44 lines
2.7 KiB
Executable File

# PEASS-ng - Privilege Escalation Awesome Scripts SUITE new generation
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# Basic Tutorial
Here you will find **privilege escalation tools for Windows and Linux/Unix\* and MacOS**.
These tools search for possible **local privilege escalation paths** that you could exploit and print them to you **with nice colors** so you can recognize the misconfigurations easily.
- Check the **Local Windows Privilege Escalation checklist** from **[](**
- **[WinPEAS]( - Windows local Privilege Escalation Awesome Script (C#.exe and .bat)**
- Check the **Local Linux Privilege Escalation checklist** from **[](**
- **[LinPEAS]( - Linux local Privilege Escalation Awesome Script (.sh)**
## Quick Start
Find the **latest versions of all the scripts and binaries in [the releases page](**.
## JSON, HTML & PDF output
Check the **[parsers](./parsers/)** directory to **transform PEASS outputs to JSON, HTML and PDF**
## Join us!
If you are a **PEASS & Hacktricks enthusiast**, you can get your hands now on **our [custom swag]( and show how much you like our projects!**
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## Let's improve PEASS together
If you want to **add something** and have **any cool idea** related to this project, please let me know it in the **telegram group** or contribute reading the **[](** file.
## Advisory
All the scripts/binaries of the PEAS suite should be used for authorized penetration testing and/or educational purposes only. Any misuse of this software will not be the responsibility of the author or of any other collaborator. Use it at your own machines and/or with the owner's permission.
By Polop<sup>(TM)</sup>