import ast import inspect import logging import operator import re import time import warnings from functools import partial from http.cookiejar import Cookie from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, ClassVar, Dict, List, Match, NamedTuple, Optional, Pattern, Sequence, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union, ) import requests.cookies from streamlink.cache import Cache from streamlink.exceptions import FatalPluginError, NoStreamsError, PluginError from streamlink.options import Argument, Arguments, Options from streamlink.user_input import UserInputRequester if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover from streamlink.session import Streamlink log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # FIXME: This is a crude attempt at making a bitrate's # weight end up similar to the weight of a resolution. # Someone who knows math, please fix. BIT_RATE_WEIGHT_RATIO = 2.8 ALT_WEIGHT_MOD = 0.01 QUALITY_WEIGTHS_EXTRA = { "other": { "live": 1080, }, "tv": { "hd": 1080, "sd": 576, }, "quality": { "ehq": 720, "hq": 576, "sq": 360, }, } FILTER_OPERATORS = { "<":, "<=": operator.le, ">":, ">=":, } PARAMS_REGEX = r"(\w+)=({.+?}|\[.+?\]|\(.+?\)|'(?:[^'\\]|\\')*'|\"(?:[^\"\\]|\\\")*\"|\S+)" HIGH_PRIORITY = 30 NORMAL_PRIORITY = 20 LOW_PRIORITY = 10 NO_PRIORITY = 0 _COOKIE_KEYS = \ "version", "name", "value", "port", "domain", "path", "secure", "expires", "discard", "comment", "comment_url", "rfc2109" def stream_weight(stream): for group, weights in QUALITY_WEIGTHS_EXTRA.items(): if stream in weights: return weights[stream], group match = re.match(r"^(\d+)(k|p)?(\d+)?(\+)?(?:[a_](\d+)k)?(?:_(alt)(\d)?)?$", stream) if match: weight = 0 if if weight -= ALT_WEIGHT_MOD * int( else: weight -= ALT_WEIGHT_MOD name_type = if name_type == "k": # bit rate bitrate = int( weight += bitrate / BIT_RATE_WEIGHT_RATIO return weight, "bitrate" elif name_type == "p": # resolution weight += int( if # fps eg. 60p or 50p weight += int( if == "+": weight += 1 if # bit rate classifier for resolution weight += int( / BIT_RATE_WEIGHT_RATIO return weight, "pixels" return 0, "none" def iterate_streams(streams): for name, stream in streams: if isinstance(stream, list): for sub_stream in stream: yield name, sub_stream else: yield name, stream def stream_type_priority(stream_types, stream): stream_type = type(stream[1]).shortname() try: prio = stream_types.index(stream_type) except ValueError: try: prio = stream_types.index("*") except ValueError: prio = 99 return prio def stream_sorting_filter(expr, stream_weight): match = re.match(r"(?P<=|>=|<|>)?(?P[\w+]+)", expr) if not match: raise PluginError("Invalid filter expression: {0}".format(expr)) op, value ="op", "value") op = FILTER_OPERATORS.get(op, operator.eq) filter_weight, filter_group = stream_weight(value) def func(quality): weight, group = stream_weight(quality) if group == filter_group: return not op(weight, filter_weight) return True return func def parse_params(params: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: rval: Dict[str, Any] = {} if not params: return rval matches = re.findall(PARAMS_REGEX, params) for key, value in matches: try: value = ast.literal_eval(value) except Exception: pass rval[key] = value return rval class Matcher(NamedTuple): pattern: Pattern priority: int name: Optional[str] = None MType = TypeVar("MType") class _MCollection(List[MType]): def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self._names: Dict[str, MType] = {} def __getitem__(self, item): return self._names[item] if type(item) is str else super().__getitem__(item) class Matchers(_MCollection[Matcher]): def register(self, matcher: Matcher) -> None: super().insert(0, matcher) if if in self._names: raise ValueError(f"A matcher named '{}' has already been registered") self._names[] = matcher class Matches(_MCollection[Optional[Match]]): def update(self, matchers: Matchers, value: str) -> Tuple[Optional[Pattern], Optional[Match]]: matches = [(matcher, matcher.pattern.match(value)) for matcher in matchers] self.clear() self.extend(match for matcher, match in matches) self._names.clear() self._names.update((, match) for matcher, match in matches if return next(((matcher.pattern, match) for matcher, match in matches if match is not None), (None, None)) # Add front- and back-wrappers to the deprecated plugin's method resolution order (see Plugin.