import argparse import logging import os import platform import re import signal import sys import warnings from contextlib import closing, suppress from gettext import gettext from pathlib import Path from time import sleep from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Type, Union import streamlink.logger as logger from streamlink import NoPluginError, PluginError, StreamError, Streamlink, __version__ as streamlink_version from streamlink.exceptions import FatalPluginError, StreamlinkDeprecationWarning from streamlink.plugin import Plugin, PluginOptions from import Stream, StreamIO from streamlink.utils.named_pipe import NamedPipe from streamlink.utils.times import LOCAL as LOCALTIMEZONE from streamlink_cli.argparser import ArgumentParser, build_parser, setup_session_options from streamlink_cli.compat import DeprecatedPath, importlib_metadata, stdout from streamlink_cli.console import ConsoleOutput, ConsoleUserInputRequester from streamlink_cli.constants import CONFIG_FILES, DEFAULT_STREAM_METADATA, LOG_DIR, PLUGIN_DIRS, STREAM_SYNONYMS from streamlink_cli.output import FileOutput, PlayerOutput from streamlink_cli.streamrunner import StreamRunner from streamlink_cli.utils import Formatter, HTTPServer, datetime from streamlink_cli.utils.versioncheck import check_version QUIET_OPTIONS = ("json", "stream_url", "quiet") args: Any = None # type: ignore[assignment] console: ConsoleOutput = None # type: ignore[assignment] output: Union[FileOutput, PlayerOutput] = None # type: ignore[assignment] stream_fd: StreamIO = None # type: ignore[assignment] streamlink: Streamlink = None # type: ignore[assignment] log = logging.getLogger("streamlink.cli") def get_formatter(plugin: Plugin): return Formatter( { "url": lambda: args.url, "plugin": lambda: plugin.module, "id": lambda: plugin.get_id(), "author": lambda: plugin.get_author(), "category": lambda: plugin.get_category(), "game": lambda: plugin.get_category(), "title": lambda: plugin.get_title(), "time": lambda:, }, { "time": lambda dt, fmt: dt.strftime(fmt), }, ) def check_file_output(path: Path, force): """Checks if file already exists and ask the user if it should be overwritten if it does.""""Writing output to\n{path.resolve()}") log.debug("Checking file output") if path.is_file() and not force: if sys.stdin.isatty(): answer = console.ask(f"File {path} already exists! Overwrite it? [y/N] ") if not answer or answer.lower() != "y": sys.exit() else: log.error(f"File {path} already exists, use --force to overwrite it.") sys.exit() return FileOutput(path) def create_output(formatter: Formatter) -> Union[FileOutput, PlayerOutput]: """Decides where to write the stream. Depending on arguments it can be one of these: - The stdout pipe - A subprocess' stdin pipe - A named pipe that the subprocess reads from - A regular file """ if (args.output or args.stdout) and (args.record or args.record_and_pipe): console.exit("Cannot use record options with other file output options.") return # type: ignore if args.output: if args.output == "-": return FileOutput(fd=stdout) else: return check_file_output(formatter.path(args.output, args.fs_safe_rules), args.force) elif args.stdout: return FileOutput(fd=stdout) elif args.record_and_pipe: record = check_file_output(formatter.path(args.record_and_pipe, args.fs_safe_rules), args.force) return FileOutput(fd=stdout, record=record) elif not args.player: console.exit( "The default player (VLC) does not seem to be installed." + " You must specify the path to a player executable with --player," + " a file path to save the stream with --output," + " or pipe the stream to another program with --stdout.", ) return # type: ignore else: http = namedpipe = record = None if args.player_fifo: try: namedpipe = NamedPipe() # type: ignore[abstract] # ??? except OSError as err: console.exit(f"Failed to create pipe: {err}") return # type: ignore elif args.player_http: http = create_http_server() if args.record: if args.record == "-": record = FileOutput(fd=stdout) else: record = check_file_output(formatter.path(args.record, args.fs_safe_rules), args.force)"Starting player: {args.player}") return PlayerOutput( args.player, args=args.player_args, quiet=not args.verbose_player, kill=not args.player_no_close, namedpipe=namedpipe, http=http, record=record, title=formatter.title(args.title, defaults=DEFAULT_STREAM_METADATA) if args.title else args.url, ) def create_http_server(*_args, **_kwargs): """Creates an HTTP server listening on a given host and port. If host is empty, listen on all available interfaces, and if port is 0, listen on a random high port. """ try: http = HTTPServer() http.bind(*_args, **_kwargs) except OSError as err: console.exit(f"Failed to create HTTP server: {err}") return return http def iter_http_requests(server, player): """Repeatedly accept HTTP connections on a server. Forever if the serving externally, or while a player is running if it is not empty. """ while not player or player.running: try: yield except OSError: continue