mirror of https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc synced 2024-09-04 09:11:33 +02:00
Romain Vimont 6aab99ad36 playlist: implement export
Add vlc_playlist_Export() for the new playlist, similar to
playlist_Export() for the legacy playlist.

Signed-off-by: Thomas Guillem <thomas@gllm.fr>
2019-04-10 14:11:52 +02:00

888 lines
28 KiB

* vlc_playlist.h
* Copyright (C) 2018 VLC authors and VideoLAN
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <vlc_common.h>
# ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
# endif
* \defgroup playlist VLC playlist
* \ingroup interface
* A VLC playlist contains a list of "playlist items".
* Each playlist item contains exactly one media (input item). In the future,
* it might contain associated data.
* The API is intended to be simple, UI-friendly and allow for an
* implementation both correct (no race conditions) and performant for common
* use cases.
* UI frameworks typically use "list models" to provide a list of items to a
* list view component. A list model requires to implement functions to:
* - return the total number of items,
* - return the item at a given index.
* In addition, it must notify the view when changes occur when:
* - items are inserted (providing index and count),
* - items are removed (providing index and count),
* - items are moved (providing index, count, and target index),
* - items are updated (providing index and count),
* - the model is reset (the whole content should be considered changed).
* The API directly exposes what list models require.
* The core playlist may be modified from any thread, so it may not be used as
* a direct data source for a list model. In other word, the functions of a
* list model must not delegate the calls to the playlist. This would require
* locking the playlist individually for each call to get the count and
* retrieve each item (which is, in itself, not a good idea for UI
* responsiveness), and would not be sufficient to guarantee correctness: the
* playlist content could change between view calls so that a request to
* retrieve an item at a specific index could be invalid (which would break the
* list model expected behavior).
* As a consequence, the UI playlist should be considered as a remote
* out-of-sync view of the core playlist. This implies that the UI needs to
* keep a copy of the playlist content.
* Note that the copy must not limited to the list of playlist items (pointers)
* themselves, but also to the items content which is displayed and susceptible
* to change asynchronously (e.g. media metadata, like title or duration). The
* UI should never lock a media (input item) for rendering a playlist item;
* otherwise, the content could be changed (and exposed) before the list model
* notified the view of this change (which, again, would break the list model
* expected behavior).
* It is very important that the copy hold by the UI is only modified through
* the core playlist callbacks, to guarantee that the indexes notified are
* valid in the context of the list model. In other words, from the client, the
* playlist copy is a read-only "desynchronized" view of the core playlist.
* Moreover, the events triggered by the playlist must be kept in order until
* they are handled. The callbacks may be called from any thread, with lock
* held (in practice, the thread from which a change is requested). An UI will
* typically need to handle the events in the UI thread, so it will usually
* post the events in an even loop, to handle them from the UI thread. In that
* case, be careful to always post the events in the event loop, even if the
* current thread is already the UI thread, not to break the order of events.
* The playlist also handles the playback order and the repeat mode. It also
* manages a cursor to the "current" item, and expose whether a previous and
* next items (which depend on the playback order and repeat mode) are
* available.
* When a user requests to insert, move or remove items, or to set the current
* item, before the core playlist lock is successfully acquired, another client
* may have changed the list. Therefore, vlc_playlist_Request*() functions are
* exposed to resolve potential conflicts and apply the changes. The actual
* changes applied are notified through the callbacks
* @{
/* forward declarations */
typedef struct input_item_t input_item_t;
typedef struct vlc_player_t vlc_player_t;
/* opaque types */
typedef struct vlc_playlist vlc_playlist_t;
typedef struct vlc_playlist_item vlc_playlist_item_t;
typedef struct vlc_playlist_listener_id vlc_playlist_listener_id;
enum vlc_playlist_playback_repeat
enum vlc_playlist_playback_order
enum vlc_playlist_sort_key
enum vlc_playlist_sort_order
struct vlc_playlist_sort_criterion
enum vlc_playlist_sort_key key;
enum vlc_playlist_sort_order order;
* Playlist callbacks.
