/* * unbuffered I/O * Copyright (c) 2001 Fabrice Bellard * * This file is part of FFmpeg. * * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "libavutil/avstring.h" #include "libavutil/dict.h" #include "libavutil/mem.h" #include "libavutil/opt.h" #include "libavutil/time.h" #include "libavutil/avassert.h" #include "avio_internal.h" #include "os_support.h" #include "internal.h" #if CONFIG_NETWORK #include "network.h" #endif #include "url.h" #define IO_BUFFER_SIZE 32768 /** @name Logging context. */ /*@{*/ static const char *urlcontext_to_name(void *ptr) { URLContext *h = (URLContext *)ptr; if (h->prot) return h->prot->name; else return "NULL"; } static void *urlcontext_child_next(void *obj, void *prev) { URLContext *h = obj; if (!prev && h->priv_data && h->prot->priv_data_class) return h->priv_data; return NULL; } #define OFFSET(x) offsetof(URLContext,x) #define E AV_OPT_FLAG_ENCODING_PARAM #define D AV_OPT_FLAG_DECODING_PARAM static const AVOption options[] = { {"protocol_whitelist", "List of protocols that are allowed to be used", OFFSET(protocol_whitelist), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, { .str = NULL }, 0, 0, D }, {"protocol_blacklist", "List of protocols that are not allowed to be used", OFFSET(protocol_blacklist), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, { .str = NULL }, 0, 0, D }, {"rw_timeout", "Timeout for IO operations (in microseconds)", offsetof(URLContext, rw_timeout), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT64, { .i64 = 0 }, 0, INT64_MAX, AV_OPT_FLAG_ENCODING_PARAM | AV_OPT_FLAG_DECODING_PARAM }, { NULL } }; static const AVClass url_context_class = { .class_name = "URLContext", .item_name = urlcontext_to_name, .option = options, .version = LIBAVUTIL_VERSION_INT, .child_next = urlcontext_child_next, .child_class_iterate = ff_urlcontext_child_class_iterate, }; /*@}*/ static void *avio_child_next(void *obj, void *prev) { AVIOContext *s = obj; return prev ? NULL : s->opaque; } static const AVClass *child_class_iterate(void **iter) { const AVClass *c = *iter ? NULL : &url_context_class; *iter = (void*)(uintptr_t)c; return c; } #define AVIOOFFSET(x) offsetof(AVIOContext,x) #define E AV_OPT_FLAG_ENCODING_PARAM #define D AV_OPT_FLAG_DECODING_PARAM static const AVOption avio_options[] = { {"protocol_whitelist", "List of protocols that are allowed to be used", AVIOOFFSET(protocol_whitelist), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, { .str = NULL }, 0, 0, D }, { NULL }, }; const AVClass ff_avio_class = { .class_name = "AVIOContext", .item_name = av_default_item_name, .version = LIBAVUTIL_VERSION_INT, .option = avio_options, .child_next = avio_child_next, .child_class_iterate = child_class_iterate, }; URLContext *ffio_geturlcontext(AVIOContext *s) { if (!s) return NULL; if (s->opaque && s->read_packet == ffurl_read2) return s->opaque; else return NULL; } static int url_alloc_for_protocol(URLContext **puc, const URLProtocol *up, const char *filename, int flags, const AVIOInterruptCB *int_cb) { URLContext *uc; int err; #if CONFIG_NETWORK if (up->flags & URL_PROTOCOL_FLAG_NETWORK && !ff_network_init()) return AVERROR(EIO); #endif if ((flags & AVIO_FLAG_READ) && !up->url_read) { av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Impossible to open the '%s' protocol for reading\n", up->name); return AVERROR(EIO); } if ((flags & AVIO_FLAG_WRITE) && !up->url_write) { av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Impossible to open the '%s' protocol for writing\n", up->name); return AVERROR(EIO); } uc = av_mallocz(sizeof(URLContext) + strlen(filename) + 1); if (!uc) { err = AVERROR(ENOMEM); goto fail; } uc->av_class = &url_context_class; uc->filename = (char *)&uc[1]; strcpy(uc->filename, filename); uc->prot = up; uc->flags = flags; uc->is_streamed = 0; /* default = not streamed */ uc->max_packet_size = 0; /* default: stream file */ if (up->priv_data_size) { uc->priv_data = av_mallocz(up->priv_data_size); if (!uc->priv_data) { err = AVERROR(ENOMEM); goto fail; } if (up->priv_data_class) { char *start; *(const AVClass **)uc->priv_data = up->priv_data_class; av_opt_set_defaults(uc->priv_data); if (av_strstart(uc->filename, up->name, (const char**)&start) && *start == ',') { int ret= 0; char *p= start; char sep= *++p; char *key, *val; p++; if (strcmp(up->name, "subfile")) ret = AVERROR(EINVAL); while(ret >= 0 && (key= strchr(p, sep)) && ppriv_data, p, key+1, 0); if (ret == AVERROR_OPTION_NOT_FOUND) av_log(uc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Key '%s' not found.\n", p); *val= *key= sep; p= val+1; } if(ret<0 || p!=key){ av_log(uc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Error parsing options string %s\n", start); err = AVERROR(EINVAL); goto fail; } memmove(start, key+1, strlen(key)); } } } if (int_cb) uc->interrupt_callback = *int_cb; *puc = uc; return 0; fail: *puc = NULL; if (uc) av_freep(&uc->priv_data); av_freep(&uc); #if CONFIG_NETWORK if (up->flags & URL_PROTOCOL_FLAG_NETWORK) ff_network_close(); #endif return err; } int ffurl_connect(URLContext *uc, AVDictionary **options) { int err; AVDictionary *tmp_opts = NULL; AVDictionaryEntry *e; if (!options) options = &tmp_opts; // Check that URLContext was initialized correctly and lists are matching if set av_assert0(!(e=av_dict_get(*options, "protocol_whitelist", NULL, 0)) || (uc->protocol_whitelist && !strcmp(uc->protocol_whitelist, e->value))); av_assert0(!(e=av_dict_get(*options, "protocol_blacklist", NULL, 0)) || (uc->protocol_blacklist && !strcmp(uc->protocol_blacklist, e->value))); if (uc->protocol_whitelist && av_match_list(uc->prot->name, uc->protocol_whitelist, ',') <= 0) { av_log(uc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Protocol '%s' not on whitelist '%s'!\n", uc->prot->name, uc->protocol_whitelist); return AVERROR(EINVAL); } if (uc->protocol_blacklist && av_match_list(uc->prot->name, uc->protocol_blacklist, ',') > 0) { av_log(uc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Protocol '%s' on blacklist '%s'!\n", uc->prot->name, uc->protocol_blacklist); return AVERROR(EINVAL); } if (!uc->protocol_whitelist && uc->prot->default_whitelist) { av_log(uc, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Setting default whitelist '%s'\n", uc->prot->default_whitelist); uc->protocol_whitelist = av_strdup(uc->prot->default_whitelist); if (!uc->protocol_whitelist) { return AVERROR(ENOMEM); } } else if (!uc->protocol_whitelist) av_log(uc, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "No default whitelist set\n"); // This should be an error once all declare a default whitelist if ((err = av_dict_set(options, "protocol_whitelist", uc->protocol_whitelist, 0)) < 0) return err; if ((err = av_dict_set(options, "protocol_blacklist", uc->protocol_blacklist, 0)) < 0) return