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Amazon Drive Rclone docs for Amazon Drive

{{< icon "fab fa-amazon" >}} Amazon Drive

Amazon Drive, formerly known as Amazon Cloud Drive, is a cloud storage service run by Amazon for consumers.


Important: rclone supports Amazon Drive only if you have your own set of API keys. Unfortunately the Amazon Drive developer program is now closed to new entries so if you don't already have your own set of keys you will not be able to use rclone with Amazon Drive.

For the history on why rclone no longer has a set of Amazon Drive API keys see the forum.

If you happen to know anyone who works at Amazon then please ask them to re-instate rclone into the Amazon Drive developer program - thanks!


The initial setup for Amazon Drive involves getting a token from Amazon which you need to do in your browser. rclone config walks you through it.

The configuration process for Amazon Drive may involve using an oauth proxy. This is used to keep the Amazon credentials out of the source code. The proxy runs in Google's very secure App Engine environment and doesn't store any credentials which pass through it.

Since rclone doesn't currently have its own Amazon Drive credentials so you will either need to have your own client_id and client_secret with Amazon Drive, or use a third party oauth proxy in which case you will need to enter client_id, client_secret, auth_url and token_url.

Note also if you are not using Amazon's auth_url and token_url, (ie you filled in something for those) then if setting up on a remote machine you can only use the copying the config method of configuration

  • rclone authorize will not work.

Here is an example of how to make a remote called remote. First run:

 rclone config

This will guide you through an interactive setup process:

No remotes found - make a new one
n) New remote
r) Rename remote
c) Copy remote
s) Set configuration password
q) Quit config
n/r/c/s/q> n
name> remote
Type of storage to configure.
Choose a number from below, or type in your own value
XX / Amazon Drive
   \ "amazon cloud drive"
Storage> amazon cloud drive
Amazon Application Client Id - required.
client_id> your client ID goes here
Amazon Application Client Secret - required.
client_secret> your client secret goes here
Auth server URL - leave blank to use Amazon's.
auth_url> Optional auth URL
Token server url - leave blank to use Amazon's.
token_url> Optional token URL
Remote config
Make sure your Redirect URL is set to "" in your custom config.
Use auto config?
 * Say Y if not sure
 * Say N if you are working on a remote or headless machine
y) Yes
n) No
y/n> y
If your browser doesn't open automatically go to the following link:
Log in and authorize rclone for access
Waiting for code...
Got code
client_id = your client ID goes here
client_secret = your client secret goes here
auth_url = Optional auth URL
token_url = Optional token URL
token = {"access_token":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","token_type":"bearer","refresh_token":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","expiry":"2015-09-06T16:07:39.658438471+01:00"}
y) Yes this is OK
e) Edit this remote
d) Delete this remote
y/e/d> y

See the remote setup docs for how to set it up on a machine with no Internet browser available.

Note that rclone runs a webserver on your local machine to collect the token as returned from Amazon. This only runs from the moment it opens your browser to the moment you get back the verification code. This is on and this it may require you to unblock it temporarily if you are running a host firewall.

Once configured you can then use rclone like this,

List directories in top level of your Amazon Drive

rclone lsd remote:

List all the files in your Amazon Drive

rclone ls remote:

To copy a local directory to an Amazon Drive directory called backup

rclone copy /home/source remote:backup

Modified time and MD5SUMs

Amazon Drive doesn't allow modification times to be changed via the API so these won't be accurate or used for syncing.

It does store MD5SUMs so for a more accurate sync, you can use the --checksum flag.

Restricted filename characters

Character Value Replacement
NUL 0x00
/ 0x2F

Invalid UTF-8 bytes will also be replaced, as they can't be used in JSON strings.

Deleting files

Any files you delete with rclone will end up in the trash. Amazon don't provide an API to permanently delete files, nor to empty the trash, so you will have to do that with one of Amazon's apps or via the Amazon Drive website. As of November 17, 2016, files are automatically deleted by Amazon from the trash after 30 days.

Using with non .com Amazon accounts

Let's say you usually use amazon.co.uk. When you authenticate with rclone it will take you to an amazon.com page to log in. Your amazon.co.uk email and password should work here just fine.

{{< rem autogenerated options start" - DO NOT EDIT - instead edit fs.RegInfo in backend/amazonclouddrive/amazonclouddrive.go then run make backenddocs" >}}

Standard Options

Here are the standard options specific to amazon cloud drive (Amazon Drive).


OAuth Client Id Leave blank normally.

  • Config: client_id
  • Type: string
  • Default: ""


OAuth Client Secret Leave blank normally.

  • Config: client_secret
  • Type: string
  • Default: ""

Advanced Options

Here are the advanced options specific to amazon cloud drive (Amazon Drive).


OAuth Access Token as a JSON blob.

  • Config: token
  • Type: string
  • Default: ""


Auth server URL. Leave blank to use the provider defaults.

  • Config: auth_url
  • Type: string
  • Default: ""


Token server url. Leave blank to use the provider defaults.

  • Config: token_url
  • Type: string
  • Default: ""


Checkpoint for internal polling (debug).

  • Config: checkpoint
  • Type: string
  • Default: ""


Additional time per GB to wait after a failed complete upload to see if it appears.

Sometimes Amazon Drive gives an error when a file has been fully uploaded but the file appears anyway after a little while. This happens sometimes for files over 1GB in size and nearly every time for files bigger than 10GB. This parameter controls the time rclone waits for the file to appear.

The default value for this parameter is 3 minutes per GB, so by default it will wait 3 minutes for every GB uploaded to see if the file appears.

You can disable this feature by setting it to 0. This may cause conflict errors as rclone retries the failed upload but the file will most likely appear correctly eventually.

These values were determined empirically by observing lots of uploads of big files for a range of file sizes.

Upload with the "-v" flag to see more info about what rclone is doing in this situation.

  • Config: upload_wait_per_gb
  • Type: Duration
  • Default: 3m0s

Files >= this size will be downloaded via their tempLink.

Files this size or more will be downloaded via their "tempLink". This is to work around a problem with Amazon Drive which blocks downloads of files bigger than about 10GB. The default for this is 9GB which shouldn't need to be changed.

To download files above this threshold, rclone requests a "tempLink" which downloads the file through a temporary URL directly from the underlying S3 storage.

  • Config: templink_threshold
  • Type: SizeSuffix
  • Default: 9G


This sets the encoding for the backend.

See: the encoding section in the overview for more info.

  • Config: encoding
  • Type: MultiEncoder
  • Default: Slash,InvalidUtf8,Dot

{{< rem autogenerated options stop >}}


Note that Amazon Drive is case insensitive so you can't have a file called "Hello.doc" and one called "hello.doc".

Amazon Drive has rate limiting so you may notice errors in the sync (429 errors). rclone will automatically retry the sync up to 3 times by default (see --retries flag) which should hopefully work around this problem.

Amazon Drive has an internal limit of file sizes that can be uploaded to the service. This limit is not officially published, but all files larger than this will fail.

At the time of writing (Jan 2016) is in the area of 50GB per file. This means that larger files are likely to fail.

Unfortunately there is no way for rclone to see that this failure is because of file size, so it will retry the operation, as any other failure. To avoid this problem, use --max-size 50000M option to limit the maximum size of uploaded files. Note that --max-size does not split files into segments, it only ignores files over this size.