* A client may register a listener using vlc_playlist_AddListener() to listen
* playlist events.
* All callbacks are called with the playlist locked (see vlc_playlist_Lock()).
struct vlc_playlist_callbacks
* Called when the whole content has changed (e.g. when the playlist has
* been cleared, shuffled or sorted).
* \param playlist the playlist
* \param items the whole new content of the playlist
* \param count the number of items
* \param userdata userdata provided to AddListener()
(*on_items_reset)(vlc_playlist_t *, vlc_playlist_item_t *const items[],
size_t count, void *userdata);
* Called when items have been added to the playlist.
* \param playlist the playlist
* \param index the index of the insertion
* \param items the array of added items
* \param count the number of items added
* \param userdata userdata provided to AddListener()
(*on_items_added)(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index,
vlc_playlist_item_t *const items[], size_t count,
void *userdata);
* Called when a slice of items have been moved.
* \param playlist the playlist
* \param index the index of the first moved item
* \param count the number of items moved
* \param target the new index of the moved slice
* \param userdata userdata provided to AddListener()
(*on_items_moved)(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index, size_t count,
size_t target, void *userdata);
* Called when a slice of items have been removed from the playlist.
* \param playlist the playlist
* \param index the index of the first removed item
* \param count the number of items removed
* \param userdata userdata provided to AddListener()
(*on_items_removed)(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index, size_t count,
void *userdata);
* Called when an item has been updated via (pre-)parsing.
* \param playlist the playlist
* \param index the index of the first updated item
* \param items the array of updated items
* \param count the number of items updated
* \param userdata userdata provided to AddListener()
(*on_items_updated)(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index,
vlc_playlist_item_t *const items[], size_t count,
void *userdata);
* Called when the playback repeat mode has been changed.
* \param playlist the playlist
* \param repeat the new playback "repeat" mode
* \param userdata userdata provided to AddListener()
(*on_playback_repeat_changed)(vlc_playlist_t *playlist,
enum vlc_playlist_playback_repeat repeat,
void *userdata);
* Called when the playback order mode has been changed.
* \param playlist the playlist
* \param rorder the new playback order
* \param userdata userdata provided to AddListener()
(*on_playback_order_changed)(vlc_playlist_t *playlist,
enum vlc_playlist_playback_order order,
void *userdata);
* Called when the current item index has changed.
* Note that the current item index may have changed while the current item
* is still the same: it may have been moved.
* \param playlist the playlist
* \param index the new current index (-1 if there is no current item)
* \param userdata userdata provided to AddListener()
(*on_current_index_changed)(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, ssize_t index,
void *userdata);
* Called when the "has previous item" property has changed.
* This is typically useful to update any "previous" button in the UI.
* \param playlist the playlist
* \param has_prev true if there is a previous item, false otherwise
* \param userdata userdata provided to AddListener()
(*on_has_prev_changed)(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, bool has_prev,
void *userdata);
* Called when the "has next item" property has changed.
* This is typically useful to update any "next" button in the UI.
* \param playlist the playlist
* \param has_next true if there is a next item, false otherwise
* \param userdata userdata provided to AddListener()
(*on_has_next_changed)(vlc_playlist_t *playlist,
bool has_next, void *userdata);
/* Playlist items */
* Hold a playlist item.
* Increment the refcount of the playlist item.
VLC_API void
vlc_playlist_item_Hold(vlc_playlist_item_t *);
* Release a playlist item.
* Decrement the refcount of the playlist item, and destroy it if necessary.
VLC_API void
vlc_playlist_item_Release(vlc_playlist_item_t *);
* Return the media associated to the playlist item.
VLC_API input_item_t *
vlc_playlist_item_GetMedia(vlc_playlist_item_t *);
* Return a unique id for the playlist item instance.
VLC_API uint64_t
vlc_playlist_item_GetId(vlc_playlist_item_t *);
/* Playlist */
* Create a new playlist.