err; err = uc->prot->url_open2 ? uc->prot->url_open2(uc, uc->filename, uc->flags, options) : uc->prot->url_open(uc, uc->filename, uc->flags); av_dict_set(options, "protocol_whitelist", NULL, 0); av_dict_set(options, "protocol_blacklist", NULL, 0); if (err) return err; uc->is_connected = 1; /* We must be careful here as ffurl_seek() could be slow, * for example for http */ if ((uc->flags & AVIO_FLAG_WRITE) || !strcmp(uc->prot->name, "file")) if (!uc->is_streamed && ffurl_seek(uc, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) uc->is_streamed = 1; return 0; } int ffurl_accept(URLContext *s, URLContext **c) { av_assert0(!*c); if (s->prot->url_accept) return s->prot->url_accept(s, c); return AVERROR(EBADF); } int avio_accept(AVIOContext *s, AVIOContext **c) { int ret; URLContext *sc = s->opaque; URLContext *cc = NULL; ret = ffurl_accept(sc, &cc); if (ret < 0) return ret; return ffio_fdopen(c, cc); } int ffurl_handshake(URLContext *c) { int ret; if (c->prot->url_handshake) { ret = c->prot->url_handshake(c); if (ret) return ret; } c->is_connected = 1; return 0; } int avio_handshake(AVIOContext *c) { URLContext *cc = c->opaque; return ffurl_handshake(cc); } #define URL_SCHEME_CHARS \ "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" \ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" \ "0123456789+-." static const struct URLProtocol *url_find_protocol(const char *filename) { const URLProtocol **protocols; char proto_str[128], proto_nested[128], *ptr; size_t proto_len = strspn(filename, URL_SCHEME_CHARS); int i; if (filename[proto_len] != ':' && (strncmp(filename, "subfile,", 8) || !strchr(filename + proto_len + 1, ':')) || is_dos_path(filename)) strcpy(proto_str, "file"); else av_strlcpy(proto_str, filename, FFMIN(proto_len + 1, sizeof(proto_str))); av_strlcpy(proto_nested, proto_str, sizeof(proto_nested)); if ((ptr = strchr(proto_nested, '+'))) *ptr = '\0'; protocols = ffurl_get_protocols(NULL, NULL); if (!protocols) return NULL; for (i = 0; protocols[i]; i++) { const URLProtocol *up = protocols[i]; if (!strcmp(proto_str, up->name)) { av_freep(&protocols); return up; } if (up->flags & URL_PROTOCOL_FLAG_NESTED_SCHEME && !strcmp(proto_nested, up->name)) { av_freep(&protocols); return up; } } av_freep(&protocols); if (av_strstart(filename, "https:", NULL) || av_strstart(filename, "tls:", NULL)) av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_WARNING, "https protocol not found, recompile FFmpeg with " "openssl, gnutls or securetransport enabled.\n"); return NULL; } int ffurl_alloc(URLContext **puc, const char *filename, int flags, const AVIOInterruptCB *int_cb) { const URLProtocol *p = NULL; p = url_find_protocol(filename); if (p) return url_alloc_for_protocol(puc, p, filename, flags, int_cb); *puc = NULL; return AVERROR_PROTOCOL_NOT_FOUND; } int ffurl_open_whitelist(URLContext **puc, const char *filename, int flags, const AVIOInterruptCB *int_cb, AVDictionary **options, const char *whitelist, const char* blacklist, URLContext *parent) { AVDictionary *tmp_opts = NULL; AVDictionaryEntry *e; int ret = ffurl_alloc(puc, filename, flags, int_cb); if (ret < 0) return ret; if (parent) { ret = av_opt_copy(*puc, parent); if (ret < 0) goto fail; } if (options && (ret = av_opt_set_dict(*puc, options)) < 0) goto fail; if (options && (*puc)->prot->priv_data_class && (ret = av_opt_set_dict((*puc)->priv_data, options)) < 0) goto fail; if (!options) options = &tmp_opts; av_assert0(!whitelist || !