mirror of https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc synced 2024-09-12 13:44:56 +02:00
Rémi Denis-Courmont 51a26d0876 media library: remove non-sensical use of spin locks
The code is complete and utter crap either way.
2012-11-10 20:50:11 +02:00

1258 lines
47 KiB

* vlc_media_library.h: SQL-based media library
* Copyright (C) 2008-2010 the VideoLAN Team and AUTHORS
* $Id$
* Authors: Antoine Lejeune <phytos@videolan.org>
* Jean-Philippe André <jpeg@videolan.org>
* Rémi Duraffort <ivoire@videolan.org>
* Adrien Maglo <magsoft@videolan.org>
* Srikanth Raju <srikiraju at gmail dot com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
# ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
# endif
#include <vlc_common.h>
#include <vlc_playlist.h>
* ML Enums
#define ML_PERSON_ARTIST "Artist"
#define ML_PERSON_ALBUM_ARTIST "Album Artist"
#define ML_PERSON_ENCODER "Encoder"
#define ML_PERSON_PUBLISHER "Publisher"
#define ml_priv( gc, t ) ((t *)(((char *)(gc)) - offsetof(t, ml_gc_data)))
/** List of Query select types.
* In a query array or variable argument list, each select type is followed
* by an argument (X) of variable type (char* or int, @see ml_element_t).
* These types can be used either in the query list or in the result array.
* Some types are reserved for the result array:
typedef enum
ML_ALBUM = 1, /**< Album Title */
ML_ALBUM_ID, /**< Album ID */
ML_ALBUM_COVER, /**< Album Cover art url */
/* FIXME: Remove ML_ARTIST */
ML_ARTIST, /**< Artist, interpreted as ML_PEOPLE
ML_ARTIST_ID, /**< Artist ID, interpreted as ML_PEOPLE_ID
ML_COMMENT, /**< Comment about media */
ML_COUNT_MEDIA, /**< Number of medias */
ML_COUNT_ALBUM, /**< Number of albums */
ML_COUNT_PEOPLE, /**< Number of people */
ML_COVER, /**< Cover art url */
ML_DURATION, /**< Duration in ms */
ML_DISC_NUMBER, /**< Disc number of the track */
ML_EXTRA, /**< Extra/comment (string) on the media */
ML_FIRST_PLAYED, /**< First time media was played */
ML_FILESIZE, /**< Size of the media file */
ML_GENRE, /**< Genre of the media (if any) */
ML_ID, /**< Media ID */
ML_IMPORT_TIME, /**< Date when media was imported */
ML_LANGUAGE, /**< Language */
ML_LAST_PLAYED, /**< Last play UNIX timestamp */
ML_LAST_SKIPPED, /**< Time when media was last skipped */
ML_ORIGINAL_TITLE, /**< Media original title (if any) */
ML_PEOPLE, /**< Any People associated with this media */
ML_PEOPLE_ID, /**< Id of a person */
ML_PEOPLE_ROLE, /**< Person role */
ML_PLAYED_COUNT, /**< Media play count */
ML_PREVIEW, /**< Url of the video preview */
ML_SKIPPED_COUNT, /**< Number of times skipped */
ML_SCORE, /**< Computed media score */
ML_TITLE, /**< Media title */
ML_TRACK_NUMBER, /**< Media track number (if any) */
ML_TYPE, /**< Media type. @see ml_type_e */
ML_URI, /**< Media full URI. */
ML_VOTE, /**< Media user vote value */
ML_YEAR, /**< Media publishing year */
ML_DIRECTORY, /**< Monitored directory */
ML_MEDIA, /**< Full media descriptor. @see ml_media_t */
ML_MEDIA_SPARSE, /**< Sparse media. @see ml_media_t */
ML_MEDIA_EXTRA, /**< Sparse + Extra = Full media */
/* Some special elements */
ML_LIMIT = -1, /**< Limit a query to X results */
ML_SORT_DESC = -2, /**< Sort a query descending on argument X */
ML_SORT_ASC = -3, /**< Sort a query ascending on argument X */
ML_DISTINCT = -4, /**< Add DISTINCT to SELECT statements. */
ML_END = -42 /**< End of argument list */
} ml_select_e;
/** Media types (audio, video, etc...) */
typedef enum
ML_UNKNOWN = 0, /**< Unknown media type */
ML_AUDIO = 1 << 0, /**< Audio only media */
ML_VIDEO = 1 << 1, /**< Video media. May contain audio channels */
ML_STREAM = 1 << 2, /**< Streamed media = not a local file */
ML_NODE = 1 << 3, /**< Nodes like simple nodes, directories, playlists, etc */
ML_REMOVABLE = 1 << 4, /**< Removable media: CD/DVD/Card/... */
} ml_type_e;
/** Query result item/list type: integers, strings, medias, timestamps */
typedef enum {
ML_TYPE_INT, /**< Object is an int */
ML_TYPE_PSZ, /**< A string char* */
ML_TYPE_TIME, /**< A timestamp mtime_t */
ML_TYPE_MEDIA, /**< A pointer to a media ml_media_t* */
} ml_result_type_e;
/** Arguments for VLC Control for the media library */
typedef enum
ML_SET_DATABASE, /**< arg1 = char *psz_host
arg2 = int i_port
arg3 = char *psz_user
arg4 = char *psz_pass */
ML_INIT_DATABASE, /**< No arg */
ML_ADD_INPUT_ITEM, /**< arg1 = input_item_t* */
ML_ADD_PLAYLIST_ITEM, /**< arg1 = playlist_item_t * */
ML_ADD_MONITORED, /**< arg1 = char* */
ML_DEL_MONITORED, /**< arg1 = char* */
ML_GET_MONITORED, /**< arg1 = vlc_array_t* */
} ml_control_e;
