mirror of https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc synced 2024-09-12 13:44:56 +02:00
Rémi Denis-Courmont 6c9479be6c i_nb_bytes -> i_buffer
(Yeah, some automatic variables were renamed too)
2009-09-23 20:33:19 +03:00

1477 lines
59 KiB

* auhal.c: AUHAL and Coreaudio output plugin
* Copyright (C) 2005 the VideoLAN team
* $Id$
* Authors: Derk-Jan Hartman <hartman at videolan dot org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Preamble
# include "config.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <vlc_common.h>
#include <vlc_plugin.h>
#include <vlc_dialog.h>
#include <vlc_aout.h>
// By pass part of header which compile with some warnings,
// and that we don't require.
#include <CoreAudio/CoreAudio.h>
#include <AudioUnit/AudioUnitProperties.h>
#include <AudioUnit/AudioUnitParameters.h>
#include <AudioUnit/AudioOutputUnit.h>
#include <AudioToolbox/AudioFormat.h>
#define STREAM_FORMAT_MSG( pre, sfm ) \
pre "[%ld][%4.4s][%ld][%ld][%ld][%ld][%ld][%ld]", \
(UInt32)sfm.mSampleRate, (char *)&sfm.mFormatID, \
sfm.mFormatFlags, sfm.mBytesPerPacket, \
sfm.mFramesPerPacket, sfm.mBytesPerFrame, \
sfm.mChannelsPerFrame, sfm.mBitsPerChannel
#define STREAM_FORMAT_MSG_FULL( pre, sfm ) \
pre ":\nsamplerate: [%ld]\nFormatID: [%4.4s]\nFormatFlags: [%ld]\nBypesPerPacket: [%ld]\nFramesPerPacket: [%ld]\nBytesPerFrame: [%ld]\nChannelsPerFrame: [%ld]\nBitsPerChannel[%ld]", \
(UInt32)sfm.mSampleRate, (char *)&sfm.mFormatID, \
sfm.mFormatFlags, sfm.mBytesPerPacket, \
sfm.mFramesPerPacket, sfm.mBytesPerFrame, \
sfm.mChannelsPerFrame, sfm.mBitsPerChannel
#define BUFSIZE 0xffffff
#define AOUT_VAR_SPDIF_FLAG 0xf00000
* - clean up the debug info
* - clean up C99'isms
* - be better at changing stream setup or devices setup changes while playing.
* - fix 6.1 and 7.1
* aout_sys_t: private audio output method descriptor
* This structure is part of the audio output thread descriptor.
* It describes the CoreAudio specific properties of an output thread.
struct aout_sys_t
AudioDeviceID i_default_dev; /* Keeps DeviceID of defaultOutputDevice */
AudioDeviceID i_selected_dev; /* Keeps DeviceID of the selected device */
UInt32 i_devices; /* Number of CoreAudio Devices */
bool b_supports_digital;/* Does the currently selected device support digital mode? */
bool b_digital; /* Are we running in digital mode? */
mtime_t clock_diff; /* Difference between VLC clock and Device clock */
/* AUHAL specific */
Component au_component; /* The Audiocomponent we use */
AudioUnit au_unit; /* The AudioUnit we use */
uint8_t p_remainder_buffer[BUFSIZE];
uint32_t i_read_bytes;
uint32_t i_total_bytes;
/* CoreAudio SPDIF mode specific */
pid_t i_hog_pid; /* The keep the pid of our hog status */
AudioStreamID i_stream_id; /* The StreamID that has a cac3 streamformat */
int i_stream_index; /* The index of i_stream_id in an AudioBufferList */
AudioStreamBasicDescription stream_format; /* The format we changed the stream to */
AudioStreamBasicDescription sfmt_revert; /* The original format of the stream */
bool b_revert; /* Wether we need to revert the stream format */
bool b_changed_mixing;/* Wether we need to set the mixing mode back */
* Local prototypes.
static int Open ( vlc_object_t * );
static int OpenAnalog ( aout_instance_t * );
static int OpenSPDIF ( aout_instance_t * );
static void Close ( vlc_object_t * );
static void Play ( aout_instance_t * );
static void Probe ( aout_instance_t * );
static int AudioDeviceHasOutput ( AudioDeviceID );
static int AudioDeviceSupportsDigital( aout_instance_t *, AudioDeviceID );
static int AudioStreamSupportsDigital( aout_instance_t *, AudioStreamID );
static int AudioStreamChangeFormat ( aout_instance_t *, AudioStreamID, AudioStreamBasicDescription );
static OSStatus RenderCallbackAnalog ( vlc_object_t *, AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *, const AudioTimeStamp *,
unsigned int, unsigned int, AudioBufferList *);
static OSStatus RenderCallbackSPDIF ( AudioDeviceID, const AudioTimeStamp *, const void *, const AudioTimeStamp *,
AudioBufferList *, const AudioTimeStamp *, void * );
static OSStatus HardwareListener ( AudioHardwarePropertyID, void *);
static OSStatus StreamListener ( AudioStreamID, UInt32,
AudioDevicePropertyID, void * );
static int AudioDeviceCallback ( vlc_object_t *, const char *,
vlc_value_t, vlc_value_t, void * );
* Module descriptor
#define ADEV_TEXT N_("Audio Device")
#define ADEV_LONGTEXT N_("Choose a number corresponding to the number of an " \
"audio device, as listed in your 'Audio Device' menu. This device will " \
"then be used by default for audio playback.")
