/***************************************************************************** * motiondetect.c : Second version of a motion detection plugin. ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2000-2008 the VideoLAN team * $Id$ * * Authors: Antoine Cellerier * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. *****************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** * Preamble *****************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include "filter_picture.h" /***************************************************************************** * Module descriptor *****************************************************************************/ static int Create ( vlc_object_t * ); static void Destroy ( vlc_object_t * ); #define FILTER_PREFIX "motiondetect-" vlc_module_begin () set_description( N_("Motion detect video filter") ) set_shortname( N_( "Motion Detect" )) set_category( CAT_VIDEO ) set_subcategory( SUBCAT_VIDEO_VFILTER ) set_capability( "video filter2", 0 ) add_shortcut( "motion" ) set_callbacks( Create, Destroy ) vlc_module_end () /***************************************************************************** * Local prototypes *****************************************************************************/ static picture_t *Filter( filter_t *, picture_t * ); static picture_t *FilterPacked( filter_t *, picture_t * ); static void GaussianConvolution( uint32_t *, uint32_t *, int, int, int ); static int FindShapes( uint32_t *, uint32_t *, int, int, int, int *, int *, int *, int *, int *); static void Draw( filter_t *p_filter, uint8_t *p_pix, int i_pix_pitch, int i_pix_size ); #define NUM_COLORS (5000) struct filter_sys_t { bool b_old; picture_t *p_old; uint32_t *p_buf; uint32_t *p_buf2; /* */ int i_colors; int colors[NUM_COLORS]; int color_x_min[NUM_COLORS]; int color_x_max[NUM_COLORS]; int color_y_min[NUM_COLORS]; int color_y_max[NUM_COLORS]; }; /***************************************************************************** * Create *****************************************************************************/ static int Create( vlc_object_t *p_this ) { filter_t *p_filter = (filter_t *)p_this; const video_format_t *p_fmt = &p_filter->fmt_in.video; filter_sys_t *p_sys; switch( p_fmt->i_chroma ) { CASE_PLANAR_YUV p_filter->pf_video_filter = Filter; break; CASE_PACKED_YUV_422 p_filter->pf_video_filter = FilterPacked; break; default: msg_Err( p_filter, "Unsupported input chroma (%4.4s)", (char*)&(p_fmt->i_chroma) ); return VLC_EGENERIC; } /* Allocate structure */ p_filter->p_sys = p_sys = malloc( sizeof( filter_sys_t ) ); if( p_filter->p_sys == NULL ) return VLC_ENOMEM; p_sys->b_old = false; p_sys->p_old = picture_NewFromFormat( p_fmt ); p_sys->p_buf = calloc( p_fmt->i_width * p_fmt->i_height, sizeof(*p_sys->p_buf) ); p_sys->p_buf2 = calloc( p_fmt->i_width * p_fmt->i_height, sizeof(*p_sys->p_buf) ); if( !p_sys->p_old || !p_sys->p_buf || !p_sys->p_buf2 ) { free( p_sys->p_buf2 ); free( p_sys->p_buf ); if( p_sys->p_old ) picture_Release( p_sys->p_old ); return VLC_ENOMEM; } return VLC_SUCCESS; } /***************************************************************************** * Destroy *****************************************************************************/ static void Destroy( vlc_object_t *p_this ) { filter_t *p_filter = (filter_t *)p_this; filter_sys_t *p_sys = p_filter->p_sys; free( p_sys->p_buf2 ); free( p_sys->p_buf ); picture_Release( p_sys->p_old ); free( p_sys ); } /***************************************************************************** * Filter YUV Planar *****************************************************************************/ static picture_t *Filter( filter_t *p_filter, picture_t *p_inpic ) { filter_sys_t *p_sys = p_filter->p_sys; const video_format_t *p_fmt = &p_filter->fmt_in.video; picture_t *p_outpic; uint8_t *p_oldpix = p_sys->p_old->p[Y_PLANE].p_pixels; const int i_old_pitch = p_sys->p_old->p[Y_PLANE].i_pitch; uint32_t *p_buf = p_sys->p_buf; uint32_t *p_buf2= p_sys->p_buf2; unsigned x, y; if( !p_inpic ) return NULL; const uint8_t *p_inpix = p_inpic->p[Y_PLANE].p_pixels; const int i_src_pitch = p_inpic->p[Y_PLANE].i_pitch; p_outpic = filter_NewPicture( p_filter ); if( !p_outpic ) { picture_Release( p_inpic ); return NULL; } picture_Copy( p_outpic, p_inpic ); if( !p_sys->b_old ) { picture_Copy( p_sys->p_old, p_inpic ); picture_Release( p_inpic ); p_sys->b_old = true; return p_outpic; } /** * Substract Y planes */ for( y = 0; y < p_fmt->i_height; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < p_fmt->i_width; x++ ) p_buf2[y*p_fmt->i_width+x] = abs( p_inpix[y*i_src_pitch+x] - p_oldpix[y*i_old_pitch+x] ); } int i_chroma_dx; int i_chroma_dy; switch( p_inpic->format.i_chroma ) { case VLC_CODEC_I420: case VLC_CODEC_J420: case VLC_CODEC_YV12: i_chroma_dx = 2; i_chroma_dy = 2; break; case VLC_CODEC_I422: case VLC_CODEC_J422: i_chroma_dx = 2; i_chroma_dy = 1; break; default: msg_Warn( p_filter, "Not taking chroma into account" ); i_chroma_dx = 0; i_chroma_dy = 0; break; } if( i_chroma_dx != 0 && i_chroma_dy != 0 ) { const uint8_t *p_inpix_u = p_inpic->p[U_PLANE].p_pixels; const uint8_t *p_inpix_v = p_inpic->p[V_PLANE].p_pixels; const int i_src_pitch_u = p_inpic->p[U_PLANE].i_pitch; const int i_src_pitch_v = p_inpic->p[V_PLANE].i_pitch; const uint8_t *p_oldpix_u = p_sys->p_old->p[U_PLANE].p_pixels; const uint8_t *p_oldpix_v = p_sys->p_old->p[V_PLANE].p_pixels; const int i_old_pitch_u = p_sys->p_old->p[U_PLANE].i_pitch; const int i_old_pitch_v = p_sys->p_old->p[V_PLANE].i_pitch; for( y = 0; y < p_fmt->i_height/i_chroma_dy; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < p_fmt->i_width/i_chroma_dx; x ++ ) { const int d = abs( p_inpix_u[y*i_src_pitch_u+x] - p_oldpix_u[y*i_old_pitch_u+x] ) + abs( p_inpix_v[y*i_src_pitch_v+x] - p_oldpix_v[y*i_old_pitch_v+x] ); int i, j; for( j = 0; j < i_chroma_dy; j++ ) { for( i = 0; i < i_chroma_dx; i++ ) p_buf2[i_chroma_dy*p_fmt->i_width*j + i_chroma_dx*i] = d; } } } } /** * Get