mirror of https://git.dn42.dev/wiki/wiki.git synced 2025-03-17 12:39:07 +01:00
2024-07-21 12:33:39 +00:00

14 KiB

Historical Services

The services below were available on DN42 in the past.

This section exists to serve as an inspiration for people wanting to provide a service to the DN42 community.

You can inspect the services status on this page

DNS Hosting

Free DNS Hosting is provided by tombii - currently in a beta test phase. Please contact tombii in #dn42 to get an account.

DNS Hosting with PowerDNS GUI is provided by Nellicus. Support for Domains and RDNS. Please contact nellicus in #dn42 or email admin (at) nellic.us

DNS Hosting with PowerDNS GUI is also provided by KaiRaphixx. Support for Domains and RDNS. Please contact KaiRaphixx in #dn42 or email ich (at) kai.cool

DNS tunnel

This DNS tunnel service uses Iodine, and provides access to the dn42 network. Useful when you're on a shitty network (airport, train station) that still allows DNS.

Use the anycast DNS servers ( inside your tunnel.

Hostname / IP Password
t.polyno.me ( dn42
t.hax404.de ( dn42

DNS Tools

This tool allows you to lookup your dn42 domain name and check to see if your name servers are all working and have the correct information.

Select "Disable Recursion" to check only entries found in the registry or leave it off to check all (both are useful tests).

Currently this system only supports IPv4.


MWD will also provide a secondary DNS server and/or cacti monitoring of your devices. Just ask on IRC. More info: http://mwd.dn42

Getting your current dn42 IPv4/IPv6 address

  • What is my IP: ip4.dn42, ip6.dn42
  • What is my IP: whatismyip.dn42
  • http://wieistmeineip.dn42 provides a service like http://wieistmeineip.de, but for dn42. wieistmeineip.dn42 also provides a telnet service that returns the address you connected with. This service only shows you the address of the preferred protocol, but there are also ipv4.wieistmeineip.dn42 and ipv6.wieistmeineip.dn42 that accept only connections via IPv4/IPv6.
  • You can also use http://whatismyip.dn42 from inside dn42 to get your IPv4 and IPv6 address. It also returns information about your latency, netblock details, and route information.
  • An alternative is available at https://ip.naive.network, which displays your clearnet and dn42 IP addresses.

Search engines

Hostname / IP Remarks
http://yacy.dn42 (OFFLINE 2020-01-18) YaCy search engine. Indexing local nets
Configuring Yacy Network settings: YaCy Network Configuration
http://mhm.dn42/search Hosted by toBee
<search.marlinc.dn42> Hosted by marlinc

Radio and Video Streaming

Hostname / IP Remarks
https://invidious.doxz.dn42/ (BROKEN 2021-04-19) Invidious instance with proxy (Youtube)
http://stream.media.dn42/ icecast-relay, contact toBee for more streams (DOWN 2020-11-02)
http://radio.hex.dn42/ Ambient musics
https://yp.unknownts.dn42/ A YellowPages for internet radio stations inside dn42
http://deep.radio.unknownts.dn42/ Internet radio playing random music
http://rickroll.dn42 Play Rickroll Video

Images, E-Books, Videos and other Media

Hostname / IP Remarks
http://img.dn42 Imagehoster
http://chan.dn42 DN42-Chan, an imageboard

File Sharing


Hostname / IP Space Speed Remarks
http://filer.mhm.dn42 4TB 1GBit 24/7/365
http://data.0l.dn42 5TB 1GBit 24/7/365, download, dn42 MRT dumps
http://seafile.dn42 Opensource Dropbox, yay!

