
886 lines
28 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2019 VLC authors and VideoLAN
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* ( at your option ) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
import QtQuick 2.12
import QtQuick.Window 2.12
import QtQuick.Controls 2.12
import QtQml.Models 2.12
import org.videolan.vlc 0.1
import "qrc:///style/"
import "qrc:///util/Helpers.js" as Helpers
import "qrc:///util/" as Util
FocusScope {
id: root
// Properties
/// cell Width
property int cellWidth: 100
// cell Height
property int cellHeight: 100
//margin to apply
property int bottomMargin: 0
property int topMargin: 0
property int leftMargin: VLCStyle.column_margin + leftPadding
property int rightMargin: VLCStyle.column_margin + rightPadding
property int leftPadding: 0
property int rightPadding: 0
readonly property int extraMargin: (_contentWidth - nbItemPerRow * _effectiveCellWidth
horizontalSpacing) / 2
// NOTE: The grid margins for the item(s) horizontal positioning.
readonly property int contentLeftMargin: extraMargin + leftMargin
readonly property int contentRightMargin: extraMargin + rightMargin
readonly property int rowHeight: cellHeight + verticalSpacing
property int rowX: 0
property int horizontalSpacing: VLCStyle.column_spacing
property int verticalSpacing: VLCStyle.column_spacing
property int displayMarginEnd: 0
readonly property int nbItemPerRow: Math.max(Math.floor((_contentWidth + horizontalSpacing)
_effectiveCellWidth), 1)
readonly property int _effectiveCellWidth: cellWidth + horizontalSpacing
readonly property int _contentWidth: width - rightMargin - leftMargin
property ListSelectionModel selectionModel: ListSelectionModel {
model: root.model
property QtAbstractItemModel model
property int currentIndex: 0
property bool isAnimating: animateRetractItem.running || animateExpandItem.running
property int _count: 0
property bool _isInitialised: false
property bool _releaseActionButtonPressed: false
/// the id of the item to be expanded
property int expandIndex: -1
property int _newExpandIndex: -1
property int _expandItemVerticalSpace: 0
property int _currentFocusReason: Qt.OtherFocusReason
//delegate to display the extended item
property Component delegate: Item{}
property var _idChildrenList: []
property var _unusedItemList: []
property var _currentRange: [0,0]
// Aliases
property alias contentHeight: flickable.contentHeight
property alias contentWidth: flickable.contentWidth
property alias contentX: flickable.contentX
property alias gridScrollBar: flickableScrollBar
property alias expandDelegate: expandItemLoader.sourceComponent
property alias expandItem: expandItemLoader.item
property alias headerDelegate: headerItemLoader.sourceComponent
property alias headerHeight: headerItemLoader.implicitHeight
property alias headerItem: headerItemLoader.item
property alias footerDelegate: footerItemLoader.sourceComponent
property alias footerItem: footerItemLoader.item
// Signals
//signals emitted when selected items is updated from keyboard
signal selectAll()
signal actionAtIndex(int index)
signal showContextMenu(point globalPos)
// Settings
contentWidth: {
const size = _effectiveCellWidth * nbItemPerRow - horizontalSpacing
return leftMargin + size + rightMargin
contentHeight: {
const size = getItemPos(_count - 1)[1] + rowHeight + _expandItemVerticalSpace
// NOTE: topMargin and headerHeight are included in root.getItemPos.
if (footerItem)
return size + footerItem.height + bottomMargin
return size + bottomMargin
Accessible.role: Accessible.Table
activeFocusOnTab: true
// Events
Component.onCompleted: flickable.layout(true)
onHeightChanged: flickable.layout(false)
// NOTE: Update on contentLeftMargin since we depend on this for item placements.
