/***************************************************************************** * ogg.c: ogg muxer module for vlc ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2006 VLC authors and VideoLAN * * Authors: Laurent Aimar * Gildas Bazin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. *****************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** * Preamble *****************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../demux/xiph.h" #include /***************************************************************************** * Module descriptor *****************************************************************************/ #define INDEXINTVL_TEXT N_("Index interval") #define INDEXINTVL_LONGTEXT N_("Minimal index interval, in milliseconds. " \ "Set to 0 to disable index creation.") #define INDEXRATIO_TEXT N_("Index size ratio") #define INDEXRATIO_LONGTEXT N_(\ "Set index size ratio. Alters default (60min content) or estimated size." ) static int Open ( vlc_object_t * ); static void Close ( vlc_object_t * ); #define SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "sout-ogg-" vlc_module_begin () set_description( N_("Ogg/OGM muxer") ) set_capability( "sout mux", 10 ) set_subcategory( SUBCAT_SOUT_MUX ) add_shortcut( "ogg", "ogm" ) add_integer_with_range( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "indexintvl", 1000, 0, INT_MAX, INDEXINTVL_TEXT, INDEXINTVL_LONGTEXT ) add_float_with_range( SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "indexratio", 1.0, 1.0, 1000, INDEXRATIO_TEXT, INDEXRATIO_LONGTEXT ) set_callbacks( Open, Close ) vlc_module_end () /***************************************************************************** * Exported prototypes *****************************************************************************/ static int Control ( sout_mux_t *, int, va_list ); static int AddStream( sout_mux_t *, sout_input_t * ); static void DelStream( sout_mux_t *, sout_input_t * ); static int Mux ( sout_mux_t * ); static int MuxBlock ( sout_mux_t *, sout_input_t * ); static bool OggCreateHeaders( sout_mux_t * ); static void OggFillSkeletonFishead( uint8_t *p_buffer, sout_mux_t *p_mux ); /***************************************************************************** * Misc declarations *****************************************************************************/ /* Skeleton */ #define FISBONE_BASE_SIZE 52 #define FISBONE_BASE_OFFSET 44 #define INDEX_BASE_SIZE 42 /* Structures used for OggDS headers used in ogm files */ #define PACKET_TYPE_HEADER 0x01 #define PACKET_TYPE_COMMENT 0x03 #define PACKET_IS_SYNCPOINT 0x08 typedef struct { int32_t i_width; int32_t i_height; } oggds_header_video_t; typedef struct { int16_t i_channels; int16_t i_block_align; int32_t i_avgbytespersec; } oggds_header_audio_t; typedef struct { uint8_t i_packet_type; char stream_type[8]; char sub_type[4]; int32_t i_size; int64_t i_time_unit; int64_t i_samples_per_unit; int32_t i_default_len; int32_t i_buffer_size; int16_t i_bits_per_sample; int16_t i_padding_0; /* Because the original is using MSVC packing style */ union { oggds_header_video_t video; oggds_header_audio_t audio; } header; int32_t i_padding_1; /* Because the original is using MSVC packing style */ } oggds_header_t; /***************************************************************************** * Definitions of structures and functions used by this plugins *****************************************************************************/ typedef struct { es_format_t fmt; int b_new; vlc_tick_t i_dts; vlc_tick_t i_length; int i_packet_no; int i_serial_no; int i_keyframe_granule_shift; /* Theora and Daala only */ int i_last_keyframe; /* dirac and theora */ int i_num_frames; /* Theora only */ uint64_t u_last_granulepos; /* Used for correct EOS page */ int64_t i_num_keyframes; ogg_stream_state os; oggds_header_t *p_oggds_header; bool b_started; bool b_finished; struct { bool b_fisbone_done; bool b_index_done; /* Skeleton index storage */ unsigned char *p_index; uint64_t i_index_size; uint64_t i_index_payload; /* real index size */ uint64_t i_index_count; /* backup values for rewriting index page later */ uint64_t i_index_offset; /* sout offset of the index page */ int64_t i_index_packetno; /* index packet no */ int i_index_pageno; /* index creation tracking values */ uint64_t i_last_keyframe_pos; vlc_tick_t i_last_keyframe_time; } skeleton; int i_dirac_last_pt; int i_dirac_last_dt; vlc_tick_t i_baseptsdelay; } ogg_stream_t; typedef struct { int i_streams; vlc_tick_t i_start_dts; int i_next_serial_no; /* number of logical streams pending to be added */ int i_add_streams; bool b_can_add_streams; /* logical streams pending to be deleted */ int i_del_streams; ogg_stream_t **pp_del_streams; /* Skeleton */ struct { bool b_create; int i_serial_no; int i_packet_no; ogg_stream_state os; bool b_head_done; /* backup values for rewriting fishead page later */ uint64_t i_fishead_offset; /* sout offset of the fishead page */ vlc_tick_t i_index_intvl; float i_index_ratio; } skeleton; /* access position */ ssize_t i_pos; ssize_t i_data_start; ssize_t i_segment_start; } sout_mux_sys_t; static void OggSetDate( block_t *, vlc_tick_t , vlc_tick_t ); static block_t *OggStreamFlush( sout_mux_t *, ogg_stream_state *, vlc_tick_t ); static void OggCreateStreamFooter( sout_mux_t *p_mux, ogg_stream_t *p_stream ); static void OggRewriteFisheadPage( sout_mux_t *p_mux ); static bool AllocateIndex( sout_mux_t *p_mux, sout_input_t *p_input ); /***************************************************************************** * Open: Open muxer *****************************************************************************/ static int Open( vlc_object_t *p_this ) { sout_mux_t *p_mux = (sout_mux_t*)p_this; sout_mux_sys_t *p_sys; msg_Info( p_mux, "Open" ); p_sys = malloc( sizeof( sout_mux_sys_t ) ); if( !p_sys ) return VLC_ENOMEM; p_sys->i_streams = 0; p_sys->i_add_streams = 0; p_sys->b_can_add_streams = true; p_sys->i_del_streams = 0; p_sys->pp_del_streams = 0; p_sys->i_pos = 0; p_sys->skeleton.b_create = false; p_sys->skeleton.b_head_done = false; p_sys->skeleton.i_index_intvl = VLC_TICK_FROM_MS(var_InheritInteger( p_this, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "indexintvl" )); p_sys->skeleton.i_index_ratio = var_InheritFloat( p_this, SOUT_CFG_PREFIX "indexratio" ); p_sys->i_data_start = 0; p_sys->i_segment_start = 0; p_mux->p_sys = p_sys; p_mux->pf_control = Control; p_mux->pf_addstream = AddStream; p_mux->pf_delstream = DelStream; p_mux->pf_mux = Mux; /* First serial number is random. * (Done like this because on win32 you need to seed the random number * generator once per thread). */ uint32_t r; vlc_rand_bytes(&r, sizeof(r)); p_sys->i_next_serial_no = r & INT_MAX; return VLC_SUCCESS; } /***************************************************************************** * Close: Finalize ogg bitstream and close muxer *****************************************************************************/ static void Close( vlc_object_t * p_this ) { sout_mux_t *p_mux = (sout_mux_t*)p_this; sout_mux_sys_t *p_sys = p_mux->p_sys; msg_Info( p_mux, "Close" ); if( p_sys->i_del_streams ) { /* Close the current ogg stream */ msg_Dbg( p_mux, "writing footers" ); /* Remove deleted logical streams */ for(int i = 0; i < p_sys->i_del_streams; i++ ) { ogg_stream_t *p_stream = p_sys->pp_del_streams[i]; es_format_Clean( &p_stream->fmt ); OggCreateStreamFooter( p_mux, p_stream ); free( p_stream->p_oggds_header ); free( p_stream->skeleton.p_index ); free( p_stream ); } free( p_sys->pp_del_streams ); p_sys->i_streams -= p_sys->i_del_streams; } /* rewrite fishead with final values */ if ( p_sys->skeleton.b_create && p_sys->skeleton.b_head_done ) { OggRewriteFisheadPage( p_mux ); } free( p_sys ); } /***************************************************************************** * Control: *****************************************************************************/ static int Control( sout_mux_t *p_mux, int i_query, va_list args ) { VLC_UNUSED(p_mux); bool *pb_bool; char **ppsz; switch( i_query ) { case MUX_CAN_ADD_STREAM_WHILE_MUXING: pb_bool = va_arg( args, bool * ); *pb_bool = true; return VLC_SUCCESS; case MUX_GET_MIME: ppsz = va_arg( args, char ** ); *ppsz = strdup( "application/ogg" ); return VLC_SUCCESS; default: return VLC_EGENERIC; } } /***************************************************************************** * AddStream: Add an elementary stream to the muxed stream *****************************************************************************/ static int AddStream( sout_mux_t *p_mux, sout_input_t *p_input ) { sout_mux_sys_t *p_sys = p_mux->p_sys; ogg_stream_t *p_stream; uint16_t i_tag; msg_Dbg( p_mux, "adding input" ); p_input->p_sys = p_stream = calloc( 1, sizeof( ogg_stream_t ) ); if( !p_stream ) return VLC_ENOMEM; if( es_format_Copy( &p_stream->fmt, &p_input->fmt ) != VLC_SUCCESS ) { free( p_stream ); return VLC_ENOMEM; } p_stream->i_serial_no = p_sys->i_next_serial_no++; p_stream->i_packet_no = 0; p_stream->i_last_keyframe = 0; p_stream->i_num_keyframes = 0; p_stream->i_num_frames = 0; p_stream->p_oggds_header = 0; p_stream->i_baseptsdelay = -1; p_stream->i_dirac_last_pt = -1; p_stream->i_dirac_last_dt = -1; switch( p_input->p_fmt->i_cat ) { case VIDEO_ES: { if( !p_stream->fmt.video.i_frame_rate || !p_stream->fmt.video.i_frame_rate_base ) { msg_Warn( p_mux, "Missing frame rate, assuming 25fps" ); p_stream->fmt.video.i_frame_rate = 25; p_stream->fmt.video.i_frame_rate_base = 1; } switch( p_stream->fmt.i_codec ) { case VLC_CODEC_MP4V: case VLC_CODEC_MPGV: case VLC_CODEC_MP1V: case VLC_CODEC_MP2V: case VLC_CODEC_DIV3: case VLC_CODEC_MJPG: case VLC_CODEC_WMV1: case VLC_CODEC_WMV2: case VLC_CODEC_WMV3: p_stream->p_oggds_header = calloc( 1, sizeof(oggds_header_t) ); if( !p_stream->p_oggds_header ) { free( p_stream ); return VLC_ENOMEM; } p_stream->p_oggds_header->i_packet_type = PACKET_TYPE_HEADER; memcpy( p_stream->p_oggds_header->stream_type, "video", 5 ); if( p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_MP4V ) { memcpy( p_stream->p_oggds_header->sub_type, "XVID", 4 ); } else if( p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_DIV3 ) { memcpy( p_stream->p_oggds_header->sub_type, "DIV3", 4 ); } else { memcpy( p_stream->p_oggds_header->sub_type, &p_stream->fmt.i_codec, 4 ); } p_stream->p_oggds_header->i_size = 0 ; p_stream->p_oggds_header->i_time_unit = MSFTIME_FROM_SEC(1) * p_stream->fmt.video.i_frame_rate_base / (int64_t)p_stream->fmt.video.i_frame_rate; p_stream->p_oggds_header->i_samples_per_unit = 1; p_stream->p_oggds_header->i_default_len = 1 ; /* ??? */ p_stream->p_oggds_header->i_buffer_size = 1024*1024; p_stream->p_oggds_header->i_bits_per_sample = 0; p_stream->p_oggds_header->header.video.i_width = p_input->p_fmt->video.i_width; p_stream->p_oggds_header->header.video.i_height = p_input->p_fmt->video.i_height; msg_Dbg( p_mux, "%4.4s stream", (char *)&p_stream->fmt.i_codec ); break; case VLC_CODEC_DIRAC: msg_Dbg( p_mux, "dirac stream" ); break; case VLC_CODEC_THEORA: msg_Dbg( p_mux, "theora stream" ); break; case VLC_CODEC_DAALA: msg_Dbg( p_mux, "daala stream" ); break; case VLC_CODEC_VP8: msg_Dbg( p_mux, "VP8 stream" ); break; default: FREENULL( p_input->p_sys ); return VLC_EGENERIC; } } break; case AUDIO_ES: switch( p_stream->fmt.i_codec ) { case VLC_CODEC_OPUS: msg_Dbg( p_mux, "opus stream" ); break; case VLC_CODEC_VORBIS: msg_Dbg( p_mux, "vorbis stream" ); break; case VLC_CODEC_SPEEX: msg_Dbg( p_mux, "speex stream" ); break; case VLC_CODEC_FLAC: msg_Dbg( p_mux, "flac stream" ); break; default: fourcc_to_wf_tag( p_stream->fmt.i_codec, &i_tag ); if( i_tag == WAVE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN ) { FREENULL( p_input->p_sys ); return VLC_EGENERIC; } p_stream->p_oggds_header = malloc( sizeof(oggds_header_t) + p_input->p_fmt->i_extra ); if( !p_stream->p_oggds_header ) { free( p_stream ); return VLC_ENOMEM; } memset( p_stream->p_oggds_header, 0, sizeof(oggds_header_t) ); p_stream->p_oggds_header->i_packet_type = PACKET_TYPE_HEADER; p_stream->p_oggds_header->i_size = p_input->p_fmt->i_extra; if( p_input->p_fmt->i_extra ) { memcpy( &p_stream->p_oggds_header[1], p_input->p_fmt->p_extra, p_input->p_fmt->i_extra ); } memcpy( p_stream->p_oggds_header->stream_type, "audio", 5 ); char buf[5]; memset( buf, 