
416 lines
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* vlc_configuration.h : configuration management module
* This file describes the programming interface for the configuration module.
* It includes functions allowing to declare, get or set configuration options.
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 VLC authors and VideoLAN
* Authors: Gildas Bazin <gbazin@videolan.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
* \defgroup config User settings
* \ingroup interface
* VLC provides a simple name-value dictionary for user settings.
* Those settings are per-user per-system - they are shared by all LibVLC
* instances in a single process, and potentially other processes as well.
* Each name-value pair is called a configuration item.
* @{
* \file
* This file describes the programming interface for the configuration module.
* It includes functions allowing to declare, get or set configuration options.
#include <sys/types.h> /* for ssize_t */
# ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
# endif
struct config_category_t
int i_id;
const char *psz_name;
const char *psz_help;
typedef union
char *psz;
int64_t i;
float f;
} module_value_t;
typedef int (*vlc_string_list_cb)(const char *, char ***, char ***);
typedef int (*vlc_integer_list_cb)(const char *, int64_t **, char ***);
* Configuration item
* This is the internal reprensation of a configuration item.
* See also config_FindConfig().
struct module_config_t
uint8_t i_type; /**< Configuration type */
char i_short; /**< Optional short option name */
unsigned b_internal:1; /**< Hidden from preferences and help */
unsigned b_unsaveable:1; /**< Not stored in configuration */
unsigned b_safe:1; /**< Safe for web plugins and playlist files */
unsigned b_removed:1; /**< Obsolete */
const char *psz_type; /**< Configuration subtype */
const char *psz_name; /**< Option name */
const char *psz_text; /**< Short comment on the configuration option */
const char *psz_longtext; /**< Long comment on the configuration option */
module_value_t value; /**< Current value */
module_value_t orig; /**< Default value */
module_value_t min; /**< Minimum value (for scalars only) */
module_value_t max; /**< Maximum value (for scalars only) */
/* Values list */
uint16_t list_count; /**< Choices count */
const char **psz; /**< Table of possible string choices */
const int *i; /**< Table of possible integer choices */
vlc_string_list_cb psz_cb; /**< Callback to enumerate string choices */
vlc_integer_list_cb i_cb; /**< Callback to enumerate integer choices */
} list; /**< Possible choices */
const char **list_text; /**< Human-readable names for list values */
const char *list_cb_name; /**< Symbol name of the enumeration callback */
void *owner; /**< Origin run-time linker module handle */
* Gets a configuration item type
* This function checks the type of configuration item by name.
* \param name Configuration item name
* \return The configuration item type or 0 if not found.
VLC_API int config_GetType(const char *name) VLC_USED;
* Gets an integer configuration item.
* This function retrieves the current value of a configuration item of
* integral type (\ref CONFIG_ITEM_INTEGER and \ref CONFIG_ITEM_BOOL).
* \warning The behaviour is undefined if the configuration item exists but is
* not of integer or boolean type.
* \param name Configuration item name
* \return The configuration item value or -1 if not found.
* \bug A legitimate integer value of -1 cannot be distinguished from an error.
VLC_API int64_t config_GetInt(const char *name) VLC_USED;
* Sets an integer configuration item.
* This function changes the current value of a configuration item of
* integral type (\ref CONFIG_ITEM_INTEGER and \ref CONFIG_ITEM_BOOL).
* \warning The behaviour is undefined if the configuration item exists but is
* not of integer or boolean type.
* \note If no configuration item by the specified exist, the function has no
* effects.
* \param name Configuration item name
* \param val New value
VLC_API void config_PutInt(const char *name, int64_t val);
* Gets an floating point configuration item.
* This function retrieves the current value of a configuration item of
* floating point type (\ref CONFIG_ITEM_FLOAT).
* \warning The behaviour is undefined if the configuration item exists but is
* not of floating point type.
* \param name Configuration item name
* \return The configuration item value or -1 if not found.
