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* net.c:
2005-07-09 08:17:09 +02:00
* Copyright (C) 2004-2005 the VideoLAN team
* $Id$
* Authors: Laurent Aimar <fenrir@videolan.org>
* Rémi Denis-Courmont <rem # videolan.org>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
* Preamble
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <vlc/vlc.h>
#include <errno.h>
# include <fcntl.h>
# include <sys/time.h>
2004-01-09 13:23:47 +01:00
# include <unistd.h>
#include "network.h"
#ifndef INADDR_ANY
# define INADDR_ANY 0x00000000
static int SocksNegociate( vlc_object_t *, int fd, int i_socks_version,
char *psz_socks_user, char *psz_socks_passwd );
static int SocksHandshakeTCP( vlc_object_t *,
int fd, int i_socks_version,
char *psz_socks_user, char *psz_socks_passwd,
const char *psz_host, int i_port );
2005-07-04 18:42:22 +02:00
static int net_Socket( vlc_object_t *p_this, int i_family, int i_socktype,
int i_protocol )
int fd, i_val;
fd = socket( i_family, i_socktype, i_protocol );
if( fd == -1 )
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(UNDER_CE)
if( WSAGetLastError ( ) != WSAEAFNOSUPPORT )
msg_Warn( p_this, "cannot create socket (%i)",
WSAGetLastError() );
2005-07-04 18:42:22 +02:00
if( errno != EAFNOSUPPORT )
msg_Warn( p_this, "cannot create socket (%s)",
strerror( errno ) );
2005-07-04 18:42:22 +02:00
return -1;
/* Set to non-blocking */
#if defined( WIN32 ) || defined( UNDER_CE )
unsigned long i_dummy = 1;
if( ioctlsocket( fd, FIONBIO, &i_dummy ) != 0 )
msg_Err( p_this, "cannot set socket to non-blocking mode" );
if( ( ( i_val = fcntl( fd, F_GETFL, 0 ) ) < 0 ) ||
( fcntl( fd, F_SETFL, i_val | O_NONBLOCK ) < 0 ) )
msg_Err( p_this, "cannot set socket to non-blocking mode (%s)",
strerror( errno ) );
i_val = 1;
setsockopt( fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (void *)&i_val,
sizeof( i_val ) );
#ifdef IPV6_V6ONLY
* Accepts only IPv6 connections on IPv6 sockets
* (and open an IPv4 socket later as well if needed).
* Only Linux and FreeBSD can map IPv4 connections on IPv6 sockets,
* so this allows for more uniform handling across platforms. Besides,
* it makes sure that IPv4 addresses will be printed as w.x.y.z rather
* than ::ffff:w.x.y.z
if( i_family == AF_INET6 )
setsockopt( fd, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, (void *)&i_val,
sizeof( i_val ) );
#if defined( WIN32 ) || defined( UNDER_CE )
# endif
2005-07-04 18:42:22 +02:00
if( i_family == AF_INET6 )
(const char*)&i_val, sizeof( i_val ) );
2005-07-04 18:42:22 +02:00
return fd;
* __net_ConnectTCP:
* Open a TCP connection and return a handle
int __net_ConnectTCP( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_host, int i_port )
struct addrinfo hints, *res, *ptr;
const char *psz_realhost;
char *psz_socks;
int i_realport, i_val, i_handle = -1;
vlc_bool_t b_unreach = VLC_FALSE;
if( i_port == 0 )
i_port = 80; /* historical VLC thing */
memset( &hints, 0, sizeof( hints ) );
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
psz_socks = var_CreateGetString( p_this, "socks" );
if( *psz_socks && *psz_socks != ':' )
char *psz = strchr( psz_socks, ':' );
if( psz )
*psz++ = '\0';
psz_realhost = psz_socks;
i_realport = ( psz != NULL ) ? atoi( psz ) : 1080;
msg_Dbg( p_this, "net: connecting to %s port %d for %s port %d",
psz_realhost, i_realport, psz_host, i_port );
