#! /bin/sh # Piggy list consistency checker LANG=C export LANG TEMPFILE=/tmp/vlclist.tmp.$$ LISTFILE=LIST LISTFILE2=/tmp/vlclist2.tmp.$$ LISTFILE3=/tmp/vlclist3.tmp.$$ rm -f $TEMPFILE touch $TEMPFILE echo "------------------------------------" echo "Checking that all modules are listed" echo "------------------------------------" i=0 for modfile in `find . -name "Modules.am"` do for module in `grep "SOURCES_" $modfile|awk '{print $1}'|awk 'BEGIN {FS="SOURCES_"};{print $2}'` do echo $module >> $TEMPFILE if [ `grep " \* $module:" $LISTFILE |wc -l` = 0 ] then echo "$module exists in $modfile, but not listed" i=1 fi done done if [ $i = 0 ] then echo "OK" fi i=0 echo echo "--------------------------------------" echo "Checking that all listed modules exist" echo "--------------------------------------" for module in `grep " \* " $LISTFILE|awk '{print $2}'|sed s,':',,g ` do if [ `grep $module $TEMPFILE|wc -l` = 0 ] then i=1 echo "$module is listed but does not exist" fi done if [ $i = 0 ] then echo "OK" fi echo echo "-------------------------------" echo "Checking for alphabetical order" echo "-------------------------------" rm -f $LISTFILE2 touch $LISTFILE2 rm -f $LISTFILE3 touch $LISTFILE3 grep " \* " $LISTFILE >> $LISTFILE2 sort -n $LISTFILE2 >> $LISTFILE3 i=`diff $LISTFILE2 $LISTFILE3|wc -l` diff -u $LISTFILE2 $LISTFILE3 if [ $i = 0 ] then echo "OK" fi echo "" echo "`cat $TEMPFILE| wc -l` modules listed in Modules.am files" rm -f $TEMPFILE rm -f $LISTFILE2 rm -f $LISTFILE3