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title description
Global Flags Rclone Global Flags

Global Flags

This describes the global flags available to every rclone command split into groups.


Flags for anything which can Copy a file.

      --check-first                                 Do all the checks before starting transfers
  -c, --checksum                                    Check for changes with size & checksum (if available, or fallback to size only).
      --compare-dest stringArray                    Include additional comma separated server-side paths during comparison
      --copy-dest stringArray                       Implies --compare-dest but also copies files from paths into destination
      --cutoff-mode string                          Mode to stop transfers when reaching the max transfer limit HARD|SOFT|CAUTIOUS (default "HARD")
      --ignore-case-sync                            Ignore case when synchronizing
      --ignore-checksum                             Skip post copy check of checksums
      --ignore-existing                             Skip all files that exist on destination
      --ignore-size                                 Ignore size when skipping use mod-time or checksum
  -I, --ignore-times                                Don't skip files that match size and time - transfer all files
      --immutable                                   Do not modify files, fail if existing files have been modified
      --inplace                                     Download directly to destination file instead of atomic download to temp/rename
      --max-backlog int                             Maximum number of objects in sync or check backlog (default 10000)
      --max-duration Duration                       Maximum duration rclone will transfer data for (default 0s)
      --max-transfer SizeSuffix                     Maximum size of data to transfer (default off)
  -M, --metadata                                    If set, preserve metadata when copying objects
      --modify-window Duration                      Max time diff to be considered the same (default 1ns)
      --multi-thread-chunk-size SizeSuffix          Chunk size for multi-thread downloads / uploads, if not set by filesystem (default 64Mi)
      --multi-thread-cutoff SizeSuffix              Use multi-thread downloads for files above this size (default 256Mi)
      --multi-thread-streams int                    Number of streams to use for multi-thread downloads (default 4)
      --multi-thread-write-buffer-size SizeSuffix   In memory buffer size for writing when in multi-thread mode (default 128Ki)
      --no-check-dest                               Don't check the destination, copy regardless
      --no-traverse                                 Don't traverse destination file system on copy
      --no-update-modtime                           Don't update destination mod-time if files identical
      --order-by string                             Instructions on how to order the transfers, e.g. 'size,descending'
      --refresh-times                               Refresh the modtime of remote files
      --server-side-across-configs                  Allow server-side operations (e.g. copy) to work across different configs
      --size-only                                   Skip based on size only, not mod-time or checksum
      --streaming-upload-cutoff SizeSuffix          Cutoff for switching to chunked upload if file size is unknown, upload starts after reaching cutoff or when file ends (default 100Ki)
  -u, --update                                      Skip files that are newer on the destination


Flags just used for rclone sync.

      --backup-dir string               Make backups into hierarchy based in DIR
      --delete-after                    When synchronizing, delete files on destination after transferring (default)
      --delete-before                   When synchronizing, delete files on destination before transferring
      --delete-during                   When synchronizing, delete files during transfer
      --ignore-errors                   Delete even if there are I/O errors
      --max-delete int                  When synchronizing, limit the number of deletes (default -1)
      --max-delete-size SizeSuffix      When synchronizing, limit the total size of deletes (default off)
      --suffix string                   Suffix to add to changed files
      --suffix-keep-extension           Preserve the extension when using --suffix
      --track-renames                   When synchronizing, track file renames and do a server-side move if possible
      --track-renames-strategy string   Strategies to use when synchronizing using track-renames hash|modtime|leaf (default "hash")


Important flags useful for most commands.

  -n, --dry-run         Do a trial run with no permanent changes
  -i, --interactive     Enable interactive mode
  -v, --verbose count   Print lots more stuff (repeat for more)


Flags used for rclone check.

      --max-backlog int   Maximum number of objects in sync or check backlog (default 10000)


General networking and HTTP stuff.

      --bind string                        Local address to bind to for outgoing connections, IPv4, IPv6 or name
      --bwlimit BwTimetable                Bandwidth limit in KiB/s, or use suffix B|K|M|G|T|P or a full timetable
      --bwlimit-file BwTimetable           Bandwidth limit per file in KiB/s, or use suffix B|K|M|G|T|P or a full timetable
      --ca-cert stringArray                CA certificate used to verify servers
      --client-cert string                 Client SSL certificate (PEM) for mutual TLS auth
      --client-key string                  Client SSL private key (PEM) for mutual TLS auth
      --contimeout Duration                Connect timeout (default 1m0s)
      --disable-http-keep-alives           Disable HTTP keep-alives and use each connection once.
      --disable-http2                      Disable HTTP/2 in the global transport
      --dscp string                        Set DSCP value to connections, value or name, e.g. CS1, LE, DF, AF21
      --expect-continue-timeout Duration   Timeout when using expect / 100-continue in HTTP (default 1s)
      --header stringArray                 Set HTTP header for all transactions
      --header-download stringArray        Set HTTP header for download transactions
      --header-upload stringArray          Set HTTP header for upload transactions
      --no-check-certificate               Do not verify the server SSL certificate (insecure)
      --no-gzip-encoding                   Don't set Accept-Encoding: gzip
      --timeout Duration                   IO idle timeout (default 5m0s)
      --tpslimit float                     Limit HTTP transactions per second to this
      --tpslimit-burst int                 Max burst of transactions for --tpslimit (default 1)
      --use-cookies                        Enable session cookiejar
      --user-agent string                  Set the user-agent to a specified string (default "rclone/v1.64.0")


Flags helpful for increasing performance.

      --buffer-size SizeSuffix   In memory buffer size when reading files for each --transfer (default 16Mi)
      --checkers int             Number of checkers to run in parallel (default 8)
      --transfers int            Number of file transfers to run in parallel (default 4)


General configuration of rclone.

      --ask-password                        Allow prompt for password for encrypted configuration (default true)
      --auto-confirm                        If enabled, do not request console confirmation
      --cache-dir string                    Directory rclone will use for caching (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone")
      --color string                        When to show colors (and other ANSI codes) AUTO|NEVER|ALWAYS (default "AUTO")
      --config string                       Config file (default "$HOME/.config/rclone/rclone.conf")
      --default-time Time                   Time to show if modtime is unknown for files and directories (default 2000-01-01T00:00:00Z)
      --disable string                      Disable a comma separated list of features (use --disable help to see a list)
  -n, --dry-run                             Do a trial run with no permanent changes
      --error-on-no-transfer                Sets exit code 9 if no files are transferred, useful in scripts
      --fs-cache-expire-duration Duration   Cache remotes for this long (0 to disable caching) (default 5m0s)
      --fs-cache-expire-interval Duration   Interval to check for expired remotes (default 1m0s)
      --human-readable                      Print numbers in a human-readable format, sizes with suffix Ki|Mi|Gi|Ti|Pi
  -i, --interactive                         Enable interactive mode
      --kv-lock-time Duration               Maximum time to keep key-value database locked by process (default 1s)
      --low-level-retries int               Number of low level retries to do (default 10)
      --no-console                          Hide console window (supported on Windows only)
      --no-unicode-normalization            Don't normalize unicode characters in filenames
      --password-command SpaceSepList       Command for supplying password for encrypted configuration
      --retries int                         Retry operations this many times if they fail (default 3)
      --retries-sleep Duration              Interval between retrying operations if they fail, e.g. 500ms, 60s, 5m (0 to disable) (default 0s)
      --temp-dir string                     Directory rclone will use for temporary files (default "/tmp")
      --use-mmap                            Use mmap allocator (see docs)
      --use-server-modtime                  Use server modified time instead of object metadata


Flags for developers.

      --cpuprofile string   Write cpu profile to file
      --dump DumpFlags      List of items to dump from: headers,bodies,requests,responses,auth,filters,goroutines,openfiles
      --dump-bodies         Dump HTTP headers and bodies - may contain sensitive info
      --dump-headers        Dump HTTP headers - may contain sensitive info
      --memprofile string   Write memory profile to file


Flags for filtering directory listings.

