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Continuing the legacy of Vanced

💉 Introduction to ReVanced Patcher

In order to create patches for Android applications, you first need to understand the fundamentals of ReVanced Patcher.

📙 How it works

ReVanced Patcher is a library that allows you to modify Android applications by applying patches to their APKs. It is built on top of Smali for bytecode manipulation and Androlib (Apktool) for resource decoding and encoding. ReVanced Patcher accepts a list of patches and integrations, and applies them to a given APK file. It then returns the modified components of the APK file, such as modified dex files and resources, that can be repackaged into a new APK file.

ReVanced Patcher has a simple API that allows you to load patches and integrations from JAR files and apply them to an APK file. Later on, you will learn how to create patches.

 // Executed patches do not necessarily reset their state.
 // For that reason it is important to create a new instance of the PatchBundleLoader
 // once the patches are executed instead of reusing the same instance of patches loaded by PatchBundleLoader.
val patches: PatchSet /* = Set<Patch<*>> */ = PatchBundleLoader.Jar(File("revanced-patches.jar"))
val integrations = setOf(File("integrations.apk"))

// Instantiating the patcher will decode the manifest of the APK file to read the package and version name.
val patcherConfig = PatcherConfig(apkFile = File("some.apk"))
val patcherResult = Patcher(patcherConfig).use { patcher ->
    patcher.apply {

        // Execute patches.
        runBlocking {
            patcher.apply(returnOnError = false).collect { patchResult ->
                if (patchResult.exception != null)
                    println("${patchResult.patchName} failed:\n${patchResult.exception}")
                    println("${patchResult.patchName} succeeded")

// The result of the patcher contains the modified components of the APK file that can be repackaged into a new APK file.
val dexFiles = patcherResult.dexFiles
val resources = patcherResult.resources

⏭️ What's next

The next page teaches the fundamentals of ReVanced Patches.

Continue: 🧩 Introduction to ReVanced Patches