
501 lines
17 KiB

* taglib.cpp: Taglib tag parser/writer
* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 the VideoLAN team
* $Id$
* Authors: Clément Stenac <zorglub@videolan.org>
* Rafaël Carré <funman@videolanorg>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
# include "config.h"
#include <vlc/vlc.h>
#include <vlc_playlist.h>
#include <vlc_meta.h>
#include <vlc_demux.h>
#include <vlc_strings.h>
#include <fileref.h>
#include <tag.h>
#include <tstring.h>
#include <id3v2tag.h>
#include <textidentificationframe.h>
#include <tbytevector.h>
#include <mpegfile.h>
#include <flacfile.h>
#include <attachedpictureframe.h>
//#include <oggflacfile.h> /* ogg flac files aren't auto-casted by TagLib */
#include <flacfile.h>
#include <flacproperties.h>
#include <vorbisfile.h>
#include <vorbisproperties.h>
#include <xiphcomment.h>
#include <uniquefileidentifierframe.h>
#include <textidentificationframe.h>
//#include <relativevolumeframe.h> /* parse the tags without TagLib helpers? */
static int ReadMeta ( vlc_object_t * );
static int DownloadArt ( vlc_object_t * );
static int WriteMeta ( vlc_object_t * );
set_capability( "meta reader", 1000 );
set_callbacks( ReadMeta, NULL );
set_capability( "art downloader", 50 );
set_callbacks( DownloadArt, NULL );
set_capability( "meta writer", 50 );
set_callbacks( WriteMeta, NULL );
using namespace TagLib;
/* Try detecting embedded art */
static void DetectImage( FileRef f, demux_t *p_demux )
demux_meta_t *p_demux_meta = (demux_meta_t *)p_demux->p_private;
vlc_meta_t *p_meta = p_demux_meta->p_meta;
int i_score = -1;
/* Preferred type of image
* The 21 types are defined in id3v2 standard:
* http://www.id3.org/id3v2.4.0-frames */
static const int pi_cover_score[] = {
0, /* Other */
5, /* 32x32 PNG image that should be used as the file icon */
4, /* File icon of a different size or format. */
20, /* Front cover image of the album. */
19, /* Back cover image of the album. */
13, /* Inside leaflet page of the album. */
18, /* Image from the album itself. */
17, /* Picture of the lead artist or soloist. */
16, /* Picture of the artist or performer. */
14, /* Picture of the conductor. */
15, /* Picture of the band or orchestra. */
9, /* Picture of the composer. */
8, /* Picture of the lyricist or text writer. */
7, /* Picture of the recording location or studio. */
10, /* Picture of the artists during recording. */
11, /* Picture of the artists during performance. */
6, /* Picture from a movie or video related to the track. */
1, /* Picture of a large, coloured fish. */
12, /* Illustration related to the track. */
3, /* Logo of the band or performer. */
2 /* Logo of the publisher (record company). */
if( MPEG::File *mpeg = dynamic_cast<MPEG::File *>(f.file() ) )
ID3v2::Tag *p_tag = mpeg->ID3v2Tag();
if( !p_tag )
ID3v2::FrameList list = p_tag->frameListMap()[ "APIC" ];
if( list.isEmpty() )
ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame *p_apic;
TAB_INIT( p_demux_meta->i_attachments, p_demux_meta->attachments );
for( ID3v2::FrameList::Iterator iter = list.begin();
iter != list.end(); iter++ )
p_apic = dynamic_cast<ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame*>(*iter);
input_attachment_t *p_attachment;
const char *psz_name, *psz_mime, *psz_description;
ByteVector p_data_taglib; const char *p_data; int i_data;
psz_mime = p_apic->mimeType().toCString(true);
/* some old iTunes version not only sets incorrectly the mime type
* but also embeds incorrectly the image.