      --delete-excluded                     Delete files on dest excluded from sync
      --exclude stringArray                 Exclude files matching pattern
      --exclude-from stringArray            Read file exclude patterns from file (use - to read from stdin)
      --exclude-if-present stringArray      Exclude directories if filename is present
      --files-from stringArray              Read list of source-file names from file (use - to read from stdin)
      --files-from-raw stringArray          Read list of source-file names from file without any processing of lines (use - to read from stdin)
  -f, --filter stringArray                  Add a file filtering rule
      --filter-from stringArray             Read file filtering patterns from a file (use - to read from stdin)
      --ignore-case                         Ignore case in filters (case insensitive)
      --include stringArray                 Include files matching pattern
      --include-from stringArray            Read file include patterns from file (use - to read from stdin)
      --max-age Duration                    Only transfer files younger than this in s or suffix ms|s|m|h|d|w|M|y (default off)
      --max-depth int                       If set limits the recursion depth to this (default -1)
      --max-size SizeSuffix                 Only transfer files smaller than this in KiB or suffix B|K|M|G|T|P (default off)
      --metadata-exclude stringArray        Exclude metadatas matching pattern
      --metadata-exclude-from stringArray   Read metadata exclude patterns from file (use - to read from stdin)
      --metadata-filter stringArray         Add a metadata filtering rule
      --metadata-filter-from stringArray    Read metadata filtering patterns from a file (use - to read from stdin)
      --metadata-include stringArray        Include metadatas matching pattern
      --metadata-include-from stringArray   Read metadata include patterns from file (use - to read from stdin)
      --min-age Duration                    Only transfer files older than this in s or suffix ms|s|m|h|d|w|M|y (default off)
      --min-size SizeSuffix                 Only transfer files bigger than this in KiB or suffix B|K|M|G|T|P (default off)


Flags for listing directories.

      --default-time Time   Time to show if modtime is unknown for files and directories (default 2000-01-01T00:00:00Z)
      --fast-list           Use recursive list if available; uses more memory but fewer transactions


Logging and statistics.

      --log-file string                     Log everything to this file
      --log-format string                   Comma separated list of log format options (default "date,time")
      --log-level string                    Log level DEBUG|INFO|NOTICE|ERROR (default "NOTICE")
      --log-systemd                         Activate systemd integration for the logger
      --max-stats-groups int                Maximum number of stats groups to keep in memory, on max oldest is discarded (default 1000)
  -P, --progress                            Show progress during transfer
      --progress-terminal-title             Show progress on the terminal title (requires -P/--progress)
  -q, --quiet                               Print as little stuff as possible
      --stats Duration                      Interval between printing stats, e.g. 500ms, 60s, 5m (0 to disable) (default 1m0s)
      --stats-file-name-length int          Max file name length in stats (0 for no limit) (default 45)
      --stats-log-level string              Log level to show --stats output DEBUG|INFO|NOTICE|ERROR (default "INFO")
      --stats-one-line                      Make the stats fit on one line
      --stats-one-line-date                 Enable --stats-one-line and add current date/time prefix
      --stats-one-line-date-format string   Enable --stats-one-line-date and use custom formatted date: Enclose date string in double quotes ("), see https://golang.org/pkg/time/#Time.Format
      --stats-unit string                   Show data rate in stats as either 'bits' or 'bytes' per second (default "bytes")
      --syslog                              Use Syslog for logging
      --syslog-facility string              Facility for syslog, e.g. KERN,USER,... (default "DAEMON")
      --use-json-log                        Use json log format
  -v, --verbose count                       Print lots more stuff (repeat for more)


Flags to control metadata.

  -M, --metadata                            If set, preserve metadata when copying objects
      --metadata-exclude stringArray        Exclude metadatas matching pattern
      --metadata-exclude-from stringArray   Read metadata exclude patterns from file (use - to read from stdin)
      --metadata-filter stringArray         Add a metadata filtering rule
      --metadata-filter-from stringArray    Read metadata filtering patterns from a file (use - to read from stdin)
      --metadata-include stringArray        Include metadatas matching pattern
      --metadata-include-from stringArray   Read metadata include patterns from file (use - to read from stdin)
      --metadata-set stringArray            Add metadata key=value when uploading


Flags to control the Remote Control API.

      --rc                                 Enable the remote control server
      --rc-addr stringArray                IPaddress:Port or :Port to bind server to (default [localhost:5572])
      --rc-allow-origin string             Origin which cross-domain request (CORS) can be executed from
      --rc-baseurl string                  Prefix for URLs - leave blank for root
      --rc-cert string                     TLS PEM key (concatenation of certificate and CA certificate)
      --rc-client-ca string                Client certificate authority to verify clients with
      --rc-enable-metrics                  Enable prometheus metrics on /metrics
      --rc-files string                    Path to local files to serve on the HTTP server
      --rc-htpasswd string                 A htpasswd file - if not provided no authentication is done
      --rc-job-expire-duration Duration    Expire finished async jobs older than this value (default 1m0s)
      --rc-job-expire-interval Duration    Interval to check for expired async jobs (default 10s)
      --rc-key string                      TLS PEM Private key
      --rc-max-header-bytes int            Maximum size of request header (default 4096)
      --rc-min-tls-version string          Minimum TLS version that is acceptable (default "tls1.0")
      --rc-no-auth                         Don't require auth for certain methods
      --rc-pass string                     Password for authentication
      --rc-realm string                    Realm for authentication
      --rc-salt string                     Password hashing salt (default "dlPL2MqE")
      --rc-serve                           Enable the serving of remote objects
      --rc-server-read-timeout Duration    Timeout for server reading data (default 1h0m0s)
      --rc-server-write-timeout Duration   Timeout for server writing data (default 1h0m0s)
      --rc-template string                 User-specified template
      --rc-user string                     User name for authentication
      --rc-web-fetch-url string            URL to fetch the releases for webgui (default "https://api.github.com/repos/rclone/rclone-webui-react/releases/latest")
      --rc-web-gui                         Launch WebGUI on localhost
      --rc-web-gui-force-update            Force update to latest version of web gui
      --rc-web-gui-no-open-browser         Don't open the browser automatically
      --rc-web-gui-update                  Check and update to latest version of web gui


Backend only flags. These can be set in the config file also.