psz_realhost = psz_host;
i_realport = i_port;
msg_Dbg( p_this, "net: connecting to %s port %d", psz_realhost,
i_realport );
i_val = vlc_getaddrinfo( p_this, psz_realhost, i_realport, &hints, &res );
if( i_val )
msg_Err( p_this, "cannot resolve %s port %d : %s", psz_realhost,
i_realport, vlc_gai_strerror( i_val ) );
free( psz_socks );
return -1;
for( ptr = res; (ptr != NULL) && (i_handle == -1); ptr = ptr->ai_next )
int fd;
2005-07-04 18:42:22 +02:00
fd = net_Socket( p_this, ptr->ai_family, ptr->ai_socktype,
ptr->ai_protocol );
if( fd == -1 )
if( connect( fd, ptr->ai_addr, ptr->ai_addrlen ) )
2005-07-10 13:49:42 +02:00
socklen_t i_val_size = sizeof( i_val );
div_t d;
struct timeval tv;
vlc_value_t timeout;
#if defined( WIN32 ) || defined( UNDER_CE )
if( WSAGetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK )
if( WSAGetLastError () == WSAENETUNREACH )
b_unreach = VLC_TRUE;
msg_Warn( p_this, "connection to %s port %d failed (%d)",
psz_host, i_port, WSAGetLastError( ) );
net_Close( fd );
if( errno != EINPROGRESS )
if( errno == ENETUNREACH )
b_unreach = VLC_TRUE;
msg_Warn( p_this, "connection to %s port %d : %s", psz_host,
i_port, strerror( errno ) );
net_Close( fd );
var_Create( p_this, "ipv4-timeout",
var_Get( p_this, "ipv4-timeout", &timeout );
if( timeout.i_int < 0 )
msg_Err( p_this, "invalid negative value for ipv4-timeout" );
timeout.i_int = 0;
d = div( timeout.i_int, 100 );
msg_Dbg( p_this, "connection in progress" );
fd_set fds;
if( p_this->b_die )
msg_Dbg( p_this, "connection aborted" );
net_Close( fd );
vlc_freeaddrinfo( res );
free( psz_socks );
return -1;
/* Initialize file descriptor set */
FD_ZERO( &fds );
FD_SET( fd, &fds );
/* We'll wait 0.1 second if nothing happens */
tv.tv_sec = 0;
tv.tv_usec = (d.quot > 0) ? 100000 : (1000 * d.rem);
i_val = select( fd + 1, NULL, &fds, NULL, &tv );
if( d.quot <= 0 )
msg_Dbg( p_this, "connection timed out" );
net_Close( fd );
fd = -1;
while( ( i_val == 0 ) || ( ( i_val < 0 ) &&
#if defined( WIN32 ) || defined( UNDER_CE )
( errno == EINTR )
) );
if( fd == -1 )
continue; /* timeout */
if( i_val < 0 )
msg_Warn( p_this, "connection aborted (select failed)" );
net_Close( fd );
#if !defined( SYS_BEOS ) && !defined( UNDER_CE )
if( getsockopt( fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (void*)&i_val,
&i_val_size ) == -1 || i_val != 0 )
if( i_val == ENETUNREACH )
b_unreach = VLC_TRUE;
#ifdef WIN32
msg_Warn( p_this, "connection to %s port %d failed (%d)",
psz_host, i_port, WSAGetLastError( ) );
msg_Warn( p_this, "connection to %s port %d : %s", psz_host,
i_port, strerror( i_val ) );
net_Close( fd );
i_handle = fd; /* success! */
vlc_freeaddrinfo( res );
if( i_handle == -1 )
if( b_unreach )
msg_Err( p_this, "Host %s port %d is unreachable", psz_host,
i_port );
return -1;
if( *psz_socks && *psz_socks != ':' )
char *psz_user = var_CreateGetString( p_this, "socks-user" );
char *psz_pwd = var_CreateGetString( p_this, "socks-pwd" );
if( SocksHandshakeTCP( p_this, i_handle, 5, psz_user, psz_pwd,
psz_host, i_port ) )
msg_Err( p_this, "failed to use the SOCKS server" );
net_Close( i_handle );
i_handle = -1;
free( psz_user );
free( psz_pwd );
free( psz_socks );
return i_handle;
* __net_ListenTCP:
* Open TCP passive "listening" socket(s)
* This function returns NULL in case of error.