* \param parent a VLC object
* \return a pointer to a valid playlist instance, or NULL if an error occurred
VLC_API VLC_USED vlc_playlist_t *
vlc_playlist_New(vlc_object_t *parent);
* Delete a playlist.
* All playlist items are released, and listeners are removed and destroyed.
VLC_API void
vlc_playlist_Delete(vlc_playlist_t *);
* Lock the playlist/player.
* The playlist and its player share the same lock, to avoid lock-order
* inversion issues.
* \warning Do not forget that the playlist and player lock are the same (or
* you could lock twice the same and deadlock).
* Almost all playlist functions must be called with lock held (check their
* description).
* The lock is not recursive.
VLC_API void
vlc_playlist_Lock(vlc_playlist_t *);
* Unlock the playlist/player.
VLC_API void
vlc_playlist_Unlock(vlc_playlist_t *);
* Add a playlist listener.
* Return an opaque listener identifier, to be passed to
* vlc_player_RemoveListener().
* If notify_current_state is true, the callbacks are called once with the
* current state of the playlist. This is useful because when a client
* registers to the playlist, it may already contain items. Calling callbacks
* is a convenient way to initialize the client automatically.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \param cbs the callbacks (must be valid until the listener
* is removed)
* \param userdata userdata provided as a parameter in callbacks
* \param notify_current_state true to notify the current state immediately via
* callbacks
* \return a listener identifier, or NULL if an error occurred
VLC_API VLC_USED vlc_playlist_listener_id *
vlc_playlist_AddListener(vlc_playlist_t *playlist,
const struct vlc_playlist_callbacks *cbs,
void *userdata, bool notify_current_state);
* Remove a player listener.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \param id the listener identifier returned by
* vlc_playlist_AddListener()
VLC_API void
vlc_playlist_RemoveListener(vlc_playlist_t *, vlc_playlist_listener_id *);
* Return the number of items.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
VLC_API size_t
vlc_playlist_Count(vlc_playlist_t *playlist);
* Return the item at a given index.
* The index must be in range (less than vlc_playlist_Count()).
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \param index the index
* \return the playlist item
VLC_API vlc_playlist_item_t *
vlc_playlist_Get(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index);
* Clear the playlist.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
VLC_API void
vlc_playlist_Clear(vlc_playlist_t *playlist);
* Insert a list of media at a given index.
* The index must be in range (less than or equal to vlc_playlist_Count()).
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \index index the index where the media are to be inserted
* \param media the array of media to insert
* \param count the number of media to insert
* \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
vlc_playlist_Insert(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index,
input_item_t *const media[], size_t count);
* Insert a media at a given index.
* The index must be in range (less than or equal to vlc_playlist_Count()).
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \index index the index where the media is to be inserted
* \param media the media to insert
* \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
static inline int
vlc_playlist_InsertOne(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index,
input_item_t *media)
return vlc_playlist_Insert(playlist, index, &media, 1);
* Add a list of media at the end of the playlist.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \param media the array of media to append
* \param count the number of media to append
* \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
static inline int
vlc_playlist_Append(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, input_item_t *const media[],
size_t count)
size_t size = vlc_playlist_Count(playlist);
return vlc_playlist_Insert(playlist, size, media, count);
* Add a media at the end of the playlist.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \param media the media to append
* \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
static inline int
vlc_playlist_AppendOne(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, input_item_t *media)
return vlc_playlist_Append(playlist, &media, 1);
* Move a slice of items to a given target index.
* The slice and the target must be in range (both index+count and target+count
* less than or equal to vlc_playlist_Count()).
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \param index the index of the first item to move
* \param count the number of items to move
* \param target the new index of the moved slice
VLC_API void
vlc_playlist_Move(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index, size_t count,
size_t target);
* Move an item to a given target index.
* The index and the target must be in range (index less than, and target less
* than or equal to, vlc_playlist_Count()).
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \param index the index of the item to move
* \param target the new index of the moved item
static inline void
vlc_playlist_MoveOne(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index, size_t target)
vlc_playlist_Move(playlist, index, 1, target);
* Remove a slice of items at a given index.
