
462 lines
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* vlc_list.hpp: C++ wrappers on top of vlc_list
* Copyright © 2024 Videolabs
* Authors: Alexandre Janniaux <ajanni@videolabs.io>
* Pierre Lamot <pierre@videolabs.io>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef VLC_LIST_HPP
#define VLC_LIST_HPP 1
#include <vlc_list.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <type_traits>
namespace vlc
* \defgroup cpp_list Linked lists (C++ wrappers)
* \ingroup cext
* @{
* \file
* This provides convenience helpers for using the C linked lists extension
* from C++ files.
* A list wrapper should be used on an existing list:
* \code
* struct item {
* // ...
* vlc_list node;
* }
* struct vlc_list c_list;
* vlc_list_init(&c_list);
* // ...
* auto list = vlc::from(&list, &item::node);
* \endcode
* Using `vlc::from` will automatically select the correct variant for
* the list depending on the constness of the `vlc_list` list, and it
* can allow only iteration if the list is const.
* Iteration includes standard iterators and for range-based loops, as well
* as reversed list.
* \code
* for (auto it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it)
* {
* // (*it) is of type `struct item`
* }
* for (auto &elem : vlc::from(&c_list, &item::node))
* {
* // `elem` type is `struct item`
* // ...
* }
* for (auto &elem : vlc::from(&c_list, &item::node).as_reverse())
* {
* // `elem` type is `struct item`
* // ...
* }
* \endcode
* Compare two vlc_list node and check whether they represent the same element.
* If the element is not in a list itself, or is not a list itself, then the
* result is undefined.
* \param a some node belonging to a vlc_list
* \param b some node belonging to a vlc_list
* \return true if they represent the same element or the same list,
* false otherwise
bool operator==(const ::vlc_list& a, const ::vlc_list& b)
return a.prev == b.prev && a.next == b.next;
* Compare two vlc_list node and check whether they representthe same element.
* If the element is not in a list itself, or is not a list itself, then the
* result is undefined.
* \param a some node belonging to a vlc_list
* \param b some node belonging to a vlc_list
* \return false if they represent the same element or the same list,
* true otherwise
bool operator!=(const ::vlc_list& a, const ::vlc_list& b)
return !(a == b);
* Base class for iterators on the vlc::list's vlc_list wrapper.
* The base class c
* \tparam NodeType the type of each node from the list
* \tparam ListType either vlc_list or const vlc_list
template <typename NodeType, typename ListType>
class list_iterator_base {
ListType* _current, *_next, *_prev;
vlc_list NodeType::* _node_ptr;
constexpr std::ptrdiff_t offset() const {
return reinterpret_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(
&(static_cast<NodeType const volatile*>(NULL)->*_node_ptr)
static constexpr bool is_const = std::is_const<ListType>::value;
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
using value_type = std::conditional_t<is_const, const NodeType, NodeType>;
using pointer = std::conditional_t<is_const, const NodeType*, NodeType*>;
using reference = std::conditional_t<is_const, const NodeType&, NodeType&>;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using iterator_type = list_iterator_base<NodeType, ListType>;
list_iterator_base(ListType& list, vlc_list NodeType::* node_ptr)
: _current{&list}, _next{list.next}, _prev{list.prev}, _node_ptr{node_ptr} {}
reference operator*() const
using char_pointer = std::conditional_t<is_const, const char*, char*>;
return *reinterpret_cast<pointer>(
reinterpret_cast<char_pointer>(this->_current) - this->offset());
pointer operator->() const
return &operator*();
iterator_type operator++()
_prev = _next->prev;
_current = _next;
_next = _next->next;
return *this;
iterator_type operator++(int)
return iterator_type {*_next, _node_ptr};
iterator_type& operator--()
_next = _prev->next;
_current = _prev;
_prev = _prev->prev;
return *this;
iterator_type operator--(int)
return iterator_type {*_prev, _node_ptr};
friend bool operator==(const iterator_type& a, const iterator_type& b)
return a._current == b._current;
friend bool operator!=(const iterator_type& a, const iterator_type& b)
return a._current != b._current;
* Iterator on vlc_list with mutable capabilities.
template <typename NodeType>
using list_iterator = list_iterator_base<NodeType, vlc_list>;
* Iterator on vlc_list with immutable capabilities.
template <typename NodeType>
using list_const_iterator = list_iterator_base<NodeType, const vlc_list>;
template <typename NodeType, typename ListType>
class list_reverse_iterator
: public std::reverse_iterator<list_iterator_base<NodeType, ListType>>
using iterator = std::reverse_iterator<list_iterator_base<NodeType, ListType>>;
using inner_iterator = typename iterator::iterator_type;
list_reverse_iterator(ListType &list, vlc_list NodeType::* node_ptr)
: iterator {++inner_iterator{list, node_ptr}} {}
list_reverse_iterator(iterator other)
: iterator{other.base()} {}
* Wrapper around any type matching with vlc_list, exposing C++ iterator operations.
* Users should use the vlc::list and vlc::const_list types instead,
* and initialize them from the vlc::from function.
* \code
* struct item {
* // ...
* vlc_list node;
* }
* struct vlc_list c_list;
* vlc_list_init(&c_list);
* // ...
