from __future__ import unicode_literals

import re
import json

from .common import InfoExtractor
from ..utils import str_to_int

class NineGagIE(InfoExtractor):
    IE_NAME = '9gag'
    _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?9gag(?:\.com/tv|\.tv)/p/(?P<id>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)(?:/(?P<display_id>[^?#/]+))?'

    _TESTS = [{
        "url": "",
        "info_dict": {
            "id": "Kk2X5",
            "ext": "mp4",
            "description": "This 3-minute video will make you smile and then make you feel untalented and insignificant. Anyway, you should share this awesomeness. (Thanks, Dino!)",
            "title": "\"People Are Awesome 2013\" Is Absolutely Awesome",
            'uploader_id': 'UCdEH6EjDKwtTe-sO2f0_1XA',
            'uploader': 'CompilationChannel',
            'upload_date': '20131110',
            "view_count": int,
            "thumbnail": "re:^https?://",
        'add_ie': ['Youtube']
    }, {
        'url': '',
        'only_matching': True,
    }, {
        'url': '',
        'only_matching': True,
        '1': {
            'url': '%s',
            'ie_key': 'Youtube',
        '2': {
            'url': '',
            'ie_key': 'Vimeo',
        '3': {
            'url': '',
            'ie_key': 'Instagram',
        '4': {
            'url': '',
            'ie_key': 'Vine',

    def _real_extract(self, url):
        mobj = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
        video_id ='id')
        display_id ='display_id') or video_id

        webpage = self._download_webpage(url, display_id)

        post_view = self._parse_json(
                webpage, 'post view'),

        ie_key = None
        source_url = post_view.get('sourceUrl')
        if not source_url:
            external_video_id = post_view['videoExternalId']
            external_video_provider = post_view['videoExternalProvider']
            source_url = self._EXTERNAL_VIDEO_PROVIDER[external_video_provider]['url'] % external_video_id
            ie_key = self._EXTERNAL_VIDEO_PROVIDER[external_video_provider]['ie_key']
        title = post_view['title']
        description = post_view.get('description')
        view_count = str_to_int(post_view.get('externalView'))
        thumbnail = post_view.get('thumbnail_700w') or post_view.get('ogImageUrl') or post_view.get('thumbnail_300w')

        return {
            '_type': 'url_transparent',
            'url': source_url,
            'ie_key': ie_key,
            'id': video_id,
            'display_id': display_id,
            'title': title,
            'description': description,
            'view_count': view_count,
            'thumbnail': thumbnail,