      --acd-auth-url string                                 Auth server URL
      --acd-client-id string                                OAuth Client Id
      --acd-client-secret string                            OAuth Client Secret
      --acd-encoding MultiEncoder                           The encoding for the backend (default Slash,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --acd-templink-threshold SizeSuffix                   Files >= this size will be downloaded via their tempLink (default 9Gi)
      --acd-token string                                    OAuth Access Token as a JSON blob
      --acd-token-url string                                Token server url
      --acd-upload-wait-per-gb Duration                     Additional time per GiB to wait after a failed complete upload to see if it appears (default 3m0s)
      --alias-remote string                                 Remote or path to alias
      --azureblob-access-tier string                        Access tier of blob: hot, cool or archive
      --azureblob-account string                            Azure Storage Account Name
      --azureblob-archive-tier-delete                       Delete archive tier blobs before overwriting
      --azureblob-chunk-size SizeSuffix                     Upload chunk size (default 4Mi)
      --azureblob-client-certificate-password string        Password for the certificate file (optional) (obscured)
      --azureblob-client-certificate-path string            Path to a PEM or PKCS12 certificate file including the private key
      --azureblob-client-id string                          The ID of the client in use
      --azureblob-client-secret string                      One of the service principal's client secrets
      --azureblob-client-send-certificate-chain             Send the certificate chain when using certificate auth
      --azureblob-directory-markers                         Upload an empty object with a trailing slash when a new directory is created
      --azureblob-disable-checksum                          Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata
      --azureblob-encoding MultiEncoder                     The encoding for the backend (default Slash,BackSlash,Del,Ctl,RightPeriod,InvalidUtf8)
      --azureblob-endpoint string                           Endpoint for the service
      --azureblob-env-auth                                  Read credentials from runtime (environment variables, CLI or MSI)
      --azureblob-key string                                Storage Account Shared Key
      --azureblob-list-chunk int                            Size of blob list (default 5000)
      --azureblob-msi-client-id string                      Object ID of the user-assigned MSI to use, if any
      --azureblob-msi-mi-res-id string                      Azure resource ID of the user-assigned MSI to use, if any
      --azureblob-msi-object-id string                      Object ID of the user-assigned MSI to use, if any
      --azureblob-no-check-container                        If set, don't attempt to check the container exists or create it
      --azureblob-no-head-object                            If set, do not do HEAD before GET when getting objects
      --azureblob-password string                           The user's password (obscured)
      --azureblob-public-access string                      Public access level of a container: blob or container
      --azureblob-sas-url string                            SAS URL for container level access only
      --azureblob-service-principal-file string             Path to file containing credentials for use with a service principal
      --azureblob-tenant string                             ID of the service principal's tenant. Also called its directory ID
      --azureblob-upload-concurrency int                    Concurrency for multipart uploads (default 16)
      --azureblob-upload-cutoff string                      Cutoff for switching to chunked upload (<= 256 MiB) (deprecated)
      --azureblob-use-emulator                              Uses local storage emulator if provided as 'true'
      --azureblob-use-msi                                   Use a managed service identity to authenticate (only works in Azure)
      --azureblob-username string                           User name (usually an email address)
      --b2-account string                                   Account ID or Application Key ID
      --b2-chunk-size SizeSuffix                            Upload chunk size (default 96Mi)
      --b2-copy-cutoff SizeSuffix                           Cutoff for switching to multipart copy (default 4Gi)
      --b2-disable-checksum                                 Disable checksums for large (> upload cutoff) files
      --b2-download-auth-duration Duration                  Time before the authorization token will expire in s or suffix ms|s|m|h|d (default 1w)
      --b2-download-url string                              Custom endpoint for downloads
      --b2-encoding MultiEncoder                            The encoding for the backend (default Slash,BackSlash,Del,Ctl,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --b2-endpoint string                                  Endpoint for the service
      --b2-hard-delete                                      Permanently delete files on remote removal, otherwise hide files
      --b2-key string                                       Application Key
      --b2-test-mode string                                 A flag string for X-Bz-Test-Mode header for debugging
      --b2-upload-concurrency int                           Concurrency for multipart uploads (default 16)
      --b2-upload-cutoff SizeSuffix                         Cutoff for switching to chunked upload (default 200Mi)
      --b2-version-at Time                                  Show file versions as they were at the specified time (default off)
      --b2-versions                                         Include old versions in directory listings
      --box-access-token string                             Box App Primary Access Token
      --box-auth-url string                                 Auth server URL
      --box-box-config-file string                          Box App config.json location
      --box-box-sub-type string                              (default "user")
      --box-client-id string                                OAuth Client Id
      --box-client-secret string                            OAuth Client Secret
      --box-commit-retries int                              Max number of times to try committing a multipart file (default 100)
      --box-encoding MultiEncoder                           The encoding for the backend (default Slash,BackSlash,Del,Ctl,RightSpace,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --box-impersonate string                              Impersonate this user ID when using a service account
      --box-list-chunk int                                  Size of listing chunk 1-1000 (default 1000)
      --box-owned-by string                                 Only show items owned by the login (email address) passed in
      --box-root-folder-id string                           Fill in for rclone to use a non root folder as its starting point
      --box-token string                                    OAuth Access Token as a JSON blob
      --box-token-url string                                Token server url
      --box-upload-cutoff SizeSuffix                        Cutoff for switching to multipart upload (>= 50 MiB) (default 50Mi)
      --cache-chunk-clean-interval Duration                 How often should the cache perform cleanups of the chunk storage (default 1m0s)
      --cache-chunk-no-memory                               Disable the in-memory cache for storing chunks during streaming
      --cache-chunk-path string                             Directory to cache chunk files (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend")
      --cache-chunk-size SizeSuffix                         The size of a chunk (partial file data) (default 5Mi)
      --cache-chunk-total-size SizeSuffix                   The total size that the chunks can take up on the local disk (default 10Gi)
      --cache-db-path string                                Directory to store file structure metadata DB (default "$HOME/.cache/rclone/cache-backend")
      --cache-db-purge                                      Clear all the cached data for this remote on start
      --cache-db-wait-time Duration                         How long to wait for the DB to be available - 0 is unlimited (default 1s)
      --cache-info-age Duration                             How long to cache file structure information (directory listings, file size, times, etc.) (default 6h0m0s)
      --cache-plex-insecure string                          Skip all certificate verification when connecting to the Plex server
      --cache-plex-password string                          The password of the Plex user (obscured)
      --cache-plex-url string                               The URL of the Plex server
      --cache-plex-username string                          The username of the Plex user
      --cache-read-retries int                              How many times to retry a read from a cache storage (default 10)
      --cache-remote string                                 Remote to cache
      --cache-rps int                                       Limits the number of requests per second to the source FS (-1 to disable) (default -1)
      --cache-tmp-upload-path string                        Directory to keep temporary files until they are uploaded
      --cache-tmp-wait-time Duration                        How long should files be stored in local cache before being uploaded (default 15s)
      --cache-workers int                                   How many workers should run in parallel to download chunks (default 4)
      --cache-writes                                        Cache file data on writes through the FS
      --chunker-chunk-size SizeSuffix                       Files larger than chunk size will be split in chunks (default 2Gi)
      --chunker-fail-hard                                   Choose how chunker should handle files with missing or invalid chunks
      --chunker-hash-type string                            Choose how chunker handles hash sums (default "md5")
      --chunker-remote string                               Remote to chunk/unchunk
      --combine-upstreams SpaceSepList                      Upstreams for combining
      --compress-level int                                  GZIP compression level (-2 to 9) (default -1)
      --compress-mode string                                Compression mode (default "gzip")
      --compress-ram-cache-limit SizeSuffix                 Some remotes don't allow the upload of files with unknown size (default 20Mi)
      --compress-remote string                              Remote to compress
  -L, --copy-links                                          Follow symlinks and copy the pointed to item
      --crypt-directory-name-encryption                     Option to either encrypt directory names or leave them intact (default true)
      --crypt-filename-encoding string                      How to encode the encrypted filename to text string (default "base32")
      --crypt-filename-encryption string                    How to encrypt the filenames (default "standard")
