import abc import ast import pkgutil import re import tokenize from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional from docutils import nodes from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive from docutils.statemachine import ViewList from sphinx.errors import ExtensionError from sphinx.util.nodes import nested_parse_with_titles from streamlink import plugins as streamlink_plugins class IDatalistItem(abc.ABC): @abc.abstractmethod def generate(self) -> Iterator[str]: raise NotImplementedError class IMetadataItem(IDatalistItem): @abc.abstractmethod def set(self, value: Any) -> None: raise NotImplementedError class MetadataItem(IMetadataItem): def __init__(self, title: str): self.title = title self.value: Optional[str] = None def set(self, value: str) -> None: self.value = value def generate(self) -> Iterator[str]: if self.value is None: return yield f":{self.title}: {self.value}" class MetadataList(IMetadataItem): def __init__(self, title: str): self.title = title self.value: List[str] = [] def set(self, value: str) -> None: self.value.append(value) def generate(self) -> Iterator[str]: if not self.value: return yield f":{self.title}: - {' '.join(self.get_item(0))}" indent = " " * len(f":{self.title}:") for idx in range(1, len(self.value)): yield f"{indent} - {' '.join(self.get_item(idx))}" def get_item(self, idx: int) -> Iterator[str]: yield self.value[idx] class MetadataMetadataList(MetadataList): def __init__(self): super().__init__("Metadata") def get_item(self, idx: int) -> Iterator[str]: variable, *data = str(self.value[idx]).split(" ") yield f":ref:`{variable} `" if data: yield " ".join(["-", *data]) class PluginOnGithub(IDatalistItem): url_source = "{name}.py" url_issues = "{name}" def __init__(self, pluginname: str): self.pluginname = pluginname def generate(self) -> Iterator[str]: source = f"`Source <{self.url_source.format(name=self.pluginname)}>`__" issues = f"`Issues <{self.url_issues.format(name=self.pluginname)}>`__" yield f":GitHub: {source}, {issues}" class PluginArguments(ast.NodeVisitor, IDatalistItem): def __init__(self, pluginname, pluginast): super().__init__() self.pluginname = pluginname self.arguments = [] self.visit(pluginast) def generate(self) -> Iterator[str]: if not self.arguments: return indent = " " * len(":Arguments: ") yield f":Arguments: - :option:`--{self.arguments[0]}`" for arg in self.arguments[1:]: yield f"{indent} - :option:`--{arg}`" def visit_ClassDef(self, node: ast.ClassDef) -> None: for base in node.bases: if not isinstance(base, ast.Name): continue if == "Plugin": break else: return for decorator in node.decorator_list: if ( not isinstance(decorator, ast.Call) or not isinstance(decorator.func, ast.Name) or != "pluginargument" or (len(decorator.args) == 0 and len(decorator.keywords) == 0) ): continue if any( True for kw in decorator.keywords if ( kw.arg == "help" and type(kw.value) is ast.Attribute and kw.value.attr == "SUPPRESS" and type(kw.value.value) is ast.Name and == "argparse" ) ): continue custom_name = next( (kw.value.value for kw in decorator.keywords if kw.arg == "argument_name" and type(kw.value) is ast.Constant), None, ) if custom_name: self.arguments.append(custom_name) continue name = next( (kw.value.value for kw in decorator.keywords if kw.arg == "name" and type(kw.value) is ast.Constant), None, ) or ( decorator.args and type(decorator.args[0]) is ast.Constant and decorator.args[0].value ) if name: self.arguments.append(f"{self.pluginname}-{name}") class PluginMetadata: def __init__(self, name: str, pluginast): str = name self.items: Dict[str, IMetadataItem] = dict( description=MetadataItem("Description"), url=MetadataList("URL(s)"), type=MetadataItem("Type"), metadata=MetadataMetadataList(), region=MetadataItem("Region"), account=MetadataItem("Account"), notes=MetadataList("Notes"), ) self.additional: List[IDatalistItem] = [ PluginArguments(name, pluginast), PluginOnGithub(name), ] def set(self, key: str, value: str) -> None: if key not in self.items: raise KeyError(f"Invalid plugin metadata key '{key}' in plugin '{}'") self.items[key].set(value) def generate(self) -> Iterator[str]: yield yield "-" * len( yield "" for metadata in self.items.values(): yield from metadata.generate() for item in self.additional: yield from item.generate() yield "" yield "" class PluginFinder: _re_metadata_item = re.compile(r"\n\$(\w+) (.+)(?=\n\$|$)", re.MULTILINE) protocol_plugins = [ "http", "hls", "dash", ] def __init__(self): plugins_path = Path(streamlink_plugins.__path__[0]) self.plugins = [ (pname, plugins_path / f"{pname}.py") for finder, pname, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules([str(plugins_path)]) if not pname.startswith("common_") and pname not in self.protocol_plugins ] def get_plugins(self): for pluginname, pluginfile in self.plugins: pluginmetadata = self._parse_plugin(pluginname, pluginfile) if pluginmetadata: yield pluginmetadata def _parse_plugin(self, pluginname: str, pluginfile: Path) -> Optional[PluginMetadata]: with as handle: # read until the first token has been parsed for tokeninfo in tokenize.generate_tokens(handle.readline): # the very first token needs to be a string / block comment with the metadata if tokeninfo.type != tokenize.STRING or not return None metadata = tokeninfo.string.strip() break try: # continue reading the plugin file with the same handle pluginsource = # build AST from plugin source for finding the used plugin arguments pluginast = ast.parse(pluginsource, str(pluginfile)) pluginmetadata = PluginMetadata(pluginname, pluginast) for item in self._re_metadata_item.finditer(metadata): key, value = item.groups() pluginmetadata.set(key, value) return pluginmetadata except Exception as err: raise ExtensionError(f"Error while parsing plugin file {}", err) from err class PluginsDirective(Directive): def run(self): pluginfinder = PluginFinder() node = nodes.section() node.document = self.state.document result = ViewList() for pluginmetadata in pluginfinder.get_plugins(): for line in pluginmetadata.generate(): result.append(line, "plugins") nested_parse_with_titles(self.state, result, node) return node.children def setup(app): app.add_directive("plugins", PluginsDirective)