
756 lines
24 KiB

* vlcplugin.cpp: a VLC plugin for Mozilla
* Copyright (C) 2002-2008 the VideoLAN team
* $Id$
* Authors: Samuel Hocevar <sam@zoy.org>
* Damien Fouilleul <damienf.fouilleul@laposte.net>
* Jean-Paul Saman <jpsaman@videolan.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Preamble
#include "config.h"
# include <mozilla-config.h>
#include "vlcplugin.h"
#include "control/npolibvlc.h"
#include <ctype.h>
* VlcPlugin constructor and destructor
VlcPlugin::VlcPlugin( NPP instance, uint16 mode ) :
#if XP_WIN
memset(&npwindow, 0, sizeof(NPWindow));
static bool boolValue(const char *value) {
return ( !strcmp(value, "1") ||
!strcasecmp(value, "true") ||
!strcasecmp(value, "yes") );
NPError VlcPlugin::init(int argc, char* const argn[], char* const argv[])
/* prepare VLC command line */
char *ppsz_argv[32];
int ppsz_argc = 0;
/* locate VLC module path */
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--plugin-path";
ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/VLC Plugin.plugin/"
#elif defined(XP_WIN)
HKEY h_key;
DWORD i_type, i_data = MAX_PATH + 1;
char p_data[MAX_PATH + 1];
if( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\VideoLAN\\VLC",
0, KEY_READ, &h_key ) == ERROR_SUCCESS )
if( RegQueryValueEx( h_key, "InstallDir", 0, &i_type,
(LPBYTE)p_data, &i_data ) == ERROR_SUCCESS )
if( i_type == REG_SZ )
strcat( p_data, "\\plugins" );
ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--plugin-path";
ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = p_data;
RegCloseKey( h_key );
ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--no-one-instance";
#endif /* XP_MACOSX */
/* common settings */
ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "-vv";
ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--no-stats";
ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--no-media-library";
ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--ignore-config";
ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--intf";
ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "dummy";
const char *progid = NULL;
/* parse plugin arguments */
for( int i = 0; i < argc ; i++ )
fprintf(stderr, "argn=%s, argv=%s\n", argn[i], argv[i]);
if( !strcmp( argn[i], "target" )
|| !strcmp( argn[i], "mrl")
|| !strcmp( argn[i], "filename")
|| !strcmp( argn[i], "src") )
psz_target = argv[i];
else if( !strcmp( argn[i], "autoplay")
|| !strcmp( argn[i], "autostart") )
b_autoplay = boolValue(argv[i]);
else if( !strcmp( argn[i], "fullscreen" ) )
if( boolValue(argv[i]) )
ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--fullscreen";
ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--no-fullscreen";
else if( !strcmp( argn[i], "mute" ) )
if( boolValue(argv[i]) )
ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--volume";
ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "0";
else if( !strcmp( argn[i], "loop")
|| !strcmp( argn[i], "autoloop") )
if( boolValue(argv[i]) )
ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--loop";
ppsz_argv[ppsz_argc++] = "--no-loop";
else if( !strcmp( argn[i], "version")
|| !strcmp( argn[i], "progid") )
progid = argv[i];
else if( !strcmp( argn[i], "toolbar" ) )
b_toolbar = boolValue(argv[i]);
libvlc_exception_t ex;
libvlc_instance = libvlc_new(ppsz_argc, ppsz_argv, &ex);
if( libvlc_exception_raised(&ex) )
** fetch plugin base URL, which is the URL of the page containing the plugin
** this URL is used for making absolute URL from relative URL that may be
** passed as an MRL argument
NPObject *plugin;
if( NPERR_NO_ERROR == NPN_GetValue(p_browser, NPNVWindowNPObject, &plugin) )