__new__) class PluginWrapperMeta(type): def mro(cls): # cls.__base__ is the PluginWrapperFront which is based on the deprecated plugin class mro = list(cls.__base__.__mro__) # cls is the PluginWrapperBack and needs to be inserted after the deprecated plugin class mro.insert(2, cls) return mro class Plugin: """ Plugin base class for retrieving streams and metadata from the URL specified. """ matchers: ClassVar[Optional[Matchers]] = None """ The list of plugin matchers (URL pattern + priority + optional name). This list supports matcher lookups both by matcher index, as well as matcher name, if defined. Use the :func:`pluginmatcher` decorator to initialize plugin matchers. """ arguments: ClassVar[Optional[Arguments]] = None """ The plugin's :class:`Arguments ` collection. Use the :func:`pluginargument` decorator to initialize plugin arguments. """ matches: Matches """ A list of optional :class:`re.Match` results of all defined matchers. This list supports match lookups both by the respective matcher index, as well as matcher name, if defined. """ matcher: Optional[Pattern] = None """A reference to the compiled :class:`re.Pattern` of the first matching matcher""" match: Optional[Match] = None """A reference to the :class:`re.Match` result of the first matching matcher""" # plugin metadata attributes id: Optional[str] = None """Metadata 'id' attribute: unique stream ID, etc.""" title: Optional[str] = None """Metadata 'title' attribute: the stream's short descriptive title""" author: Optional[str] = None """Metadata 'author' attribute: the channel or broadcaster name, etc.""" category: Optional[str] = None """Metadata 'category' attribute: name of a game being played, a music genre, etc.""" options = Options() _url: str = "" # deprecated can_handle_url: Callable[[str], bool] # deprecated priority: Callable[[str], int] # Handle deprecated plugin constructors which only take the url argument def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): # Ignore plugins without custom constructors or wrappers if cls.__init__ is Plugin.__init__ or hasattr(cls, "_IS_DEPRECATED_PLUGIN_WRAPPER"): return super().__new__(cls) # Ignore custom constructors which have a formal "session" parameter or a variable positional parameter sig = inspect.signature(cls.__init__).parameters if "session" in sig or any(param.kind == inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL for param in sig.values()): return super().__new__(cls) # Wrapper class which overrides the very first constructor in the MRO # noinspection PyAbstractClass class PluginWrapperFront(cls): _IS_DEPRECATED_PLUGIN_WRAPPER = True # The __module__ value needs to be copied __module__ = cls.__module__ def __init__(self, session, url): # Take any arguments, but only pass the URL to the custom constructor of the deprecated plugin # noinspection PyArgumentList super().__init__(url) warnings.warn( f"Initialized {self.module} plugin with deprecated constructor", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) # Wrapper class which comes after the deprecated plugin in the MRO # noinspection PyAbstractClass class PluginWrapperBack(PluginWrapperFront, metaclass=PluginWrapperMeta): def __init__(self, *_, **__): # Take any arguments from the super() call of the constructor of the deprecated plugin, # but pass the right args and keywords to the Plugin constructor super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) return cls.__new__(PluginWrapperBack, *args, **kwargs) def __init__(self, session: "Streamlink", url: str): """ :param session: The Streamlink session instance :param url: The input URL used for finding and resolving streams """ modulename = self.__class__.__module__ self.module = modulename.split(".")