from distutils.core import setup, Extension import os import commands # Get build variables (buildir, srcdir) top_builddir = os.path.join( '..', '..' ) os.environ['top_builddir'] = top_builddir # Determine the extra link args. Normally, vlc-config should take care # of this and return the right path values, from a development tree or # an installed version. libtool=False linkargs=[] d=os.path.join(top_builddir, 'src', '.libs') if os.path.exists(d): # We are in a development tree, which was compiled with libtool libtool=True linkargs=[ '-L' + d ] else: d=os.path.join(top_builddir, 'src') # We are in a development tree, which was compiled without libtool if os.path.exists(d): linkargs=[ '-L' + d ] # For out-of-tree compilations srcdir = '.' def get_vlcconfig(): vlcconfig=None for n in ( 'vlc-config', os.path.join( top_builddir, 'vlc-config' )): if os.path.exists(n): vlcconfig=n break status, output = commands.getstatusoutput('pkg-config libvlc --exists') if status == 0: vlcconfig="pkg-config libvlc" if vlcconfig is None: print "*** Warning *** Cannot find vlc-config. Will try sane defaults." elif os.sys.platform == 'win32': # Win32 does not know how to invoke the shell itself. vlcconfig="sh %s" % vlcconfig return vlcconfig def get_vlc_version(): vlcconfig=get_vlcconfig() if vlcconfig is None: return "" else: version=os.popen('%s --modversion' % vlcconfig, 'r').readline().strip() return version def get_cflags(): vlcconfig=get_vlcconfig() if vlcconfig is None: return [] else: cflags=os.popen('%s --cflags ' % vlcconfig, 'r').readline().strip() return cflags def get_ldflags(): vlcconfig=get_vlcconfig() if vlcconfig is None: return [ '-lvlc' ] else: ldflags = [] if os.sys.platform == 'darwin': ldflags = "-read_only_relocs warning".split() ldflags.extend(os.popen('%s --libs ' % vlcconfig, 'r').readline().rstrip().split()) if os.sys.platform == 'darwin': ldflags.append('-lstdc++') return ldflags #source_files = [ 'vlc_module.c', 'vlc_mediacontrol.c', # 'vlc_position.c', 'vlc_instance.c', 'vlc_input.c' ] source_files = [ 'vlc_module.c' ] # To compile in a local vlc tree vlclocal = Extension('vlc', sources = [ os.path.join( srcdir, f ) for f in source_files ], include_dirs = [ top_builddir, srcdir ], extra_objects = [ ], extra_compile_args = get_cflags(), extra_link_args = linkargs + get_ldflags(), ) setup (name = 'python-vlc', version = '', author='Olivier Aubert', author_email='', url='', py_modules=['vlcwidget'], keywords = [ 'vlc', 'video' ], license = "GPL", description = "VLC bindings for python.", long_description = """VLC bindings for python. This module provides bindings for the native libvlc API of the VLC video player. Documentation can be found on the VLC wiki : This module also provides a MediaControl object, which implements an API inspired from the OMG Audio/Video Stream 1.0 specification. Documentation can be found on the VLC wiki : Example session (for the MediaControl API): import vlc mc=vlc.MediaControl(['--verbose', '1']) mc.playlist_add_item('movie.mpg') # Start the movie at 2000ms p=vlc.Position() p.origin=vlc.RelativePosition p.key=vlc.MediaTime p.value=2000 mc.start(p) # which could be abbreviated as # mc.start(2000) # for the default conversion from int is to make a RelativePosition in MediaTime # Display some text during 2000ms mc.display_text('Some useless information', 0, 2000) # Pause the video mc.pause(0) # Get status information mc.get_stream_information() """, ext_modules = [ vlclocal ])