      --crypt-no-data-encryption                            Option to either encrypt file data or leave it unencrypted
      --crypt-pass-bad-blocks                               If set this will pass bad blocks through as all 0
      --crypt-password string                               Password or pass phrase for encryption (obscured)
      --crypt-password2 string                              Password or pass phrase for salt (obscured)
      --crypt-remote string                                 Remote to encrypt/decrypt
      --crypt-server-side-across-configs                    Deprecated: use --server-side-across-configs instead
      --crypt-show-mapping                                  For all files listed show how the names encrypt
      --crypt-suffix string                                 If this is set it will override the default suffix of ".bin" (default ".bin")
      --drive-acknowledge-abuse                             Set to allow files which return cannotDownloadAbusiveFile to be downloaded
      --drive-allow-import-name-change                      Allow the filetype to change when uploading Google docs
      --drive-auth-owner-only                               Only consider files owned by the authenticated user
      --drive-auth-url string                               Auth server URL
      --drive-chunk-size SizeSuffix                         Upload chunk size (default 8Mi)
      --drive-client-id string                              Google Application Client Id
      --drive-client-secret string                          OAuth Client Secret
      --drive-copy-shortcut-content                         Server side copy contents of shortcuts instead of the shortcut
      --drive-disable-http2                                 Disable drive using http2 (default true)
      --drive-encoding MultiEncoder                         The encoding for the backend (default InvalidUtf8)
      --drive-env-auth                                      Get IAM credentials from runtime (environment variables or instance meta data if no env vars)
      --drive-export-formats string                         Comma separated list of preferred formats for downloading Google docs (default "docx,xlsx,pptx,svg")
      --drive-fast-list-bug-fix                             Work around a bug in Google Drive listing (default true)
      --drive-formats string                                Deprecated: See export_formats
      --drive-impersonate string                            Impersonate this user when using a service account
      --drive-import-formats string                         Comma separated list of preferred formats for uploading Google docs
      --drive-keep-revision-forever                         Keep new head revision of each file forever
      --drive-list-chunk int                                Size of listing chunk 100-1000, 0 to disable (default 1000)
      --drive-pacer-burst int                               Number of API calls to allow without sleeping (default 100)
      --drive-pacer-min-sleep Duration                      Minimum time to sleep between API calls (default 100ms)
      --drive-resource-key string                           Resource key for accessing a link-shared file
      --drive-root-folder-id string                         ID of the root folder
      --drive-scope string                                  Scope that rclone should use when requesting access from drive
      --drive-server-side-across-configs                    Deprecated: use --server-side-across-configs instead
      --drive-service-account-credentials string            Service Account Credentials JSON blob
      --drive-service-account-file string                   Service Account Credentials JSON file path
      --drive-shared-with-me                                Only show files that are shared with me
      --drive-size-as-quota                                 Show sizes as storage quota usage, not actual size
      --drive-skip-checksum-gphotos                         Skip MD5 checksum on Google photos and videos only
      --drive-skip-dangling-shortcuts                       If set skip dangling shortcut files
      --drive-skip-gdocs                                    Skip google documents in all listings
      --drive-skip-shortcuts                                If set skip shortcut files
      --drive-starred-only                                  Only show files that are starred
      --drive-stop-on-download-limit                        Make download limit errors be fatal
      --drive-stop-on-upload-limit                          Make upload limit errors be fatal
      --drive-team-drive string                             ID of the Shared Drive (Team Drive)
      --drive-token string                                  OAuth Access Token as a JSON blob
      --drive-token-url string                              Token server url
      --drive-trashed-only                                  Only show files that are in the trash
      --drive-upload-cutoff SizeSuffix                      Cutoff for switching to chunked upload (default 8Mi)
      --drive-use-created-date                              Use file created date instead of modified date
      --drive-use-shared-date                               Use date file was shared instead of modified date
      --drive-use-trash                                     Send files to the trash instead of deleting permanently (default true)
      --drive-v2-download-min-size SizeSuffix               If Object's are greater, use drive v2 API to download (default off)
      --dropbox-auth-url string                             Auth server URL
      --dropbox-batch-commit-timeout Duration               Max time to wait for a batch to finish committing (default 10m0s)
      --dropbox-batch-mode string                           Upload file batching sync|async|off (default "sync")
      --dropbox-batch-size int                              Max number of files in upload batch
      --dropbox-batch-timeout Duration                      Max time to allow an idle upload batch before uploading (default 0s)
      --dropbox-chunk-size SizeSuffix                       Upload chunk size (< 150Mi) (default 48Mi)
      --dropbox-client-id string                            OAuth Client Id
      --dropbox-client-secret string                        OAuth Client Secret
      --dropbox-encoding MultiEncoder                       The encoding for the backend (default Slash,BackSlash,Del,RightSpace,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --dropbox-impersonate string                          Impersonate this user when using a business account
      --dropbox-pacer-min-sleep Duration                    Minimum time to sleep between API calls (default 10ms)
      --dropbox-shared-files                                Instructs rclone to work on individual shared files
      --dropbox-shared-folders                              Instructs rclone to work on shared folders
      --dropbox-token string                                OAuth Access Token as a JSON blob
      --dropbox-token-url string                            Token server url
      --fichier-api-key string                              Your API Key, get it from https://1fichier.com/console/params.pl
      --fichier-cdn                                         Set if you wish to use CDN download links
      --fichier-encoding MultiEncoder                       The encoding for the backend (default Slash,LtGt,DoubleQuote,SingleQuote,BackQuote,Dollar,BackSlash,Del,Ctl,LeftSpace,RightSpace,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --fichier-file-password string                        If you want to download a shared file that is password protected, add this parameter (obscured)
      --fichier-folder-password string                      If you want to list the files in a shared folder that is password protected, add this parameter (obscured)
      --fichier-shared-folder string                        If you want to download a shared folder, add this parameter
      --filefabric-encoding MultiEncoder                    The encoding for the backend (default Slash,Del,Ctl,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --filefabric-permanent-token string                   Permanent Authentication Token
      --filefabric-root-folder-id string                    ID of the root folder
      --filefabric-token string                             Session Token
      --filefabric-token-expiry string                      Token expiry time
      --filefabric-url string                               URL of the Enterprise File Fabric to connect to
      --filefabric-version string                           Version read from the file fabric
      --ftp-ask-password                                    Allow asking for FTP password when needed
      --ftp-close-timeout Duration                          Maximum time to wait for a response to close (default 1m0s)
      --ftp-concurrency int                                 Maximum number of FTP simultaneous connections, 0 for unlimited
      --ftp-disable-epsv                                    Disable using EPSV even if server advertises support
      --ftp-disable-mlsd                                    Disable using MLSD even if server advertises support
      --ftp-disable-tls13                                   Disable TLS 1.3 (workaround for FTP servers with buggy TLS)
      --ftp-disable-utf8                                    Disable using UTF-8 even if server advertises support
      --ftp-encoding MultiEncoder                           The encoding for the backend (default Slash,Del,Ctl,RightSpace,Dot)
      --ftp-explicit-tls                                    Use Explicit FTPS (FTP over TLS)
      --ftp-force-list-hidden                               Use LIST -a to force listing of hidden files and folders. This will disable the use of MLSD
      --ftp-host string                                     FTP host to connect to
      --ftp-idle-timeout Duration                           Max time before closing idle connections (default 1m0s)
      --ftp-no-check-certificate                            Do not verify the TLS certificate of the server
      --ftp-pass string                                     FTP password (obscured)
      --ftp-port int                                        FTP port number (default 21)
      --ftp-shut-timeout Duration                           Maximum time to wait for data connection closing status (default 1m0s)
      --ftp-socks-proxy string                              Socks 5 proxy host
      --ftp-tls                                             Use Implicit FTPS (FTP over TLS)
      --ftp-tls-cache-size int                              Size of TLS session cache for all control and data connections (default 32)
      --ftp-user string                                     FTP username (default "$USER")
      --ftp-writing-mdtm                                    Use MDTM to set modification time (VsFtpd quirk)
      --gcs-anonymous                                       Access public buckets and objects without credentials
      --gcs-auth-url string                                 Auth server URL
      --gcs-bucket-acl string                               Access Control List for new buckets
      --gcs-bucket-policy-only                              Access checks should use bucket-level IAM policies
