
217 lines
7.6 KiB

# Wrapper for Qo-DL Reborn. This is a sligthly modified version
# of qopy, originally written by Sorrow446. All credits to the
# original author.
import hashlib
import logging
import time
import requests
from qobuz_dl.exceptions import (
from qobuz_dl.color import GREEN, YELLOW
RESET = "Reset your credentials with 'qobuz-dl -r'"
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Client:
def __init__(self, email, pwd, app_id, secrets):
self.secrets = secrets
self.id = str(app_id)
self.session = requests.Session()
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:83.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/83.0",
"X-App-Id": self.id,
"Content-Type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
self.base = "https://www.qobuz.com/api.json/0.2/"
self.sec = None
self.auth(email, pwd)
def api_call(self, epoint, **kwargs):
if epoint == "user/login":
params = {
"email": kwargs["email"],
"password": kwargs["pwd"],
"app_id": self.id,
elif epoint == "track/get":
params = {"track_id": kwargs["id"]}
elif epoint == "album/get":
params = {"album_id": kwargs["id"]}
elif epoint == "playlist/get":
params = {
"extra": "tracks",
"playlist_id": kwargs["id"],
"limit": 500,
"offset": kwargs["offset"],
elif epoint == "artist/get":
params = {
"app_id": self.id,
"artist_id": kwargs["id"],
"limit": 500,
"offset": kwargs["offset"],
"extra": "albums",
elif epoint == "label/get":
params = {
"label_id": kwargs["id"],
"limit": 500,
"offset": kwargs["offset"],
"extra": "albums",
elif epoint == "favorite/getUserFavorites":
unix = time.time()
# r_sig = "userLibrarygetAlbumsList" + str(unix) + kwargs["sec"]
r_sig = "favoritegetUserFavorites" + str(unix) + kwargs["sec"]
r_sig_hashed = hashlib.md5(r_sig.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
params = {
"app_id": self.id,
"user_auth_token": self.uat,
"type": "albums",
"request_ts": unix,
"request_sig": r_sig_hashed,
elif epoint == "track/getFileUrl":
unix = time.time()
track_id = kwargs["id"]
fmt_id = kwargs["fmt_id"]
if int(fmt_id) not in (5, 6, 7, 27):
raise InvalidQuality("Invalid quality id: choose between 5, 6, 7 or 27")
r_sig = "trackgetFileUrlformat_id{}intentstreamtrack_id{}{}{}".format(
fmt_id, track_id, unix, kwargs.get("sec", self.sec)
r_sig_hashed = hashlib.md5(r_sig.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
params = {
"request_ts": unix,
"request_sig": r_sig_hashed,
"track_id": track_id,
"format_id": fmt_id,
"intent": "stream",
params = kwargs
r = self.session.get(self.base + epoint, params=params)
if epoint == "user/login":
if r.status_code == 401:
raise AuthenticationError("Invalid credentials.\n" + RESET)
elif r.status_code == 400:
raise InvalidAppIdError("Invalid app id.\n" + RESET)
logger.info(f"{GREEN}Logged: OK")
elif (
epoint in ["track/getFileUrl", "favorite/getUserFavorites"]
and r.status_code == 400
raise InvalidAppSecretError(f"Invalid app secret: {r.json()}.\n" + RESET)
return r.json()
def auth(self, email, pwd):
usr_info = self.api_call("user/login", email=email, pwd=pwd)
if not usr_info["user"]["credential"]["parameters"]:
raise IneligibleError("Free accounts are not eligible to download tracks.")
self.uat = usr_info["user_auth_token"]
self.session.headers.update({"X-User-Auth-Token": self.uat})
self.label = usr_info["user"]["credential"]["parameters"]["short_label"]
logger.info(f"{GREEN}Membership: {self.label}")
def multi_meta(self, epoint, key, id, type):
total = 1
offset = 0
while total > 0:
if type in ["tracks", "albums"]:
j = self.api_call(epoint, id=id, offset=offset, type=type)[type]
j = self.api_call(epoint, id=id, offset=offset, type=type)
if offset == 0:
yield j
total = j[key] - 500
yield j
total -= 500
offset += 500
def get_album_meta(self, id):
return self.api_call("album/get", id=id)
def get_track_meta(self, id):
return self.api_call("track/get", id=id)
def get_track_url(self, id, fmt_id):
return self.api_call("track/getFileUrl", id=id, fmt_id=fmt_id)
def get_artist_meta(self, id):
return self.multi_meta("artist/get", "albums_count", id, None)
def get_plist_meta(self, id):
return self.multi_meta("playlist/get", "tracks_count", id, None)
def get_label_meta(self, id):
return self.multi_meta("label/get", "albums_count", id, None)
def search_albums(self, query, limit):
return self.api_call("album/search", query=query, limit=limit)
def search_artists(self, query, limit):
return self.api_call("artist/search", query=query, limit=limit)
def search_playlists(self, query, limit):
return self.api_call("playlist/search", query=query, limit=limit)
def search_tracks(self, query, limit):
return self.api_call("track/search", query=query, limit=limit)
def get_favorite_albums(self, offset, limit):
return self.api_call(
"favorite/getUserFavorites", type="albums", offset=offset, limit=limit
def get_favorite_tracks(self, offset, limit):
return self.api_call(
"favorite/getUserFavorites", type="tracks", offset=offset, limit=limit
def get_favorite_artists(self, offset, limit):
return self.api_call(
"favorite/getUserFavorites", type="artists", offset=offset, limit=limit
def get_user_playlists(self, limit):
return self.api_call("playlist/getUserPlaylists", limit=limit)
def test_secret(self, sec):
self.api_call("track/getFileUrl", id=5966783, fmt_id=5, sec=sec)
return True
except InvalidAppSecretError:
return False
def cfg_setup(self):
for secret in self.secrets:
# Falsy secrets
if not secret:
if self.test_secret(secret):
self.sec = secret
if self.sec is None:
raise InvalidAppSecretError("Can't find any valid app secret.\n" + RESET)