
161 lines
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* decoder.h: Input decoder functions
* Copyright (C) 1998-2008 VLC authors and VideoLAN
* Copyright (C) 2008 Laurent Aimar
* Authors: Laurent Aimar <fenrir@via.ecp.fr>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <vlc_common.h>
#include <vlc_codec.h>
#include <vlc_mouse.h>
struct vlc_input_decoder_callbacks {
/* notifications */
void (*on_vout_started)(vlc_input_decoder_t *decoder, vout_thread_t *vout,
enum vlc_vout_order vout_order,
void *userdata);
void (*on_vout_stopped)(vlc_input_decoder_t *decoder, vout_thread_t *vout,
void *userdata);
void (*on_thumbnail_ready)(vlc_input_decoder_t *decoder, picture_t *pic,
void *userdata);
void (*on_new_video_stats)(vlc_input_decoder_t *decoder, unsigned decoded,
unsigned lost, unsigned displayed, unsigned late,
void *userdata);
void (*on_new_audio_stats)(vlc_input_decoder_t *decoder, unsigned decoded,
unsigned lost, unsigned played, void *userdata);
/* requests */
int (*get_attachments)(vlc_input_decoder_t *decoder,
input_attachment_t ***ppp_attachment,
void *userdata);
vlc_input_decoder_t *
vlc_input_decoder_New( vlc_object_t *parent, es_format_t *, vlc_clock_t *,
input_resource_t *, sout_stream_t *, bool thumbnailing,
const struct vlc_input_decoder_callbacks *cbs,
void *userdata ) VLC_USED;
* This function changes the pause state.
* The date parameter MUST hold the exact date at which the change has been
* done for proper vout/aout pausing.
void vlc_input_decoder_ChangePause( vlc_input_decoder_t *, bool b_paused, vlc_tick_t i_date );
* Changes the decoder rate.
* This function changes rate of the intended playback speed to nominal speed.
* \param dec decoder
* \param rate playback rate (default is 1)
void vlc_input_decoder_ChangeRate( vlc_input_decoder_t *dec, float rate );
* This function changes the delay.
void vlc_input_decoder_ChangeDelay( vlc_input_decoder_t *, vlc_tick_t i_delay );
* This function makes the decoder start waiting for a valid data block from its fifo.
void vlc_input_decoder_StartWait( vlc_input_decoder_t * );
* This function waits for the decoder to actually receive data.
void vlc_input_decoder_Wait( vlc_input_decoder_t * );
* This function exits the waiting mode of the decoder.
void vlc_input_decoder_StopWait( vlc_input_decoder_t * );
* This function returns true if the decoder fifo is empty and false otherwise.
bool vlc_input_decoder_IsEmpty( vlc_input_decoder_t * );
* This function activates the request closed caption channel.
int vlc_input_decoder_SetCcState( vlc_input_decoder_t *, vlc_fourcc_t, int i_channel, bool b_decode );
* This function returns an error if the requested channel does not exist and
* set pb_decode to the channel status(active or not) otherwise.
int vlc_input_decoder_GetCcState( vlc_input_decoder_t *, vlc_fourcc_t, int i_channel, bool *pb_decode );
* This function get cc channels descriptions
void vlc_input_decoder_GetCcDesc( vlc_input_decoder_t *, decoder_cc_desc_t * );
* This function force the display of the next picture and fills the stream
* time consumed.
void vlc_input_decoder_FrameNext( vlc_input_decoder_t *p_dec, vlc_tick_t *pi_duration );
struct vlc_input_decoder_status
struct {
/* True if the ES format or meta data have changed since the last call.
* */
bool changed;
/* If changed is true, a copy of the current es_format_t, MUST be freed
* with es_format_Clean() */
es_format_t fmt;
/* If changed is true, a copy of the current description, can be NULL,
* MUST be freed with vlc_meta_Delete.() */
vlc_meta_t *meta;
} format;
struct {
decoder_cc_desc_t desc;
} cc;
* Get the last status of the decoder.
void vlc_input_decoder_GetStatus( vlc_input_decoder_t *p_dec,
struct vlc_input_decoder_status *status );
* This function returns the current size in bytes of the decoder fifo
size_t vlc_input_decoder_GetFifoSize( vlc_input_decoder_t *p_dec );
int vlc_input_decoder_GetVbiPage( vlc_input_decoder_t *, bool *opaque );
int vlc_input_decoder_SetVbiPage( vlc_input_decoder_t *, unsigned page );
int vlc_input_decoder_SetVbiOpaque( vlc_input_decoder_t *, bool opaque );
void vlc_input_decoder_SetVoutMouseEvent( vlc_input_decoder_t *, vlc_mouse_event, void * );
int vlc_input_decoder_AddVoutOverlay( vlc_input_decoder_t *, subpicture_t *, size_t * );
int vlc_input_decoder_DelVoutOverlay( vlc_input_decoder_t *, size_t );