      --gcs-client-id string                                OAuth Client Id
      --gcs-client-secret string                            OAuth Client Secret
      --gcs-decompress                                      If set this will decompress gzip encoded objects
      --gcs-directory-markers                               Upload an empty object with a trailing slash when a new directory is created
      --gcs-encoding MultiEncoder                           The encoding for the backend (default Slash,CrLf,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --gcs-endpoint string                                 Endpoint for the service
      --gcs-env-auth                                        Get GCP IAM credentials from runtime (environment variables or instance meta data if no env vars)
      --gcs-location string                                 Location for the newly created buckets
      --gcs-no-check-bucket                                 If set, don't attempt to check the bucket exists or create it
      --gcs-object-acl string                               Access Control List for new objects
      --gcs-project-number string                           Project number
      --gcs-service-account-file string                     Service Account Credentials JSON file path
      --gcs-storage-class string                            The storage class to use when storing objects in Google Cloud Storage
      --gcs-token string                                    OAuth Access Token as a JSON blob
      --gcs-token-url string                                Token server url
      --gcs-user-project string                             User project
      --gphotos-auth-url string                             Auth server URL
      --gphotos-client-id string                            OAuth Client Id
      --gphotos-client-secret string                        OAuth Client Secret
      --gphotos-encoding MultiEncoder                       The encoding for the backend (default Slash,CrLf,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --gphotos-include-archived                            Also view and download archived media
      --gphotos-read-only                                   Set to make the Google Photos backend read only
      --gphotos-read-size                                   Set to read the size of media items
      --gphotos-start-year int                              Year limits the photos to be downloaded to those which are uploaded after the given year (default 2000)
      --gphotos-token string                                OAuth Access Token as a JSON blob
      --gphotos-token-url string                            Token server url
      --hasher-auto-size SizeSuffix                         Auto-update checksum for files smaller than this size (disabled by default)
      --hasher-hashes CommaSepList                          Comma separated list of supported checksum types (default md5,sha1)
      --hasher-max-age Duration                             Maximum time to keep checksums in cache (0 = no cache, off = cache forever) (default off)
      --hasher-remote string                                Remote to cache checksums for (e.g. myRemote:path)
      --hdfs-data-transfer-protection string                Kerberos data transfer protection: authentication|integrity|privacy
      --hdfs-encoding MultiEncoder                          The encoding for the backend (default Slash,Colon,Del,Ctl,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --hdfs-namenode string                                Hadoop name node and port
      --hdfs-service-principal-name string                  Kerberos service principal name for the namenode
      --hdfs-username string                                Hadoop user name
      --hidrive-auth-url string                             Auth server URL
      --hidrive-chunk-size SizeSuffix                       Chunksize for chunked uploads (default 48Mi)
      --hidrive-client-id string                            OAuth Client Id
      --hidrive-client-secret string                        OAuth Client Secret
      --hidrive-disable-fetching-member-count               Do not fetch number of objects in directories unless it is absolutely necessary
      --hidrive-encoding MultiEncoder                       The encoding for the backend (default Slash,Dot)
      --hidrive-endpoint string                             Endpoint for the service (default "https://api.hidrive.strato.com/2.1")
      --hidrive-root-prefix string                          The root/parent folder for all paths (default "/")
      --hidrive-scope-access string                         Access permissions that rclone should use when requesting access from HiDrive (default "rw")
      --hidrive-scope-role string                           User-level that rclone should use when requesting access from HiDrive (default "user")
      --hidrive-token string                                OAuth Access Token as a JSON blob
      --hidrive-token-url string                            Token server url
      --hidrive-upload-concurrency int                      Concurrency for chunked uploads (default 4)
      --hidrive-upload-cutoff SizeSuffix                    Cutoff/Threshold for chunked uploads (default 96Mi)
      --http-headers CommaSepList                           Set HTTP headers for all transactions
      --http-no-head                                        Don't use HEAD requests
      --http-no-slash                                       Set this if the site doesn't end directories with /
      --http-url string                                     URL of HTTP host to connect to
      --internetarchive-access-key-id string                IAS3 Access Key
      --internetarchive-disable-checksum                    Don't ask the server to test against MD5 checksum calculated by rclone (default true)
      --internetarchive-encoding MultiEncoder               The encoding for the backend (default Slash,LtGt,CrLf,Del,Ctl,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --internetarchive-endpoint string                     IAS3 Endpoint (default "https://s3.us.archive.org")
      --internetarchive-front-endpoint string               Host of InternetArchive Frontend (default "https://archive.org")
      --internetarchive-secret-access-key string            IAS3 Secret Key (password)
      --internetarchive-wait-archive Duration               Timeout for waiting the server's processing tasks (specifically archive and book_op) to finish (default 0s)
      --jottacloud-auth-url string                          Auth server URL
      --jottacloud-client-id string                         OAuth Client Id
      --jottacloud-client-secret string                     OAuth Client Secret
      --jottacloud-encoding MultiEncoder                    The encoding for the backend (default Slash,LtGt,DoubleQuote,Colon,Question,Asterisk,Pipe,Del,Ctl,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --jottacloud-hard-delete                              Delete files permanently rather than putting them into the trash
      --jottacloud-md5-memory-limit SizeSuffix              Files bigger than this will be cached on disk to calculate the MD5 if required (default 10Mi)
      --jottacloud-no-versions                              Avoid server side versioning by deleting files and recreating files instead of overwriting them
      --jottacloud-token string                             OAuth Access Token as a JSON blob
      --jottacloud-token-url string                         Token server url
      --jottacloud-trashed-only                             Only show files that are in the trash
      --jottacloud-upload-resume-limit SizeSuffix           Files bigger than this can be resumed if the upload fail's (default 10Mi)
      --koofr-encoding MultiEncoder                         The encoding for the backend (default Slash,BackSlash,Del,Ctl,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --koofr-endpoint string                               The Koofr API endpoint to use
      --koofr-mountid string                                Mount ID of the mount to use
      --koofr-password string                               Your password for rclone (generate one at https://app.koofr.net/app/admin/preferences/password) (obscured)
      --koofr-provider string                               Choose your storage provider
      --koofr-setmtime                                      Does the backend support setting modification time (default true)
      --koofr-user string                                   Your user name
  -l, --links                                               Translate symlinks to/from regular files with a '.rclonelink' extension
      --local-case-insensitive                              Force the filesystem to report itself as case insensitive
      --local-case-sensitive                                Force the filesystem to report itself as case sensitive
      --local-encoding MultiEncoder                         The encoding for the backend (default Slash,Dot)
      --local-no-check-updated                              Don't check to see if the files change during upload
      --local-no-preallocate                                Disable preallocation of disk space for transferred files
      --local-no-set-modtime                                Disable setting modtime
      --local-no-sparse                                     Disable sparse files for multi-thread downloads
      --local-nounc                                         Disable UNC (long path names) conversion on Windows
      --local-unicode-normalization                         Apply unicode NFC normalization to paths and filenames
      --local-zero-size-links                               Assume the Stat size of links is zero (and read them instead) (deprecated)
      --mailru-auth-url string                              Auth server URL
      --mailru-check-hash                                   What should copy do if file checksum is mismatched or invalid (default true)
      --mailru-client-id string                             OAuth Client Id
      --mailru-client-secret string                         OAuth Client Secret
      --mailru-encoding MultiEncoder                        The encoding for the backend (default Slash,LtGt,DoubleQuote,Colon,Question,Asterisk,Pipe,BackSlash,Del,Ctl,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --mailru-pass string                                  Password (obscured)
      --mailru-speedup-enable                               Skip full upload if there is another file with same data hash (default true)
      --mailru-speedup-file-patterns string                 Comma separated list of file name patterns eligible for speedup (put by hash) (default "*.mkv,*.avi,*.mp4,*.mp3,*.zip,*.gz,*.rar,*.pdf")
      --mailru-speedup-max-disk SizeSuffix                  This option allows you to disable speedup (put by hash) for large files (default 3Gi)
      --mailru-speedup-max-memory SizeSuffix                Files larger than the size given below will always be hashed on disk (default 32Mi)
      --mailru-token string                                 OAuth Access Token as a JSON blob
      --mailru-token-url string                             Token server url
      --mailru-user string                                  User name (usually email)