onContentLeftMarginChanged: flickable.layout(true)
onDisplayMarginEndChanged: flickable.layout(false)
onModelChanged: _onModelCountChanged()
onCurrentIndexChanged: {
if (expandIndex !== -1)
positionViewAtIndex(currentIndex, ItemView.Contain)
on_ExpandItemVerticalSpaceChanged: {
if (expandItem) {
expandItem.visible = _expandItemVerticalSpace - verticalSpacing > 0
expandItem.height = Math.max(_expandItemVerticalSpace - verticalSpacing, 0)
// Keys
Keys.onPressed: {
let newIndex = -1
if (KeyHelper.matchRight(event)) {
if ((currentIndex + 1) % nbItemPerRow !== 0) {//are we not at the end of line
newIndex = Math.min(_count - 1, currentIndex + 1)
} else if (KeyHelper.matchLeft(event)) {
if (currentIndex % nbItemPerRow !== 0) {//are we not at the beginning of line
newIndex = Math.max(0, currentIndex - 1)
} else if (KeyHelper.matchDown(event)) {
const lastIndex = _count - 1
// we are not on the last line
if (Math.floor(currentIndex / nbItemPerRow)
Math.floor(lastIndex / nbItemPerRow)) {
newIndex = Math.min(lastIndex, currentIndex + nbItemPerRow)
} else if (KeyHelper.matchPageDown(event)) {
newIndex = Math.min(_count - 1, currentIndex + nbItemPerRow * 5)
} else if (KeyHelper.matchUp(event)) {
if (Math.floor(currentIndex / nbItemPerRow) !== 0) { //we are not on the first line
newIndex = Math.max(0, currentIndex - nbItemPerRow)
} else if (KeyHelper.matchPageUp(event)) {
newIndex = Math.max(0, currentIndex - nbItemPerRow * 5)
} else if (KeyHelper.matchOk(event) || event.matches(StandardKey.SelectAll) ) {
//these events are matched on release
event.accepted = true
if (event.matches(StandardKey.SelectAll) || KeyHelper.matchOk(event)) {
_releaseActionButtonPressed = true
} else {
_releaseActionButtonPressed = false
if (newIndex !== -1 && newIndex !== currentIndex) {
event.accepted = true;
const oldIndex = currentIndex;
currentIndex = newIndex;
selectionModel.updateSelection(event.modifiers, oldIndex, newIndex)
// NOTE: We make sure we have the proper visual focus on components.
if (oldIndex < currentIndex)
if (!event.accepted) {
Keys.onReleased: {
if (!_releaseActionButtonPressed)
if (event.matches(StandardKey.SelectAll)) {
event.accepted = true
} else if ( KeyHelper.matchOk(event) ) {
event.accepted = true
_releaseActionButtonPressed = false
// Connections
Connections {
target: model
onDataChanged: (topLeft, bottomRigth, roles) => {
const iMin = topLeft.row
const iMax = bottomRight.row + 1 // [] => [)
const f_l = _currentRange
if (iMin < f_l[1] && f_l[0] < iMax) {
_refreshData(iMin, iMax)
onRowsInserted: _onModelCountChanged()
onRowsRemoved: _onModelCountChanged()
onModelReset: _onModelCountChanged()
// NOTE: This is useful for SortFilterProxyModel(s).
onLayoutChanged: _onModelCountChanged()
Connections {
target: selectionModel
onSelectionChanged: {
for (let i = 0; i < selected.length; ++i) {
_updateSelectedRange(selected[i].topLeft, selected[i].bottomRight, true)
for (let i = 0; i < deselected.length; ++i) {
_updateSelectedRange(deselected[i].topLeft, deselected[i].bottomRight, false)
function _updateSelectedRange(topLeft, bottomRight, select) {
let iMin = topLeft.row
let iMax = bottomRight.row + 1 // [] => [)
if (iMin < root._currentRange[1] && root._currentRange[0] < iMax) {
iMin = Math.max(iMin, root._currentRange[0])
iMax = Math.min(iMax, root._currentRange[1])
for (let j = iMin; j < iMax; j++) {
const item = root._getItem(j)
item.selected = select
Connections {
target: MainCtx
onIntfScaleFactorChanged: flickable.layout(true)
// Animations
PropertyAnimation {
id: animateContentY;
target: flickable;
properties: "contentY"
// Functions
// NOTE: This function is useful to set the currentItem without losing the visual focus.
function setCurrentItem(index) {
if (currentIndex === index)
let reason
let item = _getItem(index)
if (item)
reason = item.focusReason
reason = _currentFocusReason
currentIndex = index
item = _getItem(index)
if (reason !== Qt.OtherFocusReason) {
if (item)
Helpers.enforceFocus(item, reason)
function setCurrentItemFocus(reason) {
// NOTE: Saving the focus reason for later.