vlc_module_begin ()
set_shortname( "auhal" )
set_description( N_("HAL AudioUnit output") )
set_capability( "audio output", 101 )
set_category( CAT_AUDIO )
set_subcategory( SUBCAT_AUDIO_AOUT )
set_callbacks( Open, Close )
add_integer( "macosx-audio-device", 0, NULL, ADEV_TEXT, ADEV_LONGTEXT, false )
vlc_module_end ()
* Open: open macosx audio output
static int Open( vlc_object_t * p_this )
OSStatus err = noErr;
UInt32 i_param_size = 0;
struct aout_sys_t *p_sys = NULL;
vlc_value_t val;
aout_instance_t *p_aout = (aout_instance_t *)p_this;
/* Use int here, to match kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceIsAlive
* property size */
int b_alive = false;
/* Allocate structure */
p_aout->output.p_sys = malloc( sizeof( aout_sys_t ) );
if( p_aout->output.p_sys == NULL )
return VLC_ENOMEM;
p_sys = p_aout->output.p_sys;
p_sys->i_default_dev = 0;
p_sys->i_selected_dev = 0;
p_sys->i_devices = 0;
p_sys->b_supports_digital = false;
p_sys->b_digital = false;
p_sys->au_component = NULL;
p_sys->au_unit = NULL;
p_sys->clock_diff = (mtime_t) 0;
p_sys->i_read_bytes = 0;
p_sys->i_total_bytes = 0;
p_sys->i_hog_pid = -1;
p_sys->i_stream_id = 0;
p_sys->i_stream_index = -1;
p_sys->b_revert = false;
p_sys->b_changed_mixing = false;
memset( p_sys->p_remainder_buffer, 0, sizeof(uint8_t) * BUFSIZE );
p_aout->output.pf_play = Play;
aout_FormatPrint( p_aout, "VLC is looking for:", (audio_sample_format_t *)&p_aout->output.output );
/* Persistent device variable */
if( var_Type( p_aout->p_libvlc, "macosx-audio-device" ) == 0 )
var_Create( p_aout->p_libvlc, "macosx-audio-device", VLC_VAR_INTEGER | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT );
/* Build a list of devices */
if( var_Type( p_aout, "audio-device" ) == 0 )
Probe( p_aout );
/* What device do we want? */
if( var_Get( p_aout, "audio-device", &val ) < 0 )
msg_Err( p_aout, "audio-device var does not exist. device probe failed." );
goto error;
p_sys->i_selected_dev = val.i_int & ~AOUT_VAR_SPDIF_FLAG; /* remove SPDIF flag to get the true DeviceID */
p_sys->b_supports_digital = ( val.i_int & AOUT_VAR_SPDIF_FLAG ) ? true : false;
/* Check if the desired device is alive and usable */
/* TODO: add a callback to the device to alert us if the device dies */
i_param_size = sizeof( b_alive );
err = AudioDeviceGetProperty( p_sys->i_selected_dev, 0, FALSE,
&i_param_size, &b_alive );
if( err != noErr )
/* Be tolerant, only give a warning here */
msg_Warn( p_aout, "could not check whether device [0x%x] is alive: %4.4s", (unsigned int)p_sys->i_selected_dev, (char *)&err );
b_alive = false;
if( b_alive == false )
msg_Warn( p_aout, "selected audio device is not alive, switching to default device" );
p_sys->i_selected_dev = p_sys->i_default_dev;
i_param_size = sizeof( p_sys->i_hog_pid );
err = AudioDeviceGetProperty( p_sys->i_selected_dev, 0, FALSE,
&i_param_size, &p_sys->i_hog_pid );
if( err != noErr )
/* This is not a fatal error. Some drivers simply don't support this property */
msg_Warn( p_aout, "could not check whether device is hogged: %4.4s",
(char *)&err );
p_sys->i_hog_pid = -1;
if( p_sys->i_hog_pid != -1 && p_sys->i_hog_pid != getpid() )
msg_Err( p_aout, "Selected audio device is exclusively in use by another program." );
dialog_Fatal( p_aout, _("Audio output failed"), "%s",
_("The selected audio output device is exclusively in "
"use by another program.") );
goto error;
/* Check for Digital mode or Analog output mode */
if( AOUT_FMT_NON_LINEAR( &p_aout->output.output ) && p_sys->b_supports_digital )
if( OpenSPDIF( p_aout ) )
if( OpenAnalog( p_aout ) )
/* If we reach this, this aout has failed */
var_Destroy( p_aout, "audio-device" );
free( p_sys );
* Open: open and setup a HAL AudioUnit to do analog (multichannel) audio output
static int OpenAnalog( aout_instance_t *p_aout )
struct aout_sys_t *p_sys = p_aout->output.p_sys;
OSStatus err = noErr;
UInt32 i_param_size = 0, i = 0;
int i_original;
ComponentDescription desc;
AudioStreamBasicDescription DeviceFormat;
AudioChannelLayout *layout;
AudioChannelLayout new_layout;
AURenderCallbackStruct input;
/* Lets go find our Component */
desc.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Output;
desc.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_HALOutput;
desc.componentManufacturer = kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple;
desc.componentFlags = 0;
desc.componentFlagsMask = 0;
p_sys->au_component = FindNextComponent( NULL, &desc );
if( p_sys->au_component == NULL )
msg_Warn( p_aout, "we cannot find our HAL component" );
return false;
err = OpenAComponent( p_sys->au_component, &p_sys->au_unit );
if( err != noErr )
msg_Warn( p_aout, "we cannot open our HAL component" );
return false;
/* Set the device we will use for this output unit */
err = AudioUnitSetProperty( p_sys->au_unit,
sizeof( AudioDeviceID ));
if( err != noErr )
msg_Warn( p_aout, "we cannot select the audio device" );
return false;
/* Get the current format */
i_param_size = sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription);
err = AudioUnitGetProperty( p_sys->au_unit,
&i_param_size );
if( err != noErr ) return false;
else msg_Dbg( p_aout, STREAM_FORMAT_MSG( "current format is: ", DeviceFormat ) );
/* Get the channel layout of the device side of the unit (vlc -> unit -> device) */
