mirror of https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc synced 2024-09-12 13:44:56 +02:00

test: Remove python umbrella.

This commit is contained in:
Pierre d'Herbemont 2008-04-11 17:01:29 +02:00
parent 647a7ada7b
commit 972e362d67
16 changed files with 0 additions and 431 deletions

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
import unittest
import native_libvlc_test
class NativeAlgoTestCase( unittest.TestCase ):
def test_arrays( self ):
"""[Algo] Check dynamic arrays"""
def test_bsearch_direct( self ):
"""[Algo] Check Bsearch with simple types"""
def test_bsearch_struct( self ):
"""[Algo] Check Bsearch with structs"""
def test_dict( self ):
"""[Algo] Check dictionnaries"""

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
import unittest
import native_gc_test
class NativeGcTestCase( unittest.TestCase ):
def testGc( self ):
"""[GC] Test GC"""

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
import unittest
import native_libvlc_test
class NativeI18NTestCase( unittest.TestCase ):
def testi18n_atof( self ):
"""[I18N] Test i18n_atof"""

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
import unittest
import native_libvlc_test
class NativeLibvlcTestCase( unittest.TestCase ):
def testTls( self ):
"""[Thread] Set TLS"""
def test1Exception( self ):
"""[LibVLC] Checks libvlc_exception"""
# native_libvlc_test.exception_test()
def test2Startup( self ):
"""[LibVLC] Checks creation/destroy of libvlc"""
# native_libvlc_test.create_destroy()
def test3Playlist( self ):
"""[LibVLC] Checks basic playlist interaction"""
# native_libvlc_test.playlist_test()
def test4VLM( self ):
"""[LibVLC] Checks VLM wrapper"""
# native_libvlc_test.vlm_test()

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
import unittest
import native_libvlc_test
class NativeProfilesTestCase( unittest.TestCase ):
def testchains( self ):
"""[Streaming] Test sout chains handling"""
def testchains2(self ):
"""[Streaming] Test sout chain interactions handling"""

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
import unittest
import native_libvlc_test
class NativeStatsTestCase( unittest.TestCase ):
def testTimers( self ):
"""[Stats] Test timers"""

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
import unittest
import native_libvlc_test
class NativeURLTestCase( unittest.TestCase ):
def testurl_decode( self ):
"""[URL] Test url_decode and base64"""

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
#import vlc
#import unittest
#class BaseTestCase( unittest.TestCase ):
# def testStartup(self):
# """[PyMC] Check that VLC starts"""
# mc = vlc.MediaControl( ['--quiet'])
# mc.exit()

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
#import vlc
#import unittest
# FIXME: How to avoid creating / killing vlc for each test method ?
#class VariablesTestCase( unittest.TestCase ):
# """[PyMC] Test misc variables interaction"""
# def setUp( self ):
# self.mc = vlc.MediaControl( [ '--quiet'] )
#" def tearDown( self ):
# self.mc.exit()
# def testSimple( self ):
# """[PyMC] Check simple add"""
# assert len( self.mc.playlist_get_list() ) == 0
## self.mc.playlist_add_item( "test" )
## assert len( self.mc.playlist_get_list() ) == 1

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
#import vlc
#import unittest
## FIXME: Always segfault
#class VariablesTestCase( unittest.TestCase ):
# """[PyMC] Test misc variables interaction"""
# def setUp( self ):
# print "broken"
## self.mc = vlc.MediaControl( [ '--quiet'] )
# # FIXME ! - Get this through children test
## self.libvlc = vlc.Object(1)
## self.playlist = vlc.Object(268)
# def tearDown( self ):
# print "broken"
## self.playlist.release()
## self.libvlc.release()
## self.mc.exit()
# # The Python binding can't create variables, so just get default ones
# def testInt( self ):
# """[PyMC] Get/Set integer variable"""
# print "broken"
## assert self.libvlc.get( "width" ) == 0
## self.libvlc.set( "width", 42 )
## assert self.libvlc.get( 'width' ) == 42
# # FIXME: Python binding should listen to return value and raise exception
# def testInvalidInt( self ):
# """[PyMC] Get/Set invalid integer"""
# print "broken"
## self.libvlc.set( "width" , 5 )
## self.libvlc.set( "width", "foo" )
## assert self.libvlc.get( "width" ) == -1
# def testString( self ):
# """[PyMC] Get/Set string variable"""
# print "broken"
## assert self.libvlc.get( "open" ) == ''
## self.libvlc.set( "open", "foo" )
## assert self.libvlc.get( "open" ) == "foo"