0, sizeof(buf) ); snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%"PRIx16, i_tag ); memcpy( p_stream->p_oggds_header->sub_type, buf, 4 ); p_stream->p_oggds_header->i_time_unit = MSFTIME_FROM_SEC(1); p_stream->p_oggds_header->i_default_len = 1; p_stream->p_oggds_header->i_buffer_size = 30*1024 ; p_stream->p_oggds_header->i_samples_per_unit = p_input->p_fmt->audio.i_rate; p_stream->p_oggds_header->i_bits_per_sample = p_input->p_fmt->audio.i_bitspersample; p_stream->p_oggds_header->header.audio.i_channels = p_input->p_fmt->audio.i_channels; p_stream->p_oggds_header->header.audio.i_block_align = p_input->p_fmt->audio.i_blockalign; p_stream->p_oggds_header->header.audio.i_avgbytespersec = p_input->p_fmt->i_bitrate / 8; msg_Dbg( p_mux, "%4.4s stream", (char *)&p_stream->fmt.i_codec ); break; } break; case SPU_ES: switch( p_stream->fmt.i_codec ) { case VLC_CODEC_SUBT: p_stream->p_oggds_header = calloc( 1, sizeof(oggds_header_t) ); if( !p_stream->p_oggds_header ) { free( p_stream ); return VLC_ENOMEM; } p_stream->p_oggds_header->i_packet_type = PACKET_TYPE_HEADER; memcpy( p_stream->p_oggds_header->stream_type, "text", 4 ); msg_Dbg( p_mux, "subtitles stream" ); break; default: FREENULL( p_input->p_sys ); return VLC_EGENERIC; } break; default: FREENULL( p_input->p_sys ); return VLC_EGENERIC; } p_stream->b_new = true; p_sys->i_add_streams++; return VLC_SUCCESS; } /***************************************************************************** * DelStream: Delete an elementary stream from the muxed stream *****************************************************************************/ static void DelStream( sout_mux_t *p_mux, sout_input_t *p_input ) { sout_mux_sys_t *p_sys = p_mux->p_sys; ogg_stream_t *p_stream = (ogg_stream_t*)p_input->p_sys; block_t *p_og; msg_Dbg( p_mux, "removing input" ); /* flush all remaining data */ if( p_input->p_sys ) { if( !p_stream->b_new ) { while( block_FifoCount( p_input->p_fifo ) ) MuxBlock( p_mux, p_input ); } if( !p_stream->b_new && ( p_og = OggStreamFlush( p_mux, &p_stream->os, 0 ) ) ) { OggSetDate( p_og, p_stream->i_dts, p_stream->i_length ); p_sys->i_pos += sout_AccessOutWrite( p_mux->p_access, p_og ); } /* move input in delete queue */ if( !p_stream->b_new ) { p_sys->pp_del_streams = xrealloc( p_sys->pp_del_streams, (p_sys->i_del_streams + 1) * sizeof(ogg_stream_t *) ); p_sys->pp_del_streams[p_sys->i_del_streams++] = p_stream; } else { /* wasn't already added so get rid of it */ FREENULL( p_stream->p_oggds_header ); FREENULL( p_stream ); p_sys->i_add_streams--; } } p_input->p_sys = NULL; } /***************************************************************************** * Ogg Skeleton helpers *****************************************************************************/ static int WriteQWVariableLE( uint64_t i_64, uint64_t i_offset, uint8_t *p_buffer, int i_buffer_size ) { uint8_t *p_dest = p_buffer + i_offset; int i_written = 0; for(;;) { if ( p_dest - p_buffer >= i_buffer_size ) return -1; *p_dest = (uint8_t) ( i_64 & 0x7F ); i_64 >>= 7; i_written++; if ( i_64 == 0 ) { *p_dest |= 0x80; return i_written; } p_dest++; } } static bool AddIndexEntry( sout_mux_t *p_mux, vlc_tick_t i_time, sout_input_t *p_input ) { sout_mux_sys_t *p_sys = p_mux->p_sys; ogg_stream_t *p_stream = (ogg_stream_t *) p_input->p_sys; uint64_t i_posdelta; vlc_tick_t i_timedelta; if ( !p_sys->skeleton.b_create || p_sys->skeleton.i_index_intvl == 0 || !p_stream->skeleton.p_index ) return false; if ( p_stream->skeleton.i_last_keyframe_pos == 0 ) p_stream->skeleton.i_last_keyframe_pos = p_sys->i_segment_start; i_posdelta = p_sys->i_pos - p_stream->skeleton.i_last_keyframe_pos; i_timedelta = i_time - p_stream->skeleton.i_last_keyframe_time; if ( i_timedelta <= p_sys->skeleton.i_index_intvl || i_posdelta <= 0xFFFF ) return false; /* do inserts */ int i_ret; if ( !p_stream->skeleton.p_index ) return false; uint64_t i_offset = p_stream->skeleton.i_index_payload; i_ret = WriteQWVariableLE( i_posdelta, i_offset, p_stream->skeleton.p_index, p_stream->skeleton.i_index_size ); if ( i_ret == -1 ) return false; i_offset += i_ret; i_ret = WriteQWVariableLE( i_timedelta, i_offset, p_stream->skeleton.p_index, p_stream->skeleton.i_index_size ); if ( i_ret == -1 ) return false; p_stream->skeleton.i_index_payload = i_offset + i_ret; p_stream->skeleton.i_index_count++; /* update diff points */ p_stream->skeleton.i_last_keyframe_pos = p_sys->i_pos; p_stream->skeleton.i_last_keyframe_time = i_time; msg_Dbg( p_mux, "Added index on stream %d entry %zd %"PRIu64, p_stream->i_serial_no, p_sys->i_pos - p_sys->i_segment_start, i_time ); return true; } /***************************************************************************** * Ogg bitstream manipulation routines *****************************************************************************/ static block_t *OggStreamGetPage( sout_mux_t *p_mux, ogg_stream_state *p_os, vlc_tick_t i_pts, bool flush ) { (void)p_mux; block_t *p_og, *p_og_first = NULL; ogg_page og; int (*pager)( ogg_stream_state*, ogg_page* ) = flush ? ogg_stream_flush : ogg_stream_pageout; while( pager( p_os, &og ) ) { /* Flush all data */ p_og = block_Alloc( og.header_len + og.body_len ); memcpy( p_og->p_buffer, og.header, og.header_len ); memcpy( p_og->p_buffer + og.header_len, og.body, og.body_len ); p_og->i_dts = 0; p_og->i_pts = i_pts; p_og->i_length = 0; i_pts = 0; // write it only once block_ChainAppend( &p_og_first, p_og ); } return p_og_first; } static block_t *OggStreamFlush( sout_mux_t *p_mux, ogg_stream_state *p_os, vlc_tick_t i_pts ) { return OggStreamGetPage( p_mux, p_os, i_pts, true ); } static block_t *OggStreamPageOut( sout_mux_t *p_mux, ogg_stream_state *p_os, vlc_tick_t i_pts ) { return OggStreamGetPage( p_mux, p_os, i_pts, false ); } static void OggGetSkeletonIndex( uint8_t **pp_buffer, long *pi_size, ogg_stream_t *p_stream ) { uint8_t *p_buffer = calloc( INDEX_BASE_SIZE + p_stream->skeleton.i_index_size, sizeof(uint8_t) ); if ( !p_buffer ) return; *pp_buffer = p_buffer; memcpy( p_buffer, "index", 6 ); SetDWLE( &p_buffer[6], p_stream->i_serial_no ); SetQWLE( &p_buffer[10], p_stream->skeleton.i_index_count ); /* num