err = AudioUnitGetPropertyInfo( p_sys->au_unit,
if( err == noErr )
layout = (AudioChannelLayout *)malloc( i_param_size);
verify_noerr( AudioUnitGetProperty( p_sys->au_unit,
&i_param_size ));
/* We need to "fill out" the ChannelLayout, because there are multiple ways that it can be set */
if( layout->mChannelLayoutTag == kAudioChannelLayoutTag_UseChannelBitmap)
/* bitmap defined channellayout */
verify_noerr( AudioFormatGetProperty( kAudioFormatProperty_ChannelLayoutForBitmap,
sizeof( UInt32), &layout->mChannelBitmap,
layout ));
else if( layout->mChannelLayoutTag != kAudioChannelLayoutTag_UseChannelDescriptions )
/* layouttags defined channellayout */
verify_noerr( AudioFormatGetProperty( kAudioFormatProperty_ChannelLayoutForTag,
sizeof( AudioChannelLayoutTag ), &layout->mChannelLayoutTag,
layout ));
msg_Dbg( p_aout, "layout of AUHAL has %d channels" , (int)layout->mNumberChannelDescriptions );
/* Initialize the VLC core channel count */
p_aout->output.output.i_physical_channels = 0;
i_original = p_aout->output.output.i_original_channels & AOUT_CHAN_PHYSMASK;
if( i_original == AOUT_CHAN_CENTER || layout->mNumberChannelDescriptions < 2 )
/* We only need Mono or cannot output more than 1 channel */
p_aout->output.output.i_physical_channels = AOUT_CHAN_CENTER;
else if( i_original == (AOUT_CHAN_LEFT | AOUT_CHAN_RIGHT) || layout->mNumberChannelDescriptions < 3 )
/* We only need Stereo or cannot output more than 2 channels */
p_aout->output.output.i_physical_channels = AOUT_CHAN_RIGHT | AOUT_CHAN_LEFT;
/* We want more than stereo and we can do that */
for( i = 0; i < layout->mNumberChannelDescriptions; i++ )
msg_Dbg( p_aout, "this is channel: %d", (int)layout->mChannelDescriptions[i].mChannelLabel );
switch( layout->mChannelDescriptions[i].mChannelLabel )
case kAudioChannelLabel_Left:
p_aout->output.output.i_physical_channels |= AOUT_CHAN_LEFT;
case kAudioChannelLabel_Right:
p_aout->output.output.i_physical_channels |= AOUT_CHAN_RIGHT;
case kAudioChannelLabel_Center:
p_aout->output.output.i_physical_channels |= AOUT_CHAN_CENTER;
case kAudioChannelLabel_LFEScreen:
p_aout->output.output.i_physical_channels |= AOUT_CHAN_LFE;
case kAudioChannelLabel_LeftSurround:
p_aout->output.output.i_physical_channels |= AOUT_CHAN_REARLEFT;
case kAudioChannelLabel_RightSurround:
p_aout->output.output.i_physical_channels |= AOUT_CHAN_REARRIGHT;
case kAudioChannelLabel_RearSurroundLeft:
p_aout->output.output.i_physical_channels |= AOUT_CHAN_MIDDLELEFT;
case kAudioChannelLabel_RearSurroundRight:
p_aout->output.output.i_physical_channels |= AOUT_CHAN_MIDDLERIGHT;
case kAudioChannelLabel_CenterSurround:
p_aout->output.output.i_physical_channels |= AOUT_CHAN_REARCENTER;
msg_Warn( p_aout, "unrecognized channel form provided by driver: %d", (int)layout->mChannelDescriptions[i].mChannelLabel );
if( p_aout->output.output.i_physical_channels == 0 )
p_aout->output.output.i_physical_channels = AOUT_CHAN_LEFT | AOUT_CHAN_RIGHT;
msg_Err( p_aout, "You should configure your speaker layout with Audio Midi Setup Utility in /Applications/Utilities. Now using Stereo mode." );
dialog_Fatal( p_aout, _("Audio device is not configured"), "%s",
_("You should configure your speaker layout with "
"the \"Audio Midi Setup\" utility in /Applications/"
"Utilities. Stereo mode is being used now.") );
free( layout );
msg_Warn( p_aout, "this driver does not support kAudioDevicePropertyPreferredChannelLayout. BAD DRIVER AUTHOR !!!" );
p_aout->output.output.i_physical_channels = AOUT_CHAN_LEFT | AOUT_CHAN_RIGHT;
msg_Dbg( p_aout, "selected %d physical channels for device output", aout_FormatNbChannels( &p_aout->output.output ) );
msg_Dbg( p_aout, "VLC will output: %s", aout_FormatPrintChannels( &p_aout->output.output ));
memset (&new_layout, 0, sizeof(new_layout));
switch( aout_FormatNbChannels( &p_aout->output.output ) )
case 1:
new_layout.mChannelLayoutTag = kAudioChannelLayoutTag_Mono;
case 2:
new_layout.mChannelLayoutTag = kAudioChannelLayoutTag_Stereo;
case 3:
if( p_aout->output.output.i_physical_channels & AOUT_CHAN_CENTER )
new_layout.mChannelLayoutTag = kAudioChannelLayoutTag_DVD_7; // L R C
else if( p_aout->output.output.i_physical_channels & AOUT_CHAN_LFE )
new_layout.mChannelLayoutTag = kAudioChannelLayoutTag_DVD_4; // L R LFE
case 4:
if( p_aout->output.output.i_physical_channels & ( AOUT_CHAN_CENTER | AOUT_CHAN_LFE ) )
new_layout.mChannelLayoutTag = kAudioChannelLayoutTag_DVD_10; // L R C LFE
else if( p_aout->output.output.i_physical_channels & ( AOUT_CHAN_REARLEFT | AOUT_CHAN_REARRIGHT ) )
new_layout.mChannelLayoutTag = kAudioChannelLayoutTag_DVD_3; // L R Ls Rs
else if( p_aout->output.output.i_physical_channels & ( AOUT_CHAN_CENTER | AOUT_CHAN_REARCENTER ) )
new_layout.mChannelLayoutTag = kAudioChannelLayoutTag_DVD_3; // L R C Cs
case 5:
if( p_aout->output.output.i_physical_channels & ( AOUT_CHAN_CENTER ) )
new_layout.mChannelLayoutTag = kAudioChannelLayoutTag_DVD_19; // L R Ls Rs C
else if( p_aout->output.output.i_physical_channels & ( AOUT_CHAN_LFE ) )
new_layout.mChannelLayoutTag = kAudioChannelLayoutTag_DVD_18; // L R Ls Rs LFE
case 6:
if( p_aout->output.output.i_physical_channels & ( AOUT_CHAN_LFE ) )
new_layout.mChannelLayoutTag = kAudioChannelLayoutTag_DVD_20; // L R Ls Rs C LFE