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
import logging
import urllib2
def getLogger( module ):
logger = logging.getLogger( module )
stl = logging.StreamHandler( )
formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s' )
stl.setFormatter( formatter )
logger.addHandler( stl )
logger.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
return logger
def downloadFile( file, source, target, l ):
l.info( "Opening %s/%s" % (source,file ) )
remote = urllib2.urlopen( "%s/%s" % (source,file ) )
l.debug( "Open success, downloading" )
local = open( target + "/" + file, "w+" )
local.write( remote.read() )
return 1
return 0

View File

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
import VLCUtil
import shutil
import os
from random import randint
import glob
# Todo
# - Correctly handle errors
# - Launch VLC in a separate thread and detect hangs
# - Correct path handling
global conf
global l
def play_mangled( filename, logfile ):
os.chdir( "../.." )
vlc_pid = os.spawnvp( os.P_NOWAIT, "./vlc",
[ "vlc", "-I", "logger", "--quiet", "--stop-time", "1",
filename , "vlc:quit", "--logfile", logfile ])
( exit_pid, exit_status ) = os.waitpid( vlc_pid, 0 )
os.chdir( "test/mangle" )
l.debug( "VLC exited with status %i" % exit_status )
return exit_status
def mangle_file( filename, header_size, percentage , new_file):
shutil.copyfile( filename, new_file )
file = open ( new_file, "r+" )
for i in range( header_size ):
file.seek( i)
if( randint(0, 100/percentage) == 0 ):
file.write( "%i" % randint (0, 255 ));
def process_file_once( file, header_size ):
suffix = randint( 0, 65535 )
new_file = conf["temp_folder"] + conf["prefix"] + "%i" % suffix
log_file = conf["temp_folder"] + conf["log_prefix"] + "%i" % suffix
mangle_file( file, header_size, conf["mangle_ratio"], new_file )
status = play_mangled( new_file, log_file )
if( status == 0 ):
os.remove( new_file )
os.remove( log_file )
l.info( "Potential crash detected : %i, saving results" % suffix )
shutil.move( new_file , conf["crashdir"] )
shutil.move( log_file , conf["crashdir"] )
l.error( "Unable to move file" )
def process_file( file, source, header_size ):
l.info( "Starting work on " + file )
if( len( glob.glob( conf["inputdir"] + "/" + file ) ) == 0 ):
l.warn( "%s does not exist in %s" % (file, conf["inputdir"] ) )
if( VLCUtil.downloadFile( file, source, conf["inputdir"], l ) != 0 ):
l.error( "Unable to download %s" % file )
for i in range( conf["loops"] ):
process_file_once( conf["inputdir"] + "/" + file, header_size )
l = VLCUtil.getLogger( "Mangle" )
conf = {}
conf["inputdir"] = "input"
conf["crashdir"] = "crashers"
conf["temp_folder"] = "/tmp/"
conf["prefix"] = "mangle."
conf["log_prefix"] = "vlc-log."
conf["mangle_ratio"] = 4 # Change X% of bytes within header
conf["loops"] = 20
l.debug( "Creating folders" )
os.makedirs( conf["crashdir"] )
os.makedirs( conf["inputdir"] )
os.makedirs( conf["temp_folder"] )
process_file( "bl.mp4", "ftp://streams.videolan.org/streams-videolan/reference/mp4", 3000 )
process_file( "Win98Crash.mov", "ftp://streams.videolan.org/streams-videolan/reference/mov", 3000 )
process_file( "x264.avi", "ftp://streams.videolan.org/streams-videolan/reference/avi", 3000 )
process_file( "batidadomontoya.wmv", "ftp://streams.videolan.org/streams-videolan/reference/asf", 3000 )
process_file( "tarzan.ogm", "ftp://streams.videolan.org/streams-videolan/reference/ogm", 3000 )

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
#include <Python.h>
extern int asserts;
#define ASSERT( a, message ) asserts++;if( !(a) ) { fprintf( stderr, "Assert failed at %s:%i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); PyErr_SetString( PyExc_AssertionError, message " - " #a ); return NULL; }
#define DECLARE_MODULE( module ) PyMODINIT_FUNC init##module( void ) { \
Py_InitModule( #module, module##_methods ); \
#define ASSERT_NOEXCEPTION asserts++; if( libvlc_exception_raised( &exception ) ) { \
if( libvlc_exception_get_message( &exception ) ) PyErr_SetString( PyExc_AssertionError, libvlc_exception_get_message( &exception ) ); \
else PyErr_SetString( PyExc_AssertionError, "Exception raised" ); return NULL; }
#define ASSERT_EXCEPTION asserts ++; if( !libvlc_exception_raised( &exception ) ) { \
if( libvlc_exception_get_message( &exception ) ) PyErr_SetString( PyExc_AssertionError, libvlc_exception_get_message( &exception ) ); \
else PyErr_SetString( PyExc_AssertionError, "Exception not raised" ); return NULL; }
#define DEF_METHOD( method, desc ) { #method, method, METH_VARARGS, desc},