* auto list = vlc::from(&list, &item::node);
* \endcode
* \tparam NodeType the type of each node from the list
* \tparam ListType either vlc_list or const vlc_list
* \tparam Iterator the iterator type returned by vlc::list_base::begin()
* and vlc::list_base::end()
* \tparam ConstIterator the iterator type returned by vlc::list_base::cbegin()
* and vlc::list_base::cend()
template <
typename NodeType,
typename ListType,
typename Iterator,
typename ConstIterator
class list_base
/* We use some kind of offsetof, which will only be valid on
* standard layout types since non-standard might have a variable
* layout and still be pointer-compatible. */
"list can only iterate standard layout types");
ListType& _list;
vlc_list NodeType::* _node_ptr;
static bool constexpr is_reverse = !std::is_same<
Iterator, list_reverse_iterator<NodeType, ListType>>::value;
list_base(ListType &list, vlc_list NodeType::* node_ptr)
: _list{list}, _node_ptr{node_ptr} {}
using list_type = list_base<NodeType, ListType, Iterator, ConstIterator>;
using iterator = Iterator;
using const_iterator = ConstIterator;
using reverse_iterator = std::conditional_t<is_reverse,
list_reverse_iterator<NodeType, ListType>,
list_iterator_base<NodeType, ListType>>;
using const_reverse_iterator = std::conditional_t<is_reverse,
list_reverse_iterator<NodeType, const ListType>,
list_iterator_base<NodeType, const ListType>>;
using reverse_list = list_base<NodeType, ListType,
reverse_iterator, const_reverse_iterator>;
reverse_list as_reverse()
return reverse_list{_list, _node_ptr};
iterator begin() const
return ++iterator{_list, _node_ptr};
iterator end() const
return iterator{_list, _node_ptr};
const_iterator cbegin() const
return ++const_iterator{_list, _node_ptr};
const_iterator cend() const
return const_iterator{_list, _node_ptr};
reverse_iterator rbegin()
return ++reverse_iterator{_list, _node_ptr};
reverse_iterator rend()
return reverse_iterator{_list, _node_ptr};
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const
return ++const_reverse_iterator{_list, _node_ptr};
const_reverse_iterator crend() const
return const_reverse_iterator{_list, _node_ptr};
friend bool operator==(const list_type& a, const list_type& b)
return a._list == b._list;
friend bool operator!=(const list_type& a, const list_type& b)
return a._list != b._list;
bool empty() const
return vlc_list_is_empty(_list);
* Public type-safe wrapper around const vlc_list, providing const iterator
* and iteration functions.
* It is advised to use ::vlc::list::from() to get the correct
* wrapper directly in an inferenced way.
* \tparam NodeType the type of each node from the list
template <typename NodeType>
struct const_list : public list_base<
const vlc_list,
using iterator = ::vlc::list_const_iterator<NodeType>;
using const_iterator = ::vlc::list_const_iterator<NodeType>;
const_list(const vlc_list &l, vlc_list NodeType::* node_ptr)
: list_base<
NodeType, const vlc_list, iterator, const_iterator
>(l, node_ptr) {};
* Public type-safe wrapper around mutable vlc_list, providing iterators,
* iteration functions and mutation on the list itself.
* \tparam NodeType the type of each node from the list
template <typename NodeType>
struct list : public list_base<
using iterator = ::vlc::list_iterator<NodeType>;
using const_iterator = ::vlc::list_const_iterator<NodeType>;
* Construct a ::vlc::list from an existing vlc_list.
* It is advised to use ::vlc::list::from() to get the correct
* wrapper directly in an inferenced way.
list(vlc_list &l, vlc_list NodeType::* node_ptr)
: list_base<
NodeType, vlc_list, iterator, const_iterator
>(l, node_ptr) {};
template <typename IteratorType>
IteratorType erase(IteratorType it)
return it;
void push_front(NodeType &item)
struct vlc_list *node = &(item.*(this->_node_ptr));
vlc_list_prepend(node, &this->_list);
void push_back(NodeType &item)
struct vlc_list *node = &(item.*(this->_node_ptr));
vlc_list_append(node, &this->_list);
* Construct a vlc::list (mutable list) object from a mutable
* vlc_list reference
* \tparam NodeType the type of each node from the list
* \param list the vlc_list object to wrap around
* \param node_ptr a pointer to the intrusive vlc_list member from the
* type being stored in the list.
* \return a vlc::list instance
* */
template <typename NodeType>
::vlc::list<NodeType> from(vlc_list &list, vlc_list NodeType::* node_ptr)
return ::vlc::list<NodeType>{list, node_ptr};
* Construct a vlc::const_list (immutable list) object from a const
* vlc_list reference
* \tparam NodeType the type of each node from the list
* \param list the vlc_list object to wrap around
* \param node_ptr a pointer to the intrusive vlc_list member from the
* type being stored in the list.
* \return a vlc::const_list instance which cannot modify the vlc_list
* */
template <typename NodeType>
::vlc::const_list<NodeType> from(const vlc_list &list, vlc_list NodeType::* node_ptr)
return ::vlc::const_list<NodeType>{list, node_ptr};
/** @} */
#endif /* VLC_LIST_HPP */