** is there a better way to get that info ?
static const char docLocHref[] = "document.location.href";
NPString script;
NPVariant result;
script.utf8characters = docLocHref;
script.utf8length = sizeof(docLocHref)-1;
if( NPN_Evaluate(p_browser, plugin, &script, &result) )
NPString &location = NPVARIANT_TO_STRING(result);
psz_baseURL = new char[location.utf8length+1];
if( psz_baseURL )
strncpy(psz_baseURL, location.utf8characters, location.utf8length);
psz_baseURL[location.utf8length] = '\0';
if( psz_target )
// get absolute URL from src
char *psz_absurl = getAbsoluteURL(psz_target);
psz_target = psz_absurl ? psz_absurl : strdup(psz_target);
/* assign plugin script root class */
/* new APIs */
p_scriptClass = RuntimeNPClass<LibvlcRootNPObject>::getClass();
delete[] psz_baseURL;
delete psz_target;
if( libvlc_log )
libvlc_log_close(libvlc_log, NULL);
if( libvlc_instance )
* VlcPlugin methods
char *VlcPlugin::getAbsoluteURL(const char *url)
if( NULL != url )
// check whether URL is already absolute
const char *end=strchr(url, ':');
if( (NULL != end) && (end != url) )
// validate protocol header
const char *start = url;
char c = *start;
if( isalpha(c) )
while( start != end )
c = *start;
if( ! (isalnum(c)
|| ('-' == c)
|| ('+' == c)
|| ('.' == c)
|| ('/' == c)) ) /* VLC uses / to allow user to specify a demuxer */
// not valid protocol header, assume relative URL
goto relativeurl;
/* we have a protocol header, therefore URL is absolute */
return strdup(url);
// not a valid protocol header, assume relative URL
if( psz_baseURL )
size_t baseLen = strlen(psz_baseURL);
char *href = new char[baseLen+strlen(url)+1];
if( href )
/* prepend base URL */
strcpy(href, psz_baseURL);
** relative url could be empty,
** in which case return base URL
if( '\0' == *url )
return href;
** locate pathname part of base URL
/* skip over protocol part */
char *pathstart = strchr(href, ':');
char *pathend;
if( pathstart )
if( '/' == *(++pathstart) )
if( '/' == *(++pathstart) )
/* skip over host part */
pathstart = strchr(pathstart, '/');
pathend = href+baseLen;
if( ! pathstart )
// no path, add a / past end of url (over '\0')
pathstart = pathend;
*pathstart = '/';
/* baseURL is just a UNIX path */
if( '/' != *href )
/* baseURL is not an absolute path */
delete[] href;
return NULL;
pathstart = href;
pathend = href+baseLen;
/* relative URL made of an absolute path ? */
if( '/' == *url )
/* replace path completely */
strcpy(pathstart, url);
return href;
/* find last path component and replace it */
while( '/' != *pathend)
** if relative url path starts with one or more '../',
** factor them out of href so that we return a
** normalized URL
while( pathend != pathstart )
const char *p = url;
if( '.' != *p )
if( '\0' == *p )
/* relative url is just '.' */
url = p;
if( '/' == *p )
/* relative url starts with './' */
url = ++p;
if( '.' != *p )
if( '\0' == *p )
/* relative url is '..' */
if( '/' != *p )
/* relative url starts with '../' */
url = p;
while( '/' != *pathend );
/* skip over '/' separator */
/* concatenate remaining base URL and relative URL */
strcpy(pathend, url);
return href;
return NULL;
int VlcPlugin::setSize(unsigned width, unsigned height)