the areas where movement was detected */ p_sys->i_colors = FindShapes( p_buf2, p_buf, p_fmt->i_width, p_fmt->i_width, p_fmt->i_height, p_sys->colors, p_sys->color_x_min, p_sys->color_x_max, p_sys->color_y_min, p_sys->color_y_max ); /** * Count final number of shapes * Draw rectangles (there can be more than 1 moving shape in 1 rectangle) */ Draw( p_filter, p_outpic->p[Y_PLANE].p_pixels, p_outpic->p[Y_PLANE].i_pitch, 1 ); /** * We're done. Lets keep a copy of the picture * TODO we may just picture_Release with a latency of 1 if the filters/vout * handle it correctly */ picture_Copy( p_sys->p_old, p_inpic ); picture_Release( p_inpic ); return p_outpic; } /***************************************************************************** * Filter YUV Packed *****************************************************************************/ static picture_t *FilterPacked( filter_t *p_filter, picture_t *p_inpic ) { filter_sys_t *p_sys = p_filter->p_sys; const video_format_t *p_fmt = &p_filter->fmt_in.video; picture_t *p_outpic; const uint8_t *p_inpix = p_inpic->p[Y_PLANE].p_pixels; const int i_src_pitch = p_inpic->p[Y_PLANE].i_pitch; uint8_t *p_oldpix = p_sys->p_old->p[Y_PLANE].p_pixels; const int i_old_pitch = p_sys->p_old->p[Y_PLANE].i_pitch; uint32_t *p_buf = p_sys->p_buf; uint32_t *p_buf2= p_sys->p_buf2; int i_y_offset, i_u_offset, i_v_offset; unsigned x, y; if( GetPackedYuvOffsets( p_fmt->i_chroma, &i_y_offset, &i_u_offset, &i_v_offset ) ) { msg_Warn( p_filter, "Unsupported input chroma (%4.4s)", (char*)&p_fmt->i_chroma ); return p_inpic; } if( !p_sys->b_old ) { picture_Copy( p_sys->p_old, p_inpic ); p_sys->b_old = true; return p_inpic; } p_outpic = filter_NewPicture( p_filter ); if( !p_outpic ) { picture_Release( p_inpic ); return NULL; } picture_Copy( p_outpic, p_inpic ); /* Substract all planes at once */ for( y = 0; y < p_fmt->i_height; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < p_fmt->i_width; x+=2 ) { int i; int d; d = abs( p_inpix[y*i_src_pitch+2*x+i_u_offset] - p_oldpix[y*i_old_pitch+2*x+i_u_offset] ) + abs( p_inpix[y*i_src_pitch+2*x+i_v_offset] - p_oldpix[y*i_old_pitch+2*x+i_v_offset] ); for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) p_buf2[y*p_fmt->i_width+x+i] = abs( p_inpix[y*i_src_pitch+2*(x+i)+i_y_offset] - p_oldpix[y*i_old_pitch+2*(x+i)+i_y_offset] ) + d; } } /** * Get the areas where movement was detected */ p_sys->i_colors = FindShapes( p_buf2, p_buf, p_fmt->i_width, p_fmt->i_width, p_fmt->i_height, p_sys->colors, p_sys->color_x_min, p_sys->color_x_max, p_sys->color_y_min, p_sys->color_y_max ); /** * Count final number of shapes * Draw rectangles (there can be more than 1 moving shape in 1 rectangle) */ Draw( p_filter, &p_outpic->p[Y_PLANE].p_pixels[i_y_offset], p_outpic->p[Y_PLANE].i_pitch, 2 ); /** * We're done. Lets keep a copy of the picture * TODO we may just picture_Release with a latency of 1 if the filters/vout * handle it correctly */ picture_Copy( p_sys->p_old, p_inpic ); picture_Release( p_inpic ); return p_outpic; } /***************************************************************************** * Gaussian Convolution ***************************************************************************** * Gaussian convolution ( sigma == 1.4 ) * * | 2 4 5 4 2 | | 2 4 4 4 2 | * | 4 9 12 9 4 | | 4 8 12 8 4 | * | 5 12 15 12 5 | ~ | 4 12 16 12 4 | * | 4 9 12 9 4 | | 4 8 12 8 4 | * | 2 4 5 4 2 | | 2 4 4 4 2 | *****************************************************************************/ static void GaussianConvolution( uint32_t *p_inpix, uint32_t *p_smooth, int i_src_pitch, int i_num_lines, int i_src_visible ) { int x,y; /* A bit overkill but ... simpler */ memset( p_smooth, 0, sizeof(*p_smooth) * i_src_pitch * i_num_lines ); for( y = 2; y < i_num_lines - 2; y++ ) { for( x = 2; x < i_src_visible - 2; x++ ) { p_smooth[y*i_src_visible+x] = (uint32_t)( /* 2 rows up */ ( p_inpix[(y-2)*i_src_pitch+x-2] ) + ((p_inpix[(y-2)*i_src_pitch+x-1] + p_inpix[(y-2)*i_src_pitch+x] + p_inpix[(y-2)*i_src_pitch+x+1])<<1 ) + ( p_inpix[(y-2)*i_src_pitch+x+2] ) /* 1 row up */ + ((p_inpix[(y-1)*i_src_pitch+x-2] + ( p_inpix[(y-1)*i_src_pitch+x-1]<<1 ) + ( p_inpix[(y-1)*i_src_pitch+x]*3 ) + ( p_inpix[(y-1)*i_src_pitch+x+1]<<1 ) + p_inpix[(y-1)*i_src_pitch+x+2] /* */ + p_inpix[y*i_src_pitch+x-2] + ( p_inpix[y*i_src_pitch+x-1]*3 ) + ( p_inpix[y*i_src_pitch+x]<<2 ) + ( p_inpix[y*i_src_pitch+x+1]*3 ) + p_inpix[y*i_src_pitch+x+2] /* 1 row down */ + p_inpix[(y+1)*i_src_pitch+x-2] + ( p_inpix[(y+1)*i_src_pitch+x-1]<<1 ) + ( p_inpix[(y+1)*i_src_pitch+x]*3 ) + ( p_inpix[(y+1)*i_src_pitch+x+1]<<1 ) + p_inpix[(y+1)*i_src_pitch+x+2] )<<1 ) /* 2 rows down */ + ( p_inpix[(y+2)*i_src_pitch+x-2] ) + ((p_inpix[(y+2)*i_src_pitch+x-1] + p_inpix[(y+2)*i_src_pitch+x] + p_inpix[(y+2)*i_src_pitch+x+1])<<1 ) + ( p_inpix[(y+2)*i_src_pitch+x+2] ) ) >> 6 /* 115 */; } } } /***************************************************************************** * *****************************************************************************/ static int FindShapes( uint32_t *p_diff, uint32_t *p_smooth, int i_pitch, int i_visible, int i_lines, int *colors, int *color_x_min, int *color_x_max, int *color_y_min, int *color_y_max ) { int last = 1; int i, j; /** * Apply some smoothing to remove noise */ GaussianConvolution( p_diff, p_smooth, i_pitch, i_lines, i_visible ); /** * Label the shapes and build the labels dependencies list */ for( j = 0; j < i_pitch; j++ ) { p_smooth[j] = 0; p_smooth[(i_lines-1)*i_pitch+j] = 0; } for( i = 1; i < i_lines-1; i++ ) { p_smooth[i*i_pitch] = 0; for( j = 1; j < i_pitch-1; j++ ) { if( p_smooth[i*i_pitch+j] > 15 ) { if( p_smooth[(i-1)*i_pitch+j-1] ) { p_smooth[i*i_pitch+j] = p_smooth[(i-1)*i_pitch+j-1]; } else if( p_smooth[(i-1)*i_pitch+j] ) p_smooth[i*i_pitch+j] = p_smooth[(i-1)*i_pitch+j]; else if( p_smooth[i*i_pitch+j-1] ) p_smooth[i*i_pitch+j] = p_smooth[i*i_pitch+j-1]; else { if( last < NUM_COLORS ) { p_smooth[i*i_pitch+j] = last; colors[last] = last; last++; } } #define