/***************************************************************************** * httpd.c ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 VLC authors and VideoLAN * Copyright © 2004-2007 Rémi Denis-Courmont * * Authors: Laurent Aimar * Rémi Denis-Courmont * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. *****************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../libvlc.h" #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_UIO_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_POLL # include #endif #if defined(_WIN32) # include #elif defined(HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H) # include #endif #if defined(_WIN32) /* We need HUGE buffer otherwise TCP throughput is very limited */ #define HTTPD_CL_BUFSIZE 1000000 #else #define HTTPD_CL_BUFSIZE 10000 #endif static void httpd_ClientDestroy(httpd_client_t *cl); static void httpd_AppendData(httpd_stream_t *stream, uint8_t *p_data, int i_data); /* each host run in his own thread */ struct httpd_host_t { struct vlc_object_t obj; struct vlc_list node; /* ref count */ atomic_uint ref; /* address/port and socket for listening at connections */ int *fds; unsigned nfd; unsigned port; vlc_thread_t thread; vlc_mutex_t lock; vlc_cond_t wait; /* all registered url (becarefull that 2 httpd_url_t could point at the same url) * This will slow down the url research but make my live easier * All url will have their cb trigger, but only the first one can answer * */ struct vlc_list urls; size_t client_count; struct vlc_list clients; /* TLS data */ vlc_tls_server_t *p_tls; }; struct httpd_url_t { httpd_host_t *host; struct vlc_list node; vlc_mutex_t lock; char *psz_url; char *psz_user; char *psz_password; struct { httpd_callback_t cb; httpd_callback_sys_t *p_sys; } catch[HTTPD_MSG_MAX]; }; /* status */ enum { HTTPD_CLIENT_RECEIVING, HTTPD_CLIENT_RECEIVE_DONE, HTTPD_CLIENT_SENDING, HTTPD_CLIENT_SEND_DONE, HTTPD_CLIENT_WAITING, HTTPD_CLIENT_DEAD, HTTPD_CLIENT_TLS_HS_IN, HTTPD_CLIENT_TLS_HS_OUT }; struct httpd_client_t { httpd_url_t *url; vlc_tls_t *sock; struct vlc_list node; bool b_stream_mode; uint8_t i_state; vlc_tick_t i_activity_date; vlc_tick_t i_activity_timeout; /* buffer for reading header */ int i_buffer_size; int i_buffer; uint8_t *p_buffer; /* * If waiting for a keyframe, this is the position (in bytes) of the * last keyframe the stream saw before this client connected. * Otherwise, -1. */ int64_t i_keyframe_wait_to_pass; /* */ httpd_message_t query; /* client -> httpd */ httpd_message_t answer; /* httpd -> client */ }; /***************************************************************************** * Various functions *****************************************************************************/ static const char *httpd_ReasonFromCode(unsigned i_code) { typedef struct { unsigned i_code; const char psz_reason[36]; } http_status_info; static const http_status_info http_reason[] = { /*{ 100, "Continue" }, { 101, "Switching Protocols" },*/ { 200, "OK" }, /*{ 201, "Created" }, { 202, "Accepted" }, { 203, "Non-authoritative information" }, { 204, "No content" }, { 205, "Reset content" }, { 206, "Partial content" }, { 250, "Low on storage space" }, { 300, "Multiple choices" },*/ { 301, "Moved permanently" }, /*{ 302, "Moved temporarily" }, { 303, "See other" }, { 304, "Not modified" }, { 305, "Use proxy" }, { 307, "Temporary redirect" }, { 400, "Bad request" },*/ { 401, "Unauthorized" }, /*{ 402, "Payment Required" },*/ { 403, "Forbidden" }, { 404, "Not found" }, { 405, "Method not allowed" }, /*{ 406, "Not acceptable" }, { 407, "Proxy authentication required" }, { 408, "Request time-out" }, { 409, "Conflict" }, { 410, "Gone" }, { 411, "Length required" }, { 412, "Precondition failed" }, { 413, "Request entity too large" }, { 414, "Request-URI too large" }, { 415, "Unsupported media Type" }, { 416, "Requested range not satisfiable" }, { 417, "Expectation failed" }, { 451, "Parameter not understood" }, { 452, "Conference not found" }, { 453, "Not enough bandwidth" },*/ { 454, "Session not found" }, { 455, "Method not valid in this State" }, { 456, "Header field not valid for resource" }, { 457, "Invalid range" }, /*{ 458, "Read-only parameter" },*/ { 459, "Aggregate operation not allowed" }, { 460, "Non-aggregate operation not allowed" }, { 461, "Unsupported transport" }, /*{ 462, "Destination unreachable" },*/ { 500, "Internal server error" }, { 501, "Not implemented" }, /*{ 502, "Bad gateway" },*/ { 503, "Service unavailable" }, /*{ 504, "Gateway time-out" },*/ { 505, "Protocol version not supported" }, { 551, "Option not supported" }, { 999, "" } }; static const char psz_fallback_reason[5][16] = { "Continue", "OK", "Found", "Client error", "Server error" }; assert((i_code >= 100) && (i_code <= 599)); const http_status_info *p = http_reason; while (i_code < p->i_code) p++; if (p->i_code == i_code) return p->psz_reason; return psz_fallback_reason[(i_code / 100) - 1]; } static size_t httpd_HtmlError (char **body, int code, const char *url) { const char *errname = httpd_ReasonFromCode (code); assert (errname); char *url_Encoded = vlc_xml_encode (url ? url : ""); int res = asprintf (body, "\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" "%s\n" "\n" "\n" "

%d %s%s%s%s

\n" "
\n" "VideoLAN\n" "\n" "\n", errname, code, errname, (url_Encoded ? " (" : ""), (url_Encoded ? url_Encoded : ""), (url_Encoded ? ")" : "")); free (url_Encoded); if (res == -1) { *body = NULL; return 0; } return (size_t)res; } /***************************************************************************** * High Level Functions: httpd_file_t *****************************************************************************/ struct httpd_file_t { httpd_url_t *url; httpd_file_callback_t pf_fill; httpd_file_sys_t *p_sys; char mime[1]; }; static int httpd_FileCallBack(httpd_callback_sys_t *p_sys, httpd_client_t *cl, httpd_message_t *answer, const httpd_message_t *query) { httpd_file_t *file = (httpd_file_t*)p_sys; uint8_t **pp_body, *p_body; int *pi_body, i_body; if (!answer || !query ) return VLC_SUCCESS; answer->i_proto = HTTPD_PROTO_HTTP; answer->i_version= 1; answer->i_type = HTTPD_MSG_ANSWER; answer->i_status = 200; httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Content-type", "%s", file->mime); httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Cache-Control", "%s", "no-cache"); if (query->i_type != HTTPD_MSG_HEAD) { pp_body = &answer->p_body; pi_body = &answer->i_body; } else { /* The file still needs to be executed. */ p_body = NULL; i_body = 0; pp_body = &p_body; pi_body = &i_body; } if (query->i_type == HTTPD_MSG_POST) { /* msg_Warn not supported */ } uint8_t *psz_args = query->psz_args; file->pf_fill(file->p_sys, file, psz_args, pp_body, pi_body); if (query->i_type == HTTPD_MSG_HEAD) free(p_body); /* We respect client request */ if (httpd_MsgGet(&cl->query, "Connection") != NULL) httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Connection", "close"); httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Content-Length", "%d", answer->i_body); return VLC_SUCCESS; } httpd_file_t *httpd_FileNew(httpd_host_t *host, const char *psz_url, const char *psz_mime, const char *psz_user, const char *psz_password, httpd_file_callback_t pf_fill, httpd_file_sys_t *p_sys) { const char *mime = psz_mime; if (mime == NULL || mime[0] == '\0') mime = vlc_mime_Ext2Mime(psz_url); size_t mimelen = strlen(mime); httpd_file_t *file = malloc(sizeof(*file) + mimelen); if (unlikely(file == NULL)) return NULL; file->url = httpd_UrlNew(host, psz_url, psz_user, psz_password); if (!file->url) { free(file); return NULL; } file->pf_fill = pf_fill; file->p_sys = p_sys; memcpy(file->mime, mime, mimelen + 1); httpd_UrlCatch(file->url, HTTPD_MSG_HEAD, httpd_FileCallBack, (httpd_callback_sys_t*)file); httpd_UrlCatch(file->url, HTTPD_MSG_GET, httpd_FileCallBack, (httpd_callback_sys_t*)file); httpd_UrlCatch(file->url, HTTPD_MSG_POST, httpd_FileCallBack, (httpd_callback_sys_t*)file); return file; } httpd_file_sys_t *httpd_FileDelete(httpd_file_t *file) { httpd_file_sys_t *p_sys = file->p_sys; httpd_UrlDelete(file->url); free(file); return p_sys; } /***************************************************************************** * High Level Functions: httpd_handler_t (for CGIs) *****************************************************************************/ struct httpd_handler_t { httpd_url_t *url; httpd_handler_callback_t pf_fill; void *p_sys; }; static int httpd_HandlerCallBack(httpd_callback_sys_t *p_sys, httpd_client_t *cl, httpd_message_t *answer, const httpd_message_t *query) { httpd_handler_t *handler = (httpd_handler_t*)p_sys; char psz_remote_addr[NI_MAXNUMERICHOST]; if (!answer || !query) return VLC_SUCCESS; answer->i_proto = HTTPD_PROTO_NONE; answer->i_type = HTTPD_MSG_ANSWER; /* We do it ourselves, thanks */ answer->i_status = 0; if (!httpd_ClientIP(cl, psz_remote_addr, NULL)) *psz_remote_addr = '\0'; uint8_t *psz_args = query->psz_args; handler->pf_fill(handler->p_sys, handler, query->psz_url, psz_args, query->i_type, query->p_body, query->i_body, psz_remote_addr, NULL, &answer->p_body, &answer->i_body); if (query->i_type == HTTPD_MSG_HEAD) { char *p = (char *)answer->p_body; /* Looks for end of header (i.e. one empty line) */ while ((p = strchr(p, '\r'))) if (p[1] == '\n' && p[2] == '\r' && p[3] == '\n') break; if (p) { p[4] = '\0'; answer->i_body = strlen((char*)answer->p_body) + 1; answer->p_body = xrealloc(answer->p_body, answer->i_body); } } if (strncmp((char *)answer->p_body, "HTTP/1.", 7)) { int i_status, i_headers; char *psz_headers, *psz_new; const char *psz_status; if (!strncmp((char *)answer->p_body, "Status: ", 8)) { /* Apache-style */ i_status = strtol((char *)&answer->p_body[8], &psz_headers, 0); if (*psz_headers == '\r' || *psz_headers == '\n') psz_headers++; if (*psz_headers == '\n') psz_headers++; i_headers = answer->i_body - (psz_headers - (char *)answer->p_body); } else { i_status = 200; psz_headers = (char *)answer->p_body; i_headers = answer->i_body; } psz_status = httpd_ReasonFromCode(i_status); answer->i_body = sizeof("HTTP/1.0 xxx \r\n") + strlen(psz_status) + i_headers - 1; psz_new = (char *)xmalloc(answer->i_body + 1); sprintf(psz_new, "HTTP/1.0 %03d %s\r\n", i_status, psz_status); memcpy(&psz_new[strlen(psz_new)], psz_headers, i_headers); free(answer->p_body); answer->p_body = (uint8_t *)psz_new; } return VLC_SUCCESS; } httpd_handler_t *httpd_HandlerNew(httpd_host_t *host, const char *psz_url, const char *psz_user, const char *psz_password, httpd_handler_callback_t pf_fill, void *p_sys) { httpd_handler_t *handler = malloc(sizeof(*handler)); if (!handler) return NULL; handler->url = httpd_UrlNew(host, psz_url, psz_user, psz_password); if (!handler->url) { free(handler); return NULL; } handler->pf_fill = pf_fill; handler->p_sys = p_sys; httpd_UrlCatch(handler->url, HTTPD_MSG_HEAD, httpd_HandlerCallBack, (httpd_callback_sys_t*)handler); httpd_UrlCatch(handler->url, HTTPD_MSG_GET, httpd_HandlerCallBack, (httpd_callback_sys_t*)handler); httpd_UrlCatch(handler->url, HTTPD_MSG_POST, httpd_HandlerCallBack, (httpd_callback_sys_t*)handler); return handler; } void *httpd_HandlerDelete(httpd_handler_t *handler) { void *p_sys = handler->p_sys; httpd_UrlDelete(handler->url); free(handler); return p_sys; } /***************************************************************************** * High Level Functions: httpd_redirect_t *****************************************************************************/ struct httpd_redirect_t { httpd_url_t *url; char dst[1]; }; static int httpd_RedirectCallBack(httpd_callback_sys_t *p_sys, httpd_client_t *cl, httpd_message_t *answer, const httpd_message_t *query) { httpd_redirect_t *rdir = (httpd_redirect_t*)p_sys; char *p_body; (void)cl; if (!answer || !query) return VLC_SUCCESS; answer->i_proto = HTTPD_PROTO_HTTP; answer->i_version= 1; answer->i_type = HTTPD_MSG_ANSWER; answer->i_status = 301; answer->i_body = httpd_HtmlError (&p_body, 301, rdir->dst); answer->p_body = (unsigned char *)p_body; /* XXX check if it's ok or we need to set an absolute url */ httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Location", "%s", rdir->dst); httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Content-Length", "%d", answer->i_body); if (httpd_MsgGet(&cl->query, "Connection") != NULL) httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Connection", "close"); return VLC_SUCCESS; } httpd_redirect_t *httpd_RedirectNew(httpd_host_t *host, const char *psz_url_dst, const char *psz_url_src) { size_t dstlen = strlen(psz_url_dst); httpd_redirect_t *rdir = malloc(sizeof(*rdir) + dstlen); if (unlikely(rdir == NULL)) return NULL; rdir->url = httpd_UrlNew(host, psz_url_src, NULL, NULL); if (!rdir->url) { free(rdir); return NULL; } memcpy(rdir->dst, psz_url_dst, dstlen + 1); /* Redirect apply for all HTTP request and RTSP DESCRIBE resquest */ httpd_UrlCatch(rdir->url, HTTPD_MSG_HEAD, httpd_RedirectCallBack, (httpd_callback_sys_t*)rdir); httpd_UrlCatch(rdir->url, HTTPD_MSG_GET, httpd_RedirectCallBack, (httpd_callback_sys_t*)rdir); httpd_UrlCatch(rdir->url, HTTPD_MSG_POST, httpd_RedirectCallBack, (httpd_callback_sys_t*)rdir); httpd_UrlCatch(rdir->url, HTTPD_MSG_DESCRIBE, httpd_RedirectCallBack, (httpd_callback_sys_t*)rdir); return rdir; } void httpd_RedirectDelete(httpd_redirect_t *rdir) { httpd_UrlDelete(rdir->url); free(rdir); } /***************************************************************************** * High Level Funtions: httpd_stream_t *****************************************************************************/ struct httpd_stream_t { vlc_mutex_t lock; httpd_url_t *url; char *psz_mime; /* Header to send as first packet */ uint8_t *p_header; int i_header; /* Some muxes, in particular the avformat mux, can mark given blocks * as keyframes, to ensure that the stream starts with one. * (This is particularly important for WebM streaming to certain * browsers.) Store if we've ever seen any such keyframe blocks, * and if so, the byte position of the start of the last one. */ bool b_has_keyframes; int64_t i_last_keyframe_seen_pos; /* circular buffer */ int i_buffer_size; /* buffer size, can't be reallocated smaller */ uint8_t *p_buffer; /* buffer */ int64_t i_buffer_pos; /* absolute position from beginning */ int64_t i_buffer_last_pos; /* a new connection will start with that */ /* custom headers */ size_t i_http_headers; httpd_header * p_http_headers; }; static int httpd_StreamCallBack(httpd_callback_sys_t *p_sys, httpd_client_t *cl, httpd_message_t *answer, const httpd_message_t *query) { httpd_stream_t *stream = (httpd_stream_t*)p_sys; if (!answer || !query || !cl) return VLC_SUCCESS; if (answer->i_body_offset > 0) { int i_pos; if (answer->i_body_offset >= stream->i_buffer_pos) return VLC_EGENERIC; /* wait, no data available */ if (cl->i_keyframe_wait_to_pass >= 0) { if (stream->i_last_keyframe_seen_pos <= cl->i_keyframe_wait_to_pass) /* still waiting for the next keyframe */ return VLC_EGENERIC; /* seek to the new keyframe */ answer->i_body_offset = stream->i_last_keyframe_seen_pos; cl->i_keyframe_wait_to_pass = -1; } if (answer->i_body_offset + stream->i_buffer_size < stream->i_buffer_pos) answer->i_body_offset = stream->i_buffer_last_pos; /* this client isn't fast enough */ i_pos = answer->i_body_offset % stream->i_buffer_size; int64_t i_write = stream->i_buffer_pos - answer->i_body_offset; if (i_write > HTTPD_CL_BUFSIZE) i_write = HTTPD_CL_BUFSIZE; else if (i_write <= 0) return VLC_EGENERIC; /* wait, no data available */ /* Don't go past the end of the circular buffer */ i_write = __MIN(i_write, stream->i_buffer_size - i_pos); /* using HTTPD_MSG_ANSWER -> data available */ answer->i_proto = HTTPD_PROTO_HTTP; answer->i_version= 0; answer->i_type = HTTPD_MSG_ANSWER; answer->i_body = i_write; answer->p_body = xmalloc(i_write); memcpy(answer->p_body, &stream->p_buffer[i_pos], i_write); answer->i_body_offset += i_write; return VLC_SUCCESS; } else { answer->i_proto = HTTPD_PROTO_HTTP; answer->i_version= 0; answer->i_type = HTTPD_MSG_ANSWER; answer->i_status = 200; bool b_has_content_type = false; bool b_has_cache_control = false; vlc_mutex_lock(&stream->lock); for (size_t i = 0; i < stream->i_http_headers; i++) if (strncasecmp(stream->p_http_headers[i].name, "Content-Length", 14)) { httpd_MsgAdd(answer, stream->p_http_headers[i].name, "%s", stream->p_http_headers[i].value); if (!strncasecmp(stream->p_http_headers[i].name, "Content-Type", 12)) b_has_content_type = true; else if (!strncasecmp(stream->p_http_headers[i].name, "Cache-Control", 13)) b_has_cache_control = true; } vlc_mutex_unlock(&stream->lock); if (query->i_type != HTTPD_MSG_HEAD) { cl->b_stream_mode = true; vlc_mutex_lock(&stream->lock); /* Send the header */ if (stream->i_header > 0) { answer->i_body = stream->i_header; answer->p_body = xmalloc(stream->i_header); memcpy(answer->p_body, stream->p_header, stream->i_header); } answer->i_body_offset = stream->i_buffer_last_pos; if (stream->b_has_keyframes) cl->i_keyframe_wait_to_pass = stream->i_last_keyframe_seen_pos; else cl->i_keyframe_wait_to_pass = -1; vlc_mutex_unlock(&stream->lock); } else { httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Content-Length", "0"); answer->i_body_offset = 0; } /* FIXME: move to http access_output */ if (!strcmp(stream->psz_mime, "video/x-ms-asf-stream")) { bool b_xplaystream = false; httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Content-type", "application/octet-stream"); httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Server", "Cougar"); httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Pragma", "no-cache"); httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Pragma", "client-id=%lu", vlc_mrand48()&0x7fff); httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Pragma", "features=\"broadcast\""); /* Check if there is a xPlayStrm=1 */ for (size_t i = 0; i < query->i_headers; i++) if (!strcasecmp(query->p_headers[i].name, "Pragma") && strstr(query->p_headers[i].value, "xPlayStrm=1")) b_xplaystream = true; if (!b_xplaystream) answer->i_body_offset = 0; } else if (!b_has_content_type) httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Content-type", "%s", stream->psz_mime); if (!b_has_cache_control) httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Cache-Control", "no-cache"); httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Connection", "close"); return VLC_SUCCESS; } } httpd_stream_t *httpd_StreamNew(httpd_host_t *host, const char *psz_url, const char *psz_mime, const char *psz_user, const char *psz_password) { httpd_stream_t *stream = malloc(sizeof(*stream)); if (!stream) return NULL; stream->url = httpd_UrlNew(host, psz_url, psz_user, psz_password); if (!stream->url) { free(stream); return NULL; } vlc_mutex_init(&stream->lock); if (psz_mime == NULL || psz_mime[0] == '\0') psz_mime = vlc_mime_Ext2Mime(psz_url); stream->psz_mime = xstrdup(psz_mime); stream->i_header = 0; stream->p_header = NULL; stream->i_buffer_size = 5000000; /* 5 Mo per stream */ stream->p_buffer = xmalloc(stream->i_buffer_size); /* We set to 1 to make life simpler * (this way i_body_offset can never be 0) */ stream->i_buffer_pos = 1; stream->i_buffer_last_pos = 1; stream->b_has_keyframes = false; stream->i_last_keyframe_seen_pos = 0; stream->i_http_headers = 0; stream->p_http_headers = NULL; httpd_UrlCatch(stream->url, HTTPD_MSG_HEAD, httpd_StreamCallBack, (httpd_callback_sys_t*)stream); httpd_UrlCatch(stream->url, HTTPD_MSG_GET, httpd_StreamCallBack, (httpd_callback_sys_t*)stream); httpd_UrlCatch(stream->url, HTTPD_MSG_POST, httpd_StreamCallBack, (httpd_callback_sys_t*)stream); return stream; } int httpd_StreamHeader(httpd_stream_t *stream, uint8_t *p_data, int i_data) { vlc_mutex_lock(&stream->lock); free(stream->p_header); stream->p_header = NULL; stream->i_header = i_data; if (i_data > 0) { stream->p_header = xmalloc(i_data); memcpy(stream->p_header, p_data, i_data); } vlc_mutex_unlock(&stream->lock); return VLC_SUCCESS; } static void httpd_AppendData(httpd_stream_t *stream, uint8_t *p_data, int i_data) { int i_pos = stream->i_buffer_pos % stream->i_buffer_size; int i_count = i_data; while (i_count > 0) { int i_copy = __MIN(i_count, stream->i_buffer_size - i_pos); /* Ok, we can't go past the end of our buffer */ memcpy(&stream->p_buffer[i_pos], p_data, i_copy); i_pos = (i_pos + i_copy) % stream->i_buffer_size; i_count -= i_copy; p_data += i_copy; } stream->i_buffer_pos += i_data; } int httpd_StreamSend(httpd_stream_t *stream, const block_t *p_block) { if (!p_block || !p_block->p_buffer) return VLC_SUCCESS; vlc_mutex_lock(&stream->lock); /* save this pointer (to be used by new connection) */ stream->i_buffer_last_pos = stream->i_buffer_pos; if (p_block->i_flags & BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_I) { stream->b_has_keyframes = true; stream->i_last_keyframe_seen_pos = stream->i_buffer_pos; } httpd_AppendData(stream, p_block->p_buffer, p_block->i_buffer); vlc_mutex_unlock(&stream->lock); return VLC_SUCCESS; } void httpd_StreamDelete(httpd_stream_t *stream) { httpd_UrlDelete(stream->url); for (size_t i = 0; i < stream->i_http_headers; i++) { free(stream->p_http_headers[i].name); free(stream->p_http_headers[i].value); } free(stream->p_http_headers); vlc_mutex_destroy(&stream->lock); free(stream->psz_mime); free(stream->p_header); free(stream->p_buffer); free(stream); } /***************************************************************************** * Low level *****************************************************************************/ static void* httpd_HostThread(void *); static httpd_host_t *httpd_HostCreate(vlc_object_t *, const char *, const char *, vlc_tls_server_t *); /* create a new host */ httpd_host_t *vlc_http_HostNew(vlc_object_t *p_this) { return httpd_HostCreate(p_this, "http-host", "http-port", NULL); } httpd_host_t *vlc_https_HostNew(vlc_object_t *obj) { char *cert = var_InheritString(obj, "http-cert"); if (!cert) { msg_Err(obj, "HTTP/TLS certificate not specified!"); return NULL; } char *key = var_InheritString(obj, "http-key"); vlc_tls_server_t *tls = vlc_tls_ServerCreate(obj, cert, key); if (!tls) { msg_Err(obj, "HTTP/TLS certificate error (%s and %s)", cert, key ? key : cert); free(key); free(cert); return NULL; } free(key); free(cert); return httpd_HostCreate(obj, "http-host", "https-port", tls); } httpd_host_t *vlc_rtsp_HostNew(vlc_object_t *p_this) { return httpd_HostCreate(p_this, "rtsp-host", "rtsp-port", NULL); } static struct httpd { vlc_mutex_t mutex; struct vlc_list hosts; } httpd = { VLC_STATIC_MUTEX, VLC_LIST_INITIALIZER(&httpd.hosts) }; static httpd_host_t *httpd_HostCreate(vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *hostvar, const char *portvar, vlc_tls_server_t *p_tls) { httpd_host_t *host; unsigned port = var_InheritInteger(p_this, portvar); /* to be sure to avoid multiple creation */ vlc_mutex_lock(&httpd.mutex); /* verify if it already exist */ vlc_list_foreach(host, &httpd.hosts, node) { /* cannot mix TLS and non-TLS hosts */ if (host->port != port || (host->p_tls != NULL) != (p_tls != NULL)) continue; /* Increase existing matching host reference count. */ atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&host->ref, 1, memory_order_relaxed); vlc_mutex_unlock(&httpd.mutex); vlc_tls_ServerDelete(p_tls); return host; } /* create the new host */ host = (httpd_host_t *)vlc_custom_create(p_this, sizeof (*host), "http host"); if (!host) goto error; vlc_mutex_init(&host->lock); vlc_cond_init(&host->wait); atomic_init(&host->ref, 1); char *hostname = var_InheritString(p_this, hostvar); host->fds = net_ListenTCP(p_this, hostname, port); free(hostname); if (!host->fds) { msg_Err(p_this, "cannot create socket(s) for HTTP host"); goto error; } for (host->nfd = 0; host->fds[host->nfd] != -1; host->nfd++); host->port = port; vlc_list_init(&host->urls); host->client_count = 0; vlc_list_init(&host->clients); host->p_tls = p_tls; /* create the thread */ if (vlc_clone(&host->thread, httpd_HostThread, host, VLC_THREAD_PRIORITY_LOW)) { msg_Err(p_this, "cannot spawn http host thread"); goto error; } /* now add it to httpd */ vlc_list_append(&host->node, &httpd.hosts); vlc_mutex_unlock(&httpd.mutex); return host; error: vlc_mutex_unlock(&httpd.mutex); if (host) { net_ListenClose(host->fds); vlc_cond_destroy(&host->wait); vlc_mutex_destroy(&host->lock); vlc_object_delete(host); } vlc_tls_ServerDelete(p_tls); return NULL; } /* delete a host */ void httpd_HostDelete(httpd_host_t *host) { httpd_client_t *client; vlc_mutex_lock(&httpd.mutex); if (atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(&host->ref, 1, memory_order_relaxed) > 1) { /* still used */ vlc_mutex_unlock(&httpd.mutex); msg_Dbg(host, "httpd_HostDelete: host still in use"); return; } vlc_list_remove(&host->node); vlc_cancel(host->thread); vlc_join(host->thread, NULL); msg_Dbg(host, "HTTP host removed"); vlc_list_foreach(client, &host->clients, node) { msg_Warn(host, "client