int diff = (width != i_width) || (height != i_height);
i_width = width;
i_height = height;
/* return size */
return diff;
#define BTN_SPACE ((unsigned int)4)
void VlcPlugin::showToolbar()
const NPWindow& window = getWindow();
Window control = getControlWindow();
Window video = getVideoWindow();
Display *p_display = ((NPSetWindowCallbackStruct *)window.ws_info)->display;
unsigned int i_height = 0, i_width = BTN_SPACE;
/* load icons */
if( !p_btnPlay )
XpmReadFileToImage( p_display, DATA_PATH "/mozilla/play.xpm",
&p_btnPlay, NULL, NULL);
if( p_btnPlay )
i_height = __MAX( i_height, p_btnPlay->height );
if( !p_btnPause )
XpmReadFileToImage( p_display, DATA_PATH "/mozilla/pause.xpm",
&p_btnPause, NULL, NULL);
if( p_btnPause )
i_height = __MAX( i_height, p_btnPause->height );
i_width += __MAX( p_btnPause->width, p_btnPlay->width );
if( !p_btnStop )
XpmReadFileToImage( p_display, DATA_PATH "/mozilla/stop.xpm",
&p_btnStop, NULL, NULL );
if( p_btnStop )
i_height = __MAX( i_height, p_btnStop->height );
i_width += BTN_SPACE + p_btnStop->width;
if( !p_timeline )
XpmReadFileToImage( p_display, DATA_PATH "/mozilla/time_line.xpm",
&p_timeline, NULL, NULL);
if( p_timeline )
i_height = __MAX( i_height, p_timeline->height );
i_width += BTN_SPACE + p_timeline->width;
if( !p_btnTime )
XpmReadFileToImage( p_display, DATA_PATH "/mozilla/time_icon.xpm",
&p_btnTime, NULL, NULL);
if( p_btnTime )
i_height = __MAX( i_height, p_btnTime->height );
i_width += BTN_SPACE + p_btnTime->width;
if( !p_btnFullscreen )
XpmReadFileToImage( p_display, DATA_PATH "/mozilla/fullscreen.xpm",
&p_btnFullscreen, NULL, NULL);
if( p_btnFullscreen )
i_height = __MAX( i_height, p_btnFullscreen->height );
i_width += BTN_SPACE + p_btnFullscreen->width;
if( !p_btnMute )
XpmReadFileToImage( p_display, DATA_PATH "/mozilla/volume_max.xpm",
&p_btnMute, NULL, NULL);
if( p_btnMute )
i_height = __MAX( i_height, p_btnMute->height );
if( !p_btnUnmute )
XpmReadFileToImage( p_display, DATA_PATH "/mozilla/volume_mute.xpm",
&p_btnUnmute, NULL, NULL);
if( p_btnUnmute )
i_height = __MAX( i_height, p_btnUnmute->height );
i_width += BTN_SPACE + __MAX( p_btnUnmute->width, p_btnMute->width );
setToolbarSize( i_width, i_height );
if( !p_btnPlay || !p_btnPause || !p_btnStop || !p_timeline ||
!p_btnTime || !p_btnFullscreen || !p_btnMute || !p_btnUnmute )
fprintf(stderr, "Error: some button images not found in %s\n", DATA_PATH );
/* reset panels position and size */
/* XXX use i_width */
XResizeWindow( p_display, video, window.width, window.height - i_height);
XMoveWindow( p_display, control, 0, window.height - i_height );
XResizeWindow( p_display, control, window.width, i_height -1);
b_toolbar = 1; /* says toolbar is now shown */
void VlcPlugin::hideToolbar()
const NPWindow& window = getWindow();
Display *p_display = ((NPSetWindowCallbackStruct *)window.ws_info)->display;
Window control = getControlWindow();
Window video = getVideoWindow();
i_tb_width = i_tb_height = 0;
if( p_btnPlay ) XDestroyImage( p_btnPlay );
if( p_btnPause ) XDestroyImage( p_btnPause );
if( p_btnStop ) XDestroyImage( p_btnStop );
if( p_timeline ) XDestroyImage( p_timeline );
if( p_btnTime ) XDestroyImage( p_btnTime );
if( p_btnFullscreen ) XDestroyImage( p_btnFullscreen );