new_layout.mChannelLayoutTag = kAudioChannelLayoutTag_AudioUnit_6_0; // L R Ls Rs C Cs
case 7:
/* FIXME: This is incorrect. VLC uses the internal ordering: L R Lm Rm Lr Rr C LFE but this is wrong */
new_layout.mChannelLayoutTag = kAudioChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_6_1_A; // L R C LFE Ls Rs Cs
case 8:
/* FIXME: This is incorrect. VLC uses the internal ordering: L R Lm Rm Lr Rr C LFE but this is wrong */
new_layout.mChannelLayoutTag = kAudioChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_7_1_A; // L R C LFE Ls Rs Lc Rc
/* Set up the format to be used */
DeviceFormat.mSampleRate = p_aout->output.output.i_rate;
DeviceFormat.mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM;
/* We use float 32. It's the best supported format by both VLC and Coreaudio */
p_aout->output.output.i_format = VLC_CODEC_FL32;
DeviceFormat.mFormatFlags = kAudioFormatFlagsNativeFloatPacked;
DeviceFormat.mBitsPerChannel = 32;
DeviceFormat.mChannelsPerFrame = aout_FormatNbChannels( &p_aout->output.output );
/* Calculate framesizes and stuff */
DeviceFormat.mFramesPerPacket = 1;
DeviceFormat.mBytesPerFrame = DeviceFormat.mBitsPerChannel * DeviceFormat.mChannelsPerFrame / 8;
DeviceFormat.mBytesPerPacket = DeviceFormat.mBytesPerFrame * DeviceFormat.mFramesPerPacket;
/* Set the desired format */
i_param_size = sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription);
verify_noerr( AudioUnitSetProperty( p_sys->au_unit,
i_param_size ));
msg_Dbg( p_aout, STREAM_FORMAT_MSG( "we set the AU format: " , DeviceFormat ) );
/* Retrieve actual format */
verify_noerr( AudioUnitGetProperty( p_sys->au_unit,
&i_param_size ));
msg_Dbg( p_aout, STREAM_FORMAT_MSG( "the actual set AU format is " , DeviceFormat ) );
/* Do the last VLC aout setups */
aout_FormatPrepare( &p_aout->output.output );
p_aout->output.i_nb_samples = 2048;
aout_VolumeSoftInit( p_aout );
/* set the IOproc callback */
input.inputProc = (AURenderCallback) RenderCallbackAnalog;
input.inputProcRefCon = p_aout;
verify_noerr( AudioUnitSetProperty( p_sys->au_unit,
0, &input, sizeof( input ) ) );
input.inputProc = (AURenderCallback) RenderCallbackAnalog;
input.inputProcRefCon = p_aout;
/* Set the new_layout as the layout VLC will use to feed the AU unit */
verify_noerr( AudioUnitSetProperty( p_sys->au_unit,
0, &new_layout, sizeof(new_layout) ) );
if( new_layout.mNumberChannelDescriptions > 0 )
free( new_layout.mChannelDescriptions );
/* AU initiliaze */
verify_noerr( AudioUnitInitialize(p_sys->au_unit) );
/* Find the difference between device clock and mdate clock */
p_sys->clock_diff = - (mtime_t)
AudioConvertHostTimeToNanos( AudioGetCurrentHostTime() ) / 1000;
p_sys->clock_diff += mdate();
/* Start the AU */
verify_noerr( AudioOutputUnitStart(p_sys->au_unit) );
return true;
* Setup a encoded digital stream (SPDIF)
static int OpenSPDIF( aout_instance_t * p_aout )
struct aout_sys_t *p_sys = p_aout->output.p_sys;
OSStatus err = noErr;
UInt32 i_param_size = 0, b_mix = 0;
Boolean b_writeable = false;
AudioStreamID *p_streams = NULL;
int i = 0, i_streams = 0;
/* Start doing the SPDIF setup proces */
p_sys->b_digital = true;
/* Hog the device */
i_param_size = sizeof( p_sys->i_hog_pid );
p_sys->i_hog_pid = getpid() ;
err = AudioDeviceSetProperty( p_sys->i_selected_dev, 0, 0, FALSE,
kAudioDevicePropertyHogMode, i_param_size, &p_sys->i_hog_pid );
if( err != noErr )
msg_Err( p_aout, "failed to set hogmode: [%4.4s]", (char *)&err );
return false;
/* Set mixable to false if we are allowed to */
err = AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo( p_sys->i_selected_dev, 0, FALSE, kAudioDevicePropertySupportsMixing,
&i_param_size, &b_writeable );
err = AudioDeviceGetProperty( p_sys->i_selected_dev, 0, FALSE, kAudioDevicePropertySupportsMixing,
&i_param_size, &b_mix );
if( !err && b_writeable )
b_mix = 0;
err = AudioDeviceSetProperty( p_sys->i_selected_dev, 0, 0, FALSE,
kAudioDevicePropertySupportsMixing, i_param_size, &b_mix );
p_sys->b_changed_mixing = true;
if( err != noErr )
msg_Err( p_aout, "failed to set mixmode: [%4.4s]", (char *)&err );
return false;
/* Get a list of all the streams on this device */
err = AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo( p_sys->i_selected_dev, 0, FALSE,
&i_param_size, NULL );
if( err != noErr )
msg_Err( p_aout, "could not get number of streams: [%4.4s]", (char *)&err );
return false;
i_streams = i_param_size / sizeof( AudioStreamID );
p_streams = (AudioStreamID *)malloc( i_param_size );
if( p_streams == NULL )
return false;
err = AudioDeviceGetProperty( p_sys->i_selected_dev, 0, FALSE,
&i_param_size, p_streams );
if( err != noErr )
msg_Err( p_aout, "could not get number of streams: [%4.4s]", (char *)&err );
free( p_streams );
return false;
for( i = 0; i < i_streams && p_sys->i_stream_index < 0 ; i++ )
/* Find a stream with a cac3 stream */
AudioStreamBasicDescription *p_format_list = NULL;
int i_formats = 0, j = 0;
bool b_digital = false;
/* Retrieve all the stream formats supported by each output stream */
err = AudioStreamGetPropertyInfo( p_streams[i], 0,
&i_param_size, NULL );
if( err != noErr )
msg_Err( p_aout, "could not get number of streamformats: [%4.4s]", (char *)&err );
i_formats = i_param_size / sizeof( AudioStreamBasicDescription );