      --mega-debug                                          Output more debug from Mega
      --mega-encoding MultiEncoder                          The encoding for the backend (default Slash,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --mega-hard-delete                                    Delete files permanently rather than putting them into the trash
      --mega-pass string                                    Password (obscured)
      --mega-use-https                                      Use HTTPS for transfers
      --mega-user string                                    User name
      --netstorage-account string                           Set the NetStorage account name
      --netstorage-host string                              Domain+path of NetStorage host to connect to
      --netstorage-protocol string                          Select between HTTP or HTTPS protocol (default "https")
      --netstorage-secret string                            Set the NetStorage account secret/G2O key for authentication (obscured)
  -x, --one-file-system                                     Don't cross filesystem boundaries (unix/macOS only)
      --onedrive-access-scopes SpaceSepList                 Set scopes to be requested by rclone (default Files.Read Files.ReadWrite Files.Read.All Files.ReadWrite.All Sites.Read.All offline_access)
      --onedrive-auth-url string                            Auth server URL
      --onedrive-av-override                                Allows download of files the server thinks has a virus
      --onedrive-chunk-size SizeSuffix                      Chunk size to upload files with - must be multiple of 320k (327,680 bytes) (default 10Mi)
      --onedrive-client-id string                           OAuth Client Id
      --onedrive-client-secret string                       OAuth Client Secret
      --onedrive-drive-id string                            The ID of the drive to use
      --onedrive-drive-type string                          The type of the drive (personal | business | documentLibrary)
      --onedrive-encoding MultiEncoder                      The encoding for the backend (default Slash,LtGt,DoubleQuote,Colon,Question,Asterisk,Pipe,BackSlash,Del,Ctl,LeftSpace,LeftTilde,RightSpace,RightPeriod,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --onedrive-expose-onenote-files                       Set to make OneNote files show up in directory listings
      --onedrive-hash-type string                           Specify the hash in use for the backend (default "auto")
      --onedrive-link-password string                       Set the password for links created by the link command
      --onedrive-link-scope string                          Set the scope of the links created by the link command (default "anonymous")
      --onedrive-link-type string                           Set the type of the links created by the link command (default "view")
      --onedrive-list-chunk int                             Size of listing chunk (default 1000)
      --onedrive-no-versions                                Remove all versions on modifying operations
      --onedrive-region string                              Choose national cloud region for OneDrive (default "global")
      --onedrive-root-folder-id string                      ID of the root folder
      --onedrive-server-side-across-configs                 Deprecated: use --server-side-across-configs instead
      --onedrive-token string                               OAuth Access Token as a JSON blob
      --onedrive-token-url string                           Token server url
      --oos-attempt-resume-upload                           If true attempt to resume previously started multipart upload for the object
      --oos-chunk-size SizeSuffix                           Chunk size to use for uploading (default 5Mi)
      --oos-compartment string                              Object storage compartment OCID
      --oos-config-file string                              Path to OCI config file (default "~/.oci/config")
      --oos-config-profile string                           Profile name inside the oci config file (default "Default")
      --oos-copy-cutoff SizeSuffix                          Cutoff for switching to multipart copy (default 4.656Gi)
      --oos-copy-timeout Duration                           Timeout for copy (default 1m0s)
      --oos-disable-checksum                                Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata
      --oos-encoding MultiEncoder                           The encoding for the backend (default Slash,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --oos-endpoint string                                 Endpoint for Object storage API
      --oos-leave-parts-on-error                            If true avoid calling abort upload on a failure, leaving all successfully uploaded parts for manual recovery
      --oos-max-upload-parts int                            Maximum number of parts in a multipart upload (default 10000)
      --oos-namespace string                                Object storage namespace
      --oos-no-check-bucket                                 If set, don't attempt to check the bucket exists or create it
      --oos-provider string                                 Choose your Auth Provider (default "env_auth")
      --oos-region string                                   Object storage Region
      --oos-sse-customer-algorithm string                   If using SSE-C, the optional header that specifies "AES256" as the encryption algorithm
      --oos-sse-customer-key string                         To use SSE-C, the optional header that specifies the base64-encoded 256-bit encryption key to use to
      --oos-sse-customer-key-file string                    To use SSE-C, a file containing the base64-encoded string of the AES-256 encryption key associated
      --oos-sse-customer-key-sha256 string                  If using SSE-C, The optional header that specifies the base64-encoded SHA256 hash of the encryption
      --oos-sse-kms-key-id string                           if using your own master key in vault, this header specifies the
      --oos-storage-tier string                             The storage class to use when storing new objects in storage. https://docs.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content/Object/Concepts/understandingstoragetiers.htm (default "Standard")
      --oos-upload-concurrency int                          Concurrency for multipart uploads (default 10)
      --oos-upload-cutoff SizeSuffix                        Cutoff for switching to chunked upload (default 200Mi)
      --opendrive-chunk-size SizeSuffix                     Files will be uploaded in chunks this size (default 10Mi)
      --opendrive-encoding MultiEncoder                     The encoding for the backend (default Slash,LtGt,DoubleQuote,Colon,Question,Asterisk,Pipe,BackSlash,LeftSpace,LeftCrLfHtVt,RightSpace,RightCrLfHtVt,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --opendrive-password string                           Password (obscured)
      --opendrive-username string                           Username
      --pcloud-auth-url string                              Auth server URL
      --pcloud-client-id string                             OAuth Client Id
      --pcloud-client-secret string                         OAuth Client Secret
      --pcloud-encoding MultiEncoder                        The encoding for the backend (default Slash,BackSlash,Del,Ctl,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --pcloud-hostname string                              Hostname to connect to (default "api.pcloud.com")
      --pcloud-password string                              Your pcloud password (obscured)
      --pcloud-root-folder-id string                        Fill in for rclone to use a non root folder as its starting point (default "d0")
      --pcloud-token string                                 OAuth Access Token as a JSON blob
      --pcloud-token-url string                             Token server url
      --pcloud-username string                              Your pcloud username
      --pikpak-auth-url string                              Auth server URL
      --pikpak-client-id string                             OAuth Client Id
      --pikpak-client-secret string                         OAuth Client Secret
      --pikpak-encoding MultiEncoder                        The encoding for the backend (default Slash,LtGt,DoubleQuote,Colon,Question,Asterisk,Pipe,BackSlash,Ctl,LeftSpace,RightSpace,RightPeriod,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --pikpak-hash-memory-limit SizeSuffix                 Files bigger than this will be cached on disk to calculate hash if required (default 10Mi)
      --pikpak-pass string                                  Pikpak password (obscured)
      --pikpak-root-folder-id string                        ID of the root folder
      --pikpak-token string                                 OAuth Access Token as a JSON blob
      --pikpak-token-url string                             Token server url
      --pikpak-trashed-only                                 Only show files that are in the trash
      --pikpak-use-trash                                    Send files to the trash instead of deleting permanently (default true)
      --pikpak-user string                                  Pikpak username
      --premiumizeme-auth-url string                        Auth server URL
      --premiumizeme-client-id string                       OAuth Client Id
      --premiumizeme-client-secret string                   OAuth Client Secret
      --premiumizeme-encoding MultiEncoder                  The encoding for the backend (default Slash,DoubleQuote,BackSlash,Del,Ctl,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --premiumizeme-token string                           OAuth Access Token as a JSON blob
      --premiumizeme-token-url string                       Token server url
      --protondrive-2fa string                              The 2FA code
      --protondrive-app-version string                      The app version string (default "macos-drive@1.0.0-alpha.1+rclone")
      --protondrive-enable-caching                          Caches the files and folders metadata to reduce API calls (default true)
      --protondrive-encoding MultiEncoder                   The encoding for the backend (default Slash,LeftSpace,RightSpace,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --protondrive-mailbox-password string                 The mailbox password of your two-password proton account (obscured)
      --protondrive-original-file-size                      Return the file size before encryption (default true)
      --protondrive-password string                         The password of your proton account (obscured)
      --protondrive-replace-existing-draft                  Create a new revision when filename conflict is detected
      --protondrive-username string                         The username of your proton account
      --putio-auth-url string                               Auth server URL
      --putio-client-id string                              OAuth Client Id
      --putio-client-secret string                          OAuth Client Secret