still connected"); httpd_ClientDestroy(client); } assert(vlc_list_is_empty(&host->urls)); vlc_tls_ServerDelete(host->p_tls); net_ListenClose(host->fds); vlc_cond_destroy(&host->wait); vlc_mutex_destroy(&host->lock); vlc_object_delete(host); vlc_mutex_unlock(&httpd.mutex); } /* register a new url */ httpd_url_t *httpd_UrlNew(httpd_host_t *host, const char *psz_url, const char *psz_user, const char *psz_password) { httpd_url_t *url; assert(psz_url); vlc_mutex_lock(&host->lock); vlc_list_foreach(url, &host->urls, node) if (!strcmp(psz_url, url->psz_url)) { msg_Warn(host, "cannot add '%s' (url already defined)", psz_url); vlc_mutex_unlock(&host->lock); return NULL; } url = malloc(sizeof (*url)); if (unlikely(url == NULL)) { vlc_mutex_unlock(&host->lock); return NULL; } url->host = host; vlc_mutex_init(&url->lock); url->psz_url = xstrdup(psz_url); url->psz_user = xstrdup(psz_user ? psz_user : ""); url->psz_password = xstrdup(psz_password ? psz_password : ""); for (int i = 0; i < HTTPD_MSG_MAX; i++) { url->catch[i].cb = NULL; url->catch[i].p_sys = NULL; } vlc_list_append(&url->node, &host->urls); vlc_cond_signal(&host->wait); vlc_mutex_unlock(&host->lock); return url; } /* register callback on a url */ int httpd_UrlCatch(httpd_url_t *url, int i_msg, httpd_callback_t cb, httpd_callback_sys_t *p_sys) { vlc_mutex_lock(&url->lock); url->catch[i_msg].cb = cb; url->catch[i_msg].p_sys= p_sys; vlc_mutex_unlock(&url->lock); return VLC_SUCCESS; } /* delete a url */ void httpd_UrlDelete(httpd_url_t *url) { httpd_host_t *host = url->host; httpd_client_t *client; vlc_mutex_lock(&host->lock); vlc_list_remove(&url->node); vlc_mutex_destroy(&url->lock); free(url->psz_url); free(url->psz_user); free(url->psz_password); vlc_list_foreach(client, &host->clients, node) { if (client->url != url) continue; /* TODO complete it */ msg_Warn(host, "force closing connections"); host->client_count--; httpd_ClientDestroy(client); } free(url); vlc_mutex_unlock(&host->lock); } static void httpd_MsgInit(httpd_message_t *msg) { msg->cl = NULL; msg->i_type = HTTPD_MSG_NONE; msg->i_proto = HTTPD_PROTO_NONE; msg->i_version = -1; /* FIXME */ msg->i_status = 0; msg->psz_url = NULL; msg->psz_args = NULL; msg->i_headers = 0; msg->p_headers = NULL; msg->i_body_offset = 0; msg->i_body = 0; msg->p_body = NULL; } static void httpd_MsgClean(httpd_message_t *msg) { free(msg->psz_url); free(msg->psz_args); for (size_t i = 0; i < msg->i_headers; i++) { free(msg->p_headers[i].name); free(msg->p_headers[i].value); } free(msg->p_headers); free(msg->p_body); httpd_MsgInit(msg); } const char *httpd_MsgGet(const httpd_message_t *msg, const char *name) { for (size_t i = 0; i < msg->i_headers; i++) if (!strcasecmp(msg->p_headers[i].name, name)) return msg->p_headers[i].value; return NULL; } void httpd_MsgAdd(httpd_message_t *msg, const char *name, const char *psz_value, ...) { httpd_header *p_tmp = realloc(msg->p_headers, sizeof(httpd_header) * (msg->i_headers + 1)); if (!p_tmp) return; msg->p_headers = p_tmp; httpd_header *h = &msg->p_headers[msg->i_headers]; h->name = strdup(name); if (!h->name) return; h->value = NULL; va_list args; va_start(args, psz_value); int ret = us_vasprintf(&h->value, psz_value, args); va_end(args); if (ret == -1) { free(h->name); return; } msg->i_headers++; } static void httpd_ClientInit(httpd_client_t *cl, vlc_tick_t now) { cl->i_state = HTTPD_CLIENT_RECEIVING; cl->i_activity_date = now; cl->i_activity_timeout = VLC_TICK_FROM_SEC(10); cl->i_buffer_size = HTTPD_CL_BUFSIZE; cl->i_buffer = 0; cl->p_buffer = xmalloc(cl->i_buffer_size); cl->i_keyframe_wait_to_pass = -1; cl->b_stream_mode = false; httpd_MsgInit(&cl->query); httpd_MsgInit(&cl->answer); } char* httpd_ClientIP(const httpd_client_t *cl, char *ip, int *port) { return net_GetPeerAddress(vlc_tls_GetFD(cl->sock), ip, port) ? NULL : ip; } char* httpd_ServerIP(const httpd_client_t *cl, char *ip, int *port) { return net_GetSockAddress(vlc_tls_GetFD(cl->sock), ip, port) ? NULL : ip; } static void httpd_ClientDestroy(httpd_client_t *cl) { vlc_list_remove(&cl->node); vlc_tls_Close(cl->sock); httpd_MsgClean(&cl->answer); httpd_MsgClean(&cl->query); free(cl->p_buffer); free(cl); } static httpd_client_t *httpd_ClientNew(vlc_tls_t *sock, vlc_tick_t now) { httpd_client_t *cl = malloc(sizeof(httpd_client_t)); if (!cl) return NULL; cl->sock = sock; cl->url = NULL; httpd_ClientInit(cl, now); return cl; } static ssize_t httpd_NetRecv (httpd_client_t *cl, uint8_t *p, size_t i_len) { vlc_tls_t *sock = cl->sock; struct iovec iov = { .iov_base = p, .iov_len = i_len }; return sock->ops->readv(sock, &iov, 1); } static ssize_t httpd_NetSend (httpd_client_t *cl, const uint8_t *p, size_t i_len) { vlc_tls_t *sock = cl->sock; const struct iovec iov = { .iov_base = (void *)p, .iov_len = i_len }; return sock->ops->writev(sock, &iov, 1); } static const struct { const char name[16]; int i_type; int i_proto; } msg_type[] = { { "OPTIONS", HTTPD_MSG_OPTIONS, HTTPD_PROTO_RTSP }, { "DESCRIBE", HTTPD_MSG_DESCRIBE, HTTPD_PROTO_RTSP }, { "SETUP", HTTPD_MSG_SETUP, HTTPD_PROTO_RTSP }, { "PLAY", HTTPD_MSG_PLAY, HTTPD_PROTO_RTSP }, { "PAUSE", HTTPD_MSG_PAUSE, HTTPD_PROTO_RTSP }, { "GET_PARAMETER", HTTPD_MSG_GETPARAMETER, HTTPD_PROTO_RTSP }, { "TEARDOWN", HTTPD_MSG_TEARDOWN, HTTPD_PROTO_RTSP }, { "GET", HTTPD_MSG_GET, HTTPD_PROTO_HTTP }, { "HEAD", HTTPD_MSG_HEAD, HTTPD_PROTO_HTTP }, { "POST", HTTPD_MSG_POST, HTTPD_PROTO_HTTP }, { "", HTTPD_MSG_NONE, HTTPD_PROTO_NONE } }; static void httpd_ClientRecv(httpd_client_t *cl) { int i_len; /* ignore leading whites */ if (cl->query.i_proto == HTTPD_PROTO_NONE && cl->i_buffer == 0) { unsigned char c; i_len = httpd_NetRecv(cl, &c, 1); if (i_len > 0 && !strchr("\r\n\t ", c)) { cl->p_buffer[0] = c; cl->i_buffer++; } } else if (cl->query.i_proto == HTTPD_PROTO_NONE) { /* enough to see if it's Interleaved RTP over RTSP or RTSP/HTTP */ i_len = httpd_NetRecv(cl, &cl->p_buffer[cl->i_buffer], 7 - cl->i_buffer); if (i_len > 0) cl->i_buffer += i_len; /* The smallest legal request is 7 bytes ("GET /\r\n"), * this is the maximum we can ask at this point. */ if (cl->i_buffer >= 7) { if (!memcmp(cl->p_buffer, "HTTP/1.", 7)) { cl->query.i_proto = HTTPD_PROTO_HTTP; cl->query.i_type = HTTPD_MSG_ANSWER; } else if (!memcmp(cl->p_buffer, "RTSP/1.", 7)) { cl->query.i_proto = HTTPD_PROTO_RTSP; cl->query.i_type = HTTPD_MSG_ANSWER; } else { /* We need the full request line to determine the protocol. */ cl->query.i_proto = HTTPD_PROTO_HTTP0; cl->query.i_type = HTTPD_MSG_NONE; } } } else if (cl->query.i_body > 0) { /* we are reading the body of a request or a channel */ assert (cl->query.p_body != NULL); i_len = httpd_NetRecv(cl, &cl->query.p_body[cl->i_buffer], cl->query.i_body - cl->i_buffer); if (i_len > 0) cl->i_buffer += i_len; if (cl->i_buffer >= cl->query.i_body) cl->i_state = HTTPD_CLIENT_RECEIVE_DONE; } else for (;;) { /* we are reading a header -> char by char */ if (cl->i_buffer == cl->i_buffer_size) { // Allocate an extra byte for the termination null byte uint8_t *newbuf = realloc(cl->p_buffer, cl->i_buffer_size + 1025); if (!newbuf) { i_len = 0; break; } cl->p_buffer = newbuf; cl->i_buffer_size += 1024; } i_len = httpd_NetRecv (cl, &cl->p_buffer[cl->i_buffer], 1); if (i_len <= 0) break; cl->i_buffer++; if ((cl->query.i_proto == HTTPD_PROTO_HTTP0) && (cl->p_buffer[cl->i_buffer - 1] == '\n')) { /* Request line is now complete */ const char *p = memchr(cl->p_buffer, ' ', cl->i_buffer); size_t len; assert(cl->query.i_type == HTTPD_MSG_NONE); if (!p) { /* no URI: evil guy */ i_len = 0; /* drop connection */ break; } do p++; /* skips extra spaces */ while (*p == ' '); p = memchr(p, ' ', ((char *)cl->p_buffer) + cl->i_buffer - p); if (!p) { /* no explicit protocol: HTTP/0.9 */ i_len = 0; /* not supported currently -> drop */ break; } do p++; /* skips extra spaces ever again */ while (*p == ' '); len = ((char *)cl->p_buffer) + cl->i_buffer - p; if (len < 7) /* foreign protocol */ i_len = 0; /* I don't understand -> drop */ else if (!memcmp(p, "HTTP/1.", 7)) { cl->query.i_proto = HTTPD_PROTO_HTTP; cl->query.i_version = atoi(p + 7); } else if (!memcmp(p, "RTSP/1.", 7)) { cl->query.i_proto = HTTPD_PROTO_RTSP; cl->query.i_version = atoi(p + 7); } else if (!memcmp(p, "HTTP/", 5)) { const uint8_t sorry[] = "HTTP/1.1 505 Unknown HTTP version\r\n\r\n"; httpd_NetSend(cl, sorry, sizeof(sorry) - 1); i_len = 0; /* drop */ } else if (!memcmp(p, "RTSP/", 5)) { const uint8_t sorry[] = "RTSP/1.0 505 Unknown RTSP version\r\n\r\n"; httpd_NetSend(cl, sorry, sizeof(sorry) - 1); i_len = 0; /* drop */ } else /* yet another foreign protocol */ i_len = 0; if (i_len == 0) break; } if ((cl->i_buffer >= 2 && !memcmp(&cl->p_buffer[cl->i_buffer-2], "\n\n", 2))|| (cl->i_buffer >= 4 && !memcmp(&cl->p_buffer[cl->i_buffer-4], "\r\n\r\n", 4))) { char *p; /* we have finished the header so parse it and set i_body */ cl->p_buffer[cl->i_buffer] = '\0'; if (cl->query.i_type == HTTPD_MSG_ANSWER) { /* FIXME: * assume strlen("HTTP/1.x") = 8 */ cl->query.i_status = strtol((char *)&cl->p_buffer[8], &p, 0); while (*p == ' ') p++; } else { p = NULL; cl->query.i_type = HTTPD_MSG_NONE; for (unsigned i = 0; msg_type[i].name[0]; i++) if (!strncmp((char *)cl->p_buffer, msg_type[i].name, strlen(msg_type[i].name))) { p = (char *)&cl->p_buffer[strlen(msg_type[i].name) + 1 ]; cl->query.i_type = msg_type[i].i_type; if (cl->query.i_proto != msg_type[i].i_proto) { p = NULL; cl->query.i_proto = HTTPD_PROTO_NONE; cl->query.i_type = HTTPD_MSG_NONE; } break; } if (!p) { if (strstr((char *)cl->p_buffer, "HTTP/1.")) cl->query.i_proto = HTTPD_PROTO_HTTP; else if (strstr((char *)cl->p_buffer, "RTSP/1.")) cl->query.i_proto = HTTPD_PROTO_RTSP; } else { char *p2; char *p3; while (*p == ' ') p++; p2 = strchr(p, ' '); if (p2) *p2++ = '\0'; if (!strncasecmp(p, (cl->query.i_proto == HTTPD_PROTO_HTTP) ? "http:" : "rtsp:", 5)) { /* Skip hier-part of URL (if present) */ p += 5; if (!strncmp(p, "//", 2)) { /* skip authority */ /* see RFC3986 §3.2 */ p += 2; p += strcspn(p, "/?#"); } } else if (!strncasecmp(p, (cl->query.i_proto == HTTPD_PROTO_HTTP) ? "https:" : "rtsps:", 6)) { /* Skip hier-part of URL (if present) */ p += 6; if (!strncmp(p, "//", 2)) { /* skip authority */ /* see RFC3986 §3.2 */ p += 2; p += strcspn(p, "/?#"); } } if(cl->query.psz_url == NULL) { cl->query.psz_url = strdup(p); if ((p3 = strchr(cl->query.psz_url, '?')) ) { *p3++ = '\0'; cl->query.psz_args = (uint8_t *)strdup(p3); } } p = p2; } } if (p) p = strchr(p, '\n'); if (p) { while (*p == '\n' || *p == '\r') p++; while (p && *p) { char *line = p; char *eol = p = strchr(p, '\n'); char *colon; while (eol && eol >= line && (*eol == '\n' || *eol == '\r')) *eol-- = '\0'; if ((colon = strchr(line, ':'))) { *colon++ = '\0'; while (*colon == ' ') colon++; httpd_MsgAdd(&cl->query, line, "%s", colon); if (!strcasecmp(line, "Content-Length")) cl->query.i_body = atol(colon); } if (p) { p++; while (*p == '\n' || *p == '\r') p++; } } } if (cl->query.i_body > 0) { /* TODO Mhh, handle the case where the client only * sends a request and closes the connection to * mark the end of the body (probably only RTSP) */ if (cl->query.i_body < 65536) cl->query.p_body = malloc(cl->query.i_body); else cl->query.p_body = NULL; cl->i_buffer = 0; if (!cl->query.p_body) { switch (cl->query.i_proto) { case HTTPD_PROTO_HTTP: { const uint8_t sorry[] = "HTTP/1.1 413 Request Entity Too Large\r\n\r\n"; httpd_NetSend(cl, sorry, sizeof(sorry) - 1); break; } case HTTPD_PROTO_RTSP: { const uint8_t sorry[] = "RTSP/1.0 413 Request Entity Too Large\r\n\r\n"; httpd_NetSend(cl, sorry, sizeof(sorry) - 1); break; } default: vlc_assert_unreachable(); } i_len = 0; /* drop */ } break; } else cl->i_state = HTTPD_CLIENT_RECEIVE_DONE; } } /* check if the client is to be set to dead */ #if defined(_WIN32) if ((i_len < 0 && WSAGetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) || (i_len == 0)) #else if ((i_len < 0 && errno != EAGAIN) || (i_len == 0)) #endif { if (cl->query.i_proto != HTTPD_PROTO_NONE && cl->query.i_type != HTTPD_MSG_NONE) { /* connection closed -> end of data */ if (cl->query.i_body > 0) cl->query.i_body = cl->i_buffer; cl->i_state = HTTPD_CLIENT_RECEIVE_DONE; } else cl->i_state = HTTPD_CLIENT_DEAD; } /* XXX: for QT I have to disable timeout. Try to find why */ if (cl->query.i_proto == HTTPD_PROTO_RTSP) cl->i_activity_timeout = 0; } static void httpd_ClientSend(httpd_client_t *cl) { int i_len; if (cl->i_buffer < 0) { /* We need to create the header */ int i_size = 0; char *p; const char *psz_status = httpd_ReasonFromCode(cl->answer.i_status); i_size = strlen("HTTP/1.") + 10 + 10 + strlen(psz_status) + 5; for (size_t i = 0; i < cl->answer.i_headers; i++) i_size += strlen(cl->answer.p_headers[i].name) + 2 + strlen(cl->answer.p_headers[i].value) + 2; if (cl->i_buffer_size < i_size) { cl->i_buffer_size = i_size; free(cl->p_buffer); cl->p_buffer = xmalloc(i_size); } p = (char *)cl->p_buffer; p += sprintf(p, "%s.