(e=av_dict_get(*options, "protocol_whitelist", NULL, 0)) || !strcmp(whitelist, e->value)); av_assert0(!blacklist || !(e=av_dict_get(*options, "protocol_blacklist", NULL, 0)) || !strcmp(blacklist, e->value)); if ((ret = av_dict_set(options, "protocol_whitelist", whitelist, 0)) < 0) goto fail; if ((ret = av_dict_set(options, "protocol_blacklist", blacklist, 0)) < 0) goto fail; if ((ret = av_opt_set_dict(*puc, options)) < 0) goto fail; ret = ffurl_connect(*puc, options); if (!ret) return 0; fail: ffurl_closep(puc); return ret; } int ffio_fdopen(AVIOContext **sp, URLContext *h) { AVIOContext *s; uint8_t *buffer = NULL; int buffer_size, max_packet_size; max_packet_size = h->max_packet_size; if (max_packet_size) { buffer_size = max_packet_size; /* no need to bufferize more than one packet */ } else { buffer_size = IO_BUFFER_SIZE; } if (!(h->flags & AVIO_FLAG_WRITE) && h->is_streamed) { if (buffer_size > INT_MAX/2) return AVERROR(EINVAL); buffer_size *= 2; } buffer = av_malloc(buffer_size); if (!buffer) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); *sp = avio_alloc_context(buffer, buffer_size, h->flags & AVIO_FLAG_WRITE, h, ffurl_read2, ffurl_write2, ffurl_seek2); if (!*sp) { av_freep(&buffer); return AVERROR(ENOMEM); } s = *sp; if (h->protocol_whitelist) { s->protocol_whitelist = av_strdup(h->protocol_whitelist); if (!s->protocol_whitelist) { avio_closep(sp); return AVERROR(ENOMEM); } } if (h->protocol_blacklist) { s->protocol_blacklist = av_strdup(h->protocol_blacklist); if (!s->protocol_blacklist) { avio_closep(sp); return AVERROR(ENOMEM); } } s->direct = h->flags & AVIO_FLAG_DIRECT; s->seekable = h->is_streamed ? 0 : AVIO_SEEKABLE_NORMAL; s->max_packet_size = max_packet_size; s->min_packet_size = h->min_packet_size; if(h->prot) { s->read_pause = h->prot->url_read_pause; s->read_seek = h->prot->url_read_seek; if (h->prot->url_read_seek) s->seekable |= AVIO_SEEKABLE_TIME; } ((FFIOContext*)s)->short_seek_get = ffurl_get_short_seek; s->av_class = &ff_avio_class; return 0; } int ffio_open_whitelist(AVIOContext **s, const char *filename, int flags, const AVIOInterruptCB *int_cb, AVDictionary **options, const char *whitelist, const char *blacklist) { URLContext *h; int err; *s = NULL; err = ffurl_open_whitelist(&h, filename, flags, int_cb, options, whitelist, blacklist, NULL); if (err < 0) return err; err = ffio_fdopen(s, h); if (err < 0) { ffurl_close(h); return err; } return 0; } int avio_open2(AVIOContext **s, const char *filename, int flags, const AVIOInterruptCB *int_cb, AVDictionary **options) { return ffio_open_whitelist(s, filename, flags, int_cb, options, NULL, NULL); } int avio_open(AVIOContext **s, const char *filename, int flags) { return avio_open2(s, filename, flags, NULL, NULL); } static inline int retry_transfer_wrapper(URLContext *h, uint8_t *buf, const uint8_t *cbuf, int size, int size_min, int read) { int ret, len; int fast_retries = 5; int64_t wait_since = 0; len = 0; while (len < size_min) { if (ff_check_interrupt(&h->interrupt_callback)) return AVERROR_EXIT; ret = read ? h->prot->url_read (h, buf + len, size - len): h->prot->url_write(h, cbuf + len, size - len); if (ret == AVERROR(EINTR)) continue; if (h->flags & AVIO_FLAG_NONBLOCK) return ret; if (ret == AVERROR(EAGAIN)) { ret = 0; if (fast_retries) { fast_retries--; } else { if (h->rw_timeout) { if (!wait_since) wait_since = av_gettime_relative(); else if (av_gettime_relative() > wait_since + h->rw_timeout) return AVERROR(EIO); } av_usleep(1000); } } else if (ret == AVERROR_EOF) return (len > 0) ? len : AVERROR_EOF; else if (ret < 0) return ret; if (ret) { fast_retries = FFMAX(fast_retries, 2); wait_since = 0; } len += ret; } return len; } int ffurl_read2(void *urlcontext, uint8_t *buf, int size) { URLContext *h = urlcontext; if (!