
312 lines
14 KiB

#pragma once
#include "memory.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
void InstallInitialHooks();
typedef void (*DllLoadCallbackFuncType)(CModule moduleAddress);
void AddDllLoadCallback(std::string dll, DllLoadCallbackFuncType callback, std::string tag = "", std::vector<std::string> reliesOn = {});
void AddDllLoadCallbackForDedicatedServer(
std::string dll, DllLoadCallbackFuncType callback, std::string tag = "", std::vector<std::string> reliesOn = {});
void AddDllLoadCallbackForClient(
std::string dll, DllLoadCallbackFuncType callback, std::string tag = "", std::vector<std::string> reliesOn = {});
void CallAllPendingDLLLoadCallbacks();
// new dll load callback stuff
enum class eDllLoadCallbackSide
class __dllLoadCallback
__dllLoadCallback() = delete;
eDllLoadCallbackSide side,
const std::string dllName,
DllLoadCallbackFuncType callback,
std::string uniqueStr,
std::string reliesOn);
#define __CONCAT3(x, y, z) x##y##z
#define CONCAT3(x, y, z) __CONCAT3(x, y, z)
#define __CONCAT2(x, y) x##y
#define CONCAT2(x, y) __CONCAT2(x, y)
#define __STR(s) #s
// adds a callback to be called when a given dll is loaded, for creating hooks and such
#define __ON_DLL_LOAD(dllName, side, uniquestr, reliesOn, args) \
void CONCAT2(__dllLoadCallback, uniquestr) args; \
namespace \
{ \
__dllLoadCallback CONCAT2(__dllLoadCallbackInstance, __LINE__)( \
side, dllName, CONCAT2(__dllLoadCallback, uniquestr), __STR(uniquestr), reliesOn); \
} \
void CONCAT2(__dllLoadCallback, uniquestr) args
#define ON_DLL_LOAD(dllName, uniquestr, args) __ON_DLL_LOAD(dllName, eDllLoadCallbackSide::UNSIDED, uniquestr, "", args)
#define ON_DLL_LOAD_RELIESON(dllName, uniquestr, reliesOn, args) \
__ON_DLL_LOAD(dllName, eDllLoadCallbackSide::UNSIDED, uniquestr, __STR(reliesOn), args)
#define ON_DLL_LOAD_CLIENT(dllName, uniquestr, args) __ON_DLL_LOAD(dllName, eDllLoadCallbackSide::CLIENT, uniquestr, "", args)
#define ON_DLL_LOAD_CLIENT_RELIESON(dllName, uniquestr, reliesOn, args) \
__ON_DLL_LOAD(dllName, eDllLoadCallbackSide::CLIENT, uniquestr, __STR(reliesOn), args)
#define ON_DLL_LOAD_DEDI(dllName, uniquestr, args) __ON_DLL_LOAD(dllName, eDllLoadCallbackSide::DEDICATED_SERVER, uniquestr, "", args)
#define ON_DLL_LOAD_DEDI_RELIESON(dllName, uniquestr, reliesOn, args) \
__ON_DLL_LOAD(dllName, eDllLoadCallbackSide::DEDICATED_SERVER, uniquestr, __STR(reliesOn), args)
// new macro hook stuff
class __autohook;
class __fileAutohook
std::vector<__autohook*> hooks;
void Dispatch();
void DispatchForModule(const char* pModuleName);
// initialise autohooks for this file
#define AUTOHOOK_INIT() \
namespace \
{ \
__fileAutohook __FILEAUTOHOOK; \
// dispatch all autohooks in this file
#define AUTOHOOK_DISPATCH_MODULE(moduleName) __FILEAUTOHOOK.DispatchForModule(__STR(moduleName));
class __autohook
enum AddressResolutionMode
OFFSET_STRING, // we're using a string that of the format dllname.dll + offset
ABSOLUTE_ADDR, // we're using an absolute address, we don't need to process it at all
PROCADDRESS // resolve using GetModuleHandle and GetProcAddress