* Recent versions seem to behave correctly */
if( !strncmp( psz_mime, "PNG", 3 ) )
msg_Warn( p_demux,
"%s: Invalid picture embedded by broken iTunes version",
f.file()->name() );
psz_description = p_apic->description().toCString(true);
psz_name = psz_description;
p_data_taglib = p_apic->picture();
p_data = p_data_taglib.data();
i_data = p_data_taglib.size();
msg_Dbg( p_demux, "Found embedded art: %s (%s) is %i bytes",
psz_name, psz_mime, i_data );
p_attachment = vlc_input_attachment_New( psz_name, psz_mime,
psz_description, p_data, i_data );
TAB_APPEND_CAST( (input_attachment_t**),
p_demux_meta->i_attachments, p_demux_meta->attachments,
p_attachment );
if( pi_cover_score[p_apic->type()] > i_score )
i_score = pi_cover_score[p_apic->type()];
char *psz_url;
if( asprintf( &psz_url, "attachment://%s",
p_attachment->psz_name ) == -1 )
vlc_meta_SetArtURL( p_meta, psz_url );
free( psz_url );
if( Ogg::Vorbis::File *oggv = dynamic_cast<Ogg::Vorbis::File *>(f.file() ) )
Ogg::XiphComment *p_tag = oggv->tag();
if( !p_tag )
StringList mime_list = p_tag->fieldListMap()[ "COVERARTMIME" ];
StringList art_list = p_tag->fieldListMap()[ "COVERART" ];
/* we support only one cover in ogg/vorbis */
if( mime_list.size() != 1 || art_list.size() != 1 )
input_attachment_t *p_attachment;
const char *psz_name, *psz_mime, *psz_description;
uint8_t *p_data;
int i_data;
psz_name = "cover";
psz_mime = mime_list[0].toCString(true);
psz_description = "cover";
i_data = vlc_b64_decode_binary( &p_data, art_list[0].toCString(true) );
msg_Dbg( p_demux, "Found embedded art: %s (%s) is %i bytes",
psz_name, psz_mime, i_data );
TAB_INIT( p_demux_meta->i_attachments, p_demux_meta->attachments );
p_attachment = vlc_input_attachment_New( psz_name, psz_mime,
psz_description, p_data, i_data );
free( p_data );
TAB_APPEND_CAST( (input_attachment_t**),
p_demux_meta->i_attachments, p_demux_meta->attachments,
p_attachment );
vlc_meta_SetArtURL( p_meta, "attachment://cover" );
#if 0
//flac embedded images are extracted in the flac demuxer
else if( FLAC::File *flac =
dynamic_cast<FLAC::File *>(f.file() ) )
p_tag = flac->ID3v2Tag();
if( p_tag )
ID3v2::FrameList l = p_tag->frameListMap()[ "APIC" ];
if( l.isEmpty() )
vlc_meta_SetArtURL( p_meta, "APIC" );
#if 0
/* TagLib doesn't support MP4 file yet */
else if( MP4::File *mp4 =
dynamic_cast<MP4::File *>( f.file() ) )
MP4::Tag *mp4tag =
dynamic_cast<MP4::Tag *>( mp4->tag() );
if( mp4tag && mp4tag->cover().size() )
vlc_meta_SetArtURL( p_meta, "MP4C" );
static int ReadMeta( vlc_object_t *p_this )
demux_t *p_demux = (demux_t *)p_this;
demux_meta_t *p_demux_meta = (demux_meta_t*)p_demux->p_private;
vlc_meta_t *p_meta;
TAB_INIT( p_demux_meta->i_attachments, p_demux_meta->attachments );
p_demux_meta->p_meta = NULL;
FileRef f( p_demux->psz_path );
if( f.isNull() )
if ( !f.tag() || f.tag()->isEmpty() )
p_demux_meta->p_meta = p_meta = vlc_meta_New();
Tag *p_tag = f.tag();