keypoints */ SetQWLE( &p_buffer[18], CLOCK_FREQ ); SetQWLE( &p_buffer[34], p_stream->i_length ); memcpy( p_buffer + INDEX_BASE_SIZE, p_stream->skeleton.p_index, p_stream->skeleton.i_index_payload ); *pi_size = INDEX_BASE_SIZE + p_stream->skeleton.i_index_size; } static void OggGetSkeletonFisbone( uint8_t **pp_buffer, long *pi_size, sout_input_t *p_input, sout_mux_t *p_mux ) { uint8_t *psz_header; uint8_t *p_buffer; const char *psz_value = NULL; ogg_stream_t *p_stream = (ogg_stream_t *) p_input->p_sys; struct { char *psz_content_type; char *psz_role; long int i_size; unsigned int i_count; } headers = { NULL, NULL, 0, 0 }; *pi_size = 0; switch( p_stream->fmt.i_codec ) { case VLC_CODEC_VORBIS: psz_value = "audio/vorbis"; break; case VLC_CODEC_THEORA: psz_value = "video/theora"; break; case VLC_CODEC_DAALA: psz_value = "video/daala"; break; case VLC_CODEC_SPEEX: psz_value = "audio/speex"; break; case VLC_CODEC_FLAC: psz_value = "audio/flac"; break; case VLC_CODEC_CMML: psz_value = "text/cmml"; break; case VLC_CODEC_KATE: psz_value = "application/kate"; break; case VLC_CODEC_VP8: psz_value = "video/x-vp8"; break; default: psz_value = "application/octet-stream"; msg_Warn( p_mux, "Unknown fourcc for stream %s, setting Content-Type to %s", vlc_fourcc_GetDescription( p_stream->fmt.i_cat, p_stream->fmt.i_codec ), psz_value ); } /* Content Type Header */ if ( asprintf( &headers.psz_content_type, "Content-Type: %s\r\n", psz_value ) != -1 ) { headers.i_size += strlen( headers.psz_content_type ); headers.i_count++; } /* Set Role Header */ if ( p_input->p_fmt->i_priority > ES_PRIORITY_NOT_SELECTABLE ) { int i_max_prio = ES_PRIORITY_MIN; for ( int i=0; i< p_mux->i_nb_inputs; i++ ) { if ( p_mux->pp_inputs[i]->p_fmt->i_cat != p_input->p_fmt->i_cat ) continue; i_max_prio = __MAX( p_mux->pp_inputs[i]->p_fmt->i_priority, i_max_prio ); } psz_value = NULL; if ( p_input->p_fmt->i_cat == AUDIO_ES || p_input->p_fmt->i_cat == VIDEO_ES ) { if ( p_input->p_fmt->i_priority == i_max_prio && i_max_prio >= ES_PRIORITY_SELECTABLE_MIN ) psz_value = ( p_input->p_fmt->i_cat == VIDEO_ES ) ? "video/main" : "audio/main"; else psz_value = ( p_input->p_fmt->i_cat == VIDEO_ES ) ? "video/alternate" : "audio/alternate"; } else if ( p_input->p_fmt->i_cat == SPU_ES ) { psz_value = ( p_input->p_fmt->i_codec == VLC_CODEC_KATE ) ? "text/karaoke" : "text/subtitle"; } if ( psz_value && asprintf( &headers.psz_role, "Role: %s\r\n", psz_value ) != -1 ) { headers.i_size += strlen( headers.psz_role ); headers.i_count++; } } *pp_buffer = calloc( FISBONE_BASE_SIZE + headers.i_size, sizeof(uint8_t) ); if ( !*pp_buffer ) return; p_buffer = *pp_buffer; memcpy( p_buffer, "fisbone", 8 ); SetDWLE( &p_buffer[8], FISBONE_BASE_OFFSET ); /* offset to message headers */ SetDWLE( &p_buffer[12], p_stream->i_serial_no ); SetDWLE( &p_buffer[16], headers.i_count ); /* granulerate den */ switch ( p_input->p_fmt->i_cat ) { case VIDEO_ES: SetQWLE( &(*pp_buffer)[20], p_stream->fmt.video.i_frame_rate ); SetQWLE( &(*pp_buffer)[28], p_stream->fmt.video.i_frame_rate_base ); break; case AUDIO_ES: SetQWLE( &(*pp_buffer)[20], p_input->p_fmt->audio.i_rate ); SetQWLE( &(*pp_buffer)[28], 1 ); break; default: SetQWLE( &(*pp_buffer)[20], 1000 ); SetQWLE( &(*pp_buffer)[28], 1 ); } /* preroll */ if ( p_input->p_fmt->p_extra ) SetDWLE( &(*pp_buffer)[44], xiph_CountUnknownHeaders( p_input->p_fmt->p_extra, p_input->p_fmt->i_extra, p_input->p_fmt->i_codec ) ); if ( headers.i_size > 0 ) { psz_header = *pp_buffer + FISBONE_BASE_SIZE; memcpy( psz_header, headers.psz_content_type, strlen( headers.psz_content_type ) ); psz_header += strlen( headers.psz_content_type ); if ( headers.psz_role ) memcpy( psz_header, headers.psz_role, strlen( headers.psz_role ) ); } *pi_size = FISBONE_BASE_SIZE + headers.i_size; free( headers.psz_content_type ); free( headers.psz_role ); } static void OggFillSkeletonFishead( uint8_t *p_buffer, sout_mux_t *p_mux ) { sout_mux_sys_t *p_sys = p_mux->p_sys; memcpy( p_buffer, "fishead", 8 ); SetWLE( &p_buffer[8], 4 ); SetWLE( &p_buffer[10], 0 ); SetQWLE( &p_buffer[20], 1000 ); SetQWLE( &p_buffer[36], 1000 ); SetQWLE( &p_buffer[64], p_sys->i_pos - p_sys->i_segment_start ); /* segment length */ SetQWLE( &p_buffer[72], p_sys->i_data_start - p_sys->i_segment_start ); /* data start offset */ } static int32_t OggFillDsHeader( uint8_t *p_buffer, oggds_header_t *p_oggds_header, int i_cat ) { int index = 0; p_buffer[index] = p_oggds_header->i_packet_type; index++; memcpy( &p_buffer[index], p_oggds_header->stream_type, sizeof(p_oggds_header->stream_type) ); index += sizeof(p_oggds_header->stream_type); memcpy(&p_buffer[index], p_oggds_header->sub_type, sizeof(p_oggds_header->sub_type) ); index += sizeof(p_oggds_header->sub_type); /* The size is filled at the end */ uint8_t *p_isize = &p_buffer[index]; index += 4; SetQWLE( &p_buffer[index], p_oggds_header->i_time_unit ); index += 8; SetQWLE( &p_buffer[index], p_oggds_header->i_samples_per_unit ); index += 8; SetDWLE( &p_buffer[index], p_oggds_header->i_default_len ); index += 4; SetDWLE( &p_buffer[index], p_oggds_header->i_buffer_size ); index += 4; SetWLE( &p_buffer[index], p_oggds_header->i_bits_per_sample ); index += 2; SetWLE( &p_buffer[index], p_oggds_header->i_padding_0 ); index += 2; /* audio or video */ switch( i_cat ) { case VIDEO_ES: SetDWLE( &p_buffer[index], p_oggds_header->header.video.i_width ); SetDWLE( &p_buffer[index+4], p_oggds_header->header.video.i_height ); break; case AUDIO_ES: SetWLE( &p_buffer[index], p_oggds_header->header.audio.i_channels ); SetWLE( &p_buffer[index+2], p_oggds_header->header.audio.i_block_align ); SetDWLE( &p_buffer[index+4], p_oggds_header->header.audio.i_avgbytespersec ); break; } index += 8; SetDWLE( &p_buffer[index], p_oggds_header->i_padding_1 ); index += 4; /* extra header */ if( p_oggds_header->i_size > 0 ) { memcpy( &p_buffer[index], (uint8_t *) p_oggds_header + sizeof(*p_oggds_header), p_oggds_header->i_size ); index += p_oggds_header->i_size; } SetDWLE( p_isize, index-1 ); return index; } static void OggFillVP8Header( uint8_t *p_buffer, sout_input_t *p_input ) { ogg_stream_t *p_stream = (ogg_stream_t *) p_input->p_sys; memcpy( p_buffer, "OVP80\x01\x01\x00", 8 ); SetWBE( &p_buffer[8], p_input->p_fmt->video.i_width ); SetDWBE( &p_buffer[14], p_input->p_fmt->video.i_sar_den );/* 24 bits, 15~ */ SetDWBE( &p_buffer[11], p_input->p_fmt->video.i_sar_num );/* 24 bits, 12~ */ SetWBE( &p_buffer[10], p_input->p_fmt->video.i_height ); SetDWBE( &p_buffer[18], p_stream->fmt.video.i_frame_rate ); SetDWBE( &p_buffer[22], p_stream->fmt.video.i_frame_rate_base ); } static bool OggCreateHeaders( sout_mux_t *p_mux ) { block_t *p_hdr = NULL; block_t *p_og = NULL; ogg_packet op; sout_mux_sys_t *p_sys = p_mux->p_sys; if( sout_AccessOutControl( p_mux->p_access, ACCESS_OUT_CAN_SEEK, &p_sys->skeleton.b_create ) ) { p_sys->skeleton.b_create = false; } p_sys->skeleton.b_create &= !! p_mux->i_nb_inputs; /* no skeleton for solo vorbis/speex/opus tracks */ if ( p_mux->i_nb_inputs == 1 && p_mux->pp_inputs[0]->p_fmt->i_cat == AUDIO_ES ) { p_sys->skeleton.b_create = false; } else { for ( int i=0; i< p_mux->i_nb_inputs; i++ ) { ogg_stream_t *p_stream = p_mux->pp_inputs[i]->p_sys; if( p_stream->p_oggds_header ) { /* We don't want skeleton for OggDS */ p_sys->skeleton.b_create = false; break; } } } /* Skeleton's Fishead must be the first page of the stream */ if ( p_sys->skeleton.b_create && !p_sys->skeleton.b_head_done ) { msg_Dbg( p_mux, "creating header for skeleton" ); p_sys->skeleton.i_serial_no = p_sys->i_next_serial_no++; ogg_stream_init( &p_sys->skeleton.os, p_sys->skeleton.i_serial_no ); op.bytes = 80; op.packet = calloc( 1, op.bytes ); if ( op.packet == NULL ) return false; op.b_o_s = 1; op.e_o_s = 0; op.granulepos = 0; op.packetno = 0; OggFillSkeletonFishead( op.packet, p_mux ); ogg_stream_packetin( &p_sys->skeleton.os, &op ); ogg_packet_clear( &op ); p_og = OggStreamFlush( p_mux, &p_sys->skeleton.os, 0 ); block_ChainAppend( &p_hdr, p_og ); p_sys->skeleton.b_head_done = true; p_sys->skeleton.i_fishead_offset = p_sys->i_pos; } /* Write header for each stream. All b_o_s (beginning of stream) packets * must appear first in the ogg stream so we take care of them first. */ for( int pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++ ) { for( int i = 0; i < p_mux->i_nb_inputs; i++ ) { sout_input_t *p_input = p_mux->pp_inputs[i]; ogg_stream_t *p_stream = p_input->p_sys; bool video = ( p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_THEORA || p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_DIRAC || p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_DAALA ); if( ( ( pass == 0 && !video ) || ( pass == 1 && video ) ) ) continue; msg_Dbg( p_mux, "creating header for %4.4s", (char *)&p_stream->fmt.i_codec ); ogg_stream_init( &p_stream->os, p_stream->i_serial_no ); p_stream->b_new = false; p_stream->i_packet_no = 0; p_stream->b_started = true; if( p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_VORBIS || p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_SPEEX || p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_OPUS || p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_THEORA || p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_DAALA ) { /* First packet in order: vorbis/speex/opus/theora/daala info */ unsigned pi_size[XIPH_MAX_HEADER_COUNT]; const void *pp_data[XIPH_MAX_HEADER_COUNT]; unsigned i_count; if( xiph_SplitHeaders( pi_size, pp_data, &i_count, p_input->p_fmt->i_extra, p_input->p_fmt->p_extra ) ) { i_count = 0; pi_size[0] = 0; pp_data[0] = NULL; } op.bytes = pi_size[0]; op.packet = (void *)pp_data[0]; if( pi_size[0] <= 0 ) msg_Err( p_mux, "header data corrupted"); op.b_o_s = 1; op.e_o_s = 0; op.granulepos = 0; op.packetno = p_stream->i_packet_no++; ogg_stream_packetin( &p_stream->os, &op ); p_og = OggStreamFlush( p_mux, &p_stream->os, 0 ); /* Get keyframe_granule_shift for theora or daala granulepos calculation */ if( p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_THEORA || p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_DAALA ) { p_stream->i_keyframe_granule_shift = ( (op.packet[40] & 0x03) << 3 ) | ( (op.packet[41] & 0xe0) >> 5 ); } } else if( p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_DIRAC ) { op.packet = p_input->p_fmt->p_extra; op.bytes = p_input->p_fmt->i_extra; op.b_o_s = 1; op.e_o_s = 0; op.granulepos = ~0; op.packetno = p_stream->i_packet_no++; ogg_stream_packetin( &p_stream->os, &op ); p_og = OggStreamFlush( p_mux, &p_stream->os, 0 ); } else if( p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_FLAC ) { /* flac stream marker (yeah, only that in the 1st packet) */ op.packet = (unsigned char *)"fLaC"; op.bytes = 4; op.b_o_s = 1; op.e_o_s = 0; op.granulepos = 0; op.packetno = p_stream->i_packet_no++; ogg_stream_packetin( &p_stream->os, &op ); p_og = OggStreamFlush( p_mux, &p_stream->os, 0 ); } else if( p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_VP8 ) { /* VP8 Header */ op.packet = malloc( 26 ); if( !op.packet ) return false; op.bytes = 26; OggFillVP8Header( op.packet, p_input ); op.b_o_s = 1; op.e_o_s = 0; op.granulepos = 0; op.packetno = p_stream->i_packet_no++; ogg_stream_packetin( &p_stream->os, &op ); p_og = OggStreamFlush( p_mux, &p_stream->os, 0 ); free( op.packet ); } else if( p_stream->p_oggds_header ) { /* ds header */ op.packet = malloc( sizeof(*p_stream->p_oggds_header) + p_stream->p_oggds_header->i_size ); if( !op.packet ) return false; op.bytes = OggFillDsHeader( op.packet, p_stream->p_oggds_header, p_stream->fmt.i_cat ); op.b_o_s = 1; op.e_o_s = 0; op.granulepos = 0; op.packetno = p_stream->i_packet_no++; ogg_stream_packetin( &p_stream->os, &op ); p_og = OggStreamFlush( p_mux, &p_stream->os, 0 ); free( op.packet ); } block_ChainAppend( &p_hdr, p_og ); } } /* Create fisbones if any */ if ( p_sys->skeleton.b_create ) { for( int i = 0; i < p_mux->i_nb_inputs; i++ ) { sout_input_t *p_input = p_mux->pp_inputs[i]; ogg_stream_t *p_stream = p_input->p_sys; if ( p_stream->skeleton.b_fisbone_done ) continue; OggGetSkeletonFisbone( &op.packet, &op.bytes, p_input, p_mux ); if ( op.packet == NULL ) return false; op.b_o_s = 0; op.e_o_s = 0; op.granulepos = 0; op.packetno = p_sys->skeleton.i_packet_no++; ogg_stream_packetin( &p_sys->skeleton.os, &op ); ogg_packet_clear( &op ); p_og = OggStreamFlush( p_mux, &p_sys->skeleton.os, 0 ); block_ChainAppend( &p_hdr, p_og ); p_stream->skeleton.b_fisbone_done = true; } } /* Write previous headers */ for( p_og = p_hdr; p_og != NULL; p_og = p_og->p_next ) { /* flag headers to be resent for streaming clients */ p_og->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_HEADER; } p_sys->i_pos += sout_AccessOutWrite( p_mux->p_access, p_hdr ); p_hdr = NULL; /* Create indexes if any */ for( int i = 0; i < p_mux->i_nb_inputs; i++ ) { sout_input_t *p_input = p_mux->pp_inputs[i]; ogg_stream_t *p_stream = (ogg_stream_t*)p_input->p_sys; /* flush stream && save offset */ if ( p_sys->skeleton.b_create && !p_stream->skeleton.b_index_done ) { if ( !p_stream->skeleton.p_index ) AllocateIndex( p_mux, p_input ); if ( p_stream->skeleton.p_index ) { msg_Dbg( p_mux, "Creating index for stream %d", p_stream->i_serial_no ); OggGetSkeletonIndex( &op.packet, &op.bytes, p_stream ); if ( op.packet == NULL ) return false; op.b_o_s = 0; op.e_o_s = 0; op.granulepos = 0; op.packetno = p_sys->skeleton.i_packet_no++; /* backup some values */ p_stream->skeleton.i_index_offset = p_sys->i_pos; p_stream->skeleton.i_index_packetno = p_sys->skeleton.os.packetno; p_stream->skeleton.i_index_pageno = p_sys->skeleton.os.pageno; ogg_stream_packetin( &p_sys->skeleton.os, &op ); ogg_packet_clear( &op ); p_og = OggStreamFlush( p_mux, &p_sys->skeleton.os, 0 ); p_sys->i_pos += sout_AccessOutWrite( p_mux->p_access, p_og ); } p_stream->skeleton.b_index_done = true; } } /* Take care of the non b_o_s headers */ for( int i = 0; i < p_mux->i_nb_inputs; i++ ) { sout_input_t *p_input = p_mux->pp_inputs[i]; ogg_stream_t *p_stream = (ogg_stream_t*)p_input->p_sys; if( p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_VORBIS || p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_SPEEX || p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_OPUS || p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_THEORA || p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_DAALA ) { unsigned pi_size[XIPH_MAX_HEADER_COUNT]; const void *pp_data[XIPH_MAX_HEADER_COUNT]; unsigned i_count; if( xiph_SplitHeaders( pi_size, pp_data, &i_count, p_input->p_fmt->i_extra, p_input->p_fmt->p_extra ) ) i_count = 0; /* Special case, headers are already there in the incoming stream. * We need to gather them an mark them as headers. */ for( unsigned j = 1; j < i_count; j++ ) { op.bytes = pi_size[j]; op.packet = (void *)pp_data[j]; if( pi_size[j] <= 0 ) msg_Err( p_mux, "header data corrupted"); op.b_o_s = 0; op.e_o_s = 0; op.granulepos = 0; op.packetno = p_stream->i_packet_no++; ogg_stream_packetin( &p_stream->os, &op ); msg_Dbg( p_mux, "adding non bos, secondary header" ); if( j == i_count - 1 ) p_og = OggStreamFlush( p_mux, &p_stream->os, 0 ); else p_og = OggStreamPageOut( p_mux, &p_stream->os, 0 ); if( p_og ) block_ChainAppend( &p_hdr, p_og ); } } else if( p_stream->fmt.i_codec != VLC_CODEC_FLAC && p_stream->fmt.i_codec != VLC_CODEC_DIRAC ) { uint8_t com[128]; int i_com; /* comment */ com[0] = PACKET_TYPE_COMMENT; i_com = snprintf( (char *)(com+1), 127, PACKAGE_VERSION" stream output" ) + 1; op.packet = com; op.bytes = i_com; op.b_o_s = 0; op.e_o_s = 0; op.granulepos = 0; op.packetno = p_stream->i_packet_no++; ogg_stream_packetin( &p_stream->os, &op ); p_og = OggStreamFlush( p_mux, &p_stream->os, 0 ); block_ChainAppend( &p_hdr, p_og ); } /* Special case for mp4v and flac */ if( ( p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_MP4V || p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_FLAC ) && p_input->p_fmt->i_extra ) { /* Send a packet with the VOL data for mp4v * or STREAMINFO for flac */ msg_Dbg( p_mux, "writing extra data" ); op.bytes = p_input->p_fmt->i_extra; op.packet = p_input->p_fmt->p_extra; uint8_t flac_streaminfo[34 + 4]; if( p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_FLAC ) { if (op.bytes == 42 && !memcmp(op.packet, "fLaC", 4)) { op.bytes -= 4; memcpy(flac_streaminfo, op.packet + 4, 38); op.packet = flac_streaminfo; } else if (op.bytes == 34) { op.bytes += 4; memcpy(flac_streaminfo + 4, op.packet, 34); flac_streaminfo[0] = 0x80; /* last block, streaminfo */ flac_streaminfo[1] = 0; flac_streaminfo[2] = 0; flac_streaminfo[3] = 34; /* block size */ op.packet = flac_streaminfo; } else { msg_Err(p_mux, "Invalid FLAC streaminfo (%ld bytes)", op.bytes); } } op.b_o_s = 0; op.e_o_s = 0; op.granulepos = 0; op.packetno = p_stream->i_packet_no++; ogg_stream_packetin( &p_stream->os, &op ); p_og = OggStreamFlush( p_mux, &p_stream->os, 0 ); block_ChainAppend( &p_hdr, p_og ); } } if ( p_sys->skeleton.b_create ) { msg_Dbg( p_mux, "ending skeleton" ); op.packet = NULL; op.bytes = 0; op.b_o_s = 0; op.e_o_s = 1; op.granulepos = 0; op.packetno = p_sys->skeleton.i_packet_no++; ogg_stream_packetin( &p_sys->skeleton.os, &op ); p_og = OggStreamFlush( p_mux, &p_sys->skeleton.os, 0 ); block_ChainAppend( &p_hdr, p_og ); } /* set HEADER flag */ /* flag headers to be resent for streaming clients */ for( p_og = p_hdr; p_og != NULL; p_og = p_og->p_next ) { p_og->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_HEADER; } /* Write previous headers */ p_sys->i_pos += sout_AccessOutWrite( p_mux->p_access, p_hdr ); return true; } static void OggCreateStreamFooter( sout_mux_t *p_mux, ogg_stream_t *p_stream ) { block_t *p_og; ogg_packet op; sout_mux_sys_t *p_sys = p_mux->p_sys; /* as stream is finished, overwrite the index, if there was any */ if ( p_sys->skeleton.b_create && p_stream->skeleton.p_index && p_stream->skeleton.i_index_payload ) { sout_AccessOutSeek( p_mux->p_access, p_stream->skeleton.i_index_offset ); OggGetSkeletonIndex( &op.packet, &op.bytes, p_stream ); if ( op.packet != NULL ) { msg_Dbg(p_mux, "Rewriting index at %"PRId64, p_stream->skeleton.i_index_offset ); ogg_stream_reset_serialno( &p_sys->skeleton.os, p_sys->skeleton.i_serial_no ); op.b_o_s = 0; op.e_o_s = 0; op.granulepos = 0; op.packetno = p_stream->skeleton.i_index_packetno + 1; /* fake our stream state */ p_sys->skeleton.os.pageno = p_stream->skeleton.i_index_pageno; p_sys->skeleton.os.packetno = p_stream->skeleton.i_index_packetno; p_sys->skeleton.os.granulepos = 0; p_sys->skeleton.os.b_o_s = 1; p_sys->skeleton.os.e_o_s = 0; ogg_stream_packetin( &p_sys->skeleton.os, &op ); ogg_packet_clear( &op ); p_og = OggStreamFlush( p_mux, &p_sys->skeleton.os, 0 ); sout_AccessOutWrite( p_mux->p_access, p_og ); } sout_AccessOutSeek( p_mux->p_access, p_sys->i_pos ); } /* clear skeleton */ p_stream->skeleton.b_fisbone_done = false; p_stream->skeleton.b_index_done = false; p_stream->skeleton.i_index_offset = 0; p_stream->skeleton.i_index_payload = 0; p_stream->skeleton.i_last_keyframe_pos = 0; p_stream->skeleton.i_last_keyframe_time = 0; /* clear accounting */ p_stream->i_num_frames = 0; p_stream->i_num_keyframes = 0; /* Write eos packet for stream. */ op.packet = NULL; op.bytes = 0; op.b_o_s = 0; op.e_o_s = 1; op.granulepos = p_stream->u_last_granulepos; op.packetno = p_stream->i_packet_no++; ogg_stream_packetin( &p_stream->os, &op ); /* flush it with all remaining data */ if( ( p_og = OggStreamFlush( p_mux, &p_stream->os, 0 ) ) ) { /* Write footer */ OggSetDate( p_og, p_stream->i_dts, p_stream->i_length ); p_sys->i_pos += sout_AccessOutWrite( p_mux->p_access, p_og ); } ogg_stream_clear( &p_stream->os ); } static void OggSetDate( block_t *p_og, vlc_tick_t i_dts, vlc_tick_t i_length ) { int i_count; block_t *p_tmp; vlc_tick_t i_delta; for( p_tmp = p_og, i_count = 0; p_tmp != NULL; p_tmp = p_tmp->p_next ) { i_count++; } if( i_count == 0 ) return; /* ignore. */ i_delta = i_length / i_count; for( p_tmp = p_og; p_tmp != NULL; p_tmp = p_tmp->p_next ) { p_tmp->i_dts = i_dts; p_tmp->i_length = i_delta; i_dts += i_delta; } } static void OggRewriteFisheadPage( sout_mux_t *p_mux ) { sout_mux_sys_t *p_sys = p_mux->p_sys; ogg_packet op; op.bytes = 80; op.packet = calloc( 1, op.bytes ); if ( op.packet != NULL ) { op.b_o_s = 1; op.e_o_s = 0; op.granulepos = 0; op.packetno = 0; ogg_stream_reset_serialno( &p_sys->skeleton.os, p_sys->skeleton.i_serial_no ); OggFillSkeletonFishead( op.packet, p_mux ); ogg_stream_packetin( &p_sys->skeleton.os, &op ); ogg_packet_clear( &op ); msg_Dbg( p_mux, "rewriting fishead at %"PRId64, p_sys->skeleton.i_fishead_offset ); sout_AccessOutSeek( p_mux->p_access, p_sys->skeleton.i_fishead_offset ); sout_AccessOutWrite( p_mux->p_access, OggStreamFlush( p_mux, &p_sys->skeleton.os, 0 ) ); sout_AccessOutSeek( p_mux->p_access, p_sys->i_pos ); } } static bool AllocateIndex( sout_mux_t *p_mux, sout_input_t *p_input ) { sout_mux_sys_t *p_sys = p_mux->p_sys; ogg_stream_t *p_stream = (ogg_stream_t *) p_input->p_sys; size_t i_size; if ( p_stream->i_length ) { vlc_tick_t i_interval = p_sys->skeleton.i_index_intvl; uint64_t i; if( p_input->p_fmt->i_cat == VIDEO_ES && p_stream->fmt.video.i_frame_rate ) { /* optimize for fps < 1 */ i_interval= __MAX( i_interval, VLC_TICK_FROM_SEC(10) * p_stream->fmt.video.i_frame_rate_base / p_stream->fmt.video.i_frame_rate ); } size_t i_tuple_size = 0; /* estimate length of pos value */ if ( p_input->p_fmt->i_bitrate ) { i = samples_from_vlc_tick(i_interval, p_input->p_fmt->i_bitrate); while ( i <<= 1 ) i_tuple_size++; } else { /* Likely 64KB<i_length / i_interval + 2 ); } else { i_size = ( INT64_C(3600) * 11.2 * CLOCK_FREQ / p_sys->skeleton.i_index_intvl ) * p_sys->skeleton.i_index_ratio; msg_Dbg( p_mux, "No stream length, using default allocation for index" ); } i_size *= ( 8.0 / 7 ); /* 7bits encoding overhead */ msg_Dbg( p_mux, "allocating %zu bytes for index", i_size ); p_stream->skeleton.p_index = calloc( i_size, sizeof(uint8_t) ); if ( !p_stream->skeleton.p_index ) return false; p_stream->skeleton.i_index_size = i_size; p_stream->skeleton.i_index_payload = 0; return true; } /***************************************************************************** * Mux: multiplex available data in input fifos into the Ogg bitstream *****************************************************************************/ static int Mux( sout_mux_t *p_mux ) { sout_mux_sys_t *p_sys = p_mux->p_sys; vlc_tick_t i_dts; /* End any stream that ends in that group */ if ( p_sys->i_del_streams ) { /* Remove deleted logical streams */ for( int i = 0; i < p_sys->i_del_streams; i++ ) { OggCreateStreamFooter( p_mux, p_sys->pp_del_streams[i] ); FREENULL( p_sys->pp_del_streams[i]->p_oggds_header ); FREENULL( p_sys->pp_del_streams[i] ); } FREENULL( p_sys->pp_del_streams ); p_sys->i_del_streams = 0; } if ( p_sys->i_streams == 0 ) { /* All streams have been deleted, or none have ever been created From this point, we are allowed to start a new group of logical streams */ p_sys->skeleton.b_head_done = false; p_sys->b_can_add_streams = true; p_sys->i_segment_start = p_sys->i_pos; } if ( p_sys->i_add_streams ) { if ( !p_sys->b_can_add_streams ) { msg_Warn( p_mux, "Can't add new stream %d/%d: Considerer increasing sout-mux-caching variable", p_sys->i_del_streams, p_sys->i_streams); msg_Warn( p_mux, "Resetting and setting new identity to current streams"); /* resetting all active streams */ for ( int i=0; i < p_sys->i_streams; i++ ) { ogg_stream_t * p_stream = (ogg_stream_t *) p_mux->pp_inputs[i]->p_sys; if ( p_stream->b_finished || !p_stream->b_started ) continue; OggCreateStreamFooter( p_mux, p_stream ); p_stream->i_serial_no = p_sys->i_next_serial_no++; p_stream->i_packet_no = 0; p_stream->b_finished = true; } /* rewrite fishead with final values */ if ( p_sys->skeleton.b_head_done ) { OggRewriteFisheadPage( p_mux ); } p_sys->b_can_add_streams = true; p_sys->skeleton.b_head_done = false; p_sys->i_segment_start = p_sys->i_pos; } /* Open new ogg stream */ if( sout_MuxGetStream( p_mux, 1, &i_dts) < 0 ) { msg_Dbg( p_mux, "waiting for data..." ); return VLC_SUCCESS; } msg_Dbg( p_mux, "writing streams headers" ); p_sys->i_start_dts = i_dts; p_sys->i_streams = p_mux->i_nb_inputs; p_sys->i_del_streams = 0; p_sys->i_add_streams = 0; p_sys->skeleton.b_create = true; if ( ! OggCreateHeaders( p_mux ) ) return VLC_ENOMEM; /* If we're switching to end of headers, then that's data start */ if ( p_sys->b_can_add_streams ) { msg_Dbg( p_mux, "data starts from %zu", p_sys->i_pos ); p_sys->i_data_start = p_sys->i_pos; } /* Since we started sending secondaryheader or data pages, * we're no longer allowed