CHECK( A ) \ if( p_smooth[A] && p_smooth[A] != p_smooth[i*i_pitch+j] ) \ { \ if( p_smooth[A] < p_smooth[i*i_pitch+j] ) \ colors[p_smooth[i*i_pitch+j]] = p_smooth[A]; \ else \ colors[p_smooth[A]] = p_smooth[i*i_pitch+j]; \ } CHECK( i*i_pitch+j-1 ); CHECK( (i-1)*i_pitch+j-1 ); CHECK( (i-1)*i_pitch+j ); CHECK( (i-1)*i_pitch+j+1 ); #undef CHECK } else { p_smooth[i*i_pitch+j] = 0; } } p_smooth[i*i_pitch+j] = 0; } /** * Initialise empty rectangle list */ for( i = 1; i < last; i++ ) { color_x_min[i] = -1; color_x_max[i] = -1; color_y_min[i] = -1; color_y_max[i] = -1; } /** * Compute rectangle coordinates */ for( i = 0; i < i_pitch * i_lines; i++ ) { if( p_smooth[i] ) { while( colors[p_smooth[i]] != (int)p_smooth[i] ) p_smooth[i] = colors[p_smooth[i]]; if( color_x_min[p_smooth[i]] == -1 ) { color_x_min[p_smooth[i]] = color_x_max[p_smooth[i]] = i % i_pitch; color_y_min[p_smooth[i]] = color_y_max[p_smooth[i]] = i / i_pitch; } else { int x = i % i_pitch, y = i / i_pitch; if( x < color_x_min[p_smooth[i]] ) color_x_min[p_smooth[i]] = x; if( x > color_x_max[p_smooth[i]] ) color_x_max[p_smooth[i]] = x; if( y < color_y_min[p_smooth[i]] ) color_y_min[p_smooth[i]] = y; if( y > color_y_max[p_smooth[i]] ) color_y_max[p_smooth[i]] = y; } } } /** * Merge overlaping rectangles */ for( i = 1; i < last; i++ ) { if( colors[i] != i ) continue; if( color_x_min[i] == -1 ) continue; for( j = i+1; j < last; j++ ) { if( colors[j] != j ) continue; if( color_x_min[j] == -1 ) continue; if( __MAX( color_x_min[i], color_x_min[j] ) < __MIN( color_x_max[i], color_x_max[j] ) && __MAX( color_y_min[i], color_y_min[j] ) < __MIN( color_y_max[i], color_y_max[j] ) ) { color_x_min[i] = __MIN( color_x_min[i], color_x_min[j] ); color_x_max[i] = __MAX( color_x_max[i], color_x_max[j] ); color_y_min[i] = __MIN( color_y_min[i], color_y_min[j] ); color_y_max[i] = __MAX( color_y_max[i], color_y_max[j] ); color_x_min[j] = -1; j = 0; } } } return last; } static void Draw( filter_t *p_filter, uint8_t *p_pix, int i_pix_pitch, int i_pix_size ) { filter_sys_t *p_sys = p_filter->p_sys; int i, j; for( i = 1, j = 0; i < p_sys->i_colors; i++ ) { int x, y; if( p_sys->colors[i] != i ) continue; const int color_x_min = p_sys->color_x_min[i]; const int color_x_max = p_sys->color_x_max[i]; const int color_y_min = p_sys->color_y_min[i]; const int color_y_max = p_sys->color_y_max[i]; if( color_x_min == -1 ) continue; if( ( color_y_max - color_y_min ) * ( color_x_max - color_x_min ) < 16 ) continue; j++; y = color_y_min; for( x = color_x_min; x <= color_x_max; x++ ) p_pix[y*i_pix_pitch+x*i_pix_size] = 0xff; y = color_y_max; for( x = color_x_min; x <= color_x_max; x++ ) p_pix[y*i_pix_pitch+x*i_pix_size] = 0xff; x = color_x_min; for( y = color_y_min; y <= color_y_max; y++ ) p_pix[y*i_pix_pitch+x*i_pix_size] = 0xff; x = color_x_max; for( y = color_y_min; y <= color_y_max; y++ ) p_pix[y*i_pix_pitch+x*i_pix_size] = 0xff; } msg_Dbg( p_filter, "Counted %d moving shapes.", j ); }