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* vlc_cxx_helpers.hpp: C++ helpers
* Copyright (C) 1998-2018 VLC authors and VideoLAN
* Authors: Hugo Beauzée-Luyssen <hugo@beauzee.fr>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
* C++ memory management helpers
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <type_traits>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
// Ensure we can use vlc_sem_wait_i11e. We can't declare different versions
// of the semaphore helper based on vlc_interrupt inclusion, as it would
// violate ODR
# include <vlc_interrupt.h>
namespace vlc
// This helpers need static linkage to avoid their signature to change when
// building as C++17 (noexcept becomes part of the function signature stating there)
// Wraps a pointer with a custom releaser
// ex: auto ptr = vlc_wrap_cptr( input_item, &input_item_Release );
/// Wraps a C pointer into a std::unique_ptr
/// This will convert a C pointer of type T to a std::unique_ptr<T, R> where
/// T is the pointee type, and R is an arbitrary releaser type.
/// ptr will be automatically released by calling r( ptr ) when falling out of
/// scope (whether by returning of by throwing an exception
/// @param ptr a C pointer
/// @param r An instance of a Callable type, that will be invoked with ptr
/// as its first and only parameter.
template <typename T, typename Releaser>
inline auto wrap_cptr( T* ptr, Releaser&& r ) noexcept
-> std::unique_ptr<T, typename std::decay<decltype( r )>::type>
return std::unique_ptr<T, typename std::decay<decltype( r )>::type>{
ptr, std::forward<Releaser>( r )
/// Wraps a C pointer into a std::unique_ptr
/// This will convert a C pointer to an array of type T to a
/// std::unique_ptr<T[], R> where T is the pointee type, and R is an arbitrary
/// releaser type.
/// ptr will be automatically released by calling r( ptr ) when falling out of
/// scope (whether by returning of by throwing an exception
/// This function is equivalent to wrap_cptr, except that the returned
/// unique_ptr provides an operator[] for array access instead of operator* and
/// operator->
/// @param ptr a C pointer
/// @param r An instance of a Callable type, that will be invoked with ptr
/// as its first and only parameter.
template <typename T, typename Releaser>
inline auto wrap_carray( T* ptr, Releaser&& r ) noexcept
-> std::unique_ptr<T[], typename std::decay<decltype( r )>::type>
return std::unique_ptr<T[], typename std::decay<decltype( r )>::type>{
ptr, std::forward<Releaser>( r )
/// Wraps a C pointer into a std::unique_ptr
/// This is a convenience wrapper that will use free() as its releaser
template <typename T>
inline std::unique_ptr<T, void (*)(void*)> wrap_cptr( T* ptr ) noexcept
return wrap_cptr( ptr, &free );
/// Wraps a C pointer into a std::unique_ptr
/// This is a convenience wrapper that will use free() as its releaser
template <typename T>
inline std::unique_ptr<T[], void (*)(void*)> wrap_carray( T* ptr ) noexcept
return wrap_carray( ptr, &free );
} // anonymous namespace
/// Wraps a C shared resource having associated Hold() and Release() functions
/// This is a RAII wrapper for C shared resources (which are manually managed by
/// calling explicitly their Hold() and Release() functions).
/// The Hold() and Release() functions must accept exactly one parameter having
/// type T* (the raw pointer type). Their return type is irrelevant.
/// To create a new shared resource wrapper type for my_type_t, simply declare:
/// using MyTypePtr =
/// vlc_shared_data_ptr_type(my_type_t, my_type_Hold, my_type_Release);
/// Then use it to wrap a raw C pointer:
/// my_type_t *raw_ptr = /* ... */;
/// MyTypePtr ptr(raw_ptr);
// In C++17, the template declaration could be replaced by:
// template<typename T, auto HOLD, auto RELEASE>
template <typename T, typename H, typename R, H HOLD, R RELEASE>
class vlc_shared_data_ptr {
T *ptr = nullptr;
/* default implicit constructor */
vlc_shared_data_ptr() = default;
* Wrap a shared resource.
* If the pointer is not nullptr, and hold is true, then the resource is
* hold (the caller shared ownership is preserved).
* If hold is false, then the caller transfers the ownership to this
* wrapper.
