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synced 2025-03-13 17:54:29 +01:00
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This file describes how to make the various kinds of releases
Extra required software for making a release
- gh the github cli for uploading packages
- pandoc for making the html and man pages
Making a release
- git checkout master # see below for stable branch
- git pull
- git status - make sure everything is checked in
- Check GitHub actions build for master is Green
- make test # see integration test server or run locally
- make tag
- edit docs/content/changelog.md # make sure to remove duplicate logs from point releases
- make tidy
- make doc
- git status - to check for new man pages - git add them
- git commit -a -v -m "Version v1.XX.0"
- make retag
- git push --follow-tags origin
Wait for the GitHub builds to complete then...
- make fetch_binaries
- make tarball
- make vendorball
- make sign_upload
- make check_sign
- make upload
- make upload_website
- make upload_github
- make startdev # make startstable for stable branch
announce with forum post, twitter post, patreon post
Early in the next release cycle update the dependencies
- Review any pinned packages in go.mod and remove if possible
- make update
- git status
- git add new files
- git commit -a -v
Making a point release
If rclone needs a point release due to some horrendous bug:
Set vars
- BASE_TAG=v1.XX # e.g. v1.52
- NEW_TAG=${BASE_TAG}.Y # e.g. v1.52.1
- echo $BASE_TAG $NEW_TAG # v1.52 v1.52.1
First make the release branch. If this is a second point release then this will be done already.
- git branch ${BASE_TAG} ${BASE_TAG}-stable
- git co ${BASE_TAG}-stable
- make startstable
- git co ${BASE_TAG}-stable
- git cherry-pick any fixes
- Do the steps as above
- make startstable
- git co master
cherry pick the changes to the changelog - check the diff to make sure it is correct- git checkout ${BASE_TAG}-stable docs/content/changelog.md
- git commit -a -v -m "Changelog updates from Version ${NEW_TAG}"
- git push
Making a manual build of docker
The rclone docker image should autobuild on via GitHub actions. If it doesn't or needs to be updated then rebuild like this.
See: https://github.com/ilteoood/docker_buildx/issues/19 See: https://github.com/ilteoood/docker_buildx/blob/master/scripts/install_buildx.sh
git co v1.54.1
docker pull golang
docker buildx create --name actions_builder --use
docker run --rm --privileged docker/binfmt:820fdd95a9972a5308930a2bdfb8573dd4447ad3
docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes
SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS=$(docker buildx inspect --bootstrap | grep 'Platforms:*.*' | cut -d : -f2,3)
echo "Supported platforms: $SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS"
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/386,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7 -t rclone/rclone:1.54.1 -t rclone/rclone:1.54 -t rclone/rclone:1 -t rclone/rclone:latest --push .
docker buildx stop actions_builder
Old build for linux/amd64 only
docker pull golang
docker build --rm --ulimit memlock=67108864 -t rclone/rclone:1.52.0 -t rclone/rclone:1.52 -t rclone/rclone:1 -t rclone/rclone:latest .
docker push rclone/rclone:1.52.0
docker push rclone/rclone:1.52
docker push rclone/rclone:1
docker push rclone/rclone:latest