if( p_btnMute ) XDestroyImage( p_btnMute );
if( p_btnUnmute ) XDestroyImage( p_btnUnmute );
p_btnPlay = NULL;
p_btnPause = NULL;
p_btnStop = NULL;
p_timeline = NULL;
p_btnTime = NULL;
p_btnFullscreen = NULL;
p_btnMute = NULL;
p_btnUnmute = NULL;
/* reset panels position and size */
/* XXX use i_width */
XResizeWindow( p_display, video, window.width, window.height );
XMoveWindow( p_display, control, 0, window.height-1 );
XResizeWindow( p_display, control, window.width, 1 );
b_toolbar = 0; /* says toolbar is now hidden */
void VlcPlugin::redrawToolbar()
libvlc_media_player_t *p_md = NULL;
libvlc_exception_t ex;
float f_position = 0.0;
int i_playing = 0;
bool b_mute = false;
unsigned int dst_x, dst_y;
GC gc;
XGCValues gcv;
unsigned int i_tb_width, i_tb_height;
/* This method does nothing if toolbar is hidden. */
if( !b_toolbar )
const NPWindow& window = getWindow();
Window control = getControlWindow();
Display *p_display = ((NPSetWindowCallbackStruct *)window.ws_info)->display;
getToolbarSize( &i_tb_width, &i_tb_height );
/* get media instance */
libvlc_exception_init( &ex );
p_md = libvlc_playlist_get_media_player( getVLC(), &ex );
libvlc_exception_clear( &ex );
/* get isplaying */
i_playing = libvlc_playlist_isplaying( getVLC(), &ex );
libvlc_exception_clear( &ex );
/* get mute info */
b_mute = libvlc_audio_get_mute( getVLC(), &ex );
libvlc_exception_clear( &ex );
/* get movie position in % */
if( i_playing == 1 )
f_position = libvlc_media_player_get_position( p_md, &ex ) * 100;
libvlc_exception_clear( &ex );
libvlc_media_player_release( p_md );
gcv.foreground = BlackPixel( p_display, 0 );
gc = XCreateGC( p_display, control, GCForeground, &gcv );
XFillRectangle( p_display, control, gc,
0, 0, window.width, i_tb_height );
gcv.foreground = WhitePixel( p_display, 0 );
XChangeGC( p_display, gc, GCForeground, &gcv );
/* position icons */
dst_x = BTN_SPACE;
dst_y = i_tb_height >> 1; /* baseline = vertical middle */
if( p_btnPause && (i_playing == 1) )
XPutImage( p_display, control, gc, p_btnPause, 0, 0, dst_x,
dst_y - (p_btnPause->height >> 1),
p_btnPause->width, p_btnPause->height );
dst_x += BTN_SPACE + p_btnPause->width;
else if( p_btnPlay )
XPutImage( p_display, control, gc, p_btnPlay, 0, 0, dst_x,
dst_y - (p_btnPlay->height >> 1),
p_btnPlay->width, p_btnPlay->height );
dst_x += BTN_SPACE + p_btnPlay->width;
if( p_btnStop )
XPutImage( p_display, control, gc, p_btnStop, 0, 0, dst_x,
dst_y - (p_btnStop->height >> 1),
p_btnStop->width, p_btnStop->height );
dst_x += BTN_SPACE + ( p_btnStop ? p_btnStop->width : 0 );
if( p_btnFullscreen )
XPutImage( p_display, control, gc, p_btnFullscreen, 0, 0, dst_x,
dst_y - (p_btnFullscreen->height >> 1),
p_btnFullscreen->width, p_btnFullscreen->height );
dst_x += BTN_SPACE + ( p_btnFullscreen ? p_btnFullscreen->width : 0 );
if( p_btnUnmute && b_mute )
XPutImage( p_display, control, gc, p_btnUnmute, 0, 0, dst_x,
dst_y - (p_btnUnmute->height >> 1),
p_btnUnmute->width, p_btnUnmute->height );
dst_x += BTN_SPACE + ( p_btnUnmute ? p_btnUnmute->width : 0 );
else if( p_btnMute )
XPutImage( p_display, control, gc, p_btnMute, 0, 0, dst_x,
dst_y - (p_btnMute->height >> 1),
p_btnMute->width, p_btnMute->height );