def output_stream_http( plugin: Plugin, initial_streams: Dict[str, Stream], formatter: Formatter, external: bool = False, continuous: bool = True, port: int = 0, ): """Continuously output the stream over HTTP.""" global output if not external: if not args.player: console.exit( "The default player (VLC) does not seem to be installed." + " You must specify the path to a player executable with --player.", ) server = create_http_server() player = output = PlayerOutput( args.player, args=args.player_args, filename=server.url, quiet=not args.verbose_player, title=formatter.title(args.title, defaults=DEFAULT_STREAM_METADATA) if args.title else args.url, ) try:"Starting player: {args.player}") if player: except OSError as err: console.exit(f"Failed to start player: {args.player} ({err})") else: server = create_http_server(host=None, port=port) player = None"Starting server, access with one of:") for url in server.urls:" {url}") initial_streams_used = False for req in iter_http_requests(server, player): user_agent = req.headers.get("User-Agent") or "unknown player""Got HTTP request from {user_agent}") stream_fd = prebuffer = None while not stream_fd and (not player or player.running): try: if not initial_streams_used: streams = initial_streams initial_streams_used = True else: streams = fetch_streams(plugin) for stream_name in (resolve_stream_name(streams, s) for s in if stream_name in streams: stream = streams[stream_name] break else:"Stream not available, will re-fetch streams in 10 sec") sleep(10) continue except PluginError as err: log.error(f"Unable to fetch new streams: {err}") continue try:"Opening stream: {stream_name} ({type(stream).shortname()})") stream_fd, prebuffer = open_stream(stream) except StreamError as err: log.error(err) if stream_fd and prebuffer: log.debug("Writing stream to player") stream_runner = StreamRunner(stream_fd, server) try: except OSError as err: # TODO: refactor all console.exit() calls console.exit(str(err)) if not continuous: break server.close(True) if player: player.close() server.close() def output_stream_passthrough(stream, formatter: Formatter): """Prepares a filename to be passed to the player.""" global output try: url = stream.to_url() except TypeError: console.exit("The stream specified cannot be translated to a URL") return False output = PlayerOutput( args.player, args=args.player_args, filename=f'"{url}"', call=True, quiet=not args.verbose_player, title=formatter.title(args.title, defaults=DEFAULT_STREAM_METADATA) if args.title else args.url, ) try:"Starting player: {args.player}") except OSError as err: console.exit(f"Failed to start player: {args.player} ({err})") return False return True def open_stream(stream): """Opens a stream and reads 8192 bytes from it. This is useful to check if a stream actually has data before opening the output. """ global stream_fd # Attempts to open the stream try: stream_fd = except StreamError as err: raise StreamError(f"Could not open stream: {err}") from err # Read 8192 bytes before proceeding to check for errors. # This is to avoid opening the output unnecessarily. try: log.debug("Pre-buffering 8192 bytes") prebuffer = except OSError as err: stream_fd.close() raise StreamError(f"Failed to read data from stream: {err}") from err if not prebuffer: stream_fd.close() raise StreamError("No data returned from stream") return stream_fd, prebuffer def output_stream(stream, formatter: Formatter): """Open stream, create output and finally write the stream to output.""" global output # create output before opening the stream, so file outputs can prompt on existing output output = create_output(formatter) success_open = False for i in range(args.retry_open): try: stream_fd, prebuffer = open_stream(stream) success_open = True break except StreamError as err: log.error(f"Try {i + 1}/{args.retry_open}: Could not open stream {stream} ({err})") if not success_open: return console.exit(f"Could not open stream {stream}, tried {args.retry_open} times, exiting") try: except OSError as err: if isinstance(output, PlayerOutput): console.exit(f"Failed to start player: {args.player} ({err})") elif output.filename: console.exit(f"Failed to open output: {output.filename} ({err})") else: console.exit(f"Failed to open output ({err}") return try: with closing(output): log.debug("Writing stream to output") # TODO: finally clean up the global variable mess and refactor the streamlink_cli package # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable stream_runner = StreamRunner(stream_fd, output, args.force_progress) # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable except OSError as err: # TODO: refactor all console.exit() calls console.exit(str(err)) return True def handle_stream(plugin: Plugin, streams: Dict[str, Stream], stream_name: str) -> None: """Decides what to do with the selected stream. Depending on arguments it can be one of these: - Output JSON represenation - Output the stream URL - Continuously output the stream over HTTP - Output