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Rémi Denis-Courmont eae1c91d99 Remove osd_Volume()
2012-07-21 17:27:28 +03:00

447 lines
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* vlc_osd.h - OSD menu and subpictures definitions and function prototypes
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 VLC authors and VideoLAN
* Copyright (C) 2004-2005 M2X
* $Id$
* Authors: Jean-Paul Saman <jpsaman #_at_# m2x dot nl>
* Gildas Bazin <gbazin@videolan.org>
* Added code from include/osd.h written by:
* Copyright (C) 2003-2005 VLC authors and VideoLAN
* Authors: Sigmund Augdal Helberg <dnumgis@videolan.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef VLC_OSD_H
#define VLC_OSD_H 1
#include <vlc_vout.h>
#include <vlc_spu.h>
#include <vlc_vout_osd.h>
# ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
# endif
* \file
* This file defines SPU subpicture and OSD functions and object types.
* OSD Menu
* \defgroup osdmenu OSD Menu
* The OSD menu core creates the OSD menu structure in memory. It parses a
* configuration file that defines all elements that are part of the menu. The
* core also handles all actions and menu structure updates on behalf of video
* subpicture sources.
* The file modules/video_filters/osdmenu.c implements a subpicture source that
* specifies the final information on positioning of the current state image.
* A subpicture source is called each time a video picture has to be rendered,
* it also gives a start and end date to the subpicture. The subpicture can be
* streamed if used inside a transcoding command. For example:
* vlc dvdsimple:///dev/dvd --extraintf rc
* --sout='#transcode{osd}:std{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=dest_ipaddr}'
* --osdmenu-file=share/osdmenu/dvd.cfg
* An example for local usage of the OSD menu is:
* vlc dvdsimple:///dev/dvd --extraintf rc
* --sub-source osdmenu
* --osdmenu-file=share/osdmenu/dvd.cfg
* Each OSD menu element, called "action", defines a hotkey action. Each action
* can have several states (unselect, select, pressed). Each state has an image
* that represents the state visually. The commands "menu right", "menu left",
* "menu up" and "menu down" are used to navigate through the OSD menu structure.
* The commands "menu on" or "menu show" and "menu off" or "menu hide" respectively
* show and hide the OSD menu subpictures.
* There is one special element called "range". A range is an arbritary range
* of state images that can be browsed using "menu up" and "menu down" commands
* on the rc interface.
* The OSD menu configuration file uses a very simple syntax and basic parser.
* A configuration file has the ".cfg".
* An example is "share/osdmenu/dvd256.cfg".
* @{
* \brief The OSD Menu configuration file format.
* The configuration file syntax is very basic and so is its parser. See the
* BNF formal representation below:
* The keywords FILENAME and PATHNAME represent the filename and pathname
* specification that is valid for the Operating System VLC is compiled for.
* The hotkey actions that are supported by VLC are documented in the file
* src/libvlc. The file include/vlc_keys.h defines some hotkey internals.
* WS = [ ' ' | '\t' ]+
* DIR = 'dir' WS OSDMENU_PATH '\n'
* STYLE = 'style' [ 'default' | 'concat' ] '\n'
* STATE = [ 'unselect' | 'select' | 'pressed' ]
* HOTKEY_ACTION = 'key-' [ 'a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z', '-' ]+
* ACTION_TYPE = 'type' 'volume' '\n'
* ACTION_BLOCK_END = 'end' '\n'
* ACTION_RANGE_END = 'end' '\n'
* OSD menu button states
* Every button has three states, either it is unselected, selected or pressed.
* An OSD menu skin can associate images with each state.