p_format_list = (AudioStreamBasicDescription *)malloc( i_param_size );
if( p_format_list == NULL )
err = AudioStreamGetProperty( p_streams[i], 0,
&i_param_size, p_format_list );
if( err != noErr )
msg_Err( p_aout, "could not get the list of streamformats: [%4.4s]", (char *)&err );
free( p_format_list );
/* Check if one of the supported formats is a digital format */
for( j = 0; j < i_formats; j++ )
if( p_format_list[j].mFormatID == 'IAC3' ||
p_format_list[j].mFormatID == kAudioFormat60958AC3 )
b_digital = true;
if( b_digital )
/* if this stream supports a digital (cac3) format, then go set it. */
int i_requested_rate_format = -1;
int i_current_rate_format = -1;
int i_backup_rate_format = -1;
p_sys->i_stream_id = p_streams[i];
p_sys->i_stream_index = i;
if( p_sys->b_revert == false )
/* Retrieve the original format of this stream first if not done so already */
i_param_size = sizeof( p_sys->sfmt_revert );
err = AudioStreamGetProperty( p_sys->i_stream_id, 0,
&p_sys->sfmt_revert );
if( err != noErr )
msg_Err( p_aout, "could not retrieve the original streamformat: [%4.4s]", (char *)&err );
p_sys->b_revert = true;
for( j = 0; j < i_formats; j++ )
if( p_format_list[j].mFormatID == 'IAC3' ||
p_format_list[j].mFormatID == kAudioFormat60958AC3 )
if( p_format_list[j].mSampleRate == p_aout->output.output.i_rate )
i_requested_rate_format = j;
else if( p_format_list[j].mSampleRate == p_sys->sfmt_revert.mSampleRate )
i_current_rate_format = j;
if( i_backup_rate_format < 0 || p_format_list[j].mSampleRate > p_format_list[i_backup_rate_format].mSampleRate )
i_backup_rate_format = j;
if( i_requested_rate_format >= 0 ) /* We prefer to output at the samplerate of the original audio */
p_sys->stream_format = p_format_list[i_requested_rate_format];
else if( i_current_rate_format >= 0 ) /* If not possible, we will try to use the current samplerate of the device */
p_sys->stream_format = p_format_list[i_current_rate_format];
else p_sys->stream_format = p_format_list[i_backup_rate_format]; /* And if we have to, any digital format will be just fine (highest rate possible) */
free( p_format_list );
free( p_streams );
msg_Dbg( p_aout, STREAM_FORMAT_MSG( "original stream format: ", p_sys->sfmt_revert ) );
if( !AudioStreamChangeFormat( p_aout, p_sys->i_stream_id, p_sys->stream_format ) )
return false;
/* Set the format flags */
if( p_sys->stream_format.mFormatFlags & kAudioFormatFlagIsBigEndian )
p_aout->output.output.i_format = VLC_CODEC_SPDIFB;
p_aout->output.output.i_format = VLC_CODEC_SPDIFL;
p_aout->output.output.i_bytes_per_frame = AOUT_SPDIF_SIZE;
p_aout->output.output.i_frame_length = A52_FRAME_NB;
p_aout->output.i_nb_samples = p_aout->output.output.i_frame_length;
p_aout->output.output.i_rate = (unsigned int)p_sys->stream_format.mSampleRate;
aout_FormatPrepare( &p_aout->output.output );
aout_VolumeNoneInit( p_aout );
/* Add IOProc callback */
err = AudioDeviceAddIOProc( p_sys->i_selected_dev,
(void *)p_aout );
if( err != noErr )
msg_Err( p_aout, "AudioDeviceAddIOProc failed: [%4.4s]", (char *)&err );
return false;
/* Check for the difference between the Device clock and mdate */
p_sys->clock_diff = - (mtime_t)
AudioConvertHostTimeToNanos( AudioGetCurrentHostTime() ) / 1000;
p_sys->clock_diff += mdate();
/* Start device */
err = AudioDeviceStart( p_sys->i_selected_dev, (AudioDeviceIOProc)RenderCallbackSPDIF );
if( err != noErr )
msg_Err( p_aout, "AudioDeviceStart failed: [%4.4s]", (char *)&err );
err = AudioDeviceRemoveIOProc( p_sys->i_selected_dev,
(AudioDeviceIOProc)RenderCallbackSPDIF );
if( err != noErr )
msg_Err( p_aout, "AudioDeviceRemoveIOProc failed: [%4.4s]", (char *)&err );
return false;
return true;
* Close: Close HAL AudioUnit
static void Close( vlc_object_t * p_this )
aout_instance_t *p_aout = (aout_instance_t *)p_this;
struct aout_sys_t *p_sys = p_aout->output.p_sys;
OSStatus err = noErr;
UInt32 i_param_size = 0;
if( p_sys->au_unit )
verify_noerr( AudioOutputUnitStop( p_sys->au_unit ) );
verify_noerr( AudioUnitUninitialize( p_sys->au_unit ) );
verify_noerr( CloseComponent( p_sys->au_unit ) );
if( p_sys->b_digital )
/* Stop device */
err = AudioDeviceStop( p_sys->i_selected_dev,
(AudioDeviceIOProc)RenderCallbackSPDIF );
if( err != noErr )
msg_Err( p_aout, "AudioDeviceStop failed: [%4.4s]", (char *)&err );
/* Remove IOProc callback */
err = AudioDeviceRemoveIOProc( p_sys->i_selected_dev,
(AudioDeviceIOProc)RenderCallbackSPDIF );
if( err != noErr )
msg_Err( p_aout, "AudioDeviceRemoveIOProc failed: [%4.4s]", (char *)&err );
if( p_sys->b_revert )
AudioStreamChangeFormat( p_aout, p_sys->i_stream_id, p_sys->sfmt_revert );
if( p_sys->b_changed_mixing && p_sys->sfmt_revert.mFormatID != kAudioFormat60958AC3 )
int b_mix;
Boolean b_writeable;
/* Revert mixable to true if we are allowed to */
err = AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo( p_sys->i_selected_dev, 0, FALSE, kAudioDevicePropertySupportsMixing,
&i_param_size, &b_writeable );
err = AudioDeviceGetProperty( p_sys->i_selected_dev, 0, FALSE, kAudioDevicePropertySupportsMixing,
&i_param_size, &b_mix );
if( !err && b_writeable )
msg_Dbg( p_aout, "mixable is: %d", b_mix );
b_mix = 1;
err = AudioDeviceSetProperty( p_sys->i_selected_dev, 0, 0, FALSE,
kAudioDevicePropertySupportsMixing, i_param_size, &b_mix );
if( err != noErr )