[-1] self.logger = logging.getLogger(modulename) self.cache = Cache( filename="plugin-cache.json", key_prefix=self.module, ) self.session: "Streamlink" = session self.matches = Matches() self.url: str = url self.load_cookies() @property def url(self) -> str: """ The plugin's input URL. Setting a new value will automatically update the :attr:`matches`, :attr:`matcher` and :attr:`match` data. """ return self._url @url.setter def url(self, value: str): self._url = value if self.matchers: self.matcher, self.match = self.matches.update(self.matchers, value) @classmethod def set_option(cls, key, value): cls.options.set(key, value) @classmethod def get_option(cls, key): return cls.options.get(key) @classmethod def get_argument(cls, key): return cls.arguments and cls.arguments.get(key) @classmethod def stream_weight(cls, stream): return stream_weight(stream) @classmethod def default_stream_types(cls, streams): stream_types = ["hls", "http"] for _name, stream in iterate_streams(streams): stream_type = type(stream).shortname() if stream_type not in stream_types: stream_types.append(stream_type) return stream_types def streams(self, stream_types=None, sorting_excludes=None): """ Attempts to extract available streams. Returns a :class:`dict` containing the streams, where the key is the name of the stream (most commonly the quality name), with the value being a :class:`Stream` instance. The result can contain the synonyms **best** and **worst** which point to the streams which are likely to be of highest and lowest quality respectively. If multiple streams with the same name are found, the order of streams specified in *stream_types* will determine which stream gets to keep the name while the rest will be renamed to "_". The synonyms can be fine-tuned with the *sorting_excludes* parameter, which can be one of these types: - A list of filter expressions in the format ``[operator]``. For example the filter ">480p" will exclude streams ranked higher than "480p" from the list used in the synonyms ranking. Valid operators are ``>``, ``>=``, ``<`` and ``<=``. If no operator is specified then equality will be tested. - A function that is passed to :meth:`filter` with a list of stream names as input. :param stream_types: A list of stream types to return :param sorting_excludes: Specify which streams to exclude from the best/worst synonyms :returns: A :class:`dict` of stream names and :class:`` instances """ try: ostreams = self._get_streams() if isinstance(ostreams, dict): ostreams = ostreams.items() # Flatten the iterator to a list so we can reuse it. if ostreams: ostreams = list(ostreams) except NoStreamsError: return {} except (OSError, ValueError) as err: raise PluginError(err) from err if not ostreams: return {} if stream_types is None: stream_types = self.default_stream_types(ostreams) # Add streams depending on stream type and priorities sorted_streams = sorted(iterate_streams(ostreams), key=partial(stream_type_priority, stream_types)) streams = {} for name, stream in sorted_streams: stream_type = type(stream).shortname() # Use * as wildcard to match other stream types if "*" not in stream_types and stream_type not in stream_types: continue # drop _alt from any stream names if name.endswith("_alt"): name = name[:-len("_alt")] existing = streams.get(name) if existing: existing_stream_type = type(existing).shortname() if existing_stream_type != stream_type: name = "{0}_{1}".format(name, stream_type) if name in streams: name = "{0}_alt".format(name) num_alts = len(list(filter(lambda n: n.startswith(name), streams.keys()))) # We shouldn't need more than 2 alt streams if num_alts >= 2: continue elif num_alts > 0: name = "{0}{1}".format(name, num_alts + 1) # Validate stream name and discard the stream if it's bad. match = re.match("([A-z0-9_+]+)", name) if match: name = else: self.logger.debug(f"The stream '{name}' has been ignored since it is badly named.") continue # Force lowercase name and replace space with underscore. streams[name.lower()] = stream # Create the best/worst synonyms def stream_weight_only(s): return self.stream_weight(s)[0] or (len(streams) == 1 and 1) stream_names = filter(stream_weight_only, streams.keys()) sorted_streams = sorted(stream_names, key=stream_weight_only) unfiltered_sorted_streams = sorted_streams if isinstance(sorting_excludes, list): for expr in sorting_excludes: filter_func = stream_sorting_filter(expr, self.stream_weight) sorted_streams = list(filter(filter_func, sorted_streams)) elif callable(sorting_excludes): sorted_streams = list(filter(sorting_excludes, sorted_streams)) final_sorted_streams = {} for stream_name in sorted(streams, key=stream_weight_only): final_sorted_streams[stream_name] = streams[stream_name] if len(sorted_streams) > 0: best = sorted_streams[-1] worst = sorted_streams[0] final_sorted_streams["worst"] = streams[worst] final_sorted_streams["best"] = streams[best] elif len(unfiltered_sorted_streams) > 0: best = unfiltered_sorted_streams[-1] worst = unfiltered_sorted_streams[0] final_sorted_streams["worst-unfiltered"] = streams[worst] final_sorted_streams["best-unfiltered"] = streams[best] return final_sorted_streams def _get_streams(self): """ Implement the stream and metadata retrieval here. Needs to return either a dict of :class:`` instances mapped by stream name, or needs to act as a generator which yields tuples of stream names and :class:`` instances. """ raise NotImplementedError def get_metadata(self) -> Dict[str, Optional[str]]: return dict( id=self.get_id(), author=self.get_author(), category=self.get_category(), title=self.get_title(), ) def get_id(self) -> Optional[str]: return None if is None else str( def get_title(self) -> Optional[str]: return None if self.title is None else str(self.title).strip() def get_author(self) -> Optional[str]: return None if is None else str( def get_category(self) -> Optional[str]: return None if self.category is None else str(self.category).strip() def save_cookies( self, cookie_filter: Optional[Callable[[Cookie], bool]] = None, default_expires: int = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, ) -> List[str]: """ Store the cookies from :attr:`session.http` in the plugin cache until they expire. The cookies can be filtered by supplying a filter method. e.g. ``lambda c: "auth" in``. If no expiry date is given in the cookie then the ``default_expires`` value will be used. :param cookie_filter: a function to filter the cookies :param default_expires: time (in seconds) until cookies with no expiry will expire :return: list of the saved cookie names """ cookie_filter = cookie_filter or (lambda c: True) saved = [] for cookie in filter(cookie_filter, self.session.http.cookies): cookie_dict = {} for key in _COOKIE_KEYS: cookie_dict[key] = getattr(cookie, key, None) cookie_dict["rest"] = getattr(cookie, "rest", getattr(cookie, "_rest", None)) expires = default_expires if cookie_dict["expires"]: expires = int(cookie_dict["expires"] - time.time()) key = "__cookie:{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}".format(, cookie.domain, cookie.port_specified and cookie.port or "80", cookie.path_specified and cookie.path or "*", ) self.cache.set(key, cookie_dict, expires) saved.append( if saved: # pragma: no branch self.logger.debug(f"Saved cookies: {', '.join(saved)}") return saved def load_cookies(self) -> List[str]: """ Load any stored cookies for the plugin that have not expired. :return: list of the restored cookie names """ restored = [] for key, value in self.cache.get_all().items(): if key.startswith("__cookie"): cookie = requests.cookies.create_cookie(**value) self.session.http.cookies.set_cookie(cookie) restored.append( if restored: # pragma: no branch self.logger.debug(f"Restored cookies: {', '.join(restored)}") return restored def clear_cookies(self, cookie_filter: Optional[Callable] = None) -> List[str]: """ Removes all saved cookies for this plugin. To filter the cookies that are deleted specify the ``cookie_filter`` argument (see :func:`save_cookies`). :param cookie_filter: a function to filter the cookies :type cookie_filter: function :return: list of the removed cookie names """ cookie_filter = cookie_filter or (lambda c: True) removed = [] for key, value in sorted(self.cache.get_all().items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0), reverse=True): if key.startswith("__cookie"): cookie = requests.cookies.create_cookie(**value) if cookie_filter(cookie): del self.session.http.cookies[] self.cache.set(key, None, 0) removed.append(key) return removed def input_ask(self, prompt: str) -> str: user_input_requester: Optional[UserInputRequester] = self.session.get_option("user-input-requester") if user_input_requester: try: return user_input_requester.ask(prompt) except OSError as err: raise FatalPluginError(f"User input error: {err}") from err raise FatalPluginError("This plugin requires user input, however it is not supported on this platform") def input_ask_password(self, prompt: str) -> str: user_input_requester: Optional[UserInputRequester] = self.session.get_option("user-input-requester") if user_input_requester: try: return user_input_requester.ask_password(prompt) except OSError as err: raise FatalPluginError(f"User input error: {err}") from err raise FatalPluginError("This plugin requires user input, however it is not supported on this platform") def pluginmatcher( pattern: Pattern, priority: int = NORMAL_PRIORITY, name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Callable[[Type[Plugin]], Type[Plugin]]: """ Decorator for plugin URL matchers. A matcher consists of a compiled regular expression pattern for the plugin's input URL, a priority value and an optional name. The priority value determines which plugin gets chosen by :meth:`Streamlink.resolve_url ` if multiple plugins match the input URL. The matcher name can be used for accessing it and its matching result when multiple matchers are defined. Plugins must at least have one matcher. If multiple matchers are defined, then the first matching one according to the order of which they have been defined (top to bottom) will be responsible for setting the :attr:`Plugin.matcher` and :attr:`Plugin.match` attributes on the :class:`Plugin` instance. The :attr:`Plugin.matchers` and :attr:`Plugin.matches` attributes are affected by all defined matchers, and both support referencing matchers and matches by matcher index and name. .. code-block:: python import re from streamlink.plugin import HIGH_PRIORITY, Plugin, pluginmatcher @pluginmatcher(re.compile("https?://example:1234/(?:foo|bar)/(?P[^/]+)")) @pluginmatcher(priority=HIGH_PRIORITY, pattern=re.compile(\"\"\" https?://(?: sitenumberone |adifferentsite |somethingelse ) /.+\\.m3u8 \"\"\", re.VERBOSE)) class MyPlugin(Plugin): ... """ matcher = Matcher(pattern, priority, name) def decorator(cls: Type[Plugin]) -> Type[Plugin]: if not issubclass(cls, Plugin): raise TypeError(f"{cls.__name__} is not a Plugin") if cls.matchers is None: cls.matchers = Matchers() cls.matchers.register(matcher) return cls return decorator def pluginargument( name: str, required: bool = False, requires: Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]] = None, prompt: Optional[str] = None, sensitive: bool = False, argument_name: Optional[str] = None, dest: Optional[str] = None, is_global: bool = False, **options, ) -> Callable[[Type[Plugin]], Type[Plugin]]: """ Decorator for plugin arguments. Takes the same arguments as :class:`streamlink.options.Argument`. .. code-block:: python from streamlink.plugin import Plugin, pluginargument @pluginargument( "username", requires=["password"], metavar="EMAIL", help="The username for your account.", ) @pluginargument( "password", sensitive=True, metavar="PASSWORD", help="The password for your account.", ) class MyPlugin(Plugin): ... This will add the ``--myplugin-username`` and ``--myplugin-password`` arguments to the CLI, assuming the plugin's module name is ``myplugin``. """ arg = Argument( name, required=required, requires=requires, prompt=prompt, sensitive=sensitive, argument_name=argument_name, dest=dest, is_global=is_global, **options, ) def decorator(cls: Type[Plugin]) -> Type[Plugin]: if not issubclass(cls, Plugin): raise TypeError(f"{repr(cls)} is not a Plugin") if cls.arguments is None: cls.arguments = Arguments() cls.arguments.add(arg) return cls return decorator __all__ = [ "HIGH_PRIORITY", "NORMAL_PRIORITY", "LOW_PRIORITY", "NO_PRIORITY", "Plugin", "Matcher", "pluginmatcher", "pluginargument", ]