int *__net_ListenTCP( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_host, int i_port )
struct addrinfo hints, *res, *ptr;
int i_val, *pi_handles, i_size;
memset( &hints, 0, sizeof( hints ) );
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE;
msg_Dbg( p_this, "net: listening to %s port %d", psz_host, i_port );
i_val = vlc_getaddrinfo( p_this, psz_host, i_port, &hints, &res );
if( i_val )
msg_Err( p_this, "cannot resolve %s port %d : %s", psz_host, i_port,
vlc_gai_strerror( i_val ) );
return NULL;
pi_handles = NULL;
i_size = 1;
for( ptr = res; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->ai_next )
int fd, *newpi;
2005-07-04 18:42:22 +02:00
fd = net_Socket( p_this, ptr->ai_family, ptr->ai_socktype,
ptr->ai_protocol );
if( fd == -1 )
/* Bind the socket */
if( bind( fd, ptr->ai_addr, ptr->ai_addrlen ) )
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(UNDER_CE)
msg_Warn( p_this, "cannot bind socket (%i)", WSAGetLastError( ) );
msg_Warn( p_this, "cannot bind socket (%s)", strerror( errno ) );
net_Close( fd );
/* Listen */
if( listen( fd, 100 ) == -1 )
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(UNDER_CE)
msg_Err( p_this, "cannot bring socket in listening mode (%i)",
msg_Err( p_this, "cannot bring the socket in listening mode (%s)",
strerror( errno ) );
net_Close( fd );
newpi = (int *)realloc( pi_handles, (++i_size) * sizeof( int ) );
if( newpi == NULL )
net_Close( fd );
newpi[i_size - 2] = fd;
pi_handles = newpi;
vlc_freeaddrinfo( res );
if( pi_handles != NULL )
pi_handles[i_size - 1] = -1;
return pi_handles;
* __net_Accept:
* Accept a connection on a set of listening sockets and return it
int __net_Accept( vlc_object_t *p_this, int *pi_fd, mtime_t i_wait )
vlc_bool_t b_die = p_this->b_die, b_block = (i_wait < 0);
while( p_this->b_die == b_die )
int i_val = -1, *pi, *pi_end;
struct timeval timeout;
fd_set fds_r, fds_e;
pi = pi_fd;
/* Initialize file descriptor set */
FD_ZERO( &fds_r );
FD_ZERO( &fds_e );
for( pi = pi_fd; *pi != -1; pi++ )
int i_fd = *pi;
if( i_fd > i_val )
i_val = i_fd;
FD_SET( i_fd, &fds_r );
FD_SET( i_fd, &fds_e );
pi_end = pi;
timeout.tv_sec = 0;
timeout.tv_usec = b_block ? 500000 : i_wait;
i_val = select( i_val + 1, &fds_r, NULL, &fds_e, &timeout );
if( ( ( i_val < 0 ) && ( errno == EINTR ) ) || i_val == 0 )
if( b_block )
return -1;
else if( i_val < 0 )
2004-10-01 17:56:10 +02:00
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(UNDER_CE)
msg_Err( p_this, "network select error (%i)", WSAGetLastError() );
msg_Err( p_this, "network select error (%s)", strerror( errno ) );
return -1;
for( pi = pi_fd; *pi != -1; pi++ )
int i_fd = *pi;
if( !FD_ISSET( i_fd, &fds_r ) && !FD_ISSET( i_fd, &fds_e ) )
i_val = accept( i_fd, NULL, 0 );
if( i_val < 0 )
2004-10-01 17:56:10 +02:00
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(UNDER_CE)
msg_Err( p_this, "accept failed (%i)", WSAGetLastError() );
msg_Err( p_this, "accept failed (%s)", strerror( errno ) );
* This round-robin trick ensures that the first sockets in
* pi_fd won't prevent the last ones from getting accept'ed.
memmove( pi, pi + 1, pi_end - pi );
*pi_end = i_fd;
return i_val;
return -1;
* __net_ConnectUDP:
* Open a UDP socket to send data to a defined destination, with an optional
* hop limit.
int __net_ConnectUDP( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_host, int i_port,
int hlim )
struct addrinfo hints, *res, *ptr;
int i_val, i_handle = -1;
vlc_bool_t b_unreach = VLC_FALSE;
if( i_port == 0 )
i_port = 1234; /* historical VLC thing */
memset( &hints, 0, sizeof( hints ) );
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
msg_Dbg( p_this, "net: connecting to %s port %d", psz_host, i_port );
i_val = vlc_getaddrinfo( p_this, psz_host, i_port, &hints, &res );
if( i_val )
msg_Err( p_this, "cannot resolve %s port %d : %s", psz_host, i_port,
vlc_gai_strerror( i_val ) );
return -1;
for( ptr = res; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->ai_next )
int fd;