msg_Err( p_aout, "failed to set mixmode: [%4.4s]", (char *)&err );
err = AudioHardwareRemovePropertyListener( kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices,
HardwareListener );
if( err != noErr )
msg_Err( p_aout, "AudioHardwareRemovePropertyListener failed: [%4.4s]", (char *)&err );
if( p_sys->i_hog_pid == getpid() )
p_sys->i_hog_pid = -1;
i_param_size = sizeof( p_sys->i_hog_pid );
err = AudioDeviceSetProperty( p_sys->i_selected_dev, 0, 0, FALSE,
kAudioDevicePropertyHogMode, i_param_size, &p_sys->i_hog_pid );
if( err != noErr ) msg_Err( p_aout, "Could not release hogmode: [%4.4s]", (char *)&err );
free( p_sys );
* Play: nothing to do
static void Play( aout_instance_t * p_aout )
* Probe: Check which devices the OS has, and add them to our audio-device menu
static void Probe( aout_instance_t * p_aout )
OSStatus err = noErr;
UInt32 i = 0, i_param_size = 0;
AudioDeviceID devid_def = 0;
AudioDeviceID *p_devices = NULL;
vlc_value_t val, text;
struct aout_sys_t *p_sys = p_aout->output.p_sys;
/* Get number of devices */
err = AudioHardwareGetPropertyInfo( kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices,
&i_param_size, NULL );
if( err != noErr )
msg_Err( p_aout, "Could not get number of devices: [%4.4s]", (char *)&err );
goto error;
p_sys->i_devices = i_param_size / sizeof( AudioDeviceID );
if( p_sys->i_devices < 1 )
msg_Err( p_aout, "No audio output devices were found." );
goto error;
msg_Dbg( p_aout, "system has [%ld] device(s)", p_sys->i_devices );
/* Allocate DeviceID array */
p_devices = (AudioDeviceID*)malloc( sizeof(AudioDeviceID) * p_sys->i_devices );
if( p_devices == NULL )
goto error;
/* Populate DeviceID array */
err = AudioHardwareGetProperty( kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices,
&i_param_size, p_devices );
if( err != noErr )
msg_Err( p_aout, "could not get the device IDs: [%4.4s]", (char *)&err );
goto error;
/* Find the ID of the default Device */
i_param_size = sizeof( AudioDeviceID );
err = AudioHardwareGetProperty( kAudioHardwarePropertyDefaultOutputDevice,
&i_param_size, &devid_def );
if( err != noErr )
msg_Err( p_aout, "could not get default audio device: [%4.4s]", (char *)&err );
goto error;
p_sys->i_default_dev = devid_def;
var_Create( p_aout, "audio-device", VLC_VAR_INTEGER|VLC_VAR_HASCHOICE );
text.psz_string = (char*)_("Audio Device");
var_Change( p_aout, "audio-device", VLC_VAR_SETTEXT, &text, NULL );
for( i = 0; i < p_sys->i_devices; i++ )
char *psz_name;
i_param_size = 0;
/* Retrieve the length of the device name */
err = AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo(
p_devices[i], 0, false,
&i_param_size, NULL);
if( err ) goto error;
/* Retrieve the name of the device */
psz_name = (char *)malloc( i_param_size );
err = AudioDeviceGetProperty(
p_devices[i], 0, false,
&i_param_size, psz_name);
if( err ) goto error;
msg_Dbg( p_aout, "DevID: %#lx DevName: %s", p_devices[i], psz_name );
if( !AudioDeviceHasOutput( p_devices[i]) )
msg_Dbg( p_aout, "this device is INPUT only. skipping..." );
free( psz_name );
/* Add the menu entries */
val.i_int = (int)p_devices[i];
text.psz_string = psz_name;
var_Change( p_aout, "audio-device", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text );
text.psz_string = NULL;
if( p_sys->i_default_dev == p_devices[i] )
/* The default device is the selected device normally */
var_Change( p_aout, "audio-device", VLC_VAR_SETDEFAULT, &val, NULL );
var_Set( p_aout, "audio-device", val );
if( AudioDeviceSupportsDigital( p_aout, p_devices[i] ) )
val.i_int = (int)p_devices[i] | AOUT_VAR_SPDIF_FLAG;
if( asprintf( &text.psz_string, _("%s (Encoded Output)"), psz_name ) != -1 )
var_Change( p_aout, "audio-device", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val, &text );
free( text.psz_string );
if( p_sys->i_default_dev == p_devices[i] && config_GetInt( p_aout, "spdif" ) )
/* We selected to prefer SPDIF output if available
* then this "dummy" entry should be selected */
var_Change( p_aout, "audio-device", VLC_VAR_SETDEFAULT, &val, NULL );
var_Set( p_aout, "audio-device", val );
free( psz_name);
/* If a device is already "preselected", then use this device */
var_Get( p_aout->p_libvlc, "macosx-audio-device", &val );
if( val.i_int > 0 )
var_Change( p_aout, "audio-device", VLC_VAR_SETDEFAULT, &val, NULL );
var_Set( p_aout, "audio-device", val );
/* If we change the device we want to use, we should renegotiate the audio chain */
var_AddCallback( p_aout, "audio-device", AudioDeviceCallback, NULL );
/* Attach a Listener so that we are notified of a change in the Device setup */
err = AudioHardwareAddPropertyListener( kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices,
(void *)p_aout );
if( err )
goto error;
free( p_devices );
msg_Warn( p_aout, "audio device already in use" );
free( p_devices );
* AudioDeviceHasOutput: Checks if the Device actually provides any outputs at all
static int AudioDeviceHasOutput( AudioDeviceID i_dev_id )
UInt32 dataSize;
Boolean isWritable;
verify_noerr( AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo( i_dev_id, 0, FALSE, kAudioDevicePropertyStreams, &dataSize, &isWritable) );
if (dataSize == 0) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* AudioDeviceSupportsDigital: Check i_dev_id for digital stream support.