* The slice must be in range (index+count less than or equal to
* vlc_playlist_Count()).
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \param index the index of the first item to remove
* \param count the number of items to remove
VLC_API void
vlc_playlist_Remove(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index, size_t count);
* Remove an item at a given index.
* The index must be in range (less than vlc_playlist_Count()).
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \param index the index of the item to remove
static inline void
vlc_playlist_RemoveOne(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index)
vlc_playlist_Remove(playlist, index, 1);
* Insert a list of media at a given index (if in range), or append.
* Contrary to vlc_playlist_Insert(), the index need not be in range: if it is
* out of bounds, items will be appended.
* This is an helper to apply a desynchronized insert request, i.e. the
* playlist content may have changed since the request had been submitted.
* This is typically the case for user requests (e.g. from UI), because the
* playlist lock has to be acquired *after* the user requested the
* change.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \index index the index where the media are to be inserted
* \param media the array of media to insert
* \param count the number of media to insert
* \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
vlc_playlist_RequestInsert(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index,
input_item_t *const media[], size_t count);
* Move a slice of items by value.
* If the indices are known, use vlc_playlist_Move() instead.
* This is an helper to apply a desynchronized move request, i.e. the playlist
* content may have changed since the request had been submitted. This is
* typically the case for user requests (e.g. from UI), because the playlist
* lock has to be acquired *after* the user requested the change.
* For optimization purpose, it is possible to pass an `index_hint`, which is
* the expected index of the first item of the slice (as known by the client).
* Hopefully, the index should often match, since conflicts are expected to be
* rare. Pass -1 not to pass any hint.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \param items the array of items to move
* \param count the number of items to move
* \param target the new index of the moved slice
* \param index_hint the expected index of the first item (-1 for none)
* \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
vlc_playlist_RequestMove(vlc_playlist_t *playlist,
vlc_playlist_item_t *const items[], size_t count,
size_t target, ssize_t index_hint);
* Remove a slice of items by value.
* If the indices are known, use vlc_playlist_Remove() instead.
* This is an helper to apply a desynchronized remove request, i.e. the
* playlist content may have changed since the request had been submitted.
* This is typically the case for user requests (e.g. from UI), because the
* playlist lock has to be acquired *after* the user requested the change.
* For optimization purpose, it is possible to pass an `index_hint`, which is
* the expected index of the first item of the slice (as known by the client).
* Hopefully, the index should often match, since conflicts are expected to be
* rare. Pass -1 not to pass any hint.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \param items the array of items to remove
* \param count the number of items to remove
* \param index_hint the expected index of the first item (-1 for none)
* \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
vlc_playlist_RequestRemove(vlc_playlist_t *playlist,
vlc_playlist_item_t *const items[], size_t count,
ssize_t index_hint);
* Shuffle the playlist.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
VLC_API void
vlc_playlist_Shuffle(vlc_playlist_t *playlist);
* Sort the playlist by a list of criteria.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \param criteria the sort criteria (in order)
* \param count the number of criteria
* \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
vlc_playlist_Sort(vlc_playlist_t *playlist,
const struct vlc_playlist_sort_criterion criteria[],
size_t count);
* Return the index of a given item.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \param item the item to locate
* \return the index of the item (-1 if not found)
VLC_API ssize_t
vlc_playlist_IndexOf(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, const vlc_playlist_item_t *item);
* Return the index of a given media.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \param media the media to locate
* \return the index of the playlist item containing the media (-1 if not found)
VLC_API ssize_t
vlc_playlist_IndexOfMedia(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, const input_item_t *media);
* Return the index of a given item id.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \param id the id to locate
* \return the index of the playlist item having the id (-1 if not found)
VLC_API ssize_t
vlc_playlist_IndexOfId(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, uint64_t id);
* Return the playback "repeat" mode.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \return the playback "repeat" mode
VLC_API enum vlc_playlist_playback_repeat
vlc_playlist_GetPlaybackRepeat(vlc_playlist_t *playlist);
* Return the playback order.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \return the playback order
VLC_API enum vlc_playlist_playback_order
vlc_playlist_GetPlaybackOrder(vlc_playlist_t *);
* Change the playback "repeat" mode.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \param repeat the new playback "repeat" mode
VLC_API void
vlc_playlist_SetPlaybackRepeat(vlc_playlist_t *playlist,
enum vlc_playlist_playback_repeat repeat);
* Change the playback order
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \param repeat the new playback order
VLC_API void
vlc_playlist_SetPlaybackOrder(vlc_playlist_t *playlist,
enum vlc_playlist_playback_order order);
* Return the index of the current item.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \return the index of the current item, -1 if none.