* OSD State object
* The OSD state object holds the state and associated images for a
* particular state on the screen. The picture is displayed when this
* state is the active state.
struct osd_state_t
osd_state_t *p_next; /*< pointer to next state */
osd_state_t *p_prev; /*< pointer to previous state */
picture_t *p_pic; /*< picture of state */
char *psz_state; /*< state name */
int i_state; /*< state index */
int i_x; /*< x-position of button state image */
int i_y; /*< y-position of button state image */
int i_width; /*< width of button state image */
int i_height; /*< height of button state image */
* OSD Button object
* An OSD Button has different states. Each state has an image for display.
struct osd_button_t
osd_button_t *p_next; /*< pointer to next button */
osd_button_t *p_prev; /*< pointer to previous button */
osd_button_t *p_up; /*< pointer to up button */
osd_button_t *p_down; /*< pointer to down button */
osd_state_t *p_current_state; /*< pointer to current state image */
osd_state_t *p_states; /*< doubly linked list of states */
char *psz_name; /*< name of button */
/* These member should probably be a struct hotkey */
char *psz_action; /*< hotkey action name on button*/
char *psz_action_down; /*< hotkey action name on range buttons
for command "menu down" */
/* end of hotkey specifics */
int i_x; /*< x-position of button visible state image */
int i_y; /*< y-position of button visible state image */
int i_width; /*< width of button visible state image */
int i_height; /*< height of button visible state image */
/* range style button */
bool b_range; /*< button should be interpreted as range */
int i_ranges; /*< number of states */
* OSD Menu Style
* The images that make up an OSD menu can be created in such away that
* they contain all buttons in the same picture, with the selected one
* highlighted or being a concatenation of all the separate images. The
* first case is the default.
* To change the default style the keyword 'style' should be set to 'concat'.
* OSD Menu State object
* Represents the current state as displayed.
/* Represent the menu state */
struct osd_menu_state_t
int i_x; /*< x position of spu region */
int i_y; /*< y position of spu region */
int i_width; /*< width of spu region */
int i_height; /*< height of spu region */
picture_t *p_pic; /*< pointer to picture to display */
osd_button_t *p_visible; /*< shortcut to visible button */
bool b_menu_visible; /*< menu currently visible? */
bool b_update; /*< update OSD Menu when true */
/* quick hack to volume state. */
osd_button_t *p_volume; /*< pointer to volume range object. */
* OSD Menu object
* The main OSD Menu object, which holds a linked list to all buttons
* and images that defines the menu. The p_state variable represents the
* current state of the OSD Menu.
struct osd_menu_t
int i_x; /*< x-position of OSD Menu on the video screen */
int i_y; /*< y-position of OSD Menu on the video screen */
int i_width; /*< width of OSD Menu on the video screen */
int i_height; /*< height of OSD Menu on the video screen */
int i_style; /*< style of spu region generation */
int i_position; /*< display position */
char *psz_path; /*< directory where OSD menu images are stored */
osd_button_t *p_button; /*< doubly linked list of buttons */
osd_menu_state_t *p_state; /*< current state of OSD menu */
/* quick link in the linked list. */
osd_button_t *p_last_button; /*< pointer to last button in the list */
/* misc parser */
module_t *p_parser; /*< pointer to parser module */
char *psz_file; /*< Config file name */
image_handler_t *p_image; /*< handler to image loading and conversion libraries */
* Initialize an osd_menu_t object
* This functions has to be called before any call to other osd_menu_t*
* functions. It creates the osd_menu object and holds a pointer to it
* during its lifetime.
VLC_API osd_menu_t * osd_MenuCreate( vlc_object_t *, const char * ) VLC_USED;
* Delete the osd_menu_t object
* This functions has to be called to release the associated module and
* memory for the osdmenu. After return of this function the pointer to
* osd_menu_t* is invalid.
VLC_API void osd_MenuDelete( vlc_object_t *, osd_menu_t * );
#define osd_MenuCreate(object,file) osd_MenuCreate( VLC_OBJECT(object), file )
#define osd_MenuDelete(object,osd) osd_MenuDelete( VLC_OBJECT(object), osd )
* Find OSD Menu button at position x,y
VLC_API osd_button_t *osd_ButtonFind( vlc_object_t *p_this,
int, int, int, int, int, int ) VLC_USED;
#define osd_ButtonFind(object,x,y,h,w,sh,sw) osd_ButtonFind(object,x,y,h,w,sh,sw)
* Select the button provided as the new active button
VLC_API void osd_ButtonSelect( vlc_object_t *, osd_button_t *);
#define osd_ButtonSelect(object,button) osd_ButtonSelect(object,button)
* Show the OSD menu.
* Show the OSD menu on the video output or mux it into the stream.