static int AudioDeviceSupportsDigital( aout_instance_t *p_aout, AudioDeviceID i_dev_id )
OSStatus err = noErr;
UInt32 i_param_size = 0;
AudioStreamID *p_streams = NULL;
int i = 0, i_streams = 0;
bool b_return = false;
/* Retrieve all the output streams */
err = AudioDeviceGetPropertyInfo( i_dev_id, 0, FALSE,
&i_param_size, NULL );
if( err != noErr )
msg_Err( p_aout, "could not get number of streams: [%4.4s]", (char *)&err );
return false;
i_streams = i_param_size / sizeof( AudioStreamID );
p_streams = (AudioStreamID *)malloc( i_param_size );
if( p_streams == NULL )
return VLC_ENOMEM;
err = AudioDeviceGetProperty( i_dev_id, 0, FALSE,
&i_param_size, p_streams );
if( err != noErr )
msg_Err( p_aout, "could not get number of streams: [%4.4s]", (char *)&err );
return false;
for( i = 0; i < i_streams; i++ )
if( AudioStreamSupportsDigital( p_aout, p_streams[i] ) )
b_return = true;
free( p_streams );
return b_return;
* AudioStreamSupportsDigital: Check i_stream_id for digital stream support.
static int AudioStreamSupportsDigital( aout_instance_t *p_aout, AudioStreamID i_stream_id )
OSStatus err = noErr;
UInt32 i_param_size = 0;
AudioStreamBasicDescription *p_format_list = NULL;
int i = 0, i_formats = 0;
bool b_return = false;
/* Retrieve all the stream formats supported by each output stream */
err = AudioStreamGetPropertyInfo( i_stream_id, 0,
&i_param_size, NULL );
if( err != noErr )
msg_Err( p_aout, "could not get number of streamformats: [%4.4s]", (char *)&err );
return false;
i_formats = i_param_size / sizeof( AudioStreamBasicDescription );
p_format_list = (AudioStreamBasicDescription *)malloc( i_param_size );
if( p_format_list == NULL )
return false;
err = AudioStreamGetProperty( i_stream_id, 0,
&i_param_size, p_format_list );
if( err != noErr )
msg_Err( p_aout, "could not get the list of streamformats: [%4.4s]", (char *)&err );
free( p_format_list);
p_format_list = NULL;
return false;
for( i = 0; i < i_formats; i++ )
msg_Dbg( p_aout, STREAM_FORMAT_MSG( "supported format: ", p_format_list[i] ) );
if( p_format_list[i].mFormatID == 'IAC3' ||
p_format_list[i].mFormatID == kAudioFormat60958AC3 )
b_return = true;
free( p_format_list );
return b_return;
* AudioStreamChangeFormat: Change i_stream_id to change_format
static int AudioStreamChangeFormat( aout_instance_t *p_aout, AudioStreamID i_stream_id, AudioStreamBasicDescription change_format )
OSStatus err = noErr;
UInt32 i_param_size = 0;
int i;
struct { vlc_mutex_t lock; vlc_cond_t cond; } w;
msg_Dbg( p_aout, STREAM_FORMAT_MSG( "setting stream format: ", change_format ) );
/* Condition because SetProperty is asynchronious */
vlc_cond_init( &w.cond );
vlc_mutex_init( &w.lock );
vlc_mutex_lock( &w.lock );
/* Install the callback */
err = AudioStreamAddPropertyListener( i_stream_id, 0,
StreamListener, (void *)&w );
if( err != noErr )
msg_Err( p_aout, "AudioStreamAddPropertyListener failed: [%4.4s]", (char *)&err );
return false;
/* change the format */
err = AudioStreamSetProperty( i_stream_id, 0, 0,
sizeof( AudioStreamBasicDescription ),
&change_format );
if( err != noErr )
msg_Err( p_aout, "could not set the stream format: [%4.4s]", (char *)&err );
return false;
/* The AudioStreamSetProperty is not only asynchronious (requiring the locks)
* it is also not atomic in its behaviour.
* Therefore we check 5 times before we really give up.
* FIXME: failing isn't actually implemented yet. */
for( i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
AudioStreamBasicDescription actual_format;
mtime_t timeout = mdate() + 500000;
if( vlc_cond_timedwait( &w.cond, &w.lock, timeout ) )
msg_Dbg( p_aout, "reached timeout" );
i_param_size = sizeof( AudioStreamBasicDescription );
err = AudioStreamGetProperty( i_stream_id, 0,
&actual_format );
msg_Dbg( p_aout, STREAM_FORMAT_MSG( "actual format in use: ", actual_format ) );
if( actual_format.mSampleRate == change_format.mSampleRate &&
actual_format.mFormatID == change_format.mFormatID &&
actual_format.mFramesPerPacket == change_format.mFramesPerPacket )
/* The right format is now active */
/* We need to check again */
/* Removing the property listener */
err = AudioStreamRemovePropertyListener( i_stream_id, 0,
StreamListener );
if( err != noErr )
msg_Err( p_aout, "AudioStreamRemovePropertyListener failed: [%4.4s]", (char *)&err );
return false;
/* Destroy the lock and condition */
vlc_mutex_unlock( &w.lock );
vlc_mutex_destroy( &w.lock );
vlc_cond_destroy( &w.cond );
return true;
* RenderCallbackAnalog: This function is called everytime the AudioUnit wants
* us to provide some more audio data.