fd = net_Socket( p_this, ptr->ai_family, ptr->ai_socktype,
ptr->ai_protocol );
if( fd == -1 )
#if !defined( SYS_BEOS )
int i_val;
/* Increase the receive buffer size to 1/2MB (8Mb/s during 1/2s) to avoid
* packet loss caused by scheduling problems */
i_val = 0x80000;
setsockopt( i_handle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (void *)&i_val,
sizeof( i_val ) );
i_val = 0x80000;
setsockopt( i_handle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (void *)&i_val,
sizeof( i_val ) );
if( connect( fd, ptr->ai_addr, ptr->ai_addrlen ) == 0 )
/* success */
i_handle = fd;
#if defined( WIN32 ) || defined( UNDER_CE )
if( WSAGetLastError () == WSAENETUNREACH )
if( errno == ENETUNREACH )
b_unreach = VLC_TRUE;
msg_Warn( p_this, "%s port %d : %s", psz_host, i_port,
strerror( errno ) );
net_Close( fd );
vlc_freeaddrinfo( res );
if( i_handle == -1 )
if( b_unreach )
msg_Err( p_this, "Host %s port %d is unreachable", psz_host,
i_port );
return -1;
return i_handle;
* __net_OpenUDP:
* Open a UDP connection and return a handle
2005-07-27 17:46:36 +02:00
int __net_OpenUDP( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_bind, int i_bind,
const char *psz_server, int i_server )
vlc_value_t v4, v6;
void *private;
network_socket_t sock;
module_t *p_network = NULL;
if( ( psz_server != NULL ) && ( psz_server[0] == '\0' ) )
msg_Warn( p_this, "calling net_OpenUDP with an explicit destination "
"is obsolete - use net_ConnectUDP instead" );
if( i_server != 0 )
msg_Warn( p_this, "calling net_OpenUDP with an explicit destination "
"port is obsolete - use __net_ConnectUDP instead" );
2005-08-22 23:31:51 +02:00
if( psz_server == NULL ) psz_server = "";
if( psz_bind == NULL ) psz_bind = "";
/* Prepare the network_socket_t structure */
sock.psz_bind_addr = psz_bind;
sock.i_bind_port = i_bind;
sock.psz_server_addr = psz_server;
sock.i_server_port = i_server;
sock.i_ttl = 0;
sock.v6only = 0;
sock.i_handle = -1;
msg_Dbg( p_this, "net: connecting to '[%s]:%d@[%s]:%d'",
psz_server, i_server, psz_bind, i_bind );
/* Check if we have force ipv4 or ipv6 */
var_Create( p_this, "ipv4", VLC_VAR_BOOL | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT );
var_Get( p_this, "ipv4", &v4 );
var_Create( p_this, "ipv6", VLC_VAR_BOOL | VLC_VAR_DOINHERIT );
var_Get( p_this, "ipv6", &v6 );
if( !v4.b_bool )
if( v6.b_bool )
sock.v6only = 1;
/* try IPv6 first (unless IPv4 forced) */
private = p_this->p_private;
p_this->p_private = (void*)&sock;
p_network = module_Need( p_this, "network", "ipv6", VLC_TRUE );
if( p_network != NULL )
module_Unneed( p_this, p_network );
p_this->p_private = private;
* Check if the IP stack can receive IPv4 packets on IPv6 sockets.
* If yes, then it is better to use the IPv6 socket.
* Otherwise, if we also get an IPv4, we have to choose, so we use
* IPv4 only.
if( ( sock.i_handle != -1 ) && ( ( sock.v6only == 0 ) || v6.b_bool ) )
return sock.i_handle;
if( !v6.b_bool )
int fd6 = sock.i_handle;
/* also try IPv4 (unless IPv6 forced) */
private = p_this->p_private;
p_this->p_private = (void*)&sock;
p_network = module_Need( p_this, "network", "ipv4", VLC_TRUE );
if( p_network != NULL )
module_Unneed( p_this, p_network );
p_this->p_private = private;
if( fd6 != -1 )
if( sock.i_handle != -1 )
msg_Warn( p_this, "net: lame IPv6/IPv4 dual-stack present. "
"Using only IPv4." );
net_Close( fd6 );
sock.i_handle = fd6;
if( sock.i_handle == -1 )
msg_Dbg( p_this, "net: connection to '[%s]:%d@[%s]:%d' failed",
psz_server, i_server, psz_bind, i_bind );
return sock.i_handle;
* __net_Close:
* Close a network handle
void net_Close( int fd )
#ifdef UNDER_CE
CloseHandle( (HANDLE)fd );
#elif defined( WIN32 )
closesocket( fd );
close( fd );
void net_ListenClose( int *pi_fd )
if( pi_fd != NULL )
int *pi;
for( pi = pi_fd; *pi != -1; pi++ )
net_Close( *pi );
free( pi_fd );
* __net_Read:
* Read from a network socket
* If b_retry is true, then we repeat until we have read the right amount of
* data
int __net_Read( vlc_object_t *p_this, int fd, v_socket_t *p_vs,
