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IPsec on FreeBSD
These instructions are for IPsec in transport mode not IPsec in tunnel mode. IPsec in tunnel mode requires a too tight coupling with the routing table for dynamic routing because the policies can only be specified based on source/destination address and protocol not based on interfaces.
- Root access to both endpoints.
- Static IPv4 addresses for both endpoints unless you want to write a small shell script as hook for raccon.
- At least one static IPv4 on at least one endpoint unless you hate yourself.
Kernel configuration
The FreeBSD GENERIC kernel lacks support for in-kernel IPsec processing. Add this two lines to your kernel config and (re-)build your own kernel. If you're new to FreeBSD check Chapters 15.9.1 and 9 of the FreeBSD handbook.
options IPSEC #IP security
device crypto
Reboot into your new kernel.
Userland configuration
Install the racoon daemon. It's included in the security/ipsec-tools port. Racoon is pain in the ass to configure the first time because it's error messages aren't helping and the complexity of IPsec. Don't let this stop you.
path pre_shared_key "/usr/local/etc/racoon/psk";
path certificate "/usr/local/etc/racoon/certs";
log info;
listen {
isakmp a.b.c.d [500];
isakmp_natt a.b.c.d [4500];
padding {
strict_check on;
timer {
natt_keepalive 5 sec;
interval 3 sec;
phase1 45 sec; # give embedded CPUs time to finish RSA operations
phase2 45 sec;
remote b.c.d.e [500] {
exchange_mode main;
proposal_check strict;
my_identifier asn1dn;
peers_identifier asn1dn;
lifetime time 1 hour;
certificate_type x509 "self.crt" "self.key";
peers_certfile x509 "peer.crt";
ca_type x509 "ca.crt";
verify_cert on;
send_cert off; # neither send
send_cr off; # nor request a crt to be send
proposal {
encryption_algorithm aes 256;
hash_algorithm sha256;
authentication_method rsasig;
dh_group modp4096;