(h->flags & AVIO_FLAG_READ)) return AVERROR(EIO); return retry_transfer_wrapper(h, buf, NULL, size, 1, 1); } int ffurl_read_complete(URLContext *h, unsigned char *buf, int size) { if (!(h->flags & AVIO_FLAG_READ)) return AVERROR(EIO); return retry_transfer_wrapper(h, buf, NULL, size, size, 1); } int ffurl_write2(void *urlcontext, const uint8_t *buf, int size) { URLContext *h = urlcontext; if (!(h->flags & AVIO_FLAG_WRITE)) return AVERROR(EIO); /* avoid sending too big packets */ if (h->max_packet_size && size > h->max_packet_size) return AVERROR(EIO); return retry_transfer_wrapper(h, NULL, buf, size, size, 0); } int64_t ffurl_seek2(void *urlcontext, int64_t pos, int whence) { URLContext *h = urlcontext; int64_t ret; if (!h->prot->url_seek) return AVERROR(ENOSYS); ret = h->prot->url_seek(h, pos, whence & ~AVSEEK_FORCE); return ret; } int ffurl_closep(URLContext **hh) { URLContext *h= *hh; int ret = 0; if (!h) return 0; /* can happen when ffurl_open fails */ if (h->is_connected && h->prot->url_close) ret = h->prot->url_close(h); #if CONFIG_NETWORK if (h->prot->flags & URL_PROTOCOL_FLAG_NETWORK) ff_network_close(); #endif if (h->prot->priv_data_size) { if (h->prot->priv_data_class) av_opt_free(h->priv_data); av_freep(&h->priv_data); } av_opt_free(h); av_freep(hh); return ret; } int ffurl_close(URLContext *h) { return ffurl_closep(&h); } int avio_close(AVIOContext *s) { FFIOContext *const ctx = ffiocontext(s); URLContext *h; int ret, error; if (!s) return 0; avio_flush(s); h = s->opaque; s->opaque = NULL; av_freep(&s->buffer); if (s->write_flag) av_log(s, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "Statistics: %"PRId64" bytes written, %d seeks, %d writeouts\n", ctx->bytes_written, ctx->seek_count, ctx->writeout_count); else av_log(s, AV_LOG_VERBOSE, "Statistics: %"PRId64" bytes read, %d seeks\n", ctx->bytes_read, ctx->seek_count); av_opt_free(s); error = s->error; avio_context_free(&s); ret = ffurl_close(h); if (ret < 0) return ret; return error; } int avio_closep(AVIOContext **s) { int ret = avio_close(*s); *s = NULL; return ret; } const char *avio_find_protocol_name(const char *url) { const URLProtocol *p = url_find_protocol(url); return p ? p->name : NULL; } int avio_check(const char *url, int flags) { URLContext *h; int ret = ffurl_alloc(&h, url, flags, NULL); if (ret < 0) return ret; if (h->prot->url_check) { ret = h->prot->url_check(h, flags); } else { ret = ffurl_connect(h, NULL); if (ret >= 0) ret = flags; } ffurl_close(h); return ret; } int ffurl_move(const char *url_src, const char *url_dst) { URLContext *h_src, *h_dst; int ret = ffurl_alloc(&h_src, url_src, AVIO_FLAG_READ_WRITE, NULL); if (ret < 0) return ret; ret = ffurl_alloc(&h_dst, url_dst, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE, NULL); if (ret < 0) { ffurl_close(h_src); return ret; } if (h_src->prot == h_dst->prot && h_src->prot->url_move) ret = h_src->prot->url_move(h_src, h_dst); else