View File

@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
from distutils.core import setup,Extension
import os
def get_vlcconfig():
for n in ( 'vlc-config',
os.path.sep.join( ( '..', 'vlc-config' ))):
if os.path.exists(n):
if vlcconfig is None:
print "*** Warning *** Cannot find vlc-config"
elif os.sys.platform == 'win32':
# Win32 does not know how to invoke the shell itself.
vlcconfig="sh %s" % vlcconfig
return vlcconfig
def get_cflags():
if vlcconfig is None:
return []
cflags=os.popen('%s --cflags' % vlcconfig, 'r').readline().rstrip().split()
cflags.append( "-D__LIBVLC__")
return cflags
def get_ldflags():
if vlcconfig is None:
return []
os.environ['top_builddir'] = '..'
ldflags = []
if os.sys.platform == 'darwin':
ldflags = "-read_only_relocs warning".split()
ldflags.extend(os.popen('%s --libs vlc builtin' % vlcconfig, 'r').readline().rstrip().split())
if os.sys.platform == 'darwin':
return ldflags
# To compile in a local vlc tree
native_libvlc_test = Extension( 'native_libvlc_test',
sources = ['native/init.c', 'native/url.c', 'native/i18n.c',
'native/stats.c', 'native/libvlc.c', 'native/profiles.c',
'native/algo.c', 'native/threads.c'],
include_dirs = ['../include', '../', '/usr/win32/include' ],
extra_objects = [ '../src/.libs/libvlc.so', '../src/.libs/libvlc-control.so' ],
extra_compile_args = get_cflags(),
extra_link_args = [ '-L../..' ] + get_ldflags(),
native_gc_test = Extension( 'native_gc_test',
sources = ['native/gc.c'],
include_dirs = ['../include', '../', '/usr/win32/include' ],
extra_objects = [ '../src/.libs/libvlc.so' ],
extra_compile_args = get_cflags(),
extra_link_args = [ '-L../..' ] + get_ldflags(),
setup( name = 'native_libvlc_test' ,version = '1242', ext_modules = [ native_libvlc_test ] )
setup( name = 'native_gc_test' ,version = '1242', ext_modules = [ native_gc_test ] )

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
"""Regression testing framework
This module will search for scripts in the same directory named
XYZtest.py. Each such script should be a test suite that tests a
module through PyUnit. (As of Python 2.1, PyUnit is included in
the standard library as "unittest".) This script will aggregate all
found test suites into one big test suite and run them all at once.
import sys, os, re, unittest
import native_libvlc_test
def printAndRun( module ):
# print "Running tests from module " + module.__name__;
return unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromModule( module )
def regressionTest():
path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
files = os.listdir(path)
test = re.compile("test.py$", re.IGNORECASE)
files = filter(test.search, files)
filenameToModuleName = lambda f: os.path.splitext(f)[0]
moduleNames = map(filenameToModuleName, files)
modules = map(__import__, moduleNames)
# load = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromModule
load = printAndRun
return unittest.TestSuite(map(load, modules))
if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
#! /bin/sh
set -e
python setup.py build
cd ..
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:bindings/mediacontrol-python/build/lib.linux-i686-2.3:test/build/lib.linux-i686-2.3:test/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.3:test/build/lib.linux-i686-2.4:test/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.4
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=src/.libs/
# Always dump core
ulimit -c unlimited
if [ "x$1" = "xdebug" ]
gdb python "test/test.sh"
python test/test.py -v 2>&1|perl -e \
'$bold = "\033[1m";
$grey = "\033[37m";
$green = "\033[32m";
$blue = "\033[34m";
$red = "\033[31m";
$reset = "\033[0m";
# Combinations
$info = $reset;
$ok = $green;
$err = $red.$bold;
$line = $_;
chomp $line;
if( $line =~ s/^(\[[A-z0-9]*\]\s.*)\.\.\.\sok$/$info$1\.\.\.$ok ok/g ||
$line =~ s/^(\[[A-z0-9]*\]\s.*)\.\.\.\sFAIL$/$info$1\.\.\.$err FAIL/g||
$line =~ s/^(\[[A-z0-9]*\]\s.*)\.\.\.(.)*$/$info$1\.\.\.$2/g ||
$line =~ s/^(ok)$/$ok$1/ig || $line =~ s/^FAIL$/$err FAIL/g ||
$line =~ s/(Ran\s.*)/$info$1/g )
print $line.$reset."\n";
print $grey.$line."\n";