char* pFuncName;
LPVOID pHookFunc;
LPVOID* ppOrigFunc;
// address resolution props
AddressResolutionMode iAddressResolutionMode;
char* pAddrString = nullptr; // for OFFSET_STRING
LPVOID iAbsoluteAddress = nullptr; // for ABSOLUTE_ADDR
char* pModuleName; // for PROCADDRESS
char* pProcName; // for PROCADDRESS
__autohook() = delete;
__autohook(__fileAutohook* autohook, const char* funcName, LPVOID absoluteAddress, LPVOID* orig, LPVOID func)
: pHookFunc(func), ppOrigFunc(orig), iAbsoluteAddress(absoluteAddress)
iAddressResolutionMode = ABSOLUTE_ADDR;
const int iFuncNameStrlen = strlen(funcName) + 1;
pFuncName = new char[iFuncNameStrlen];
memcpy(pFuncName, funcName, iFuncNameStrlen);
__autohook(__fileAutohook* autohook, const char* funcName, const char* addrString, LPVOID* orig, LPVOID func)
: pHookFunc(func), ppOrigFunc(orig)
iAddressResolutionMode = OFFSET_STRING;
const int iFuncNameStrlen = strlen(funcName) + 1;
pFuncName = new char[iFuncNameStrlen];
memcpy(pFuncName, funcName, iFuncNameStrlen);
const int iAddrStrlen = strlen(addrString) + 1;
pAddrString = new char[iAddrStrlen];
memcpy(pAddrString, addrString, iAddrStrlen);
__autohook(__fileAutohook* autohook, const char* funcName, const char* moduleName, const char* procName, LPVOID* orig, LPVOID func)
: pHookFunc(func), ppOrigFunc(orig)
iAddressResolutionMode = PROCADDRESS;
const int iFuncNameStrlen = strlen(funcName) + 1;
pFuncName = new char[iFuncNameStrlen];
memcpy(pFuncName, funcName, iFuncNameStrlen);
const int iModuleNameStrlen = strlen(moduleName) + 1;
pModuleName = new char[iModuleNameStrlen];
memcpy(pModuleName, moduleName, iModuleNameStrlen);
const int iProcNameStrlen = strlen(procName) + 1;
pProcName = new char[iProcNameStrlen];
memcpy(pProcName, procName, iProcNameStrlen);
delete[] pFuncName;
if (pAddrString)
delete[] pAddrString;
if (pModuleName)
delete[] pModuleName;
if (pProcName)
delete[] pProcName;
void Dispatch()
LPVOID targetAddr = nullptr;
// determine the address of the function we're hooking
switch (iAddressResolutionMode)
targetAddr = iAbsoluteAddress;
// in the format server.dll + 0xDEADBEEF
int iDllNameEnd = 0;
for (; !isspace(pAddrString[iDllNameEnd]) && pAddrString[iDllNameEnd] != '+'; iDllNameEnd++)
char* pModuleName = new char[iDllNameEnd + 1];
memcpy(pModuleName, pAddrString, iDllNameEnd);
pModuleName[iDllNameEnd] = '\0';
// get the module address
const HMODULE pModuleAddr = GetModuleHandleA(pModuleName);
if (!pModuleAddr)
// get the offset string
uintptr_t iOffset = 0;
int iOffsetBegin = iDllNameEnd;
int iOffsetEnd = strlen(pAddrString);
// seek until we hit the start of the number offset
for (; !(pAddrString[iOffsetBegin] >= '0' && pAddrString[iOffsetBegin] <= '9') && pAddrString[iOffsetBegin]; iOffsetBegin++)
bool bIsHex =
pAddrString[iOffsetBegin] == '0' && (pAddrString[iOffsetBegin + 1] == 'X' || pAddrString[iOffsetBegin + 1] == 'x');
if (bIsHex)
iOffset = std::stoi(pAddrString + iOffsetBegin + 2, 0, 16);
iOffset = std::stoi(pAddrString + iOffsetBegin);
targetAddr = (LPVOID)((uintptr_t)pModuleAddr + iOffset);