* \bug A legitimate floating point value of -1 cannot be distinguished from an
* error.
VLC_API float config_GetFloat(const char *name) VLC_USED;
* Sets an integer configuration item.
* This function changes the current value of a configuration item of
* integral type (\ref CONFIG_ITEM_FLOAT).
* \warning The behaviour is undefined if the configuration item exists but is
* not of floating point type.
* \note If no configuration item by the specified exist, the function has no
* effects.
* \param name Configuration item name
* \param val New value
VLC_API void config_PutFloat(const char *name, float val);
* Gets an string configuration item.
* This function retrieves the current value of a configuration item of
* string type (\ref CONFIG_ITEM_STRING).
* \note The caller must free() the returned pointer (if non-NULL), which is a
* duplicate of the current value. It is not safe to return a pointer to the
* current value internally as it can be modified at any time by any other
* thread.
* \warning The behaviour is undefined if the configuration item exists but is
* not of string type.
* \param name Configuration item name
* \return Normally, a heap-allocated copy of the configuration item value.
* If the value is the empty string, if the configuration does not exist,
* or if an error occurs, NULL is returned.
* \bug The empty string value cannot be distinguished from an error.
VLC_API char *config_GetPsz(const char *name) VLC_USED VLC_MALLOC;
* Sets an string configuration item.
* This function changes the current value of a configuration item of
* string type (e.g. \ref CONFIG_ITEM_STRING).
* \warning The behaviour is undefined if the configuration item exists but is
* not of a string type.
* \note If no configuration item by the specified exist, the function has no
* effects.
* \param name Configuration item name
* \param val New value (will be copied)
* \bug This function allocates memory but errors cannot be detected.
VLC_API void config_PutPsz(const char *name, const char *val);
* Enumerates integer configuration choices.
* Determines a list of suggested values for an integer configuration item.
* \param values pointer to a table of integer values [OUT]
* \param texts pointer to a table of descriptions strings [OUT]
* \return number of choices, or -1 on error
* \note the caller is responsible for calling free() on all descriptions and
* on both tables. In case of error, both pointers are set to NULL.
VLC_API ssize_t config_GetIntChoices(const char *, int64_t **values,
char ***texts) VLC_USED;
* Determines a list of suggested values for a string configuration item.
* \param values pointer to a table of value strings [OUT]
* \param texts pointer to a table of descriptions strings [OUT]
* \return number of choices, or -1 on error
* \note the caller is responsible for calling free() on all values, on all
* descriptions and on both tables.
* In case of error, both pointers are set to NULL.
VLC_API ssize_t config_GetPszChoices(const char *,
char ***values, char ***texts) VLC_USED;
VLC_API int config_SaveConfigFile( vlc_object_t * );
#define config_SaveConfigFile(a) config_SaveConfigFile(VLC_OBJECT(a))
* Resets the configuration.
* This function resets all configuration items to their respective
* compile-time default value.
VLC_API void config_ResetAll(void);
* Looks up a configuration item.
* This function looks for the internal representation of a configuration item.
* Where possible, this should be avoided in favor of more specific function
* calls.
* \param name Configuration item name
* \return The internal structure, or NULL if not found.
VLC_API module_config_t *config_FindConfig(const char *name) VLC_USED;
* System directory identifiers
typedef enum vlc_system_dir
VLC_PKG_DATA_DIR, /**< Package-specific architecture-independent read-only
data directory (e.g. /usr/local/data/vlc). */
VLC_PKG_LIB_DIR, /**< Package-specific architecture-dependent read-only
data directory (e.g. /usr/local/lib/vlc). */
VLC_PKG_LIBEXEC_DIR, /**< Package-specific executable read-only directory
(e.g. /usr/local/libexec/vlc). */
VLC_SYSDATA_DIR, /**< Global architecture-independent read-only
data directory (e.g. /usr/local/data).
