PyPep8Naming,PyShadowingBuiltins
2023-02-20 22:30:07 +01:00
from streamlink.plugin.api.validate._schemas import ( # noqa: A001
AllSchema as all,
AnySchema as any,
AttrSchema as attr,
GetItemSchema as get,
ListSchema as list,
NoneOrAllSchema as none_or_all,
OptionalSchema as optional,
2022-08-05 11:36:42 +02:00
RegexSchema as regex,
TransformSchema as transform,
UnionGetSchema as union_get,
UnionSchema as union,
XmlElementSchema as xml_element,
from streamlink.plugin.api.validate._validate import (
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
2023-02-20 22:30:07 +01:00
from streamlink.plugin.api.validate._validators import ( # noqa: A001
validator_contains as contains,
validator_endswith as endswith,
validator_filter as filter,
validator_getattr as getattr,
validator_hasattr as hasattr,
validator_length as length,
validator_map as map,
validator_parse_html as parse_html,
validator_parse_json as parse_json,
validator_parse_qsd as parse_qsd,
validator_parse_xml as parse_xml,
validator_startswith as startswith,
validator_url as url,
validator_xml_find as xml_find,
validator_xml_findall as xml_findall,
validator_xml_findtext as xml_findtext,
validator_xml_xpath as xml_xpath,
validator_xml_xpath_string as xml_xpath_string,
if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover
from typing import Type
text: Type[str]
def _deprecations():
import sys
deprecations = {
"text": (str, f"`{__name__}.text` is deprecated. Use `str` instead."),
def __getattr__(_attr: str):
if _attr in deprecations:
import warnings
from streamlink.exceptions import StreamlinkDeprecationWarning
val, msg = deprecations[_attr]
warnings.warn(msg, StreamlinkDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
return val
raise AttributeError
__all__ = [k for k in globals().keys() if not k.startswith("_")]
2023-03-24 14:22:33 +01:00
sys.modules[__name__].__getattr__ = __getattr__
sys.modules[__name__].__all__ = __all__
del _deprecations