_currentFocusReason = reason;
if (!model || model.count === 0 || currentIndex === -1) {
// NOTE: By default we want the focus on the flickable.
if (_containsItem(currentIndex))
Helpers.enforceFocus(_getItem(currentIndex), reason);
// NOTE: We make sure the current item is fully visible.
positionViewAtIndex(currentIndex, ItemView.Contain);
if (expandIndex !== -1) {
// We clear expandIndex so we can apply the proper focus in _setupChild.
function switchExpandItem(index) {
if (_count === 0)
if (index === expandIndex)
_newExpandIndex = -1
_newExpandIndex = index
if (expandIndex !== -1)
function retract() {
_newExpandIndex = -1
function getItemY(index) {
return Math.floor(index / nbItemPerRow) * rowHeight + headerHeight + topMargin
function getItemRowCol(id) {
const rowId = Math.floor(id / nbItemPerRow)
const colId = id % nbItemPerRow
return [colId, rowId]
function getItemPos(id) {
const rowCol = getItemRowCol(id);
const x = rowCol[0] * _effectiveCellWidth + contentLeftMargin;
const y = rowCol[1] * rowHeight + headerHeight + topMargin;
// NOTE: Position needs to be integer based if we want to avoid visual artifacts like
// wrong alignments or blurry texture rendering.
return [Math.round(x), Math.round(y)];
//use the same signature as Gridview.positionViewAtIndex(index, PositionMode mode)
//mode is ignored at the moment
function positionViewAtIndex(index, mode) {
if (flickable.width === 0 || flickable.height === 0
index < 0 || index >= _count)
const newContentY = Helpers.flickablePositionContaining(flickable,
, rowHeight
, topMargin, bottomMargin)
if (newContentY !== flickable.contentY)
function leftClickOnItem(modifier, index) {
selectionModel.updateSelection(modifier, currentIndex, index)
if (selectionModel.isSelected(index))
currentIndex = index
else if (currentIndex === index) {
if (_containsItem(currentIndex))
_getItem(currentIndex).focus = false
currentIndex = -1
// NOTE: We make sure to clear the keyboard focus.
function rightClickOnItem(index) {
if (!selectionModel.isSelected(index)) {
leftClickOnItem(Qt.NoModifier, index)
function animateFlickableContentY( newContentY ) {
animateContentY.duration = VLCStyle.duration_long
animateContentY.to = newContentY
// Private
function _initialize() {
if (_isInitialised)
if (flickable.width === 0 || flickable.height === 0)
if (currentIndex !== 0)
positionViewAtIndex(currentIndex, ItemView.Contain)
_isInitialised = true;
function _calculateCurrentRange() {
const myContentY = flickable.contentY
let contentYWithoutExpand = myContentY
let heightWithoutExpand = flickable.height + displayMarginEnd
if (expandIndex !== -1) {
const expandItemY = getItemPos(flickable.getExpandItemGridId())[1]
if (myContentY >= expandItemY && myContentY < expandItemY + _expandItemVerticalSpace)
contentYWithoutExpand = expandItemY
if (myContentY >= expandItemY + _expandItemVerticalSpace)
contentYWithoutExpand = myContentY - _expandItemVerticalSpace
const expandYStart = Math.max(myContentY, expandItemY)
const expandYEnd = Math.min(myContentY + height, expandItemY + _expandItemVerticalSpace)
const expandDisplayedHeight = Math.max(expandYEnd - expandYStart, 0)
heightWithoutExpand -= expandDisplayedHeight
const onlyGridContentY = contentYWithoutExpand - headerHeight - topMargin
const firstRowId = Math.floor(onlyGridContentY / rowHeight)
const firstId = Math.max(firstRowId * nbItemPerRow, 0)
const lastRowId = Math.ceil((onlyGridContentY + heightWithoutExpand) / rowHeight)
const lastId = Math.min(lastRowId * nbItemPerRow, _count)
return [firstId, lastId]
function _getItem(id) {
const i = id - _currentRange[0]
return _idChildrenList[i]
function _setItem(id, item) {
const i = id - _currentRange[0]
_idChildrenList[i] = item
function _containsItem(id) {
const i = id - _currentRange[0]
const childrenList = _idChildrenList
return i >= 0 && i < childrenList.length && typeof childrenList[i] !== "undefined"
function _indexToZ(id) {