/* Operations that can be specified between find conditions */
typedef enum
ML_OP_NONE = 0, /**< This is to specify an actual condition */
ML_OP_AND, /**< AND condition */
ML_OP_OR, /**< OR condition */
ML_OP_NOT, /**< NOT condition */
ML_OP_SPECIAL /**< This is for inclusion of
* special stuffs like LIMIT */
} ml_op_e;
/* Comparison operators used in a single find condition */
typedef enum
ML_COMP_EQUAL, ///< ==
ML_COMP_HAS, ///< "Contains", equivalent to SQL "LIKE %x%"
ML_COMP_STARTS_WITH, ///< Equivalent to SQL "LIKE %x"
ML_COMP_ENDS_WITH, ///< Equivalent to SQL "LIKE x%"
} ml_comp_e;
* ML Structures and types
typedef struct media_library_t media_library_t;
typedef struct media_library_sys_t media_library_sys_t;
typedef struct ml_media_t ml_media_t;
typedef struct ml_result_t ml_result_t;
typedef struct ml_element_t ml_element_t;
typedef struct ml_person_t ml_person_t;
typedef struct ml_ftree_t ml_ftree_t;
typedef struct ml_gc_object_t
bool pool;
uintptr_t refs;
void (*pf_destructor) (struct ml_gc_object_t *);
} ml_gc_object_t;
#define ML_GC_MEMBERS ml_gc_object_t ml_gc_data;
/** Main structure of the media library. VLC object. */
struct media_library_t
module_t *p_module; /**< the media library module */
media_library_sys_t *p_sys; /**< internal struture */
/** Member functions */
/**< Search in the database */
int ( * pf_Find ) ( media_library_t *p_media_library,
vlc_array_t *p_result_array,
va_list args );
/**< Search in the database using an array of arguments */
int ( * pf_FindAdv ) ( media_library_t *p_media_library,
vlc_array_t *p_result_array,
ml_select_e selected_type,
const char *psz_lvalue,
ml_ftree_t *tree );
/**< Update the database using an array of arguments */
int ( * pf_Update ) ( media_library_t *p_media_library,
ml_select_e selected_type,
const char *psz_lvalue,
ml_ftree_t *where,
vlc_array_t *changes );
/**< Delete many medias in the database */
int ( * pf_Delete ) ( media_library_t *p_media_library,
vlc_array_t *p_array );
/**< Control the media library */
int ( * pf_Control ) ( media_library_t *p_media_library,
int i_query, va_list args );
/**< Create associated input item */
input_item_t* ( * pf_InputItemFromMedia ) (
media_library_t *p_media_library, int i_media );
/**< Get a media */
ml_media_t* ( * pf_GetMedia ) (
media_library_t *p_media_library, int i_media,
ml_select_e select, bool reload );
} functions;
* @brief Structure to describe a media
* This is the main structure holding the meta data in ML.
* @see b_sparse indicates whether the media struct has valid values
* in its Extra fields. Otherwise, it must be loaded with the API
* function.
* @see i_id indicates whether this struct is saved in the ML if i_id > 0
* Otherwise, it can be added to the database
struct ml_media_t
vlc_mutex_t lock; /**< Mutex for multithreaded access */
bool b_sparse; /**< Specifies if media is loaded fully */
ml_type_e i_type; /**< Type of the media (ml_type_e) */
int8_t i_vote; /**< User vote */
int16_t i_disc_number; /**< Disc number of media */
int16_t i_track_number; /**< Track number */
int16_t i_year; /**< Year of release */
int32_t i_id; /**< Media ID in the database */
int32_t i_score; /**< Score computed about the media */
int32_t i_album_id; /**< Album id */
int32_t i_played_count; /**< How many time the media was played */
int32_t i_skipped_count; /**< No. of times file was skipped */
int32_t i_bitrate; /**< Extra: Bitrate of the media */
int32_t i_samplerate; /**< Extra: Samplerate of the media */
int32_t i_bpm; /**< Extra: Beats per minute */
char *psz_uri; /**< URI to find the media */
char *psz_title; /**< Title of the media */
char *psz_orig_title; /**< Original title (mainly for movies) */
char *psz_album; /**< Name of the album */
char *psz_cover; /**< URI of the cover */
char *psz_genre; /**< Genre of the media */
char *psz_preview; /**< Preview thumbnail for video, if any */
char *psz_comment; /**< Comment or description about media */
char *psz_language; /**< Extra: Language */
char *psz_extra; /**< Extra: Some extra datas like lyrics */
ml_person_t *p_people; /**< Extra: People associated with this
media This meta holds only one
artist if b_sparse = true */
int64_t i_filesize; /**< Size of the file */
mtime_t i_duration; /**< Duration in microseconds */
mtime_t i_last_played; /**< Time when the media was last played */
mtime_t i_last_skipped; /**< Time when the media was last skipped */
mtime_t i_first_played; /**< First played */
mtime_t i_import_time; /**< Time when media was added */
* @brief Main communication struct between GUI and sql_media_library.