      --putio-encoding MultiEncoder                         The encoding for the backend (default Slash,BackSlash,Del,Ctl,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --putio-token string                                  OAuth Access Token as a JSON blob
      --putio-token-url string                              Token server url
      --qingstor-access-key-id string                       QingStor Access Key ID
      --qingstor-chunk-size SizeSuffix                      Chunk size to use for uploading (default 4Mi)
      --qingstor-connection-retries int                     Number of connection retries (default 3)
      --qingstor-encoding MultiEncoder                      The encoding for the backend (default Slash,Ctl,InvalidUtf8)
      --qingstor-endpoint string                            Enter an endpoint URL to connection QingStor API
      --qingstor-env-auth                                   Get QingStor credentials from runtime
      --qingstor-secret-access-key string                   QingStor Secret Access Key (password)
      --qingstor-upload-concurrency int                     Concurrency for multipart uploads (default 1)
      --qingstor-upload-cutoff SizeSuffix                   Cutoff for switching to chunked upload (default 200Mi)
      --qingstor-zone string                                Zone to connect to
      --quatrix-api-key string                              API key for accessing Quatrix account
      --quatrix-effective-upload-time string                Wanted upload time for one chunk (default "4s")
      --quatrix-encoding MultiEncoder                       The encoding for the backend (default Slash,BackSlash,Del,Ctl,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --quatrix-hard-delete                                 Delete files permanently rather than putting them into the trash
      --quatrix-host string                                 Host name of Quatrix account
      --quatrix-maximal-summary-chunk-size SizeSuffix       The maximal summary for all chunks. It should not be less than 'transfers'*'minimal_chunk_size' (default 95.367Mi)
      --quatrix-minimal-chunk-size SizeSuffix               The minimal size for one chunk (default 9.537Mi)
      --s3-access-key-id string                             AWS Access Key ID
      --s3-acl string                                       Canned ACL used when creating buckets and storing or copying objects
      --s3-bucket-acl string                                Canned ACL used when creating buckets
      --s3-chunk-size SizeSuffix                            Chunk size to use for uploading (default 5Mi)
      --s3-copy-cutoff SizeSuffix                           Cutoff for switching to multipart copy (default 4.656Gi)
      --s3-decompress                                       If set this will decompress gzip encoded objects
      --s3-directory-markers                                Upload an empty object with a trailing slash when a new directory is created
      --s3-disable-checksum                                 Don't store MD5 checksum with object metadata
      --s3-disable-http2                                    Disable usage of http2 for S3 backends
      --s3-download-url string                              Custom endpoint for downloads
      --s3-encoding MultiEncoder                            The encoding for the backend (default Slash,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --s3-endpoint string                                  Endpoint for S3 API
      --s3-env-auth                                         Get AWS credentials from runtime (environment variables or EC2/ECS meta data if no env vars)
      --s3-force-path-style                                 If true use path style access if false use virtual hosted style (default true)
      --s3-leave-parts-on-error                             If true avoid calling abort upload on a failure, leaving all successfully uploaded parts on S3 for manual recovery
      --s3-list-chunk int                                   Size of listing chunk (response list for each ListObject S3 request) (default 1000)
      --s3-list-url-encode Tristate                         Whether to url encode listings: true/false/unset (default unset)
      --s3-list-version int                                 Version of ListObjects to use: 1,2 or 0 for auto
      --s3-location-constraint string                       Location constraint - must be set to match the Region
      --s3-max-upload-parts int                             Maximum number of parts in a multipart upload (default 10000)
      --s3-might-gzip Tristate                              Set this if the backend might gzip objects (default unset)
      --s3-no-check-bucket                                  If set, don't attempt to check the bucket exists or create it
      --s3-no-head                                          If set, don't HEAD uploaded objects to check integrity
      --s3-no-head-object                                   If set, do not do HEAD before GET when getting objects
      --s3-no-system-metadata                               Suppress setting and reading of system metadata
      --s3-profile string                                   Profile to use in the shared credentials file
      --s3-provider string                                  Choose your S3 provider
      --s3-region string                                    Region to connect to
      --s3-requester-pays                                   Enables requester pays option when interacting with S3 bucket
      --s3-secret-access-key string                         AWS Secret Access Key (password)
      --s3-server-side-encryption string                    The server-side encryption algorithm used when storing this object in S3
      --s3-session-token string                             An AWS session token
      --s3-shared-credentials-file string                   Path to the shared credentials file
      --s3-sse-customer-algorithm string                    If using SSE-C, the server-side encryption algorithm used when storing this object in S3
      --s3-sse-customer-key string                          To use SSE-C you may provide the secret encryption key used to encrypt/decrypt your data
      --s3-sse-customer-key-base64 string                   If using SSE-C you must provide the secret encryption key encoded in base64 format to encrypt/decrypt your data
      --s3-sse-customer-key-md5 string                      If using SSE-C you may provide the secret encryption key MD5 checksum (optional)
      --s3-sse-kms-key-id string                            If using KMS ID you must provide the ARN of Key
      --s3-storage-class string                             The storage class to use when storing new objects in S3
      --s3-sts-endpoint string                              Endpoint for STS
      --s3-upload-concurrency int                           Concurrency for multipart uploads (default 4)
      --s3-upload-cutoff SizeSuffix                         Cutoff for switching to chunked upload (default 200Mi)
      --s3-use-accelerate-endpoint                          If true use the AWS S3 accelerated endpoint
      --s3-use-accept-encoding-gzip Accept-Encoding: gzip   Whether to send Accept-Encoding: gzip header (default unset)
      --s3-use-multipart-etag Tristate                      Whether to use ETag in multipart uploads for verification (default unset)
      --s3-use-presigned-request                            Whether to use a presigned request or PutObject for single part uploads
      --s3-v2-auth                                          If true use v2 authentication
      --s3-version-at Time                                  Show file versions as they were at the specified time (default off)
      --s3-versions                                         Include old versions in directory listings
      --seafile-2fa                                         Two-factor authentication ('true' if the account has 2FA enabled)
      --seafile-create-library                              Should rclone create a library if it doesn't exist
      --seafile-encoding MultiEncoder                       The encoding for the backend (default Slash,DoubleQuote,BackSlash,Ctl,InvalidUtf8)
      --seafile-library string                              Name of the library
      --seafile-library-key string                          Library password (for encrypted libraries only) (obscured)
      --seafile-pass string                                 Password (obscured)
      --seafile-url string                                  URL of seafile host to connect to
      --seafile-user string                                 User name (usually email address)
      --sftp-ask-password                                   Allow asking for SFTP password when needed
      --sftp-chunk-size SizeSuffix                          Upload and download chunk size (default 32Ki)
      --sftp-ciphers SpaceSepList                           Space separated list of ciphers to be used for session encryption, ordered by preference
      --sftp-concurrency int                                The maximum number of outstanding requests for one file (default 64)
      --sftp-disable-concurrent-reads                       If set don't use concurrent reads
      --sftp-disable-concurrent-writes                      If set don't use concurrent writes
      --sftp-disable-hashcheck                              Disable the execution of SSH commands to determine if remote file hashing is available
      --sftp-host string                                    SSH host to connect to
      --sftp-host-key-algorithms SpaceSepList               Space separated list of host key algorithms, ordered by preference
      --sftp-idle-timeout Duration                          Max time before closing idle connections (default 1m0s)
      --sftp-key-exchange SpaceSepList                      Space separated list of key exchange algorithms, ordered by preference
      --sftp-key-file string                                Path to PEM-encoded private key file
      --sftp-key-file-pass string                           The passphrase to decrypt the PEM-encoded private key file (obscured)
      --sftp-key-pem string                                 Raw PEM-encoded private key
      --sftp-key-use-agent                                  When set forces the usage of the ssh-agent
      --sftp-known-hosts-file string                        Optional path to known_hosts file
      --sftp-macs SpaceSepList                              Space separated list of MACs (message authentication code) algorithms, ordered by preference
      --sftp-md5sum-command string                          The command used to read md5 hashes
      --sftp-pass string                                    SSH password, leave blank to use ssh-agent (obscured)
      --sftp-path-override string                           Override path used by SSH shell commands
      --sftp-port int                                       SSH port number (default 22)
      --sftp-pubkey-file string                             Optional path to public key file
      --sftp-server-command string                          Specifies the path or command to run a sftp server on the remote host
      --sftp-set-env SpaceSepList                           Environment variables to pass to sftp and commands
      --sftp-set-modtime                                    Set the modified time on the remote if set (default true)