Tahoe LAFS

Some people runs Tahoe LAFS nodes to provide a secure decentralized crypted file storage but in dn42.


bootstrap peers


test hashes


cdn (currently only jquery


Until browsers have ipfs access (either through native support or js), one can use the http gateway


Torrent Search Engine

Torrent Index

Torrent Tracker

Hostname / IP Port Protocol Remarks Announce URL
tracker.mhm.dn42 6969 TCP & UDP Opentracker http://tracker.mhm.dn42:6969/announce
tracker.mhm.dn42 80 TCP & UDP Opentracker http://tracker.mhm.dn42/announce


Hostname / IP Remarks
ntp.e-utp.dn42 ( Stratum 1, GPS+NMEA
ntp1.nixnodes.dn42 (
ntp2.nixnodes.dn42 (
ntp.martin89.dn42 more than one A records/server
tick.gotroot.dn42 ( Stratum 1, GPS, Vancouver Canada
tock.gotroot.dn42 ( Stratum 2, Anycast on each node
ntp.yuetau.dn42 ( Anycast on all node

OS Mirror/Repository's

Also check Repository Mirrors

Hostname / IP What's Available: Updates
http://debian.trunet.dn42 Debian mirror Each 6 hours
http://ubuntu.trunet.dn42 Ubuntu releases mirror Each 4 hours
http://archive.ubuntu.trunet.dn42 Ubuntu archive mirror Each 6 hours
http://centos.trunet.dn42 CentOS mirror Each 6 hours
http://files.twink0r.dn42(OFFLINE 2016-08-24) Debian, Ubuntu
http://freebsd.e-utp.dn42(OFFLINE 2016-08-24) FreeBSD Homepage mirror
http://mirrors.zhaofeng.dn42/archlinux Arch Linux Every hour

Direct Connect

Some Advanced Direct Connect Hubs are being run DN42 internally. Choose a client and connect to exchange files.



Hostname / IP Remarks
https://bin.dn42 AES-encrypted pastebin-like service (zerobin)
http://pastebin.trunet.dn42 AES-encrypted pastebin-like (zerobin)
http://zerobin.e-utp.dn42 AES-encrypted pastebin-like, second one (zerobin)
https://pad.dn42 Etherpad service for collaborative work
http://ip.synhacx.dn42 Basic "whatismyip" service (description)
http://tor.e-utp.dn42 Tor Project Homepage mirror
nntp://news.blacksheep.dn42 Martin's newsgroup server (ping MB-DN42 for a rw account or a nntp/uucp feed)
mumble://shard.smrsh.dn42:64738 Mumble Voice Chat
ts3.kai-server.dn42 / ts3.fastnameserver.eu Teamspeak 3 Server (also reachable over clearnet)
https://whois.rest.dn42/ whois restful API
pgp.dn42 PGP keyserver, synchronizes with the SKS keyservers
https://git.dn42[.us] Git Repository Hosting (Signup: email ssh pubkey to xuu@dn42.us)
https://git.dn42[.us]/pubkeys/[username] Get ssh public keys from Git Users of git.dn42.
http://teams.dn42[.us]/dn42 Mattermost (Slack clone) instance: get notifications for wiki/CA changes here
http://nowhere.ws/dn42 Some random stuff concerning dn42, packages for Debian, e.g. Quagga
https://paste.weiti.dn42 AES-encrypted pastebin-like (privatebin)
http://jack.pyropeter.eu/dn42/routecount/ Statistics about the number of v4/v6 routes seen by AS76115 (Since Aug. 2014)
Clearnet, dn42, NeoNetwork FlapAlertedPro by Kioubit hosted by mark22k


Hostname / IP Game Remarks
mc.nia.dn42 (, fd01:1926:817:7::) Minecraft Latest Stable, Optimized for CN , Map available on mc-map.nia.dn42
hulk.mhm.dn42 ( Tetrinet
ns1.deltaman.dn42 (, fd1b:7f7d:dd55:4600:219:ff:fe00:fafe) OpenTTD 1.10.3, Hosted in NL
mc.nico.dn42 Minecraft 1.16.5, Forge Modded, IPv4 & IPv6, Central US Server
mc.northrend.dn42 ( Minecraft latest, IPv4 only
redtrap.northrend.dn42 ( Minecraft RedTrap DN42 Bridge, 1.8.8 - 1.19, IPv4 only

DN42 FreePhone

Somebody was providing a FreePhone here

Email Providers

There is a page for email Providers here

Other Networks




We have a plugin that enables us to announce services in the mesh. So instead of listing them here again just have a look at to see what we have to offer. (Upload is not fast, most probably DSL speed only)