uint8_t *p_data, int i_data, vlc_bool_t b_retry )
struct timeval timeout;
fd_set fds_r, fds_e;
int i_recv;
int i_total = 0;
int i_ret;
vlc_bool_t b_die = p_this->b_die;
while( i_data > 0 )
if( p_this->b_die != b_die )
return 0;
/* Initialize file descriptor set */
FD_ZERO( &fds_r );
FD_SET( fd, &fds_r );
FD_ZERO( &fds_e );
FD_SET( fd, &fds_e );
/* We'll wait 0.5 second if nothing happens */
timeout.tv_sec = 0;
timeout.tv_usec = 500000;
} while( (i_ret = select(fd + 1, &fds_r, NULL, &fds_e, &timeout)) == 0
|| ( i_ret < 0 && errno == EINTR ) );
if( i_ret < 0 )
2004-10-01 17:56:10 +02:00
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(UNDER_CE)
2005-07-06 19:14:00 +02:00
msg_Err( p_this, "network select error (%d)", WSAGetLastError() );
2004-10-01 17:56:10 +02:00
msg_Err( p_this, "network select error (%s)", strerror(errno) );
2004-10-01 17:56:10 +02:00
return i_total > 0 ? i_total : -1;
if( ( i_recv = (p_vs != NULL)
? p_vs->pf_recv( p_vs->p_sys, p_data, i_data )
: recv( fd, p_data, i_data, 0 ) ) < 0 )
2004-10-01 17:56:10 +02:00
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(UNDER_CE)
if( WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK )
/* only happens with p_vs (SSL) - not really an error */
/* For udp only */
/* On win32 recv() will fail if the datagram doesn't fit inside
* the passed buffer, even though the buffer will be filled with
* the first part of the datagram. */
if( WSAGetLastError() == WSAEMSGSIZE )
2004-01-22 18:03:44 +01:00
msg_Err( p_this, "recv() failed. "
"Increase the mtu size (--mtu option)" );
i_total += i_data;
else if( WSAGetLastError() == WSAEINTR ) continue;
else msg_Err( p_this, "recv failed (%i)", WSAGetLastError() );
/* EAGAIN only happens with p_vs (TLS) and it's not an error */
if( errno != EAGAIN )
msg_Err( p_this, "recv failed (%s)", strerror(errno) );
return i_total > 0 ? i_total : -1;
else if( i_recv == 0 )
/* Connection closed */
b_retry = VLC_FALSE;
p_data += i_recv;
i_data -= i_recv;
i_total+= i_recv;
if( !b_retry )
return i_total;
* __net_ReadNonBlock:
* Read from a network socket, non blocking mode (with timeout)
int __net_ReadNonBlock( vlc_object_t *p_this, int fd, v_socket_t *p_vs,
uint8_t *p_data, int i_data, mtime_t i_wait)
struct timeval timeout;
fd_set fds_r, fds_e;
int i_recv;
int i_ret;
/* Initialize file descriptor set */
FD_ZERO( &fds_r );
FD_SET( fd, &fds_r );
FD_ZERO( &fds_e );
FD_SET( fd, &fds_e );
timeout.tv_sec = 0;
timeout.tv_usec = i_wait;
i_ret = select(fd + 1, &fds_r, NULL, &fds_e, &timeout);
if( i_ret < 0 && errno == EINTR )
return 0;
else if( i_ret < 0 )
2004-10-01 17:56:10 +02:00
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(UNDER_CE)
2005-07-06 19:14:00 +02:00
msg_Err( p_this, "network select error (%d)", WSAGetLastError() );
2004-10-01 17:56:10 +02:00
msg_Err( p_this, "network select error (%s)", strerror(errno) );
2004-10-01 17:56:10 +02:00
return -1;
else if( i_ret == 0)
return 0;
2004-10-01 17:56:10 +02:00
#if !defined(UNDER_CE)
if( fd == 0/*STDIN_FILENO*/ ) i_recv = read( fd, p_data, i_data ); else
if( ( i_recv = (p_vs != NULL)
? p_vs->pf_recv( p_vs->p_sys, p_data, i_data )
: recv( fd, p_data, i_data, 0 ) ) < 0 )
2004-10-01 17:56:10 +02:00
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(UNDER_CE)
/* For udp only */
/* On win32 recv() will fail if the datagram doesn't fit inside
* the passed buffer, even though the buffer will be filled with
* the first part of the datagram. */
if( WSAGetLastError() == WSAEMSGSIZE )
msg_Err( p_this, "recv() failed. "
"Increase the mtu size (--mtu option)" );
else msg_Err( p_this, "recv failed (%i)", WSAGetLastError() );
msg_Err( p_this, "recv failed (%s)", strerror(errno) );
return -1;
return i_recv ? i_recv : -1; /* !i_recv -> connection closed if tcp */
/* We will never be here */
return -1;
2004-11-06 12:13:23 +01:00
* __net_Select:
2004-11-06 12:14:00 +01:00
* Read from several sockets (with timeout). Takes data from the first socket
* that has some.