* Generic representation of an ML/SQL query result.
struct ml_result_t
int32_t id; /**< Media/Album/Artist... ID (if any) */
ml_result_type_e type; /**< Type of value */
/* Classical results */
int i;
char *psz;
mtime_t time;
/* Complex result: media descriptor */
ml_media_t *p_media;
} value; /**< Value of the result obtained */
* @brief Element of a query: criteria type/value pair
* Used for update and delete queries
struct ml_element_t
ml_select_e criteria; /**< SELECT criteria type. @see ml_select_e */
int i;
char* str;
} value; /**< SELECT criteria value (string or int) */
int i;
char* str;
} lvalue; /**< Refer to @see ml_ftree_t lvalue docs */
* Binary tree used to parse the WHERE condition for a search
* Let [expr] indicate a valid expression
* [expr] = [expr] AND [expr], where the left and right are respective
* [expr] = [expr] OR [expr]
* [expr] = [expr] NOT [NULL]
* [expr] = [expr] SPEC [spec_expr]
* [expr] = [criteria=val]
* [spec_expr] = [DISTINCT/LIMIT/ASC/DESC = val ]
struct ml_ftree_t
ml_op_e op; /**< Operator. ML_OP_NONE means this is a leaf
* node. Criteria and value gives its data.
* ML_OP_SPECIAL specifies a special node
* that does not form a part of the WHERE.
* The right node consists of the data
* with its criteria set to the special val
* and the left node is the corresponding
* subtree of the parent node.
* ML_OP_NOT only left sub tree is considered
* ML_OP_AND and ML_OP_OR consider both
* left and right subtrees */
ml_ftree_t *left; /**< Left child of Bin tree */
ml_ftree_t *right; /**< Right child of Bin tree */
ml_select_e criteria; /**< SELECT criteria type @see ml_select_e
* The criteria value is considered only when
* op = ML_OP_NONE i.e. in leaf nodes */
ml_comp_e comp; /**< Condition between type and value */
int i;
char *str;
} value; /**< SELECT criteria value ( string or int ) */
int i;
char *str;
} lvalue; /**< Used as key value for people types/roles.
An empty string "" denotes ANY person role.
NULL is used for all other criterias */
* Person class. Implemented as a linked list
struct ml_person_t
char *psz_role; /**< Type of person */
char *psz_name; /**< Name of the person */
int i_id; /**< ID in the database */
ml_person_t *p_next; /**< Next person in list */
* ML Function headers
* @brief Acquire a reference to the media library singleton
* @param p_this The object holding the media library
* @return The media library object. NULL if the media library
* object could not be loaded
VLC_API media_library_t* ml_Get( vlc_object_t* p_this );
#define ml_Get( a ) ml_Get( VLC_OBJECT(a) )
* @brief Create a Media Library VLC object.
* @param p_this Parent to attach the ML object to.
* @param psz_name Name for the module
* @return The ML object.
media_library_t* ml_Create( vlc_object_t *p_this, char* psz_name );
* @brief Destructor for the Media library singleton
* @param p_this Parent the ML object is attached to
void ml_Destroy( vlc_object_t* p_this );
* @brief Control the Media Library
* @param p_media_library the media library object
* @param i_type one of ml_control_e values @see ml_control_e.
* @param ... optional arguments.
* @return VLC_SUCCESS or an error
static inline int ml_ControlVa( media_library_t *p_media_library,
ml_control_e i_type, va_list args )
return p_media_library->functions.pf_Control( p_media_library,
args );
* @brief Control the Media Library
* @param i_type one of ml_control_e values @see ml_control_e.
* Variable arguments list equivalent
#define ml_Control( a, b, args... ) __ml_Control( a, b, ## args )
static inline int __ml_Control( media_library_t *p_media_library,
ml_control_e i_type, ... )
va_list args;
int returned;
va_start( args, i_type );
returned = ml_ControlVa( p_media_library, i_type, args );
va_end( args );
return returned;
* @brief Determine an attribute's type (int or string)
* @param meta Attribute to test @see ml_select_e
* @return -1 if invalid, 0 if this is an integer, 1 if this is a string
static inline int ml_AttributeIsString( ml_select_e meta )
switch( meta )
/* Strings */
case ML_ALBUM:
case ML_COVER:
case ML_EXTRA:
case ML_GENRE:
case ML_TITLE:
case ML_URI:
return 1;
/* Integers */
case ML_ID:
case ML_LIMIT:
case ML_SCORE:
case ML_TYPE:
case ML_VOTE:
case ML_YEAR:
return 0;
/* Invalid or no following value (in a SELECT statement) */
return -1;
/* Reference Counting Functions */
* @brief Increment reference count of media
* @param p_media The media object
static inline void ml_gc_incref( ml_media_t* p_media )
ml_gc_object_t* p_gc = &p_media->ml_gc_data;
if( p_gc == NULL )
* @brief Decrease reference count of media
* @param p_media The media object
static inline void ml_gc_decref( ml_media_t* p_media )
/* The below code is from vlc_release(). */
unsigned refs;
bool pool;
ml_gc_object_t* p_gc = &p_media->ml_gc_data;
if( p_gc == NULL )
refs = --p_gc->refs;
pool = p_gc->pool;
if( refs == 0 && !pool )
p_gc->pf_destructor (p_gc);
* ML Free Functions
* @brief Free a person object
* @param p_media Person object to free
* @note This function is NOT threadsafe
static inline void ml_FreePeople( ml_person_t *p_person )
if( p_person == NULL )
ml_FreePeople( p_person->p_next );
free( p_person->psz_name );
free( p_person->psz_role );
free( p_person );
* @brief Free only the content of a media. @see ml_media_t
* @param p_media Media object
* @note This function is NOT threadsafe.