targetAddr = GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA(pModuleName), pProcName);
if (MH_CreateHook(targetAddr, pHookFunc, ppOrigFunc) == MH_OK)
if (MH_EnableHook(targetAddr) == MH_OK)
spdlog::info("Enabling hook {}", pFuncName);
spdlog::error("MH_EnableHook failed for function {}", pFuncName);
spdlog::error("MH_CreateHook failed for function {}", pFuncName);
// hook a function at a given offset from a dll to be dispatched with AUTOHOOK_DISPATCH()
#define AUTOHOOK(name, addrString, type, callingConvention, args) \
type callingConvention CONCAT2(__autohookfunc, name) args; \
namespace \
{ \
type(*callingConvention name) args; \
__autohook CONCAT2(__autohook, __LINE__)( \
&__FILEAUTOHOOK, __STR(name), __STR(addrString), (LPVOID*)&name, (LPVOID)CONCAT2(__autohookfunc, name)); \
} \
type callingConvention CONCAT2(__autohookfunc, name) args
// hook a function at a given absolute constant address to be dispatched with AUTOHOOK_DISPATCH()
#define AUTOHOOK_ABSOLUTEADDR(name, addr, type, callingConvention, args) \
type callingConvention CONCAT2(__autohookfunc, name) args; \
namespace \
{ \
type(*callingConvention name) args; \
__autohook \
CONCAT2(__autohook, __LINE__)(&__FILEAUTOHOOK, __STR(name), addr, (LPVOID*)&name, (LPVOID)CONCAT2(__autohookfunc, name)); \
} \
type callingConvention CONCAT2(__autohookfunc, name) args
// hook a function at a given module and exported function to be dispatched with AUTOHOOK_DISPATCH()
#define AUTOHOOK_PROCADDRESS(name, moduleName, procName, type, callingConvention, args) \
type callingConvention CONCAT2(__autohookfunc, name) args; \
namespace \
{ \
type(*callingConvention name) args; \
__autohook CONCAT2(__autohook, __LINE__)( \
&__FILEAUTOHOOK, __STR(name), __STR(moduleName), __STR(procName), (LPVOID*)&name, (LPVOID)CONCAT2(__autohookfunc, name)); \
} \
type callingConvention CONCAT2(__autohookfunc, name) \
class ManualHook
char* pFuncName;
LPVOID pHookFunc;
LPVOID* ppOrigFunc;
ManualHook() = delete;
ManualHook(const char* funcName, LPVOID func);
ManualHook(const char* funcName, LPVOID* orig, LPVOID func);
bool Dispatch(LPVOID addr, LPVOID* orig = nullptr);
// hook a function to be dispatched manually later
#define HOOK(varName, originalFunc, type, callingConvention, args) \
namespace \
{ \
type(*callingConvention originalFunc) args; \
} \
type callingConvention CONCAT2(__manualhookfunc, varName) args; \
ManualHook varName = ManualHook(__STR(varName), (LPVOID*)&originalFunc, (LPVOID)CONCAT2(__manualhookfunc, varName)); \
type callingConvention CONCAT2(__manualhookfunc, varName) args
#define HOOK_NOORIG(varName, type, callingConvention, args) \
type callingConvention CONCAT2(__manualhookfunc, varName) args; \
ManualHook varName = ManualHook(__STR(varName), (LPVOID)CONCAT2(__manualhookfunc, varName)); \
type callingConvention CONCAT2(__manualhookfunc, varName) \
void MakeHook(LPVOID pTarget, LPVOID pDetour, void* ppOriginal, const char* pFuncName = "");
#define MAKEHOOK(pTarget, pDetour, ppOriginal) MakeHook(pTarget, pDetour, ppOriginal, __STR(pDetour))