dst_x += BTN_SPACE + ( p_btnMute ? p_btnMute->width : 0 );
if( p_timeline )
XPutImage( p_display, control, gc, p_timeline, 0, 0, dst_x,
dst_y - (p_timeline->height >> 1),
(window.width-(dst_x+BTN_SPACE)), p_timeline->height );
if( f_position > 0 )
i_last_position = (int)( f_position *
( ((float)(window.width-(dst_x+BTN_SPACE))) / 100.0 ));
if( p_btnTime )
XPutImage( p_display, control, gc, p_btnTime,
0, 0, (dst_x+i_last_position),
dst_y - (p_btnTime->height >> 1),
p_btnTime->width, p_btnTime->height );
XFreeGC( p_display, gc );
vlc_toolbar_clicked_t VlcPlugin::getToolbarButtonClicked( int i_xpos, int i_ypos )
unsigned int i_dest = BTN_SPACE;//(i_tb_height >> 1);
int i_playing = 0;
bool b_mute = false;
libvlc_exception_t ex;
fprintf( stderr, "ToolbarButtonClicked:: "
"trying to match (%d,%d) (%d,%d)\n",
i_xpos, i_ypos, i_tb_height, i_tb_width );
if( i_ypos >= i_tb_width )
return clicked_Unknown;
/* Note: the order of testing is dependend on the original
* drawing positions of the icon buttons. Buttons are tested
* left to right.
/* get isplaying */
libvlc_exception_init( &ex );
i_playing = libvlc_playlist_isplaying( getVLC(), &ex );
libvlc_exception_clear( &ex );
/* get mute info */
b_mute = libvlc_audio_get_mute( getVLC(), &ex );
libvlc_exception_clear( &ex );
/* is Pause of Play button clicked */
if( (i_playing != 1) &&
(i_xpos >= (BTN_SPACE>>1)) &&
(i_xpos <= i_dest + p_btnPlay->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1)) )
return clicked_Play;
else if( (i_xpos >= (BTN_SPACE>>1)) &&
(i_xpos <= i_dest + p_btnPause->width) )
return clicked_Pause;
/* is Stop button clicked */
if( i_playing != 1 )
i_dest += (p_btnPlay->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1));
i_dest += (p_btnPause->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1));
if( (i_xpos >= i_dest) &&
(i_xpos <= i_dest + p_btnStop->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1)) )
return clicked_Stop;
/* is Fullscreen button clicked */
i_dest += (p_btnStop->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1));
if( (i_xpos >= i_dest) &&
(i_xpos <= i_dest + p_btnFullscreen->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1)) )
return clicked_Fullscreen;
/* is Mute or Unmute button clicked */
i_dest += (p_btnFullscreen->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1));
if( !b_mute && (i_xpos >= i_dest) &&
(i_xpos <= i_dest + p_btnMute->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1)) )
return clicked_Mute;
else if( (i_xpos >= i_dest) &&
(i_xpos <= i_dest + p_btnUnmute->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1)) )
return clicked_Unmute;
/* is timeline clicked */
if( !b_mute )
i_dest += (p_btnMute->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1));
i_dest += (p_btnUnmute->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1));
if( (i_xpos >= i_dest) &&
(i_xpos <= i_dest + p_timeline->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1)) )
return clicked_timeline;
/* is time button clicked */
i_dest += (p_timeline->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1));
if( (i_xpos >= i_dest) &&
(i_xpos <= i_dest + p_btnTime->width + (BTN_SPACE>>1)) )
return clicked_Time;
return clicked_Unknown;
#undef BTN_SPACE