static inline void ml_FreeMediaContent( ml_media_t *p_media )
FREENULL( p_media->psz_uri );
FREENULL( p_media->psz_title );
FREENULL( p_media->psz_orig_title );
FREENULL( p_media->psz_cover );
FREENULL( p_media->psz_comment );
FREENULL( p_media->psz_extra );
FREENULL( p_media->psz_genre );
FREENULL( p_media->psz_album );
FREENULL( p_media->psz_preview );
FREENULL( p_media->psz_language );
ml_FreePeople( p_media->p_people );
p_media->b_sparse = true;
p_media->i_id = 0;
p_media->i_type = ML_UNKNOWN;
p_media->i_album_id = 0;
p_media->i_disc_number = 0;
p_media->i_track_number = 0;
p_media->i_year = 0;
p_media->i_vote = 0;
p_media->i_score = 0;
p_media->i_filesize = 0;
p_media->i_duration = 0;
p_media->i_played_count = 0;
p_media->i_last_played = 0;
p_media->i_skipped_count = 0;
p_media->i_last_skipped = 0;
p_media->i_first_played = 0;
p_media->i_import_time = 0;
p_media->i_bitrate = 0;
p_media->i_samplerate = 0;
p_media->i_bpm = 0;
* @brief Free a result item. @see ml_result_t
* @param p_result Result item to free
* @note This will free any strings and decref medias.
static inline void ml_FreeResult( ml_result_t *p_result )
if( p_result )
switch( p_result->type )
free( p_result->value.psz );
ml_gc_decref( p_result->value.p_media );
free( p_result );
* @brief Free a ml_element_t item.
* @param p_find Find object to free
* @see ml_element_t */
static inline void ml_FreeElement( ml_element_t *p_elt )
if( p_elt )
if( ml_AttributeIsString( p_elt->criteria ) )
free( p_elt->value.str );
if( p_elt->criteria == ML_PEOPLE )
free( p_elt->lvalue.str );
free( p_elt );
* @brief Destroy a vlc_array_t of ml_result_t
* @param ml_result_array The result array to free
* @note Frees all results and contents of the results
static inline void ml_DestroyResultArray( vlc_array_t *p_result_array )
for( int i = 0; i < vlc_array_count( p_result_array ); i++ )
ml_FreeResult( ( ml_result_t* ) vlc_array_item_at_index(
p_result_array, i ) );
* ML Object Management Functions
/** Helpers for locking and unlocking */
#define ml_LockMedia( a ) vlc_mutex_lock( &a->lock )
#define ml_UnlockMedia( a ) vlc_mutex_unlock( &a->lock )
* @brief Object constructor for ml_media_t
* @param p_ml The media library object
* @param id If 0, this item isn't in database. If non zero, it is and
* it will be a singleton
* @param select Type of object
* @param reload Whether to reload from database
VLC_API ml_media_t *media_New( media_library_t* p_ml, int id,
ml_select_e select, bool reload );
/* Forward declaration */
static inline int ml_CopyPersons( ml_person_t** a, ml_person_t* b );
* @brief Copy all members of a ml_media_t to another.
* @param b Destination media, already allocated
* @param a Source media, cannot be NULL, const
* @note This does not check memory allocation (for strdup). It is threadsafe
* @todo Free b content, before inserting a?
static inline int ml_CopyMedia( ml_media_t *b, ml_media_t *a )
if( !a || !b ) return VLC_EGENERIC;
if( a == b ) return VLC_SUCCESS;
ml_LockMedia( a );
ml_LockMedia( b );
b->b_sparse = a->b_sparse;
b->i_id = a->i_id;
b->i_type = a->i_type;
b->i_album_id = a->i_album_id;
b->i_disc_number = a->i_disc_number;
b->i_track_number = a->i_track_number;
b->i_year = a->i_year;
b->i_vote = a->i_vote;
b->i_score = a->i_score;
b->i_filesize = a->i_filesize;
b->i_duration = a->i_duration;
b->i_played_count = a->i_played_count;
b->i_last_played = a->i_last_played;
b->i_skipped_count = a->i_skipped_count;
b->i_last_skipped = a->i_last_skipped;
b->i_first_played = a->i_first_played;
b->i_import_time = a->i_import_time;
b->i_bitrate = a->i_bitrate;
b->i_samplerate = a->i_samplerate;
b->i_bpm = a->i_bpm;
FREENULL( b->psz_uri );
if( a->psz_uri )
b->psz_uri = strdup( a->psz_uri );
FREENULL( b->psz_title );
if( a->psz_title )
b->psz_title = strdup( a->psz_title );
FREENULL( b->psz_orig_title );
if( a->psz_orig_title )
b->psz_orig_title = strdup( a->psz_orig_title );
FREENULL( b->psz_album );
if( a->psz_album )
b->psz_album = strdup( a->psz_album );
FREENULL( b->psz_cover );
if( a->psz_cover )
b->psz_cover = strdup( a->psz_cover );
FREENULL( b->psz_genre );
if( a->psz_genre )
b->psz_genre = strdup( a->psz_genre );
FREENULL( b->psz_comment );
if( a->psz_comment )
b->psz_comment = strdup( a->psz_comment );
FREENULL( b->psz_extra );
if( a->psz_extra )
b->psz_extra = strdup( a->psz_extra );
FREENULL( b->psz_preview );
if( a->psz_preview )
b->psz_preview = strdup( a->psz_preview );
FREENULL( b->psz_language );
if( a->psz_language )
b->psz_language = strdup( a->psz_language );
ml_FreePeople( b->p_people );
b->p_people = NULL;