      --sftp-sha1sum-command string                         The command used to read sha1 hashes
      --sftp-shell-type string                              The type of SSH shell on remote server, if any
      --sftp-skip-links                                     Set to skip any symlinks and any other non regular files
      --sftp-socks-proxy string                             Socks 5 proxy host
      --sftp-ssh SpaceSepList                               Path and arguments to external ssh binary
      --sftp-subsystem string                               Specifies the SSH2 subsystem on the remote host (default "sftp")
      --sftp-use-fstat                                      If set use fstat instead of stat
      --sftp-use-insecure-cipher                            Enable the use of insecure ciphers and key exchange methods
      --sftp-user string                                    SSH username (default "$USER")
      --sharefile-auth-url string                           Auth server URL
      --sharefile-chunk-size SizeSuffix                     Upload chunk size (default 64Mi)
      --sharefile-client-id string                          OAuth Client Id
      --sharefile-client-secret string                      OAuth Client Secret
      --sharefile-encoding MultiEncoder                     The encoding for the backend (default Slash,LtGt,DoubleQuote,Colon,Question,Asterisk,Pipe,BackSlash,Ctl,LeftSpace,LeftPeriod,RightSpace,RightPeriod,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --sharefile-endpoint string                           Endpoint for API calls
      --sharefile-root-folder-id string                     ID of the root folder
      --sharefile-token string                              OAuth Access Token as a JSON blob
      --sharefile-token-url string                          Token server url
      --sharefile-upload-cutoff SizeSuffix                  Cutoff for switching to multipart upload (default 128Mi)
      --sia-api-password string                             Sia Daemon API Password (obscured)
      --sia-api-url string                                  Sia daemon API URL, like http://sia.daemon.host:9980 (default "")
      --sia-encoding MultiEncoder                           The encoding for the backend (default Slash,Question,Hash,Percent,Del,Ctl,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --sia-user-agent string                               Siad User Agent (default "Sia-Agent")
      --skip-links                                          Don't warn about skipped symlinks
      --smb-case-insensitive                                Whether the server is configured to be case-insensitive (default true)
      --smb-domain string                                   Domain name for NTLM authentication (default "WORKGROUP")
      --smb-encoding MultiEncoder                           The encoding for the backend (default Slash,LtGt,DoubleQuote,Colon,Question,Asterisk,Pipe,BackSlash,Ctl,RightSpace,RightPeriod,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --smb-hide-special-share                              Hide special shares (e.g. print$) which users aren't supposed to access (default true)
      --smb-host string                                     SMB server hostname to connect to
      --smb-idle-timeout Duration                           Max time before closing idle connections (default 1m0s)
      --smb-pass string                                     SMB password (obscured)
      --smb-port int                                        SMB port number (default 445)
      --smb-spn string                                      Service principal name
      --smb-user string                                     SMB username (default "$USER")
      --storj-access-grant string                           Access grant
      --storj-api-key string                                API key
      --storj-passphrase string                             Encryption passphrase
      --storj-provider string                               Choose an authentication method (default "existing")
      --storj-satellite-address string                      Satellite address (default "us1.storj.io")
      --sugarsync-access-key-id string                      Sugarsync Access Key ID
      --sugarsync-app-id string                             Sugarsync App ID
      --sugarsync-authorization string                      Sugarsync authorization
      --sugarsync-authorization-expiry string               Sugarsync authorization expiry
      --sugarsync-deleted-id string                         Sugarsync deleted folder id
      --sugarsync-encoding MultiEncoder                     The encoding for the backend (default Slash,Ctl,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --sugarsync-hard-delete                               Permanently delete files if true
      --sugarsync-private-access-key string                 Sugarsync Private Access Key
      --sugarsync-refresh-token string                      Sugarsync refresh token
      --sugarsync-root-id string                            Sugarsync root id
      --sugarsync-user string                               Sugarsync user
      --swift-application-credential-id string              Application Credential ID (OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_ID)
      --swift-application-credential-name string            Application Credential Name (OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_NAME)
      --swift-application-credential-secret string          Application Credential Secret (OS_APPLICATION_CREDENTIAL_SECRET)
      --swift-auth string                                   Authentication URL for server (OS_AUTH_URL)
      --swift-auth-token string                             Auth Token from alternate authentication - optional (OS_AUTH_TOKEN)
      --swift-auth-version int                              AuthVersion - optional - set to (1,2,3) if your auth URL has no version (ST_AUTH_VERSION)
      --swift-chunk-size SizeSuffix                         Above this size files will be chunked into a _segments container (default 5Gi)
      --swift-domain string                                 User domain - optional (v3 auth) (OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME)
      --swift-encoding MultiEncoder                         The encoding for the backend (default Slash,InvalidUtf8)
      --swift-endpoint-type string                          Endpoint type to choose from the service catalogue (OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE) (default "public")
      --swift-env-auth                                      Get swift credentials from environment variables in standard OpenStack form
      --swift-key string                                    API key or password (OS_PASSWORD)
      --swift-leave-parts-on-error                          If true avoid calling abort upload on a failure
      --swift-no-chunk                                      Don't chunk files during streaming upload
      --swift-no-large-objects                              Disable support for static and dynamic large objects
      --swift-region string                                 Region name - optional (OS_REGION_NAME)
      --swift-storage-policy string                         The storage policy to use when creating a new container
      --swift-storage-url string                            Storage URL - optional (OS_STORAGE_URL)
      --swift-tenant string                                 Tenant name - optional for v1 auth, this or tenant_id required otherwise (OS_TENANT_NAME or OS_PROJECT_NAME)
      --swift-tenant-domain string                          Tenant domain - optional (v3 auth) (OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME)
      --swift-tenant-id string                              Tenant ID - optional for v1 auth, this or tenant required otherwise (OS_TENANT_ID)
      --swift-user string                                   User name to log in (OS_USERNAME)
      --swift-user-id string                                User ID to log in - optional - most swift systems use user and leave this blank (v3 auth) (OS_USER_ID)
      --union-action-policy string                          Policy to choose upstream on ACTION category (default "epall")
      --union-cache-time int                                Cache time of usage and free space (in seconds) (default 120)
      --union-create-policy string                          Policy to choose upstream on CREATE category (default "epmfs")
      --union-min-free-space SizeSuffix                     Minimum viable free space for lfs/eplfs policies (default 1Gi)
      --union-search-policy string                          Policy to choose upstream on SEARCH category (default "ff")
      --union-upstreams string                              List of space separated upstreams
      --uptobox-access-token string                         Your access token
      --uptobox-encoding MultiEncoder                       The encoding for the backend (default Slash,LtGt,DoubleQuote,BackQuote,Del,Ctl,LeftSpace,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --uptobox-private                                     Set to make uploaded files private
      --webdav-bearer-token string                          Bearer token instead of user/pass (e.g. a Macaroon)
      --webdav-bearer-token-command string                  Command to run to get a bearer token
      --webdav-encoding string                              The encoding for the backend
      --webdav-headers CommaSepList                         Set HTTP headers for all transactions
      --webdav-nextcloud-chunk-size SizeSuffix              Nextcloud upload chunk size (default 10Mi)
      --webdav-pacer-min-sleep Duration                     Minimum time to sleep between API calls (default 10ms)
      --webdav-pass string                                  Password (obscured)
      --webdav-url string                                   URL of http host to connect to
      --webdav-user string                                  User name
      --webdav-vendor string                                Name of the WebDAV site/service/software you are using
      --yandex-auth-url string                              Auth server URL
      --yandex-client-id string                             OAuth Client Id
      --yandex-client-secret string                         OAuth Client Secret
      --yandex-encoding MultiEncoder                        The encoding for the backend (default Slash,Del,Ctl,InvalidUtf8,Dot)
      --yandex-hard-delete                                  Delete files permanently rather than putting them into the trash
      --yandex-token string                                 OAuth Access Token as a JSON blob
      --yandex-token-url string                             Token server url
      --zoho-auth-url string                                Auth server URL
      --zoho-client-id string                               OAuth Client Id
      --zoho-client-secret string                           OAuth Client Secret
      --zoho-encoding MultiEncoder                          The encoding for the backend (default Del,Ctl,InvalidUtf8)
      --zoho-region string                                  Zoho region to connect to
      --zoho-token string                                   OAuth Access Token as a JSON blob
      --zoho-token-url string                               Token server url