2004-11-06 12:13:23 +01:00
int __net_Select( vlc_object_t *p_this, int *pi_fd, v_socket_t **pp_vs,
int i_fd, uint8_t *p_data, int i_data, mtime_t i_wait )
2004-11-06 12:13:23 +01:00
struct timeval timeout;
fd_set fds_r, fds_e;
int i_recv;
int i_ret;
int i;
int i_max_fd = 0;
/* Initialize file descriptor set */
FD_ZERO( &fds_r );
FD_ZERO( &fds_e );
for( i = 0 ; i < i_fd ; i++)
if( pi_fd[i] > i_max_fd ) i_max_fd = pi_fd[i];
FD_SET( pi_fd[i], &fds_r );
FD_SET( pi_fd[i], &fds_e );
timeout.tv_sec = 0;
timeout.tv_usec = i_wait;
i_ret = select( i_max_fd + 1, &fds_r, NULL, &fds_e, &timeout );
if( i_ret < 0 && errno == EINTR )
return 0;
else if( i_ret < 0 )
msg_Err( p_this, "network select error (%s)", strerror(errno) );
return -1;
else if( i_ret == 0 )
return 0;
for( i = 0 ; i < i_fd ; i++)
if( FD_ISSET( pi_fd[i], &fds_r ) )
i_recv = ((pp_vs != NULL) && (pp_vs[i] != NULL))
? pp_vs[i]->pf_recv( pp_vs[i]->p_sys, p_data, i_data )
: recv( pi_fd[i], p_data, i_data, 0 );
if( i_recv < 0 )
2004-11-06 12:13:23 +01:00
#ifdef WIN32
/* For udp only */
/* On win32 recv() will fail if the datagram doesn't
* fit inside the passed buffer, even though the buffer
* will be filled with the first part of the datagram. */
if( WSAGetLastError() == WSAEMSGSIZE )
msg_Err( p_this, "recv() failed. "
"Increase the mtu size (--mtu option)" );
else msg_Err( p_this, "recv failed (%i)",
WSAGetLastError() );
2004-11-06 12:13:23 +01:00
msg_Err( p_this, "recv failed (%s)", strerror(errno) );
2004-11-06 12:13:23 +01:00
return i_recv;
/* We will never be here */
return -1;
/* Write exact amount requested */
int __net_Write( vlc_object_t *p_this, int fd, v_socket_t *p_vs,
2005-08-18 17:24:38 +02:00
const uint8_t *p_data, int i_data )
struct timeval timeout;
fd_set fds_w, fds_e;
int i_send;
int i_total = 0;
int i_ret;
vlc_bool_t b_die = p_this->b_die;
while( i_data > 0 )
if( p_this->b_die != b_die )
return 0;
/* Initialize file descriptor set */
FD_ZERO( &fds_w );
FD_SET( fd, &fds_w );
FD_ZERO( &fds_e );
FD_SET( fd, &fds_e );
/* We'll wait 0.5 second if nothing happens */
timeout.tv_sec = 0;
timeout.tv_usec = 500000;
} while( (i_ret = select(fd + 1, NULL, &fds_w, &fds_e, &timeout)) == 0
|| ( i_ret < 0 && errno == EINTR ) );
if( i_ret < 0 )
2004-10-01 17:56:10 +02:00
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(UNDER_CE)
2005-07-06 19:14:00 +02:00
msg_Err( p_this, "network select error (%d)", WSAGetLastError() );
2004-10-01 17:56:10 +02:00
msg_Err( p_this, "network select error (%s)", strerror(errno) );
2004-10-01 17:56:10 +02:00
return i_total > 0 ? i_total : -1;
if( ( i_send = (p_vs != NULL)
? p_vs->pf_send( p_vs->p_sys, p_data, i_data )
: send( fd, p_data, i_data, 0 ) ) < 0 )
/* XXX With udp for example, it will issue a message if the host
* isn't listening */
/* msg_Err( p_this, "send failed (%s)", strerror(errno) ); */
return i_total > 0 ? i_total : -1;
p_data += i_send;
i_data -= i_send;
i_total+= i_send;
return i_total;
char *__net_Gets( vlc_object_t *p_this, int fd, v_socket_t *p_vs )
2005-07-05 18:44:56 +02:00
char *psz_line = NULL, *ptr = NULL;
size_t i_line = 0, i_max = 0;
for( ;; )
2005-07-05 18:44:56 +02:00
if( i_line == i_max )
2005-07-05 18:44:56 +02:00
i_max += 1024;
psz_line = realloc( psz_line, i_max );
ptr = psz_line + i_line;
2004-01-07 00:03:17 +01:00
2005-07-10 13:49:42 +02:00