VLC_API ssize_t
vlc_playlist_GetCurrentIndex(vlc_playlist_t *playlist);
* Indicate whether a previous item is available.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \retval true if a previous item is available
* \retval false if no previous item is available
VLC_API bool
vlc_playlist_HasPrev(vlc_playlist_t *playlist);
* Indicate whether a next item is available.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \retval true if a next item is available
* \retval false if no next item is available
VLC_API bool
vlc_playlist_HasNext(vlc_playlist_t *playlist);
* Go to the previous item.
* Return VLC_EGENERIC if vlc_playlist_HasPrev() returns false.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
vlc_playlist_Prev(vlc_playlist_t *playlist);
* Go to the next item.
* Return VLC_EGENERIC if vlc_playlist_HasNext() returns false.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
vlc_playlist_Next(vlc_playlist_t *playlist);
* Go to a given index.
* the index must be -1 or in range (less than vlc_playlist_Count()).
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \param index the index to go to (-1 to none)
* \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
vlc_playlist_GoTo(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, ssize_t index);
* Go to a given item.
* If the index is known, use vlc_playlist_GoTo() instead.
* This is an helper to apply a desynchronized "go to" request, i.e. the
* playlist content may have changed since the request had been submitted.
* This is typically the case for user requests (e.g. from UI), because the
* playlist lock has to be acquired *after* the user requested the change.
* For optimization purpose, it is possible to pass an `index_hint`, which is
* the expected index of the first item of the slice (as known by the client).
* Hopefully, the index should often match, since conflicts are expected to be
* rare. Pass -1 not to pass any hint.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \param item the item to go to (NULL for none)
* \param index_hint the expected index of the item (-1 for none)
* \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
vlc_playlist_RequestGoTo(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, vlc_playlist_item_t *item,
ssize_t index_hint);
* Return the player owned by the playlist.
* \param playlist the playlist (not necessarily locked)
* \return the player
VLC_API vlc_player_t *
vlc_playlist_GetPlayer(vlc_playlist_t *playlist);
* Start the player.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
vlc_playlist_Start(vlc_playlist_t *playlist);
* Stop the player.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
VLC_API void
vlc_playlist_Stop(vlc_playlist_t *playlist);
* Pause the player.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
VLC_API void
vlc_playlist_Pause(vlc_playlist_t *playlist);
* Resume the player.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
VLC_API void
vlc_playlist_Resume(vlc_playlist_t *playlist);
* Go to the given index and plays the corresponding item.
* \param playlist the playlist, locked
* \param index the index to play at
* \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
static inline int
vlc_playlist_PlayAt(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, size_t index)
int ret = vlc_playlist_GoTo(playlist, index);
if (ret != VLC_SUCCESS)
return ret;
return vlc_playlist_Start(playlist);
* Preparse a media, and expand it in the playlist on subitems added.
* \param playlist the playlist (not necessarily locked)
* \param libvlc the libvlc instance
* \param media the media to preparse
VLC_API void
vlc_playlist_Preparse(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, input_item_t *media);
* Export the playlist to a file.
* \param filename the location where the exported file will be saved
* \param type the type of the playlist file to create (m3u, m3u8, xspf, ...)
* \return VLC_SUCCESS on success, another value on error
// XXX use vlc_memstream instead of filename?
vlc_playlist_Export(vlc_playlist_t *playlist, const char *filename,
const char *type);
/** @} */
# ifdef __cplusplus
# endif