Available only on some platforms. */
VLC_LIB_DIR, /**< Global architecture-dependent read-only directory
(e.g. /usr/local/lib). */
VLC_LIBEXEC_DIR, /**< Global executable read-only directory
(e.g. /usr/local/libexec). */
VLC_LOCALE_DIR, /**< Base directory for package read-only locale data. */
} vlc_sysdir_t;
* Gets an installation directory.
* This function determines one of the installation directory.
* @param dir identifier of the directory (see \ref vlc_sysdir_t)
* @param filename name of a file or other object within the directory
* (or NULL to obtain the plain directory)
* @return a heap-allocated string (use free() to release it), or NULL on error
VLC_API char *config_GetSysPath(vlc_sysdir_t dir, const char *filename)
typedef enum vlc_user_dir
VLC_HOME_DIR, /* User's home */
VLC_CONFIG_DIR, /* VLC-specific configuration directory */
VLC_USERDATA_DIR, /* VLC-specific data directory */
VLC_CACHE_DIR, /* VLC-specific user cached data directory */
/* Generic directories (same as XDG) */
} vlc_userdir_t;
VLC_API char * config_GetUserDir( vlc_userdir_t ) VLC_USED VLC_MALLOC;
VLC_API void config_AddIntf(const char *);
VLC_API void config_RemoveIntf(const char *);
VLC_API bool config_ExistIntf(const char *) VLC_USED;
* config_chain_t:
struct config_chain_t
config_chain_t *p_next; /**< Pointer on the next config_chain_t element */
char *psz_name; /**< Option name */
char *psz_value; /**< Option value */
* This function will
* - create all options in the array ppsz_options (var_Create).
* - parse the given linked list of config_chain_t and set the value (var_Set).
* The option names will be created by adding the psz_prefix prefix.
VLC_API void config_ChainParse( vlc_object_t *, const char *psz_prefix, const char *const *ppsz_options, config_chain_t * );
#define config_ChainParse( a, b, c, d ) config_ChainParse( VLC_OBJECT(a), b, c, d )
* This function will parse a configuration string (psz_opts) and
* - set all options for this module in a chained list (*pp_cfg)
* - returns a pointer on the next module if any.
* The string format is
* module{option=*,option=*}
* The options values are unescaped using config_StringUnescape.
VLC_API const char *config_ChainParseOptions( config_chain_t **pp_cfg, const char *ppsz_opts );
* This function will parse a configuration string (psz_string) and
* - set the module name (*ppsz_name)
* - set all options for this module in a chained list (*pp_cfg)
* - returns a pointer on the next module if any.
* The string format is
* module{option=*,option=*}[:modulenext{option=*,...}]
* The options values are unescaped using config_StringUnescape.
VLC_API char *config_ChainCreate( char **ppsz_name, config_chain_t **pp_cfg, const char *psz_string ) VLC_USED VLC_MALLOC;
* This function will release a linked list of config_chain_t
* (Including the head)
VLC_API void config_ChainDestroy( config_chain_t * );
* This function will duplicate a linked list of config_chain_t
VLC_API config_chain_t * config_ChainDuplicate( const config_chain_t * ) VLC_USED VLC_MALLOC;
* This function will unescape a string in place and will return a pointer on
* the given string.
* No memory is allocated by it (unlike config_StringEscape).
* If NULL is given as parameter nothing will be done (NULL will be returned).
* The following sequences will be unescaped (only one time):
* \\ \' and \"
VLC_API char * config_StringUnescape( char *psz_string );
* This function will escape a string that can be unescaped by
* config_StringUnescape.
* The returned value is allocated by it. You have to free it once you
* do not need it anymore (unlike config_StringUnescape).
* If NULL is given as parameter nothing will be done (NULL will be returned).
* The escaped characters are ' " and \
VLC_API char * config_StringEscape( const char *psz_string ) VLC_USED VLC_MALLOC;
# ifdef __cplusplus
# endif
/** @} */