to create new streams, until all streams end */ p_sys->b_can_add_streams = false; } /* Do the regular data mux thing */ for( ;; ) { int i_stream = sout_MuxGetStream( p_mux, 1, NULL ); if( i_stream < 0 ) return VLC_SUCCESS; MuxBlock( p_mux, p_mux->pp_inputs[i_stream] ); } return VLC_SUCCESS; } static int MuxBlock( sout_mux_t *p_mux, sout_input_t *p_input ) { sout_mux_sys_t *p_sys = p_mux->p_sys; ogg_stream_t *p_stream = (ogg_stream_t*)p_input->p_sys; block_t *p_data = block_FifoGet( p_input->p_fifo ); block_t *p_og = NULL; ogg_packet op; vlc_tick_t i_time; if( p_stream->fmt.i_codec != VLC_CODEC_VORBIS && p_stream->fmt.i_codec != VLC_CODEC_FLAC && p_stream->fmt.i_codec != VLC_CODEC_SPEEX && p_stream->fmt.i_codec != VLC_CODEC_OPUS && p_stream->fmt.i_codec != VLC_CODEC_THEORA && p_stream->fmt.i_codec != VLC_CODEC_DAALA && p_stream->fmt.i_codec != VLC_CODEC_VP8 && p_stream->fmt.i_codec != VLC_CODEC_DIRAC ) { p_data = block_Realloc( p_data, 1, p_data->i_buffer ); p_data->p_buffer[0] = PACKET_IS_SYNCPOINT; // FIXME } if ( p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_DIRAC && p_stream->i_baseptsdelay < 0 ) p_stream->i_baseptsdelay = p_data->i_pts - p_data->i_dts; op.packet = p_data->p_buffer; op.bytes = p_data->i_buffer; op.b_o_s = 0; op.e_o_s = 0; op.packetno = p_stream->i_packet_no++; op.granulepos = -1; if( p_stream->fmt.i_cat == AUDIO_ES ) { if( p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_VORBIS || p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_FLAC || p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_OPUS || p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_SPEEX ) { /* number of sample from beginning + current packet */ op.granulepos = samples_from_vlc_tick( p_data->i_dts - p_sys->i_start_dts + p_data->i_length, p_input->p_fmt->audio.i_rate ); i_time = p_data->i_dts - p_sys->i_start_dts; AddIndexEntry( p_mux, i_time, p_input ); } else if( p_stream->p_oggds_header ) { /* number of sample from beginning */ op.granulepos = samples_from_vlc_tick( p_data->i_dts - p_sys->i_start_dts, p_stream->p_oggds_header->i_samples_per_unit ); } } else if( p_stream->fmt.i_cat == VIDEO_ES ) { if( p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_THEORA || p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_DAALA ) { p_stream->i_num_frames++; if( p_data->i_flags & BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_I ) { p_stream->i_num_keyframes++; p_stream->i_last_keyframe = p_stream->i_num_frames; /* presentation time */ i_time = vlc_tick_from_samples( (p_stream->i_num_frames - 1 ) * p_stream->fmt.video.i_frame_rate_base, p_stream->fmt.video.i_frame_rate ); AddIndexEntry( p_mux, i_time, p_input ); } op.granulepos = (p_stream->i_last_keyframe << p_stream->i_keyframe_granule_shift ) | (p_stream->i_num_frames-p_stream->i_last_keyframe); } else if( p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_DIRAC ) { #define FRAME_ROUND(a) \ if ( ( a + 5000 / CLOCK_FREQ ) > ( a / CLOCK_FREQ ) )\ a += 5000;\ a /= CLOCK_FREQ; int64_t dt = (p_data->i_dts - p_sys->i_start_dts) * p_stream->fmt.video.i_frame_rate / p_stream->fmt.video.i_frame_rate_base; FRAME_ROUND( dt ); int64_t pt = (p_data->i_pts - p_sys->i_start_dts - p_stream->i_baseptsdelay ) * p_stream->fmt.video.i_frame_rate / p_stream->fmt.video.i_frame_rate_base; FRAME_ROUND( pt ); /* (shro) some PTS could be repeated within 1st frames */ if ( pt == p_stream->i_dirac_last_pt ) pt++; else p_stream->i_dirac_last_pt = pt; /* (shro) some DTS could be repeated within 1st frames */ if ( dt == p_stream->i_dirac_last_dt ) dt++; else p_stream->i_dirac_last_dt = dt; if( p_data->i_flags & BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_I ) p_stream->i_last_keyframe = dt; int64_t dist = dt - p_stream->i_last_keyframe; /* Everything increments by two for progressive */ if ( true ) { pt *=2; dt *=2; } int64_t delay = llabs(pt - dt); op.granulepos = (pt - delay) << 31 | (dist&0xff00) << 14 | (delay&0x1fff) << 9 | (dist&0xff); #ifndef NDEBUG msg_Dbg( p_mux, "dts %"PRId64" pts %"PRId64" dt %"PRId64" pt %"PRId64" delay %"PRId64" granule %"PRId64, (p_data->i_dts - p_sys->i_start_dts), (p_data->i_pts - p_sys->i_start_dts ), dt, pt, delay, op.granulepos ); #endif AddIndexEntry( p_mux, dt, p_input ); } else if( p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_VP8 ) { p_stream->i_num_frames++; if( p_data->i_flags & BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_I ) { p_stream->i_num_keyframes++; p_stream->i_last_keyframe = p_stream->i_num_frames; /* presentation time */ i_time = vlc_tick_from_samples( ( p_stream->i_num_frames - 1 ) * p_stream->fmt.video.i_frame_rate_base, p_stream->fmt.video.i_frame_rate ); AddIndexEntry( p_mux, i_time, p_input ); } op.granulepos = ( ((int64_t)p_stream->i_num_frames) << 32 ) | ( ( ( p_stream->i_num_frames - p_stream->i_last_keyframe ) & 0x07FFFFFF ) << 3 ); } else if( p_stream->p_oggds_header ) op.granulepos = MSFTIME_FROM_VLC_TICK( p_data->i_dts - p_sys->i_start_dts ) / p_stream->p_oggds_header->i_time_unit; } else if( p_stream->fmt.i_cat == SPU_ES ) { /* granulepos is in millisec */ op.granulepos = MS_FROM_VLC_TICK( p_data->i_dts - p_sys->i_start_dts ); } else return VLC_EGENERIC; p_stream->u_last_granulepos = op.granulepos; ogg_stream_packetin( &p_stream->os, &op ); if( p_stream->fmt.i_cat == SPU_ES || p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_SPEEX || p_stream->fmt.i_codec == VLC_CODEC_DIRAC ) { /* Subtitles or Speex packets are quite small so they * need to be flushed to be sent on time */ /* The OggDirac mapping suggests ever so strongly that a * page flush occurs after each OggDirac packet, so to make * the timestamps unambiguous */ p_og = OggStreamFlush( p_mux, &p_stream->os, p_data->i_dts ); } else { p_og = OggStreamPageOut( p_mux, &p_stream->os, p_data->i_dts ); } if( p_og ) { OggSetDate( p_og, p_stream->i_dts, p_stream->i_length ); p_stream->i_dts = -1; p_stream->i_length = 0; p_sys->i_pos += sout_AccessOutWrite( p_mux->p_access, p_og ); } else { if( p_stream->i_dts < 0 ) { p_stream->i_dts = p_data->i_dts; } p_stream->i_length += p_data->i_length; } block_Release( p_data ); return VLC_SUCCESS; }