* Every change to the OSD menu will now be visible in the output. An output
* can be a video output window or a stream (\see stream output)
VLC_API void osd_MenuShow( vlc_object_t * );
* Hide the OSD menu.
* Stop showing the OSD menu on the video output or mux it into the stream.
VLC_API void osd_MenuHide( vlc_object_t * );
* Activate the action of this OSD menu item.
* The rc interface command "menu select" triggers the sending of an
* hotkey action to the hotkey interface. The hotkey that belongs to
* the current highlighted OSD menu item will be used.
VLC_API void osd_MenuActivate( vlc_object_t * );
#define osd_MenuShow(object) osd_MenuShow( VLC_OBJECT(object) )
#define osd_MenuHide(object) osd_MenuHide( VLC_OBJECT(object) )
#define osd_MenuActivate(object) osd_MenuActivate( VLC_OBJECT(object) )
* Next OSD menu item
* Select the next OSD menu item to be highlighted.
* Note: The actual position on screen of the menu item is determined by
* the OSD menu configuration file.
VLC_API void osd_MenuNext( vlc_object_t * );
* Previous OSD menu item
* Select the previous OSD menu item to be highlighted.
* Note: The actual position on screen of the menu item is determined by
* the OSD menu configuration file.
VLC_API void osd_MenuPrev( vlc_object_t * );
* OSD menu item above
* Select the OSD menu item above the current item to be highlighted.
* Note: The actual position on screen of the menu item is determined by
* the OSD menu configuration file.
VLC_API void osd_MenuUp( vlc_object_t * );
* OSD menu item below
* Select the next OSD menu item below the current item to be highlighted.
* Note: The actual position on screen of the menu item is determined by
* the OSD menu configuration file.
VLC_API void osd_MenuDown( vlc_object_t * );
#define osd_MenuNext(object) osd_MenuNext( VLC_OBJECT(object) )
#define osd_MenuPrev(object) osd_MenuPrev( VLC_OBJECT(object) )
#define osd_MenuUp(object) osd_MenuUp( VLC_OBJECT(object) )
#define osd_MenuDown(object) osd_MenuDown( VLC_OBJECT(object) )
* Retrieve a non modifyable pointer to the OSD Menu state
static inline const osd_menu_state_t *osd_GetMenuState( osd_menu_t *p_osd )
return( p_osd->p_state );
* Get the last key press received by the OSD Menu
* Returns 0 when no key has been pressed or the value of the key pressed.
static inline bool osd_GetKeyPressed( osd_menu_t *p_osd )
return( p_osd->p_state->b_update );
* Set the key pressed to a value.
* Assign a new key value to the last key pressed on the OSD Menu.
static inline void osd_SetKeyPressed( vlc_object_t *p_this, int i_value )
vlc_value_t val;
val.i_int = i_value;
var_Set( p_this, "key-pressed", val );
* Update the OSD Menu visibility flag.
* true means OSD Menu should be shown. false means OSD Menu
* should not be shown.
static inline void osd_SetMenuVisible( osd_menu_t *p_osd, bool b_value )
vlc_value_t val;
val.b_bool = p_osd->p_state->b_menu_visible = b_value;
var_Set( p_osd, "osd-menu-visible", val );
* Update the OSD Menu update flag
* If the OSD Menu should be updated then set the update flag to
* true, else to false.
static inline void osd_SetMenuUpdate( osd_menu_t *p_osd, bool b_value )
vlc_value_t val;
val.b_bool = p_osd->p_state->b_update = b_value;
var_Set( p_osd, "osd-menu-update", val );
* Textual feedback
* Functions that provide the textual feedback on the OSD. They are shown
* on hotkey commands. The feedback is also part of the osd_button_t
* object. The types are declared in the include file include/vlc_osd.h
* @see vlc_osd.h
VLC_API int osd_ShowTextRelative( spu_t *, int, const char *, const text_style_t *, int, int, int, mtime_t );
VLC_API int osd_ShowTextAbsolute( spu_t *, int, const char *, const text_style_t *, int, int, int, mtime_t, mtime_t );
VLC_API void osd_Message( spu_t *, int, char *, ... ) VLC_FORMAT( 3, 4 );
/** @} */
# ifdef __cplusplus
# endif
#endif /* _VLC_OSD_H */