const rowCol = getItemRowCol(id)
return rowCol[0] % 2 + 2 * (rowCol[1] % 2)
function _repositionItem(id, x, y) {
const item = _getItem(id)
console.assert(item !== undefined, "wrong child: " + id)
//theses properties are always defined in Item
item.x = x
item.y = y
item.z = _indexToZ(id)
item.selected = selectionModel.isSelected(id)
return item
function _recycleItem(id, x, y) {
const item = _unusedItemList.pop()
console.assert(item !== undefined, "incorrect _recycleItem call, id" + id + " ununsedItemList size" + _unusedItemList.length)
item.index = id
item.model = model.getDataAt(id)
item.selected = selectionModel.isSelected(id)
item.x = x
item.y = y
item.z = _indexToZ(id)
item.visible = true
_setItem(id, item)
return item
function _createItem(id, x, y) {
const item = delegate.createObject( flickable.contentItem, {
selected: selectionModel.isSelected(id),
index: id,
model: model.getDataAt(id),
x: x,
y: y,
z: _indexToZ(id),
visible: true
console.assert(item !== undefined, "unable to instantiate " + id)
_setItem(id, item)
return item
function _setupChild(id, ydelta) {
const pos = getItemPos(id)
let item;
if (_containsItem(id))
item = _repositionItem(id, pos[0], pos[1] + ydelta)
else if (_unusedItemList.length > 0)
item = _recycleItem(id, pos[0], pos[1] + ydelta)
item = _createItem(id, pos[0], pos[1] + ydelta)
// NOTE: This makes sure we have the proper focus reason on the GridItem.
if (activeFocus && currentIndex === item.index && expandIndex === -1)
item.focus = false
function _refreshData( iMin, iMax ) {
const f_l = _currentRange
if (!iMin || iMin < f_l[0])
iMin = f_l[0]
if (!iMax || iMax > f_l[1])
iMax= f_l[1]
for (let id = iMin; id < iMax; id++) {
const item = _getItem(id)
item.model = model.getDataAt(id)
if (expandIndex >= iMin && expandIndex < iMax) {
expandItem.model = model.getDataAt(expandIndex)
function _onModelCountChanged() {
_count = model ? model.rowCount() : 0
if (!_isInitialised)
// Hide the expandItem with no animation
expandIndex = -1
_expandItemVerticalSpace = 0
// Regenerate the gridview layout
// Children
readonly property ColorContext colorContext: ColorContext {
id: theme
colorSet: ColorContext.View
Flickable {
id: flickable
flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick
boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar {
id: flickableScrollBar
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
z: -1
preventStealing: true
acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton
onPressed: (mouse) => {
Helpers.enforceFocus(flickable, Qt.MouseFocusReason)
if (!(mouse.modifiers & (Qt.ShiftModifier | Qt.ControlModifier))) {
if (selectionModel)
onReleased: (mouse) => {
if (mouse.button & Qt.RightButton) {
root.showContextMenu(mapToGlobal(mouse.x, mouse.y))
Util.FlickableScrollHandler { }
Loader {
id: headerItemLoader
x: 0
y: root.topMargin
//load the header early (when the first row is visible)
visible: flickable.contentY < (root.headerHeight + root.rowHeight + root.topMargin)
focus: (status === Loader.Ready) ? item.focus : false
Loader {
id: footerItemLoader
focus: (status === Loader.Ready) ? item.focus : false
y: root.topMargin + root.headerHeight + (root.rowHeight * (Math.ceil(model.count / root.nbItemPerRow))) +
Connections {
target: headerItem
function _scrollToHeaderOnFocus() {
if (!headerItem.activeFocus)
// when we gain the focus ensure the widget is fully visible
onHeightChanged: {
onActiveFocusChanged: {
// when header loads because of setting headerItem.focus == true, it will suddenly attain the active focus
// but then a queued flickable.layout() may take away it's focus and assign it to current item,
// using Qt.callLater we save unnecessary scrolling
Connections {
target: footerItem
onHeightChanged: {
if (flickable.contentY + flickable.height > footerItemLoader.y + footerItemLoader.height)
flickable.contentY = footerItemLoader.y + footerItemLoader.height - flickable.height
Loader {
