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<appendix> <title> Advanced debugging </title>
We never debug our code, because we don't put bugs in. Okay, you want
some real stuff. Sam still uses <function> printf() </function> to
find out where it crashes. For real programmers, here is a summary
of what you can do if you have problems.
<sect1> <title> Where does it crash ? </title>
The best way to know that is to use gdb. You can start using it with
good chances by configuring with <parameter> --enable-debug </parameter>.
It will add <parameter> -g </parameter> to the compiler <parameter>
CFLAGS</parameter>, and activate some additional safety checks. Just
run <command> gdb vlc</command>, type <command> run myfile.vob</command>,
and wait until it crashes. You can view where it stopped with
<command>bt</command>, and print variables with <command>print
If you run into troubles, you may want to turn the optimizations off.
Optimizations (especially inline functions) may confuse the debugger.
Use <parameter> --disable-optimizations </parameter> in that case.
<sect1> <title> Other problems </title>
It may be more complicated than that, for instance unpredictable
behaviour, random bug or performance issue. You have several options
to deal with this. If you experience unpredictable behaviour, I hope
you don't have a heap or stack corruption (eg. writing in an unallocated
space), because they are hard to find. If you are really desperate, have
a look at something like ElectricFence or dmalloc. Under GNU/Linux, an
easy check is to type <command> export MALLOC_CHECK_=2 </command> before
launching vlc (see <command> malloc(3) </command> for more information).
VLC offers a "trace-mode". It can create a log file with very accurate dates
and messages of what it does, so it is useful to detect performance
issues or lock-ups. Compile with <parameter> --enable-trace </parameter>
and tune the <parameter> TRACE_* </parameter> flags in <filename>
include/config.h </filename> to enable certain types of messages (log
file writing can take up a lot of time, and will have side effects).