ret = AVERROR(ENOSYS); ffurl_close(h_src); ffurl_close(h_dst); return ret; } int ffurl_delete(const char *url) { URLContext *h; int ret = ffurl_alloc(&h, url, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE, NULL); if (ret < 0) return ret; if (h->prot->url_delete) ret = h->prot->url_delete(h); else ret = AVERROR(ENOSYS); ffurl_close(h); return ret; } struct AVIODirContext { struct URLContext *url_context; }; int avio_open_dir(AVIODirContext **s, const char *url, AVDictionary **options) { URLContext *h = NULL; AVIODirContext *ctx = NULL; int ret; av_assert0(s); ctx = av_mallocz(sizeof(*ctx)); if (!ctx) { ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM); goto fail; } if ((ret = ffurl_alloc(&h, url, AVIO_FLAG_READ, NULL)) < 0) goto fail; if (h->prot->url_open_dir && h->prot->url_read_dir && h->prot->url_close_dir) { if (options && h->prot->priv_data_class && (ret = av_opt_set_dict(h->priv_data, options)) < 0) goto fail; ret = h->prot->url_open_dir(h); } else ret = AVERROR(ENOSYS); if (ret < 0) goto fail; h->is_connected = 1; ctx->url_context = h; *s = ctx; return 0; fail: av_free(ctx); *s = NULL; ffurl_close(h); return ret; } int avio_read_dir(AVIODirContext *s, AVIODirEntry **next) { URLContext *h; int ret; if (!s || !s->url_context) return AVERROR(EINVAL); h = s->url_context; if ((ret = h->prot->url_read_dir(h, next)) < 0) avio_free_directory_entry(next); return ret; } int avio_close_dir(AVIODirContext **s) { URLContext *h; av_assert0(s); if (!(*s) || !(*s)->url_context) return AVERROR(EINVAL); h = (*s)->url_context; h->prot->url_close_dir(h); ffurl_close(h); av_freep(s); *s = NULL; return 0; } void avio_free_directory_entry(AVIODirEntry **entry) { if (!entry || !*entry) return; av_free((*entry)->name); av_freep(entry); } int64_t ffurl_size(URLContext *h) { int64_t pos, size; size = ffurl_seek(h, 0, AVSEEK_SIZE); if (size < 0) { pos = ffurl_seek(h, 0, SEEK_CUR); if ((size = ffurl_seek(h, -1, SEEK_END)) < 0) return size; size++; ffurl_seek(h, pos, SEEK_SET); } return size; } int ffurl_get_file_handle(URLContext *h) { if (!h || !h->prot || !h->prot->url_get_file_handle) return -1; return h->prot->url_get_file_handle(h); } int ffurl_get_multi_file_handle(URLContext *h, int **handles, int *numhandles) { if (!h || !h->prot) return AVERROR(ENOSYS); if (!h->prot->url_get_multi_file_handle) { if (!h->prot->url_get_file_handle) return AVERROR(ENOSYS); *handles = av_malloc(sizeof(**handles)); if (!*handles) return AVERROR(ENOMEM); *numhandles = 1; *handles[0] = h->prot->url_get_file_handle(h); return 0; } return h->prot->url_get_multi_file_handle(h, handles, numhandles); } int ffurl_get_short_seek(void *urlcontext) { URLContext *h = urlcontext; if (!h || !h->prot || !h->prot->url_get_short_seek) return AVERROR(ENOSYS); return h->prot->url_get_short_seek(h); } int ffurl_shutdown(URLContext *h, int flags) { if (!h || !h->prot || !h->prot->url_shutdown) return AVERROR(ENOSYS); return h->prot->url_shutdown(h, flags); } int ff_check_interrupt(AVIOInterruptCB *cb) { if (cb && cb->callback) return cb->callback(cb->opaque); return 0; } int ff_rename(const char *url_src, const char *url_dst, void *logctx) { int ret = ffurl_move(url_src, url_dst); if (ret < 0) av_log(logctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "failed to rename file %s to %s: %s\n", url_src, url_dst, av_err2str(ret)); return ret; }