id: expandItemLoader
active: root.expandIndex !== -1
focus: active
onLoaded: {
item.height = 0
// only make loader visible after setting initial y pos from layout() as to not get flickering
expandItemLoader.visible = false
anchors.fill: parent
onContentYChanged: { Qt.callLater(flickable.layout, false) }
function getExpandItemGridId() {
if (root.expandIndex !== -1) {
const rowCol = root.getItemRowCol(root.expandIndex)
const rowId = rowCol[1] + 1
return rowId * root.nbItemPerRow
} else {
return root._count
function _setupIndexes(force, range, yDelta) {
for (let i = range[0]; i < range[1]; i++) {
if (!force && root._containsItem(i))
_setupChild(i, yDelta)
function _overlappedInterval(i1, i2) {
if (i1[0] > i2[0]) return _overlappedInterval(i2, i1)
if (i1[1] > i2[0]) return [i2[0], Math.min(i1[1], i2[1])]
return [0, 0]
function _updateChildrenMap(first, last) {
if (first >= last) {
root._idChildrenList.forEach(function(item) { item.visible = false; })
root._unusedItemList = root._idChildrenList
root._idChildrenList = []
root._currentRange = [0, 0]
const overlapped = _overlappedInterval([first, last], root._currentRange)
const newList = new Array(last - first)
for (let i = overlapped[0]; i < overlapped[1]; ++i) {
newList[i - first] = root._getItem(i)
root._setItem(i, undefined)
for (let i = root._currentRange[0]; i < root._currentRange[1]; ++i) {
const item = root._getItem(i)
if (typeof item !== "undefined") {
item.visible = false
// root._setItem(i, undefined) // not needed the list will be reset following this loop
root._idChildrenList = newList
root._currentRange = [first, last]
function layout(forceRelayout) {
if (flickable.width === 0 || flickable.height === 0)
else if (!root._isInitialised)
root.rowX = getItemPos(0)[0]
const expandItemGridId = getExpandItemGridId()
const f_l = _calculateCurrentRange()
const nbItems = f_l[1] - f_l[0]
const firstId = f_l[0]
const lastId = f_l[1]
const topGridEndId = Math.max(Math.min(expandItemGridId, lastId), firstId)
if (!forceRelayout && root._currentRange[0] === firstId && root._currentRange[1] === lastId)
_updateChildrenMap(firstId, lastId)
// Place the delegates before the expandItem
_setupIndexes(forceRelayout, [firstId, topGridEndId], 0)
if (root.expandIndex !== -1) {
const expandItemPos = root.getItemPos(expandItemGridId)
expandItem.y = expandItemPos[1]
if (!expandItemLoader.visible)
expandItemLoader.visible = true
// Place the delegates after the expandItem
_setupIndexes(forceRelayout, [topGridEndId, lastId], root._expandItemVerticalSpace)
Connections {
target: expandItem
onImplicitHeightChanged: {
/* This is the only event we have after the expandItem height content was resized.
We can trigger here the expand animation with the right final height. */
if (root.expandIndex !== -1)
function expand() {
root.expandIndex = root._newExpandIndex
if (root.expandIndex === -1)
expandItem.model = model.getDataAt(root.expandIndex)
/* We must also start the expand animation here since the expandItem implicitHeight is not
changed if it had the same height at previous opening. */
function expandAnimation() {
if (root.expandIndex === -1)
const expandItemHeight = expandItem.implicitHeight + root.verticalSpacing
// Expand animation
expandItem.focus = true
// The animation may have already been triggered, we must stop it.
animateExpandItem.from = root._expandItemVerticalSpace
animateExpandItem.to = expandItemHeight
// Sliding animation
const currentItemYPos = root.getItemPos(root.expandIndex)[1]
+ root.rowHeight / 2
function retract() {
NumberAnimation {
id: animateRetractItem;
target: root;
properties: "_expandItemVerticalSpace"
easing.type: Easing.OutQuad
duration: VLCStyle.duration_long
to: 0
onStopped: {
root.expandIndex = -1
if (root._newExpandIndex !== -1)
NumberAnimation {
id: animateExpandItem;
target: root;
properties: "_expandItemVerticalSpace"
easing.type: Easing.InQuad
duration: VLCStyle.duration_long
from: 0