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title: "QingStor"
description: "Rclone docs for QingStor Object Storage"
# {{< icon "fas fa-hdd" >}} QingStor
Paths are specified as `remote:bucket` (or `remote:` for the `lsd`
command.) You may put subdirectories in too, e.g. `remote:bucket/path/to/dir`.
## Configuration
Here is an example of making an QingStor configuration. First run
rclone config
This will guide you through an interactive setup process.
No remotes found - make a new one
n) New remote
r) Rename remote
c) Copy remote
s) Set configuration password
q) Quit config
n/r/c/s/q> n
name> remote
Type of storage to configure.
Choose a number from below, or type in your own value
XX / QingStor Object Storage
\ "qingstor"
Storage> qingstor
Get QingStor credentials from runtime. Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank.
Choose a number from below, or type in your own value
1 / Enter QingStor credentials in the next step
\ "false"
2 / Get QingStor credentials from the environment (env vars or IAM)
\ "true"
env_auth> 1
QingStor Access Key ID - leave blank for anonymous access or runtime credentials.
access_key_id> access_key
QingStor Secret Access Key (password) - leave blank for anonymous access or runtime credentials.
secret_access_key> secret_key
Enter an endpoint URL to connection QingStor API.
Leave blank will use the default value "https://qingstor.com:443"
Zone connect to. Default is "pek3a".
Choose a number from below, or type in your own value
/ The Beijing (China) Three Zone
1 | Needs location constraint pek3a.
\ "pek3a"
/ The Shanghai (China) First Zone
2 | Needs location constraint sh1a.
\ "sh1a"
zone> 1
Number of connection retry.
Leave blank will use the default value "3".
Remote config
env_auth = false
access_key_id = access_key
secret_access_key = secret_key
endpoint =
zone = pek3a
connection_retries =
y) Yes this is OK
e) Edit this remote
d) Delete this remote
y/e/d> y
This remote is called `remote` and can now be used like this
See all buckets
rclone lsd remote:
Make a new bucket
rclone mkdir remote:bucket
List the contents of a bucket
rclone ls remote:bucket
Sync `/home/local/directory` to the remote bucket, deleting any excess
files in the bucket.
rclone sync -i /home/local/directory remote:bucket
### --fast-list
This remote supports `--fast-list` which allows you to use fewer
transactions in exchange for more memory. See the [rclone
docs](/docs/#fast-list) for more details.
### Multipart uploads
rclone supports multipart uploads with QingStor which means that it can
upload files bigger than 5 GiB. Note that files uploaded with multipart
upload don't have an MD5SUM.
Note that incomplete multipart uploads older than 24 hours can be
removed with `rclone cleanup remote:bucket` just for one bucket
`rclone cleanup remote:` for all buckets. QingStor does not ever
remove incomplete multipart uploads so it may be necessary to run this
from time to time.
### Buckets and Zone
With QingStor you can list buckets (`rclone lsd`) using any zone,
but you can only access the content of a bucket from the zone it was
created in. If you attempt to access a bucket from the wrong zone,
you will get an error, `incorrect zone, the bucket is not in 'XXX'
### Authentication
There are two ways to supply `rclone` with a set of QingStor
credentials. In order of precedence:
- Directly in the rclone configuration file (as configured by `rclone config`)
- set `access_key_id` and `secret_access_key`
- Runtime configuration:
- set `env_auth` to `true` in the config file
- Exporting the following environment variables before running `rclone`
- Secret Access Key: `QS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` or `QS_SECRET_KEY`
### Restricted filename characters
The control characters 0x00-0x1F and / are replaced as in the [default
restricted characters set](/overview/#restricted-characters). Note
that 0x7F is not replaced.
Invalid UTF-8 bytes will also be [replaced](/overview/#invalid-utf8),
as they can't be used in JSON strings.
{{< rem autogenerated options start" - DO NOT EDIT - instead edit fs.RegInfo in backend/qingstor/qingstor.go then run make backenddocs" >}}
### Standard options
Here are the standard options specific to qingstor (QingCloud Object Storage).
#### --qingstor-env-auth
Get QingStor credentials from runtime.
Only applies if access_key_id and secret_access_key is blank.
- Config: env_auth
- Type: bool
- Default: false
- Examples:
- "false"
- Enter QingStor credentials in the next step.
- "true"
- Get QingStor credentials from the environment (env vars or IAM).
#### --qingstor-access-key-id
QingStor Access Key ID.
Leave blank for anonymous access or runtime credentials.
- Config: access_key_id
- Type: string
- Default: ""
#### --qingstor-secret-access-key
QingStor Secret Access Key (password).
Leave blank for anonymous access or runtime credentials.
- Config: secret_access_key
- Type: string
- Default: ""
#### --qingstor-endpoint
Enter an endpoint URL to connection QingStor API.
Leave blank will use the default value "https://qingstor.com:443".
- Config: endpoint
- Type: string
- Default: ""
#### --qingstor-zone
Zone to connect to.
Default is "pek3a".
- Config: zone
- Type: string
- Default: ""
- Examples:
- "pek3a"
- The Beijing (China) Three Zone.
- Needs location constraint pek3a.
- "sh1a"
- The Shanghai (China) First Zone.
- Needs location constraint sh1a.
- "gd2a"
- The Guangdong (China) Second Zone.
- Needs location constraint gd2a.
### Advanced options
Here are the advanced options specific to qingstor (QingCloud Object Storage).
#### --qingstor-connection-retries
Number of connection retries.
- Config: connection_retries
- Type: int
- Default: 3
#### --qingstor-upload-cutoff
Cutoff for switching to chunked upload.
Any files larger than this will be uploaded in chunks of chunk_size.
The minimum is 0 and the maximum is 5 GiB.
- Config: upload_cutoff
- Type: SizeSuffix
- Default: 200Mi
#### --qingstor-chunk-size
Chunk size to use for uploading.
When uploading files larger than upload_cutoff they will be uploaded
as multipart uploads using this chunk size.
Note that "--qingstor-upload-concurrency" chunks of this size are buffered
in memory per transfer.
If you are transferring large files over high-speed links and you have
enough memory, then increasing this will speed up the transfers.
- Config: chunk_size
- Type: SizeSuffix
- Default: 4Mi
#### --qingstor-upload-concurrency
Concurrency for multipart uploads.
This is the number of chunks of the same file that are uploaded
NB if you set this to > 1 then the checksums of multipart uploads
become corrupted (the uploads themselves are not corrupted though).
If you are uploading small numbers of large files over high-speed links
and these uploads do not fully utilize your bandwidth, then increasing
this may help to speed up the transfers.
- Config: upload_concurrency
- Type: int
- Default: 1
#### --qingstor-encoding
This sets the encoding for the backend.
See the [encoding section in the overview](/overview/#encoding) for more info.
- Config: encoding
- Type: MultiEncoder
- Default: Slash,Ctl,InvalidUtf8
{{< rem autogenerated options stop >}}
## Limitations
`rclone about` is not supported by the qingstor backend. Backends without
this capability cannot determine free space for an rclone mount or
use policy `mfs` (most free space) as a member of an rclone union
See [List of backends that do not support rclone about](https://rclone.org/overview/#optional-features)
See [rclone about](https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_about/)