from fido2.hid import CtapHidDevice from fido2.client import Fido2Client, UserInteraction, WindowsClient from getpass import getpass import sys, os ,ctypes, time, cmd, json # Handle user interaction class CliInteraction(UserInteraction): def prompt_up(self): print("\nTouch your authenticator device now...\n") def request_pin(self, permissions, rd_id): return getpass("Enter PIN: ") def request_uv(self, permissions, rd_id): print("User Verification required.") return True def setup_windows(): if WindowsClient.is_available() and not ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin(): # Use the Windows WebAuthn API if available, and we're not running as admin client = WindowsClient("https://storingsecrets.fido2") if "hmac-secret" in return client else: return None def setup_pcsc(): elevate() # Import PCSC try: from fido2.pcsc import CtapPcscDevice except ImportError: CtapPcscDevice = None # List devices def enumerate_devices(): for dev in CtapHidDevice.list_devices(): yield dev if CtapPcscDevice: for dev in CtapPcscDevice.list_devices(): yield dev # Locate first device, prefer ctap for dev in enumerate_devices(): client = Fido2Client(dev, "https://storingsecrets.fido2", user_interaction=CliInteraction()) if "hmac-secret" in return client else: return None def elevate(): if ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin(): pass else: print('Windows API not available for hmac-secret, elevating program to use direct CTAP. Please follow instructions in new window') ctypes.windll.shell32.ShellExecuteW(None, "runas", sys.executable, " ".join(sys.argv), None, 1) exit(0) def challenge(bytes=32): return os.urandom(bytes) def setup(): client = setup_windows() if client: return client client = setup_pcsc() if client: return client return None def load_keys(): try: with open('keys.json', 'r') as file: keys = json.load(file)['fido_keys'] return keys except FileNotFoundError: with open('keys.json', 'w') as file: json.dump({'fido_keys': []}, file) return [] def append_key(user): keys = load_keys() keys.append(user) writethis = {} writethis['fido_keys'] = keys with open('keys.json', 'w') as file: json.dump(writethis, file) class RootShell(cmd.Cmd): intro = f'Welcome {os.getlogin()} to my own shell for configuration. Type help or ? to list nodes\n' prompt = '(root) ' # Shell settings def default(self, arg): """ Return friendly string instead of bad syntax """ print(f'Node does not exist, type help or ? to list commands.') def emptyline(self): """ Return empty """ pass # Program functions def do_list(self, arg): """ List available keys: LIST """ keys = load_keys() if len(keys) == 0: print('No available keys') return None print("{:<8} {:<30}".format('Nr', 'Short name')) for n, v in enumerate(keys): print("{:<8} {:<30}".format(n, v['name'])) def do_create(self, arg): """ Create new key: CREATE """ usage = input('What is the purpose of this key: ') user = {"id": challenge(8), "name": str(usage)} result = client.make_credential( { "rp": rp, "user": user, "challenge": challenge(), "pubKeyCredParams": [{"type": "public-key", "alg": -7}], "extensions": {"hmacCreateSecret": True}, },) if not result.extension_results.get("hmacCreateSecret"): print("Failed to create credential with HmacSecret") return None credential = result.attestation_object.auth_data.credential_data append_key({'kid': credential.credential_id.hex(), 'name': usage, 'salt': challenge().hex()}) print("New credential stored") print(f"KID (HEX): {credential.credential_id.hex()}") def do_sign(self, arg): """ Perform key exchange for shared key: READ """ self.do_list(None) usage = input('Which key should we use (Nr): ') key = load_keys()[int(usage)] allow_list = [{"type": "public-key", "id": bytes.fromhex(key['kid'])}] # Authenticate the credential result = client.get_assertion( { "rpId": rp["id"], "challenge": challenge(), "allowCredentials": allow_list, "userVerification": 'required', "extensions": {"hmacGetSecret": {"salt1": bytes.fromhex(key['salt'])}}, }, ).get_response(0) output1 = result.extension_results["hmacGetSecret"]["output1"] print(f"Authenticated secret (HEX): {output1.hex()}") def do_exit(self, arg): """ Exit and close session: EXIT """ print('Goodbye') return True if __name__ == '__main__': client = setup() rp = {"id": "storingsecrets.fido2", "name": "localhost"} try: RootShell().cmdloop() except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\nGoodbye') exit(0) #except: # print('Something went wrong')