* \param ptr the raw pointer (can be nullptr)
* \param hold whether the resource must be hold
explicit vlc_shared_data_ptr(T *ptr, bool hold = true)
: ptr(ptr)
if (ptr && hold)
vlc_shared_data_ptr(const vlc_shared_data_ptr &other)
: vlc_shared_data_ptr(other.ptr) {}
vlc_shared_data_ptr(vlc_shared_data_ptr &&other) noexcept
: ptr(other.ptr)
other.ptr = nullptr;
if (ptr)
vlc_shared_data_ptr &operator=(const vlc_shared_data_ptr &other)
reset(other.ptr, true);
return *this;
vlc_shared_data_ptr &operator=(vlc_shared_data_ptr &&other) noexcept
reset(other.ptr, false);
other.ptr = nullptr;
return *this;
bool operator==(const vlc_shared_data_ptr &other) const
return ptr == other.ptr;
bool operator==(std::nullptr_t) const noexcept
return ptr == nullptr;
bool operator!=(const vlc_shared_data_ptr &other) const
return !(*this == other);
bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t) const noexcept
return ptr != nullptr;
explicit operator bool() const
return ptr;
T &operator*() const
return *ptr;
T *operator->() const
return ptr;
T *get() const
return ptr;
* Reset the shared resource.
* ptr.reset(rawptr, hold);
* is semantically equivalent to:
* ptr = vlc_shared_data_ptr<...>(rawptr, hold);
* If the pointer is not nullptr, and hold is true, then the resource is
* hold (the caller shared ownership is preserved).
* If hold is false, then the caller transfers the ownership to this
* wrapper.
* \param ptr the raw pointer (can be nullptr)
* \param hold whether the resource must be hold
void reset(T *newptr = nullptr, bool hold = true)
if (newptr && hold)
if (ptr)
ptr = newptr;
// useful due to the unnecessarily complex template declaration before C++17
#define vlc_shared_data_ptr_type(type, hold, release) \
::vlc::vlc_shared_data_ptr<type, decltype(&hold), decltype(&release), \
&hold, &release>
namespace threads
class mutex
mutex() noexcept
vlc_mutex_init( &m_mutex );
mutex( const mutex& ) = delete;
mutex& operator=( const mutex& ) = delete;
mutex( mutex&& ) = delete;
mutex& operator=( mutex&& ) = delete;
void lock() noexcept
vlc_mutex_lock( &m_mutex );
void unlock() noexcept
vlc_mutex_unlock( &m_mutex );
vlc_mutex_t m_mutex;
friend class condition_variable;
friend class mutex_locker;
class condition_variable
condition_variable() noexcept
vlc_cond_init( &m_cond );
void signal() noexcept
vlc_cond_signal( &m_cond );
void broadcast() noexcept
vlc_cond_broadcast( &m_cond );
void wait( mutex& mutex ) noexcept
vlc_cond_wait( &m_cond, &mutex.m_mutex );
int timedwait( mutex& mutex, vlc_tick_t deadline ) noexcept
return vlc_cond_timedwait( &m_cond, &mutex.m_mutex, deadline );
vlc_cond_t m_cond;
class mutex_locker
mutex_locker( vlc_mutex_t* m ) noexcept
: m_mutex( m )
vlc_mutex_lock( m_mutex );
mutex_locker( mutex& m ) noexcept
: mutex_locker( &m.m_mutex )
vlc_mutex_unlock( m_mutex );
mutex_locker( const mutex_locker& ) = delete;
mutex_locker& operator=( const mutex_locker& ) = delete;
mutex_locker( mutex_locker&& ) = delete;
mutex_locker& operator=( mutex_locker&& ) = delete;
vlc_mutex_t* m_mutex;
class semaphore
semaphore() noexcept
vlc_sem_init( &m_sem, 0 );
semaphore( unsigned int count ) noexcept
vlc_sem_init( &m_sem, count );
semaphore( const semaphore& ) = delete;
semaphore& operator=( const semaphore& ) = delete;
semaphore( semaphore&& ) = delete;
semaphore& operator=( semaphore&& ) = delete;
int post() noexcept
return vlc_sem_post( &m_sem );
void wait() noexcept
vlc_sem_wait( &m_sem );
int wait_i11e() noexcept
return vlc_sem_wait_i11e( &m_sem );
vlc_sem_t m_sem;
#endif // VLC_THREADS_H_
#ifdef VLC_URL_H
class url : public vlc_url_t
class invalid : public std::runtime_error
explicit invalid( const char* url )
: std::runtime_error( std::string{ "Invalid url: " } + url )
psz_buffer = nullptr;
psz_pathbuffer = nullptr;
psz_host = nullptr;
explicit url( const char* str )
if ( vlc_UrlParse( this, str ) )
vlc_UrlClean( this );
throw invalid( str );
explicit url( const std::string& str )
: url( str.c_str() )
url( const url& ) = delete;
url& operator=( const url& ) = delete;
url( url&& u ) noexcept
: vlc_url_t( u )
u.psz_buffer = nullptr;
u.psz_pathbuffer = nullptr;
u.psz_host = nullptr;
url& operator=( url&& u ) noexcept
vlc_UrlClean( this );
*(static_cast<vlc_url_t*>( this )) = u;
u.psz_buffer = nullptr;
u.psz_pathbuffer = nullptr;
u.psz_host = nullptr;
return *this;
} // namespace vlc