stream data to selected output """ stream_name = resolve_stream_name(streams, stream_name) stream = streams[stream_name] # Print JSON representation of the stream if args.json: console.msg_json( stream, metadata=plugin.get_metadata(), ) elif args.stream_url: try: console.msg(stream.to_url()) except TypeError: console.exit("The stream specified cannot be translated to a URL") else: # Find any streams with a '_alt' suffix and attempt # to use these in case the main stream is not usable. alt_streams = list(filter(lambda k: f"{stream_name}_alt" in k, sorted(streams.keys()))) file_output = args.output or args.stdout formatter = get_formatter(plugin) for name in [stream_name] + alt_streams: stream = streams[name] stream_type = type(stream).shortname() if stream_type in args.player_passthrough and not file_output:"Opening stream: {name} ({stream_type})") success = output_stream_passthrough(stream, formatter) elif args.player_external_http: return output_stream_http( plugin, streams, formatter, external=True, continuous=args.player_external_http_continuous, port=args.player_external_http_port, ) elif args.player_continuous_http and not file_output: return output_stream_http(plugin, streams, formatter) else:"Opening stream: {name} ({stream_type})") success = output_stream(stream, formatter) if success: break def fetch_streams(plugin: Plugin) -> Dict[str, Stream]: """Fetches streams using correct parameters.""" return plugin.streams(stream_types=args.stream_types, sorting_excludes=args.stream_sorting_excludes) def fetch_streams_with_retry(plugin: Plugin, interval: float, count: int) -> Optional[Dict[str, Stream]]: """Attempts to fetch streams repeatedly until some are returned or limit hit.""" try: streams = fetch_streams(plugin) except PluginError as err: log.error(err) streams = None if not streams:"Waiting for streams, retrying every {interval} second(s)") attempts = 0 while not streams: sleep(interval) try: streams = fetch_streams(plugin) except FatalPluginError: raise except PluginError as err: log.error(err) if count > 0: attempts += 1 if attempts >= count: break return streams def resolve_stream_name(streams: Dict[str, Stream], stream_name: str) -> str: """Returns the real stream name of a synonym.""" if stream_name in STREAM_SYNONYMS and stream_name in streams: for name, stream in streams.items(): if stream is streams[stream_name] and name not in STREAM_SYNONYMS: return name return stream_name def format_valid_streams(plugin: Plugin, streams: Dict[str, Stream]) -> str: """Formats a dict of streams. Filters out synonyms and displays them next to the stream they point to. Streams are sorted according to their quality (based on plugin.stream_weight). """ delimiter = ", " validstreams = [] for name, stream in sorted(streams.items(), key=lambda s: plugin.stream_weight(s[0])): if name in STREAM_SYNONYMS: continue synonyms = [key for key, value in streams.items() if stream is value and key != name] if synonyms: joined = delimiter.join(synonyms) name = f"{name} ({joined})" validstreams.append(name) return delimiter.join(validstreams) def handle_url(): """The URL handler. Attempts to resolve the URL to a plugin and then attempts to fetch a list of available streams. Proceeds to handle stream if user specified a valid one, otherwise output list of valid streams. """ try: pluginname, pluginclass, resolved_url = streamlink.resolve_url(args.url) setup_plugin_options(streamlink, pluginname, pluginclass) plugin = pluginclass(streamlink, resolved_url)"Found matching plugin {pluginname} for URL {args.url}") if args.retry_max or args.retry_streams: retry_streams = 1 retry_max = 0 if args.retry_streams: retry_streams = args.retry_streams if args.retry_max: retry_max = args.retry_max streams = fetch_streams_with_retry(plugin, retry_streams, retry_max) else: streams = fetch_streams(plugin) except NoPluginError: console.exit(f"No plugin can handle URL: {args.url}") except PluginError as err: console.exit(str(err)) if not streams: console.exit(f"No playable streams found on this URL: {args.url}") if args.default_stream and not and not args.json: = args.default_stream if validstreams = format_valid_streams(plugin, streams) for stream_name in if stream_name in streams:"Available streams: {validstreams}") handle_stream(plugin, streams, stream_name) return errmsg = f"The specified stream(s) '{', '.join(}' could not be found" if args.json: console.msg_json( plugin=plugin.module, metadata=plugin.get_metadata(), streams=streams, error=errmsg, ) else: console.exit(f"{errmsg}.