if( net_Read( p_this, fd, p_vs, (uint8_t *)ptr, 1, VLC_TRUE ) != 1 )
2005-07-05 18:44:56 +02:00
if( i_line == 0 )
free( psz_line );
return NULL;
2005-07-05 18:44:56 +02:00
if ( *ptr == '\n' )
2005-07-05 18:44:56 +02:00
2005-07-05 18:44:56 +02:00
*ptr-- = '\0';
2005-07-05 20:28:26 +02:00
if( ( ptr >= psz_line ) && ( *ptr == '\r' ) )
2005-07-05 18:44:56 +02:00
*ptr = '\0';
return psz_line;
int net_Printf( vlc_object_t *p_this, int fd, v_socket_t *p_vs,
const char *psz_fmt, ... )
int i_ret;
va_list args;
va_start( args, psz_fmt );
i_ret = net_vaPrintf( p_this, fd, p_vs, psz_fmt, args );
va_end( args );
return i_ret;
int __net_vaPrintf( vlc_object_t *p_this, int fd, v_socket_t *p_vs,
const char *psz_fmt, va_list args )
char *psz;
2004-01-07 15:59:03 +01:00
int i_size, i_ret;
i_size = vasprintf( &psz, psz_fmt, args );
2005-07-10 13:49:42 +02:00
i_ret = __net_Write( p_this, fd, p_vs, (uint8_t *)psz, i_size ) < i_size
? -1 : i_size;
2004-01-07 15:59:03 +01:00
free( psz );
return i_ret;
* SocksNegociate:
* Negociate authentication with a SOCKS server.
static int SocksNegociate( vlc_object_t *p_obj,
int fd, int i_socks_version,
char *psz_socks_user,
char *psz_socks_passwd )
uint8_t buffer[128+2*256];
int i_len;
vlc_bool_t b_auth = VLC_FALSE;
if( i_socks_version != 5 )
/* We negociate authentication */
if( psz_socks_user && psz_socks_passwd &&
*psz_socks_user && *psz_socks_passwd )
b_auth = VLC_TRUE;
buffer[0] = i_socks_version; /* SOCKS version */
if( b_auth )
buffer[1] = 2; /* Number of methods */
buffer[2] = 0x00; /* - No auth required */
buffer[3] = 0x02; /* - USer/Password */
i_len = 4;
buffer[1] = 1; /* Number of methods */
buffer[2] = 0x00; /* - No auth required */
i_len = 3;
if( net_Write( p_obj, fd, NULL, buffer, i_len ) != i_len )
if( net_Read( p_obj, fd, NULL, buffer, 2, VLC_TRUE ) != 2 )
msg_Dbg( p_obj, "socks: v=%d method=%x", buffer[0], buffer[1] );
if( buffer[1] == 0x00 )
msg_Dbg( p_obj, "socks: no authentication required" );
else if( buffer[1] == 0x02 )
int i_len1 = __MIN( strlen(psz_socks_user), 255 );
int i_len2 = __MIN( strlen(psz_socks_passwd), 255 );
msg_Dbg( p_obj, "socks: username/password authentication" );
/* XXX: we don't support user/pwd > 255 (truncated)*/
buffer[0] = i_socks_version; /* Version */
buffer[1] = i_len1; /* User length */
memcpy( &buffer[2], psz_socks_user, i_len1 );
buffer[2+i_len1] = i_len2; /* Password length */
memcpy( &buffer[2+i_len1+1], psz_socks_passwd, i_len2 );
i_len = 3 + i_len1 + i_len2;
if( net_Write( p_obj, fd, NULL, buffer, i_len ) != i_len )
if( net_Read( p_obj, fd, NULL, buffer, 2, VLC_TRUE ) != 2 )
msg_Dbg( p_obj, "socks: v=%d status=%x", buffer[0], buffer[1] );
if( buffer[1] != 0x00 )
msg_Err( p_obj, "socks: authentication rejected" );
if( b_auth )
msg_Err( p_obj, "socks: unsupported authentication method %x",
buffer[0] );
msg_Err( p_obj, "socks: authentification needed" );
* SocksHandshakeTCP:
* Open a TCP connection using a SOCKS server and return a handle (RFC 1928)
static int SocksHandshakeTCP( vlc_object_t *p_obj,
int fd,
int i_socks_version,
char *psz_socks_user, char *psz_socks_passwd,
const char *psz_host, int i_port )
uint8_t buffer[128+2*256];
if( i_socks_version != 4 && i_socks_version != 5 )
msg_Warn( p_obj, "invalid socks protocol version %d", i_socks_version );
i_socks_version = 5;