if( a->p_people ) ml_CopyPersons( &( b->p_people ), a->p_people );
ml_UnlockMedia( b );
ml_UnlockMedia( a );
* ML Find Tree Related Functions
#define ml_FreeFindTree( tree ) ml_GenericFreeFindTree( tree, true )
#define ml_ShallowFreeFindTree( tree ) ml_GenericFreeFindTree( tree, false )
* @brief Free a find tree
* @param Find tree to free
* @param true to free any associated strings, false to not free them
static inline void ml_GenericFreeFindTree( ml_ftree_t* tree, bool freestrings )
if( tree == NULL )
if( tree->left )
ml_GenericFreeFindTree( tree->left, freestrings );
free( tree->left );
if( tree->right )
ml_GenericFreeFindTree( tree->right, freestrings );
free( tree->right );
if( tree->op == ML_OP_NONE && ml_AttributeIsString( tree->criteria )
&& freestrings)
free( tree->value.str );
if( tree->criteria == ML_PEOPLE )
free( tree->lvalue.str );
* @brief Checks if a given find tree has leaf nodes
* @param Find tree
* @return Number of leaf nodes
static inline int ml_FtreeHasOp( ml_ftree_t* tree )
if( tree == NULL )
return 0;
if( tree->criteria > 0 && tree->op == ML_OP_NONE )
return 1;
return ml_FtreeHasOp( tree->left ) + ml_FtreeHasOp( tree->right );
* @brief Connect up a find tree
* @param op operator to connect with
* If op = ML_OP_NONE, then you are connecting to a tree consisting of
* only SPECIAL nodes.
* If op = ML_OP_NOT, then right MUST be NULL
* op must not be ML_OP_SPECIAL, @see ml_FtreeSpec
* @param left part of the tree
* @param right part of the tree
* @return Pointer to new tree
* @note Use the helpers!
VLC_API ml_ftree_t *ml_OpConnectChilds( ml_op_e op, ml_ftree_t* left,
ml_ftree_t* right );
* @brief Attaches a special node to a tree
* @param tree Tree to attach special node to
* @param crit Criteria may be SORT_ASC, SORT_DESC, LIMIT or DISTINCT
* @param limit Limit used if LIMIT criteria used
* @param Sort string used if SORT criteria is used
* @return Pointer to new tree
* @note Use the helpers
VLC_API ml_ftree_t *ml_FtreeSpec( ml_ftree_t* tree,
ml_select_e crit,
int limit,
char* sort );
* @brief This function gives quick sequential adding capability
* @param left Tree to add to. This may be NULL
* @param right Tree to append. May not be NULL
* @return Pointer to new tree.*/
static inline ml_ftree_t* ml_FtreeFastAnd( ml_ftree_t* left,
ml_ftree_t* right )
if( ml_FtreeHasOp( left ) == 0 )
return ml_OpConnectChilds( ML_OP_NONE, left, right );
return ml_OpConnectChilds( ML_OP_AND, left, right );
#define ml_FtreeAnd( left, right ) ml_OpConnectChilds( ML_OP_AND, left, right )
#define ml_FtreeOr( left, right ) ml_OpConnectChilds( ML_OP_OR, left, right )
#define ml_FtreeNot( left ) ml_OpConnectChilds( ML_OP_NOT, left, NULL )
#define ml_FtreeSpecAsc( tree, str ) ml_FtreeSpec( tree, ML_SORT_ASC, 0, str )
#define ml_FtreeSpecDesc( tree, str ) ml_FtreeSpec( tree, ML_SORT_DESC, 0, str )
#define ml_FtreeSpecLimit( tree, limit ) ml_FtreeSpec( tree, ML_LIMIT, limit, NULL )
#define ml_FtreeSpecDistinct( tree ) ml_FtreeSpec( tree, ML_DISTINCT, 0, NULL )
* ML Core Functions
* @brief Create input item from media
* @param p_media_library This ML instance.
* @param i_media_id ID of the media to use to create an input_item.
* @return The media item.
static inline input_item_t* ml_CreateInputItem(
media_library_t *p_media_library, int i_media_id )
return p_media_library->functions.pf_InputItemFromMedia( p_media_library,
i_media_id );
* @brief Search in the database according some criterias
* @param p_media_library the media library object
* @param result a pointer to a result array
* @param ... parameters to select the data
* @return VLC_SUCCESS or an error
static inline int __ml_Find( media_library_t *p_media_library,
vlc_array_t *p_result_array, ... )
va_list args;
int returned;
va_start( args, p_result_array );
returned = p_media_library->functions.pf_Find( p_media_library,
p_result_array, args );
va_end( args );
return returned;
* @brief Search in the database according some criterias (threaded)
* @param p_media_library the media library object
* @param result_array a pointer to a result array
* @param result_type type of data to retrieve
* @param psz_lvalue This should contain any necessary lvalue/key
* for the given result_type. Used for ML_PEOPLE. Otherwise NULL
* @param args parameters to select the data
* @return VLC_SUCCESS or an error
static inline int ml_FindAdv( media_library_t *p_media_library,
vlc_array_t *p_result_array,
ml_select_e result_type,
char* psz_lvalue,
ml_ftree_t *tree )
return p_media_library->functions.pf_FindAdv( p_media_library,
tree );
* @brief Find a value in the ML database, fill p_result with it.