if( MPEG::File *p_mpeg =
dynamic_cast<MPEG::File *>(f.file() ) )
if( p_mpeg->ID3v2Tag() )
ID3v2::Tag *p_tag = p_mpeg->ID3v2Tag();
ID3v2::FrameList list = p_tag->frameListMap()["UFID"];
ID3v2::UniqueFileIdentifierFrame* p_ufid;
for( ID3v2::FrameList::Iterator iter = list.begin();
iter != list.end(); iter++ )
p_ufid = dynamic_cast<ID3v2::UniqueFileIdentifierFrame*>(*iter);
const char *owner = p_ufid->owner().toCString();
if (!strcmp( owner, "http://musicbrainz.org" ))
/* ID3v2 UFID contains up to 64 bytes binary data
* but in our case it will be a '\0'
* terminated string */
char *psz_ufid = (char*) malloc( 64 );
int j = 0;
while( ( j < 63 ) &&
( j < p_ufid->identifier().size() ) )
psz_ufid[j] = p_ufid->identifier()[j++];
psz_ufid[j] = '\0';
vlc_meta_SetTrackID( p_meta, psz_ufid );
free( psz_ufid );
list = p_tag->frameListMap()["TXXX"];
ID3v2::UserTextIdentificationFrame* p_txxx;
for( ID3v2::FrameList::Iterator iter = list.begin();
iter != list.end(); iter++ )
p_txxx = dynamic_cast<ID3v2::UserTextIdentificationFrame*>(*iter);
const char *psz_desc= p_txxx->description().toCString();
vlc_meta_AddExtra( p_meta, psz_desc,
#if 0
list = p_tag->frameListMap()["RVA2"];
ID3v2::RelativeVolumeFrame* p_rva2;
for( ID3v2::FrameList::Iterator iter = list.begin();
iter != list.end(); iter++ )
p_rva2 = dynamic_cast<ID3v2::RelativeVolumeFrame*>(*iter);
/* TODO: process rva2 frames */
list = p_tag->frameList();
ID3v2::Frame* p_t;
char psz_tag[4];
for( ID3v2::FrameList::Iterator iter = list.begin();
iter != list.end(); iter++ )
p_t = dynamic_cast<ID3v2::Frame*> (*iter);
memcpy( psz_tag, p_t->frameID().data(), 4);
#define SET( foo, bar ) if( !strncmp( psz_tag, foo, 4 ) ) \
vlc_meta_Set##bar( p_meta, p_t->toString().toCString(true))
SET( "TPUB", Publisher );
SET( "TCOP", Copyright );
SET( "TENC", EncodedBy );
SET( "TLAN", Language );
//SET( "POPM", Rating ); /* rating needs special handling in id3v2 */
//if( !strncmp( psz_tag, "RVA2", 4 ) )
/* TODO */
#undef SET
else if( Ogg::Vorbis::File *p_ogg_v =
dynamic_cast<Ogg::Vorbis::File *>(f.file() ) )
int i_ogg_v_length = p_ogg_v->audioProperties()->length();
input_thread_t *p_input = (input_thread_t *)
vlc_object_find( p_demux,VLC_OBJECT_INPUT, FIND_PARENT );
if( p_input )
input_item_t *p_item = input_GetItem( p_input );
if( p_item )
input_item_SetDuration( p_item,
(mtime_t) i_ogg_v_length * 1000000 );
vlc_object_release( p_input );
#if 0 /* at this moment, taglib is unable to detect ogg/flac files
* becauses type detection is based on file extension:
* ogg = ogg/vorbis
* flac = flac
* ø = ogg/flac
else if( Ogg::FLAC::File *p_ogg_f =
dynamic_cast<Ogg::FLAC::File *>(f.file() ) )
long i_ogg_f_length = p_ogg_f->streamLength();
input_thread_t *p_input = (input_thread_t *)
vlc_object_find( p_demux, VLC_OBJECT_INPUT, FIND_PARENT );
if( p_input )
input_item_t *p_item = input_GetItem( p_input );
if( p_item )
input_item_SetDuration( p_item,