if( i_socks_version == 5 &&
SocksNegociate( p_obj, fd, i_socks_version,
psz_socks_user, psz_socks_passwd ) )
if( i_socks_version == 4 )
2005-05-24 10:22:07 +02:00
struct addrinfo hints = { 0 }, *p_res;
/* v4 only support ipv4 */
2005-07-01 20:00:04 +02:00
hints.ai_family = AF_INET;
if( vlc_getaddrinfo( p_obj, psz_host, 0, &hints, &p_res ) )
buffer[0] = i_socks_version;
buffer[1] = 0x01; /* CONNECT */
SetWBE( &buffer[2], i_port ); /* Port */
2005-05-24 10:22:07 +02:00
memcpy( &buffer[4], /* Address */
&((struct sockaddr_in *)(p_res->ai_addr))->sin_addr, 4 );
vlc_freeaddrinfo( p_res );
buffer[8] = 0; /* Empty user id */
if( net_Write( p_obj, fd, NULL, buffer, 9 ) != 9 )
if( net_Read( p_obj, fd, NULL, buffer, 8, VLC_TRUE ) != 8 )
msg_Dbg( p_obj, "socks: v=%d cd=%d",
buffer[0], buffer[1] );
if( buffer[1] != 90 )
else if( i_socks_version == 5 )
int i_hlen = __MIN(strlen( psz_host ), 255);
int i_len;
buffer[0] = i_socks_version; /* Version */
buffer[1] = 0x01; /* Cmd: connect */
buffer[2] = 0x00; /* Reserved */
buffer[3] = 3; /* ATYP: for now domainname */
buffer[4] = i_hlen;
memcpy( &buffer[5], psz_host, i_hlen );
SetWBE( &buffer[5+i_hlen], i_port );
i_len = 5 + i_hlen + 2;
if( net_Write( p_obj, fd, NULL, buffer, i_len ) != i_len )
/* Read the header */
if( net_Read( p_obj, fd, NULL, buffer, 5, VLC_TRUE ) != 5 )
msg_Dbg( p_obj, "socks: v=%d rep=%d atyp=%d",
buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[3] );
if( buffer[1] != 0x00 )
msg_Err( p_obj, "socks: CONNECT request failed\n" );
/* Read the remaining bytes */
if( buffer[3] == 0x01 )
i_len = 4-1 + 2;
else if( buffer[3] == 0x03 )
i_len = buffer[4] + 2;
else if( buffer[3] == 0x04 )
i_len = 16-1+2;
if( net_Read( p_obj, fd, NULL, buffer, i_len, VLC_TRUE ) != i_len )
2005-07-28 17:31:10 +02:00
* inet_pton replacement for obsolete and/or crap operating systems
int inet_pton(int af, const char *src, void *dst)
# ifdef WIN32
/* As we already know, Microsoft always go its own way, so even if they do
* provide IPv6, they don't provide the API. */
struct sockaddr_storage addr;
int len = sizeof( addr );
/* Damn it, they didn't even put LPCSTR for the firs parameter!!! */
2005-10-23 18:24:30 +02:00
#ifdef UNICODE
wchar_t *workaround_for_ill_designed_api =
malloc( MAX_PATH * sizeof(wchar_t) );
mbstowcs( workaround_for_ill_designed_api, src, MAX_PATH );
workaround_for_ill_designed_api[MAX_PATH-1] = 0;
2005-07-28 17:31:10 +02:00
char *workaround_for_ill_designed_api = strdup( src );
2005-10-23 18:24:30 +02:00
2005-07-28 17:31:10 +02:00
if( !WSAStringToAddress( workaround_for_ill_designed_api, af, NULL,
(LPSOCKADDR)&addr, &len ) )
free( workaround_for_ill_designed_api );
return -1;
free( workaround_for_ill_designed_api );
switch( af )
case AF_INET6:
memcpy( dst, &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)&addr)->sin6_addr, 16 );
2005-07-28 17:31:10 +02:00
case AF_INET:
memcpy( dst, &((struct sockaddr_in *)&addr)->sin_addr, 4 );
return -1;
# else
/* Assume IPv6 is not supported. */
/* Would be safer and more simpler to use inet_aton() but it is most
* likely not provided either. */
uint32_t ipv4;
if( af != AF_INET )
return -1;
ipv4 = inet_addr( src );
if( ipv4 == INADDR_NONE )
return -1;
2005-08-14 15:15:38 +02:00
memcpy( dst, &ipv4, 4 );
2005-07-28 17:31:10 +02:00
# endif /* WIN32 */
return 0;
#endif /* HAVE_INET_PTON */