%" PRIu8 " %d %s\r\n", cl->answer.i_proto == HTTPD_PROTO_HTTP ? "HTTP/1" : "RTSP/1", cl->answer.i_version, cl->answer.i_status, psz_status); for (size_t i = 0; i < cl->answer.i_headers; i++) p += sprintf(p, "%s: %s\r\n", cl->answer.p_headers[i].name, cl->answer.p_headers[i].value); p += sprintf(p, "\r\n"); cl->i_buffer = 0; cl->i_buffer_size = (uint8_t*)p - cl->p_buffer; } i_len = httpd_NetSend(cl, &cl->p_buffer[cl->i_buffer], cl->i_buffer_size - cl->i_buffer); if (i_len >= 0) { cl->i_buffer += i_len; if (cl->i_buffer >= cl->i_buffer_size) { if (cl->answer.i_body == 0 && cl->answer.i_body_offset > 0) { /* catch more body data */ int i_msg = cl->query.i_type; int64_t i_offset = cl->answer.i_body_offset; httpd_MsgClean(&cl->answer); cl->answer.i_body_offset = i_offset; cl->url->catch[i_msg].cb(cl->url->catch[i_msg].p_sys, cl, &cl->answer, &cl->query); } if (cl->answer.i_body > 0) { /* send the body data */ free(cl->p_buffer); cl->p_buffer = cl->answer.p_body; cl->i_buffer_size = cl->answer.i_body; cl->i_buffer = 0; cl->answer.i_body = 0; cl->answer.p_body = NULL; } else /* send finished */ cl->i_state = HTTPD_CLIENT_SEND_DONE; } } else { #if defined(_WIN32) if ((i_len < 0 && WSAGetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) || (i_len == 0)) #else if ((i_len < 0 && errno != EAGAIN) || (i_len == 0)) #endif { /* error */ cl->i_state = HTTPD_CLIENT_DEAD; } } } static void httpd_ClientTlsHandshake(httpd_host_t *host, httpd_client_t *cl) { switch (vlc_tls_SessionHandshake(host->p_tls, cl->sock)) { case -1: cl->i_state = HTTPD_CLIENT_DEAD; break; case 0: cl->i_state = HTTPD_CLIENT_RECEIVING; break; case 1: cl->i_state = HTTPD_CLIENT_TLS_HS_IN; break; case 2: cl->i_state = HTTPD_CLIENT_TLS_HS_OUT; break; } } static bool httpdAuthOk(const char *user, const char *pass, const char *b64) { if (!*user && !*pass) return true; if (!b64) return false; if (strncasecmp(b64, "BASIC", 5)) return false; b64 += 5; while (*b64 == ' ') b64++; char *given_user = vlc_b64_decode(b64); if (!given_user) return false; char *given_pass = NULL; given_pass = strchr (given_user, ':'); if (!given_pass) goto auth_failed; *given_pass++ = '\0'; if (strcmp (given_user, user)) goto auth_failed; if (strcmp (given_pass, pass)) goto auth_failed; free(given_user); return true; auth_failed: free(given_user); return false; } static void httpdLoop(httpd_host_t *host) { struct pollfd ufd[host->nfd + host->client_count]; unsigned nfd; for (nfd = 0; nfd < host->nfd; nfd++) { ufd[nfd].fd = host->fds[nfd]; ufd[nfd].events = POLLIN; ufd[nfd].revents = 0; } vlc_mutex_lock(&host->lock); /* add all socket that should be read/write and close dead connection */ while (vlc_list_is_empty(&host->urls)) { mutex_cleanup_push(&host->lock); vlc_cond_wait(&host->wait, &host->lock); vlc_cleanup_pop(); } vlc_tick_t now = vlc_tick_now(); bool b_low_delay = false; httpd_client_t *cl; int canc = vlc_savecancel(); vlc_list_foreach(cl, &host->clients, node) { int64_t i_offset; if (cl->i_state == HTTPD_CLIENT_DEAD || (cl->i_activity_timeout > 0 && cl->i_activity_date + cl->i_activity_timeout < now)) { host->client_count--; httpd_ClientDestroy(cl); continue; } struct pollfd *pufd = ufd + nfd; assert (pufd < ufd + (sizeof (ufd) / sizeof (ufd[0]))); pufd->events = pufd->revents = 0; switch (cl->i_state) { case HTTPD_CLIENT_RECEIVING: case HTTPD_CLIENT_TLS_HS_IN: pufd->events = POLLIN; break; case HTTPD_CLIENT_SENDING: case HTTPD_CLIENT_TLS_HS_OUT: pufd->events = POLLOUT; break; case HTTPD_CLIENT_RECEIVE_DONE: { httpd_message_t *answer = &cl->answer; httpd_message_t *query = &cl->query; httpd_MsgInit(answer); /* Handle what we received */ switch (query->i_type) { case HTTPD_MSG_ANSWER: cl->url = NULL; cl->i_state = HTTPD_CLIENT_DEAD; break; case HTTPD_MSG_OPTIONS: answer->i_type = HTTPD_MSG_ANSWER; answer->i_proto = query->i_proto; answer->i_status = 200; answer->i_body = 0; answer->p_body = NULL; httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Server", "VLC/%s", VERSION); httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Content-Length", "0"); switch(query->i_proto) { case HTTPD_PROTO_HTTP: answer->i_version = 1; httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Allow", "GET,HEAD,POST,OPTIONS"); break; case HTTPD_PROTO_RTSP: answer->i_version = 0; const char *p = httpd_MsgGet(query, "Cseq"); if (p) httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Cseq", "%s", p); p = httpd_MsgGet(query, "Timestamp"); if (p) httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Timestamp", "%s", p); p = httpd_MsgGet(query, "Require"); if (p) { answer->i_status = 551; httpd_MsgAdd(query, "Unsupported", "%s", p); } httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Public", "DESCRIBE,SETUP," "TEARDOWN,PLAY,PAUSE,GET_PARAMETER"); break; } if (httpd_MsgGet(&cl->query, "Connection") != NULL) httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Connection", "close"); cl->i_buffer = -1; /* Force the creation of the answer in * httpd_ClientSend */ cl->i_state = HTTPD_CLIENT_SENDING; break; case HTTPD_MSG_NONE: if (query->i_proto == HTTPD_PROTO_NONE) { cl->url = NULL; cl->i_state = HTTPD_CLIENT_DEAD; } else { /* unimplemented */ answer->i_proto = query->i_proto ; answer->i_type = HTTPD_MSG_ANSWER; answer->i_version= 0; answer->i_status = 501; char *p; answer->i_body = httpd_HtmlError (&p, 501, NULL); answer->p_body = (uint8_t *)p; httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Content-Length", "%d", answer->i_body); httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Connection", "close"); cl->i_buffer = -1; /* Force the creation of the answer in httpd_ClientSend */ cl->i_state = HTTPD_CLIENT_SENDING; } break; default: { httpd_url_t *url; int i_msg = query->i_type; bool b_auth_failed = false; /* Search the url and trigger callbacks */ vlc_list_foreach(url, &host->urls, node) { if (strcmp(url->psz_url, query->psz_url)) continue; if (!url->catch[i_msg].cb) continue; if (answer) { b_auth_failed = !httpdAuthOk(url->psz_user, url->psz_password, httpd_MsgGet(query, "Authorization")); /* BASIC id */ if (b_auth_failed) break; } if (url->catch[i_msg].cb(url->catch[i_msg].p_sys, cl, answer, query)) continue; if (answer->i_proto == HTTPD_PROTO_NONE) cl->i_buffer = cl->i_buffer_size; /* Raw answer from a CGI */ else cl->i_buffer = -1; /* only one url can answer */ answer = NULL; if (!cl->url) cl->url = url; } if (answer) { answer->i_proto = query->i_proto; answer->i_type = HTTPD_MSG_ANSWER; answer->i_version= 0; if (b_auth_failed) { httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"VLC stream\""); answer->i_status = 401; } else answer->i_status = 404; /* no url registered */ char *p; answer->i_body = httpd_HtmlError (&p, answer->i_status, query->psz_url); answer->p_body = (uint8_t *)p; cl->i_buffer = -1; /* Force the creation of the answer in httpd_ClientSend */ httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Content-Length", "%d", answer->i_body); httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Content-Type", "%s", "text/html"); if (httpd_MsgGet(&cl->query, "Connection") != NULL) httpd_MsgAdd(answer, "Connection", "close"); } cl->i_state = HTTPD_CLIENT_SENDING; } } break; } case HTTPD_CLIENT_SEND_DONE: if (!cl->b_stream_mode || cl->answer.i_body_offset == 0) { bool do_close = false; cl->url = NULL; if (cl->query.i_proto != HTTPD_PROTO_HTTP || cl->query.i_version > 0) { const char *psz_connection = httpd_MsgGet(&cl->answer, "Connection"); if (psz_connection != NULL) do_close = !strcasecmp(psz_connection, "close"); } else do_close = true; if (!do_close) { httpd_MsgClean(&cl->query); httpd_MsgInit(&cl->query); cl->i_buffer = 0; cl->i_buffer_size = 1000; free(cl->p_buffer); // Allocate an extra byte for the null terminating byte cl->p_buffer = xmalloc(cl->i_buffer_size + 1); cl->i_state = HTTPD_CLIENT_RECEIVING; } else cl->i_state = HTTPD_CLIENT_DEAD; httpd_MsgClean(&cl->answer); } else { i_offset = cl->answer.i_body_offset; httpd_MsgClean(&cl->answer); cl->answer.i_body_offset = i_offset; free(cl->p_buffer); cl->p_buffer = NULL; cl->i_buffer = 0; cl->i_buffer_size = 0; cl->i_state = HTTPD_CLIENT_WAITING; } break; case HTTPD_CLIENT_WAITING: i_offset = cl->answer.i_body_offset; int i_msg = cl->query.i_type; httpd_MsgInit(&cl->answer); cl->answer.i_body_offset = i_offset; cl->url->catch[i_msg].cb(cl->url->catch[i_msg].p_sys, cl, &cl->answer, &cl->query); if (cl->answer.i_type != HTTPD_MSG_NONE) { /* we have new data, so re-enter send mode */ cl->i_buffer = 0; cl->p_buffer = cl->answer.p_body; cl->i_buffer_size = cl->answer.i_body; cl->answer.p_body = NULL; cl->answer.i_body = 0; cl->i_state = HTTPD_CLIENT_SENDING; } } pufd->fd = vlc_tls_GetPollFD(cl->sock, &pufd->events); if (pufd->events != 0) nfd++; else b_low_delay = true; } vlc_mutex_unlock(&host->lock); vlc_restorecancel(canc); /* we will wait 20ms (not too big) if HTTPD_CLIENT_WAITING */ while (poll(ufd, nfd, b_low_delay ? 20 : -1) < 0) { if (errno != EINTR) msg_Err(host, "polling error: %s", vlc_strerror_c(errno)); } canc = vlc_savecancel(); vlc_mutex_lock(&host->lock); /* Handle client sockets */ now = vlc_tick_now(); nfd = host->nfd; vlc_list_foreach(cl, &host->clients, node) { const struct pollfd *pufd = &ufd[nfd]; assert(pufd < &ufd[sizeof(ufd) / sizeof(ufd[0])]); if (vlc_tls_GetFD(cl->sock) != pufd->fd) continue; // we were not waiting for this client ++nfd; if (pufd->revents == 0) continue; // no event received cl->i_activity_date = now; switch (cl->i_state) { case HTTPD_CLIENT_RECEIVING: httpd_ClientRecv(cl); break; case HTTPD_CLIENT_SENDING: httpd_ClientSend(cl); break; case HTTPD_CLIENT_TLS_HS_IN: case HTTPD_CLIENT_TLS_HS_OUT: httpd_ClientTlsHandshake(host, cl); break; } } /* Handle server sockets (accept new connections) */ for (nfd = 0; nfd < host->nfd; nfd++) { int fd = ufd[nfd].fd; assert (fd == host->fds[nfd]); if (ufd[nfd].revents == 0) continue; /* */ fd = vlc_accept (fd, NULL, NULL, true); if (fd == -1) continue; setsockopt (fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &(int){ 1 }, sizeof(int)); vlc_tls_t *sk = vlc_tls_SocketOpen(fd); if (unlikely(sk == NULL)) { vlc_close(fd); continue; } if (host->p_tls != NULL) { const char *alpn[] = { "http/1.1", NULL }; vlc_tls_t *tls; tls = vlc_tls_ServerSessionCreate(host->p_tls, sk, alpn); if (tls == NULL) { vlc_tls_SessionDelete(sk); continue; } sk = tls; } cl = httpd_ClientNew(sk, now); if (host->p_tls != NULL) cl->i_state = HTTPD_CLIENT_TLS_HS_OUT; host->client_count++; vlc_list_append(&cl->node, &host->clients); } vlc_mutex_unlock(&host->lock); vlc_restorecancel(canc); } static void* httpd_HostThread(void *data) { httpd_host_t *host = data; while (atomic_load_explicit(&host->ref, memory_order_relaxed) > 0) httpdLoop(host); return NULL; } int httpd_StreamSetHTTPHeaders(httpd_stream_t * p_stream, const httpd_header *p_headers, size_t i_headers) { if (!p_stream) return VLC_EGENERIC; vlc_mutex_lock(&p_stream->lock); if (p_stream->p_http_headers) { for (size_t i = 0; i < p_stream->i_http_headers; i++) { free(p_stream->p_http_headers[i].name); free(p_stream->p_http_headers[i].value); } free(p_stream->p_http_headers); p_stream->p_http_headers = NULL; p_stream->i_http_headers = 0; } if (!p_headers || !i_headers) { vlc_mutex_unlock(&p_stream->lock); return VLC_SUCCESS; } p_stream->p_http_headers = vlc_alloc(i_headers, sizeof(httpd_header)); if (!p_stream->p_http_headers) { vlc_mutex_unlock(&p_stream->lock); return VLC_ENOMEM; } size_t j = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < i_headers; i++) { if (unlikely(!p_headers[i].name || !p_headers[i].value)) continue; p_stream->p_http_headers[j].name = strdup(p_headers[i].name); p_stream->p_http_headers[j].value = strdup(p_headers[i].value); if (unlikely(!p_stream->p_http_headers[j].name || !p_stream->p_http_headers[j].value)) { free(p_stream->p_http_headers[j].name); free(p_stream->p_http_headers[j].value); break; } j++; } p_stream->i_http_headers = j; vlc_mutex_unlock(&p_stream->lock); return VLC_SUCCESS; }