* @param p_media_library Media library object
* @param p_result Object to put result into
* @param Args [ SelectType [ PersonType ] Value ] ... ML_END
* @note Do not use this function directly.
static inline int __ml_GetValue( media_library_t *p_media_library,
ml_result_t *p_result,
va_list args )
vlc_array_t *p_result_array = vlc_array_new();
int i_ret = p_media_library->functions.pf_Find( p_media_library,
args );
if( i_ret != VLC_SUCCESS )
goto exit;
if( vlc_array_count( p_result_array ) > 0 )
memcpy( p_result,
( ml_result_t* ) vlc_array_item_at_index( p_result_array, 0 ),
sizeof( ml_result_t) );
/* Note: Do not free the results, because of memcpy */
vlc_array_destroy( p_result_array );
return i_ret;
* @brief Search an INTEGER in the database
* This uses a Query but returns only one integer (>0), or an error code.
* @param p_media_library the media library object
* @param va_args parameters to select the data
* @return Found INTEGER >= 0 or an error
#define ml_GetInt( ml, ... ) __ml_GetInt( ml, __VA_ARGS__, ML_LIMIT, 1, ML_END )
static inline int __ml_GetInt( media_library_t *p_media_library, ... )
va_list args;
va_start( args, p_media_library );
ml_result_t result;
int i_ret = __ml_GetValue( p_media_library, &result, args );
va_end( args );
if( i_ret != VLC_SUCCESS )
return i_ret;
return result.value.i;
* @brief Search a string (VARCHAR) in the database
* This uses a Query but returns only one integer (>0), or an error code.
* @param p_media_library the media library object
* @param va_args parameters to select the data
* @return Found string, or NULL if not found or in case of error
#define ml_FindPsz( ml, ... ) __ml_GetPsz( ml, __VA_ARGS__, ML_LIMIT, 1, ML_END )
static inline char* __ml_GetPsz( media_library_t *p_media_library, ... )
va_list args;
va_start( args, p_media_library );
ml_result_t result;
int i_ret = __ml_GetValue( p_media_library, &result, args );
va_end( args );
if( i_ret != VLC_SUCCESS )
return NULL;
return result.value.psz; // no need to duplicate
* @brief Generic update in Media Library database
* @param p_media_library the media library object
* @param selected_type the type of the element we're selecting
* @param where list of ids/uris to be changed
* @param changes list of changes to make in the entries
static inline int ml_Update( media_library_t *p_media_library,
ml_select_e selected_type,
const char* psz_lvalue,
ml_ftree_t *where,
vlc_array_t *changes )
return p_media_library->functions.pf_Update( p_media_library,
selected_type, psz_lvalue,
where, changes );
* @brief Update a given table
* @param p_media_library The media library object
* @param selected_type The table to update
* @param psz_lvalue The role of the person if selected_type = ML_PEOPLE
* @param id The id of the row to update
* @param ... The update data. [SelectType [RoleType] Value]
VLC_API int ml_UpdateSimple( media_library_t *p_media_library,
ml_select_e selected_type,
const char* psz_lvalue,
int id, ... );
#define ml_UpdateSimple( ml, sel, lval, id, ... ) \
ml_UpdateSimple( ml, sel, lval, id, __VA_ARGS__, ML_END )
* @brief Generic DELETE function
* Delete a media and all its references which don't point
* to anything else.
* @param p_media_library This media_library_t object
* @param id the id of the media to delete
static inline int
ml_DeleteSimple( media_library_t *p_media_library, int id )
vlc_array_t* p_where = vlc_array_new();
ml_element_t* p_find = (ml_element_t *) calloc( 1, sizeof( ml_element_t ) );
p_find->criteria = ML_ID;
p_find->value.i = id;
vlc_array_append( p_where, p_find );
int i_return = p_media_library->functions.pf_Delete( p_media_library,
p_where );
free( p_find );
vlc_array_destroy( p_where );
return i_return;
* @brief Delete many medias in the media library
* @param p_media_library Media library object
* @param p_array Array of ids to delete
static inline int
ml_Delete( media_library_t *p_media_library, vlc_array_t* p_array )
return p_media_library->functions.pf_Delete( p_media_library,
p_array );
* ML Person Related Functions
* @brief Create and append a person object to the given list
* @param pp_person pointer to person list. Set the address to null to create new list
* @param i_role The role of the person
* @param psz_name The name string. Will be strdup'd
* @param i_id The id in the database
* @note This function is NOT thread safe. Please lock any associated media
static inline int ml_CreateAppendPersonAdv( ml_person_t **pp_person,
const char* psz_role, const char* psz_name, int i_id )
if( i_id == 0 || !( psz_name && *psz_name && psz_role && *psz_role ) )
if( !pp_person )
if( *pp_person != NULL )
return ml_CreateAppendPersonAdv( &((**pp_person).p_next),
psz_role, psz_name, i_id);
*pp_person = ( ml_person_t * ) calloc( 1, sizeof( ml_person_t ) );
(*pp_person)->psz_name = (psz_name && *psz_name) ? strdup( psz_name ): NULL;
(*pp_person)->psz_role = (psz_role && *psz_role) ? strdup( psz_role ): NULL;
(*pp_person)->i_id = i_id;
(*pp_person)->p_next = NULL;
* @brief Create and append a person object to the given list
* @param pp_person pointer to person list.