\n Available streams: {validstreams}") elif args.json: console.msg_json( plugin=plugin.module, metadata=plugin.get_metadata(), streams=streams, ) elif args.stream_url: try: console.msg(streams[list(streams)[-1]].to_manifest_url()) except TypeError: console.exit("The stream specified cannot be translated to a URL") else: validstreams = format_valid_streams(plugin, streams) console.msg(f"Available streams: {validstreams}") def print_plugins(): """Outputs a list of all plugins Streamlink has loaded.""" pluginlist = list(streamlink.get_plugins().keys()) pluginlist_formatted = ", ".join(sorted(pluginlist)) if args.json: console.msg_json(pluginlist) else: console.msg(f"Loaded plugins: {pluginlist_formatted}") def load_plugins(dirs: List[Path], showwarning: bool = True): """Attempts to load plugins from a list of directories.""" for directory in dirs: if directory.is_dir(): success = streamlink.load_plugins(str(directory)) if success and type(directory) is DeprecatedPath: warnings.warn( f"Loaded plugins from deprecated path, see CLI docs for how to migrate: {directory}", StreamlinkDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=1, ) elif showwarning: log.warning(f"Plugin path {directory} does not exist or is not a directory!") def setup_args( parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, config_files: Optional[List[Path]] = None, ignore_unknown: bool = False, ): """Parses arguments.""" global args arglist = sys.argv[1:] # Load arguments from config files configs = [f"@{config_file}" for config_file in config_files or []] args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args(configs + arglist) if unknown and not ignore_unknown: msg = gettext("unrecognized arguments: %s") parser.error(msg % " ".join(unknown)) # Force lowercase to allow case-insensitive lookup if = [stream.lower() for stream in] if not args.url and args.url_param: args.url = args.url_param def setup_config_args(parser, ignore_unknown=False): config_files = [] if args.config: # We want the config specified last to get the highest priority config_files.extend( config_file for config_file in [Path(path).expanduser() for path in reversed(args.config)] if config_file.is_file() ) else: # Only load first available default config for config_file in filter(lambda path: path.is_file(), CONFIG_FILES): # pragma: no branch if type(config_file) is DeprecatedPath: warnings.warn( f"Loaded config from deprecated path, see CLI docs for how to migrate: {config_file}", StreamlinkDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=1, ) config_files.append(config_file) break if streamlink and args.url: # Only load first available plugin config with suppress(NoPluginError): pluginname, pluginclass, resolved_url = streamlink.resolve_url(args.url) for config_file in CONFIG_FILES: # pragma: no branch config_file = config_file.with_name(f"{}.{pluginname}") if not config_file.is_file(): continue if type(config_file) is DeprecatedPath: warnings.warn( f"Loaded plugin config from deprecated path, see CLI docs for how to migrate: {config_file}", StreamlinkDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=1, ) config_files.append(config_file) break if config_files: setup_args(parser, config_files, ignore_unknown=ignore_unknown) def setup_signals(): # restore default behavior of raising a KeyboardInterrupt on SIGINT (and SIGTERM) # so cleanup code can be run when the user stops execution signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.default_int_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.default_int_handler) def setup_plugins(extra_plugin_dir=None): """Loads any additional plugins.""" load_plugins(PLUGIN_DIRS, showwarning=False) if extra_plugin_dir: load_plugins([Path(path).expanduser() for path in extra_plugin_dir]) def setup_streamlink(): """Creates the Streamlink session.""" global streamlink streamlink = Streamlink({"user-input-requester": ConsoleUserInputRequester(console)}) def setup_plugin_args(session: Streamlink, parser: ArgumentParser): """Sets Streamlink plugin options.""" plugin_args = parser.add_argument_group("Plugin options") for pname, plugin in session.plugins.items(): defaults = {} group = parser.add_argument_group(pname.capitalize(), parent=plugin_args) for parg in plugin.arguments or []: if not parg.is_global: group.add_argument(parg.argument_name(pname), **parg.options) defaults[parg.dest] = parg.default else: pargdest = parg.dest for action in parser._actions: # find matching global argument if pargdest != action.dest: continue defaults[pargdest] = action.default plugin.options = PluginOptions(defaults) def setup_plugin_options(session: Streamlink, pluginname: str, pluginclass: Type[Plugin]): """Sets Streamlink plugin options.""" if pluginclass.arguments is None: return required = {} for parg in pluginclass.arguments: if parg.options.get("help") == argparse.SUPPRESS: continue value = getattr(args, parg.dest if parg.is_global else parg.namespace_dest(pluginname)) session.set_plugin_option(pluginname, parg.dest, value) if not parg.is_global: if parg.required: required[] = parg # if the value is set, check to see if any of the required arguments are not set if parg.required or value: try: for rparg in pluginclass.arguments.requires( required[] = rparg except RuntimeError: log.error(f"{pluginname} plugin has a configuration error and the arguments cannot be parsed") break if required: for req in required.values(): if not session.get_plugin_option(pluginname, req.dest): prompt = f"{req.prompt or f'Enter {pluginname} {}'}: " session.set_plugin_option( pluginname, req.dest, console.askpass(prompt) if req.sensitive else console.ask(prompt), ) def log_root_warning(): if hasattr(os, "geteuid"): # pragma: no branch if os.geteuid() == 0:"streamlink is running as root! Be careful!") def log_current_versions(): """Show current installed versions""" if not logger.root.