(mtime_t) i_ogg_f_length * 1000000 );
vlc_object_release( p_input );
else if( FLAC::File *p_flac =
dynamic_cast<FLAC::File *>(f.file() ) )
long i_flac_length = p_flac->audioProperties()->length();
input_thread_t *p_input = (input_thread_t *)
vlc_object_find( p_demux, VLC_OBJECT_INPUT, FIND_PARENT );
if( p_input )
input_item_t *p_item = input_GetItem( p_input );
if( p_item )
input_item_SetDuration( p_item,
(mtime_t) i_flac_length * 1000000 );
vlc_object_release( p_input );
#define SET( foo, bar ) vlc_meta_Set##foo( p_meta, p_tag->bar ().toCString(true))
#define SETINT( foo, bar ) { \
char psz_tmp[10]; \
snprintf( (char*)psz_tmp, 10, "%d", p_tag->bar() ); \
vlc_meta_Set##foo( p_meta, (char*)psz_tmp ); \
SET( Title, title );
SET( Artist, artist );
SET( Album, album );
SET( Description, comment );
SET( Genre, genre );
SETINT( Date, year );
SETINT( Tracknum , track );
#undef SET
#undef SETINT
DetectImage( f, p_demux );
static int WriteMeta( vlc_object_t *p_this )
playlist_t *p_playlist = (playlist_t *)p_this;
meta_export_t *p_export = (meta_export_t *)p_playlist->p_private;
input_item_t *p_item = p_export->p_item;
if( p_item == NULL )
msg_Err( p_this, "Can't save meta data of an empty input" );
FileRef f( p_export->psz_file );
if( f.isNull() || !f.tag() || f.file()->readOnly() )
msg_Err( p_this, "File %s can't be opened for tag writing\n",
p_export->psz_file );
msg_Dbg( p_this, "Writing metadata for %s", p_export->psz_file );
Tag *p_tag = f.tag();
char *psz_meta;
#define SET(a,b) \
if(b) { \
String *psz_##a = new String( b, \
String::UTF8 ); \
p_tag->set##a( *psz_##a ); \
delete psz_##a; \
psz_meta = input_item_GetArtist( p_item );
SET( Artist, psz_meta );
free( psz_meta );
psz_meta = input_item_GetTitle( p_item );
if( !psz_meta ) psz_meta = input_item_GetName( p_item );
String *psz_title = new String( psz_meta,
String::UTF8 );
p_tag->setTitle( *psz_title );
delete psz_title;
free( psz_meta );
psz_meta = input_item_GetAlbum( p_item );
SET( Album, psz_meta );
free( psz_meta );
psz_meta = input_item_GetGenre( p_item );
SET( Genre, psz_meta );
free( psz_meta );
#undef SET
psz_meta = input_item_GetDate( p_item );
if( psz_meta ) p_tag->setYear( atoi( psz_meta ) );
free( psz_meta );
psz_meta = input_item_GetTrackNum( p_item );
if( psz_meta ) p_tag->setTrack( atoi( psz_meta ) );
free( psz_meta );
if( ID3v2::Tag *p_id3tag =
dynamic_cast<ID3v2::Tag *>(p_tag) )
#define WRITE( foo, bar ) \
psz_meta = input_item_Get##foo( p_item ); \
if( psz_meta ) \
{ \
ByteVector p_byte( bar, 4 ); \
ID3v2::TextIdentificationFrame p_frame( p_byte ); \
p_frame.setText( psz_meta ); \
p_id3tag->addFrame( &p_frame ); \
free( psz_meta ); \
} \
WRITE( Publisher, "TPUB" );
WRITE( Copyright, "TCOP" );
WRITE( EncodedBy, "TENC" );
WRITE( Language, "TLAN" );
#undef WRITE
static int DownloadArt( vlc_object_t *p_this )
/* We need to be passed the file name
* Fetch the thing from the file, save it to the cache folder