* Set the address to NULL to create a new list
* @param personfrom Person object to copy from
* @note Ignores the next variable and copies only the variables.
* Uses ml_CreateAppendPersonAdv
* @note This function is NOT threadsafe
static inline int ml_CreateAppendPerson( ml_person_t **pp_person,
ml_person_t *p_personfrom )
return ml_CreateAppendPersonAdv( pp_person,
p_personfrom->i_id );
* @brief Copy one person list into another
* @param a To list
* @param b From list
* @note On errors, you have to free any allocated persons yourself
* @note This function is NOT threadsafe. Please ensure your medias are locked
static inline int ml_CopyPersons( ml_person_t** a, ml_person_t* b )
int i_ret;
while( b )
i_ret = ml_CreateAppendPerson( a, b );
if( i_ret != VLC_SUCCESS )
return i_ret;
b = b->p_next;
* @brief Returns a person list of given type
* @param p_ml The ML object
* @param p_media The Media object
* @param i_type The person type
* @note This function is thread safe
VLC_API ml_person_t *ml_GetPersonsFromMedia( media_library_t* p_ml,
ml_media_t* p_media,
const char *psz_role );
#define ml_GetAlbumArtistsFromMedia( a, b ) ml_GetPersonsFromMedia( a, b, ML_PERSON_ALBUM_ARTIST );
#define ml_GetArtistsFromMedia( a, b ) ml_GetPersonsFromMedia( a, b, ML_PERSON_ARTIST );
#define ml_GetEncodersFromMedia( a, b ) ml_GetPersonsFromMedia( a, b, ML_PERSON_ENCODER );
#define ml_GetPublishersFromMedia( a, b ) ml_GetPersonsFromMedia( a, b, ML_PERSON_PUBLISHER );
* @brief Delete a certain type of people from a media
* @param p_media Media to delete from
* @param i_type Type of person to delete
* @note This function is threadsafe
VLC_API void ml_DeletePersonTypeFromMedia( ml_media_t* p_media,
const char *psz_role );
* Convenience Macros
* Get information using the *media* ID. This returns only 1 information.
* @note You have to free the string returned (if that's a string!).
#define ml_GetAlbumById( a, id ) ml_GetPsz( a, ML_ALBUM, ML_ID, id )
#define ml_GetArtistById( a, id ) ml_GetPsz( a, ML_PEOPLE, ML_PERSON_ARTIST, ML_ID, id )
#define ml_GetCoverUriById( a, id ) ml_GetPsz( a, ML_COVER, ML_ID, id )
#define ml_GetEncoderById( a, id ) ml_GetPsz( a, ML_PEOPLE, ML_PERSON_ENCODER, ML_ID, id )
#define ml_GetExtraById( a, id ) ml_GetPsz( a, ML_EXTRA, ML_ID, id )
#define ml_GetGenreById( a, id ) ml_GetPsz( a, ML_GENRE, ML_ID, id )
#define ml_GetOriginalTitleById( a, id ) ml_GetPsz( a, ML_ORIGINAL_TITLE, ML_ID, id )
#define ml_GetPublisherById( a, id ) ml_GetPsz( a, ML_PEOPLE, ML_PERSON_PUBLISHER, ML_ID, id )
#define ml_GetTitleById( a, id ) ml_GetPsz( a, ML_TITLE, ML_ID, id )
#define ml_GetUriById( a, id ) ml_GetPsz( a, ML_URI, ML_ID, id )
#define ml_GetAlbumIdById( a, id ) ml_GetInt( a, ML_ALBUM_ID, ML_ID, id )
#define ml_GetArtistIdById( a, id ) ml_GetInt( a, ML_PEOPLE_ID, ML_PERSON_ARTIST, ML_ID, id )
#define ml_GetDurationById( a, id ) ml_GetInt( a, ML_DURATION, ML_ID, id )
#define ml_GetEncoderIdById( a, id ) ml_GetInt( a, ML_PEOPLE_ID, ML_PERSON_ENCODER, ML_ID, id )
#define ml_GetLastPlayedById( a, id ) ml_GetInt( a, ML_LAST_PLAYED, ML_ID, id )
#define ml_GetPlayedCountById( a, id ) ml_GetInt( a, ML_PLAYED_COUNT, ML_ID, id )
#define ml_GetPublisherIdById( a, id ) ml_GetInt( a, ML_PEOPLE_ID, ML_PERSON_PUBLISHER, ML_ID, id )
#define ml_GetScoreById( a, id ) ml_GetInt( a, ML_SCORE, ML_ID, id )
#define ml_GetTrackNumberById( a, id ) ml_GetInt( a, ML_TRACK_NUMBER, ML_ID, id )
#define ml_GetTypeById( a, id ) ml_GetInt( a, ML_TYPE, ML_ID, id )
#define ml_GetYearById( a, id ) ml_GetInt( a, ML_YEAR, ML_ID, id )
