[steam] ; Application ID (http://store.steampowered.com/app/%appid%/) appid = 204100 ; Current game language. ; Uncomment this option to turn it on. ; Default is "english". ;language = german ; Enable/disable automatic DLC unlock. Default option is set to "false". ; Keep in mind that this option WON'T work properly if the "[dlc]" section is NOT empty unlockall = false ; Original Valve's steam_api.dll. ; Default is "steam_api_o.dll". orgapi = steam_api_o.dll ; Original Valve's steam_api64.dll. ; Default is "steam_api64_o.dll". orgapi64 = steam_api64_o.dll ; Enable/disable extra protection bypasser. ; Default is "false". extraprotection = false ; The game will think that you're offline (supported by some games). ; Default is "false". forceoffline = false ; Some games are checking for the low violence presence. ; Default is "false". ;lowviolence = true ; Purchase timestamp for the DLC (http://www.onlineconversion.com/unix_time.htm). ; Default is "0" (1970/01/01). ;purchasetimestamp = 0 [steam_misc] ; Disables the internal SteamUser interface handler. ; Does have an effect on the games that are using the license check for the DLC/application. ; Default is "false". disableuserinterface = false [dlc] ; DLC handling. ; Format: = ; e.g. : 247295 = Saints Row IV - GAT V Pack ; If the DLC is not specified in this section ; then it won't be unlocked 204106 = Classic Max Character DLC (Max Payne 3: Classic Max Payne Character) 204107 = Pill Bottle Item DLC (Max Payne 3: Pill Bottle Item) 204108 = Special Edition Pack DLC (Max Payne 3: Special Edition Pack) 204109 = Cemetery Map DLC (Max Payne 3: Cemetery Map) 204110 = Deadly Force DLC (Max Payne 3: Deadly Force Burst) 204111 = Silent Killer DLC (Max Payne 3: Silent Killer Loadout Pack) 204112 = Max Payne 3: Disorganized Crime Pack 211520 = Local Justice Map Pack (Max Payne 3: Local Justice Pack) 211521 = Max Payne 3: Hostage Negotiation Pack 211522 = Max Payne 3: Painful Memories Pack 211523 = Max Payne 3: Deathmatch Made In Heaven Pack 213370 = Max Payne 3 Season Pass (Max Payne 3 Rockstar Pass)