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): return # macOS if sys.platform == "darwin": os_version = f"macOS {platform.mac_ver()[0]}" # Windows elif sys.platform == "win32": os_version = f"{platform.system()} {platform.release()}" # Linux / other else: os_version = platform.platform() log.debug(f"OS: {os_version}") log.debug(f"Python: {platform.python_version()}") log.debug(f"Streamlink: {streamlink_version}") # re_name = re.compile(r"[A-Z\d](?:[A-Z\d._-]*[A-Z\d])?", re.IGNORECASE) log.debug("Dependencies:") for name in [ for match in map(re_name.match, importlib_metadata.requires("streamlink")) if match is not None ]: try: version = importlib_metadata.version(name) except importlib_metadata.PackageNotFoundError: continue log.debug(f" {name}: {version}") def log_current_arguments(session: Streamlink, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser): if not logger.root.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): return sensitive = set() for pname, plugin in session.plugins.items(): for parg in plugin.arguments or []: if parg.sensitive: sensitive.add(parg.argument_name(pname)) log.debug("Arguments:") for action in parser._actions: if not hasattr(args, action.dest): continue value = getattr(args, action.dest) if action.default != value: name = next( # pragma: no branch (option for option in action.option_strings if option.startswith("--")), action.option_strings[0], ) if action.option_strings else action.dest log.debug(f" {name}={value if name not in sensitive else '*' * 8}") def setup_logger_and_console(stream=sys.stdout, filename=None, level="info", json=False): global console if filename == "-": filename = LOG_DIR / f"{}.log" elif filename: filename = Path(filename).expanduser().resolve() if filename: filename.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) verbose = level in ("trace", "all") streamhandler = logger.basicConfig( stream=stream, filename=filename, level=level, style="{", format=f"{'[{asctime}]' if verbose else ''}[{{name}}][{{levelname}}] {{message}}", datefmt=f"%H:%M:%S{'.%f' if verbose else ''}", capture_warnings=True, ) console = ConsoleOutput(, json) def main(): error_code = 0 parser = build_parser() setup_args(parser, ignore_unknown=True) # call argument set up as early as possible to load args from config files setup_config_args(parser, ignore_unknown=True) # Console output should be on stderr if we are outputting # a stream to stdout. if args.stdout or args.output == "-" or args.record == "-" or args.record_and_pipe: console_out = sys.stderr else: console_out = sys.stdout # We don't want log output when we are printing JSON or a command-line. silent_log = any(getattr(args, attr) for attr in QUIET_OPTIONS) log_level = args.loglevel if not silent_log else "none" log_file = args.logfile if log_level != "none" else None setup_logger_and_console(console_out, log_file, log_level, args.json) setup_streamlink() # load additional plugins setup_plugins(args.plugin_dirs) setup_plugin_args(streamlink, parser) # call setup args again once the plugin specific args have been added setup_args(parser) setup_config_args(parser) # update the logging level if changed by a plugin specific config log_level = args.loglevel if not silent_log else "none" logger.root.setLevel(log_level) log_root_warning() log_current_versions() log_current_arguments(streamlink, parser) setup_session_options(streamlink, args) setup_signals() if args.version_check or args.auto_version_check: try: check_version(force=args.version_check) except KeyboardInterrupt: error_code = 130 if args.version_check: pass elif parser.print_help() elif args.plugins: print_plugins() elif args.can_handle_url: try: streamlink.resolve_url(args.can_handle_url) except NoPluginError: error_code = 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: error_code = 130 elif args.can_handle_url_no_redirect: try: streamlink.resolve_url_no_redirect(args.can_handle_url_no_redirect) except NoPluginError: error_code = 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: error_code = 130 elif args.url: try: handle_url() except KeyboardInterrupt: # Close output if output: output.close() console.msg("Interrupted! Exiting...") error_code = 130 finally: if stream_fd: try:"Closing currently open stream...") stream_fd.close() except KeyboardInterrupt: error_code = 130 else: usage = parser.format_usage() console.msg( f"{usage}\n" + "Use -h/--help to see the available options or read the manual at", ) sys.exit(error_code) def parser_helper(): session = Streamlink() parser = build_parser() setup_plugin_args(session, parser) return parser