#define ml_GetVoteById( a, id ) ml_GetInt( a, ML_VOTE, ML_ID, id )
/** Albums handling */
#define ml_GetAlbumId( a, b ) ml_GetInt( a, ML_ALBUM_ID, ML_ALBUM, b )
/** People handling */
#define ml_GetArtistId( a, b ) ml_GetInt( a, ML_PERSON_ID, ML_PERSON_ARTIST, ML_PERSON, ML_PERSON_ARTIST, b )
#define ml_GetEncoderId( a, b ) ml_GetInt( a, ML_PERSON_ID, ML_PERSON_ENCODER, ML_PERSON, ML_PERSON_ENCODER, b )
#define ml_GetPublisherId( a, b ) ml_GetInt( a, ML_PERSON_ID, ML_PERSON_PUBLISHER, ML_PERSON, ML_PERSON_PUBLISHER, b )
/** Counts handling */
#define ml_GetMediaCount( a, ... ) __ml_GetInt( a, ML_COUNT_MEDIA, __VA_ARGS__, ML_END )
#define ml_GetAlbumCount( a, ... ) __ml_GetInt( a, ML_COUNT_ALBUM, __VA_ARGS__, ML_END )
#define ml_GetPeopleCount( a, ... ) __ml_GetInt( a, ML_COUNT_PEOPLE, __VA_ARGS__, ML_END )
#define ml_Find( a, b, ... ) __ml_Find( a, b, __VA_ARGS__, ML_END )
#define ml_FindAlbum( a, b, ... ) __ml_Find( a, b, ML_ALBUM, __VA_ARGS__, ML_END )
#define ml_FindArtist( a, b, ... ) __ml_Find( a, b, ML_PERSON, ML_PERSON_ARTIST, __VA_ARGS__, ML_END )
#define ml_FindEncoder( a, b, ... ) __ml_Find( a, b, ML_PERSON, ML_PERSON_ENCODER, __VA_ARGS__, ML_END )
#define ml_FindGenre( a, b, ... ) __ml_Find( a, b, ML_GENRE, __VA_ARGS__, ML_END )
#define ml_FindMedia( a, b, ... ) __ml_Find( a, b, ML_MEDIA, __VA_ARGS__, ML_END )
#define ml_FindOriginalTitle( a, b, ... ) __ml_Find( a, b, ML_ORIGINAL_TITLE, __VA_ARGS__, ML_END )
#define ml_FindPublisher( a, b, ... ) __ml_Find( a, b, ML_PERSON, ML_PERSON_PUBLISHER, __VA_ARGS__, ML_END )
#define ml_FindTitle( a, b, ... ) __ml_Find( a, b, ML_TITLE, __VA_ARGS__, ML_END )
#define ml_FindType( a, b, ... ) __ml_Find( a, b, ML_TYPE, __VA_ARGS__, ML_END )
#define ml_FindUri( a, b, ... ) __ml_Find( a, b, ML_URI, __VA_ARGS__, ML_END )
#define ml_FindYear( a, b, ... ) __ml_Find( a, b, ML_YEAR, __VA_ARGS__, ML_END )
#define ml_FindAllAlbums( a, b ) ml_FindAlbum( a, b, ML_DISTINCT )
#define ml_FindAllArtists( a, b ) ml_FindArtist( a, b, ML_DISTINCT )
#define ml_FindAllGenres( a, b ) ml_FindGenre( a, b, ML_DISTINCT )
#define ml_FindAllMedias( a, b ) ml_FindMedia( a, b, ML_DISTINCT )
#define ml_FindAllOriginalTitles( a, b ) ml_FindOriginalTitle( a, b, ML_DISTINCT )
#define ml_FindAllPublishers( a, b, ... ) ml_FindPublisher( a, b, ML_DISTINCT )
#define ml_FindAllTitles( a, b ) ml_FindTitle( a, b, ML_DISTINCT )
#define ml_FindAllTypes( a, b ) ml_FindType( a, b, ML_DISTINCT )
#define ml_FindAllUris( a, b ) ml_FindUri( a, b, ML_DISTINCT )
#define ml_FindAllYears( a, b ) ml_FindYear( a, b, ML_DISTINCT )
#define ml_FindAlbumAdv( a, b, c ) ml_FindAdv( a, b, ML_ALBUM, NULL, c )
#define ml_FindArtistAdv( a, b, c ) ml_FindAdv( a, b, ML_PERSON, ML_PERSON_ARTIST, c )
#define ml_FindEncoderAdv( a, b, c ) ml_FindAdv( a, b, ML_PERSON, ML_PERSON_ENCODER, c )
#define ml_FindGenreAdv( a, b, c ) ml_FindAdv( a, b, ML_GENRE, NULL, c )
#define ml_FindMediaAdv( a, b, c ) ml_FindAdv( a, b, ML_MEDIA, NULL, c )
#define ml_FindOriginalTitleAdv( a, b, c ) ml_FindAdv( a, b, ML_ORIGINAL_TITLE,NULL, c )
#define ml_FindPublisherAdv( a, b, c ) ml_FindAdv( a, b, ML_PUBLISHER, ML_PERSON_PUBLISHER, c )
#define ml_FindTitleAdv( a, b, c ) ml_FindAdv( a, b, ML_TITLE, NULL, c )
#define ml_FindTypeAdv( a, b, c ) ml_FindAdv( a, b, ML_TYPE, NULL, c )
#define ml_FindUriAdv( a, b, c ) ml_FindAdv( a, b, ML_URI, NULL, c )
#define ml_FindYearAdv( a, b, c ) ml_FindAdv( a, b, ML_YEAR, NULL, c )
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* C++ */
#endif /* VLC_MEDIA_LIBRARY_H */