* Don't print anything during normal playback, calling blocking function from
* this callback is not allowed.
static OSStatus RenderCallbackAnalog( vlc_object_t *_p_aout,
AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *ioActionFlags,
const AudioTimeStamp *inTimeStamp,
unsigned int inBusNumber,
unsigned int inNumberFrames,
AudioBufferList *ioData )
AudioTimeStamp host_time;
mtime_t current_date = 0;
uint32_t i_mData_bytes = 0;
aout_instance_t * p_aout = (aout_instance_t *)_p_aout;
struct aout_sys_t * p_sys = p_aout->output.p_sys;
host_time.mFlags = kAudioTimeStampHostTimeValid;
AudioDeviceTranslateTime( p_sys->i_selected_dev, inTimeStamp, &host_time );
/* Check for the difference between the Device clock and mdate */
p_sys->clock_diff = - (mtime_t)
AudioConvertHostTimeToNanos( AudioGetCurrentHostTime() ) / 1000;
p_sys->clock_diff += mdate();
current_date = p_sys->clock_diff +
AudioConvertHostTimeToNanos( host_time.mHostTime ) / 1000;
//- ((mtime_t) 1000000 / p_aout->output.output.i_rate * 31 ); // 31 = Latency in Frames. retrieve somewhere
if( ioData == NULL && ioData->mNumberBuffers < 1 )
msg_Err( p_aout, "no iodata or buffers");
return 0;
if( ioData->mNumberBuffers > 1 )
msg_Err( p_aout, "well this is weird. seems like there is more than one buffer..." );
if( p_sys->i_total_bytes > 0 )
i_mData_bytes = __MIN( p_sys->i_total_bytes - p_sys->i_read_bytes, ioData->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize );
vlc_memcpy( ioData->mBuffers[0].mData,
i_mData_bytes );
p_sys->i_read_bytes += i_mData_bytes;
current_date += (mtime_t) ( (mtime_t) 1000000 / p_aout->output.output.i_rate ) *
( i_mData_bytes / 4 / aout_FormatNbChannels( &p_aout->output.output ) ); // 4 is fl32 specific
if( p_sys->i_read_bytes >= p_sys->i_total_bytes )
p_sys->i_read_bytes = p_sys->i_total_bytes = 0;
while( i_mData_bytes < ioData->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize )
/* We don't have enough data yet */
aout_buffer_t * p_buffer;
p_buffer = aout_OutputNextBuffer( p_aout, current_date , false );
if( p_buffer != NULL )
uint32_t i_second_mData_bytes = __MIN( p_buffer->i_buffer, ioData->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize - i_mData_bytes );
vlc_memcpy( (uint8_t *)ioData->mBuffers[0].mData + i_mData_bytes,
p_buffer->p_buffer, i_second_mData_bytes );
i_mData_bytes += i_second_mData_bytes;
if( i_mData_bytes >= ioData->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize )
p_sys->i_total_bytes = p_buffer->i_buffer - i_second_mData_bytes;
vlc_memcpy( p_sys->p_remainder_buffer,
p_sys->i_total_bytes );
/* update current_date */
current_date += (mtime_t) ( (mtime_t) 1000000 / p_aout->output.output.i_rate ) *
( i_second_mData_bytes / 4 / aout_FormatNbChannels( &p_aout->output.output ) ); // 4 is fl32 specific
aout_BufferFree( p_buffer );
vlc_memset( (uint8_t *)ioData->mBuffers[0].mData +i_mData_bytes,
0,ioData->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize - i_mData_bytes );
i_mData_bytes += ioData->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize - i_mData_bytes;
return( noErr );
* RenderCallbackSPDIF: callback for SPDIF audio output
static OSStatus RenderCallbackSPDIF( AudioDeviceID inDevice,
const AudioTimeStamp * inNow,
const void * inInputData,
const AudioTimeStamp * inInputTime,
AudioBufferList * outOutputData,
const AudioTimeStamp * inOutputTime,
void * threadGlobals )
aout_buffer_t * p_buffer;
mtime_t current_date;
aout_instance_t * p_aout = (aout_instance_t *)threadGlobals;
struct aout_sys_t * p_sys = p_aout->output.p_sys;
/* Check for the difference between the Device clock and mdate */
p_sys->clock_diff = - (mtime_t)
AudioConvertHostTimeToNanos( inNow->mHostTime ) / 1000;
p_sys->clock_diff += mdate();
current_date = p_sys->clock_diff +
AudioConvertHostTimeToNanos( inOutputTime->mHostTime ) / 1000;
//- ((mtime_t) 1000000 / p_aout->output.output.i_rate * 31 ); // 31 = Latency in Frames. retrieve somewhere
p_buffer = aout_OutputNextBuffer( p_aout, current_date, true );
#define BUFFER outOutputData->mBuffers[p_sys->i_stream_index]
if( p_buffer != NULL )
if( (int)BUFFER.mDataByteSize != (int)p_buffer->i_buffer)
msg_Warn( p_aout, "bytesize: %d nb_bytes: %d", (int)BUFFER.mDataByteSize, (int)p_buffer->i_buffer );
/* move data into output data buffer */
vlc_memcpy( BUFFER.mData, p_buffer->p_buffer, p_buffer->i_buffer );
aout_BufferFree( p_buffer );
vlc_memset( BUFFER.mData, 0, BUFFER.mDataByteSize );
#undef BUFFER
return( noErr );
* HardwareListener: Warns us of changes in the list of registered devices
static OSStatus HardwareListener( AudioHardwarePropertyID inPropertyID,
void * inClientData )
OSStatus err = noErr;
aout_instance_t *p_aout = (aout_instance_t *)inClientData;
switch( inPropertyID )
case kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices:
/* something changed in the list of devices */
/* We trigger the audio-device's aout_ChannelsRestart callback */
var_TriggerCallback( p_aout, "audio-device" );
var_Destroy( p_aout, "audio-device" );
return( err );
* StreamListener
static OSStatus StreamListener( AudioStreamID inStream,
UInt32 inChannel,
AudioDevicePropertyID inPropertyID,
void * inClientData )
OSStatus err = noErr;
struct { vlc_mutex_t lock; vlc_cond_t cond; } * w = inClientData;
switch( inPropertyID )
case kAudioStreamPropertyPhysicalFormat:
vlc_mutex_lock( &w->lock );
vlc_cond_signal( &w->cond );
vlc_mutex_unlock( &w->lock );
return( err );
* AudioDeviceCallback: Callback triggered when the audio-device variable is changed
static int AudioDeviceCallback( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_variable,
vlc_value_t old_val, vlc_value_t new_val, void *param )
aout_instance_t *p_aout = (aout_instance_t *)p_this;
var_Set( p_aout->p_libvlc, "macosx-audio-device", new_val );
msg_Dbg( p_aout, "Set Device: %#x", new_val.i_int );
return aout_ChannelsRestart( p_this, psz_variable, old_val, new_val, param );