package; import static app.revanced.integrations.shared.StringRef.str; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import app.revanced.integrations.shared.Logger; import app.revanced.integrations.shared.Utils; public class SBRequester { private static final String TIME_TEMPLATE = "%.3f"; /** * TCP timeout */ private static final int TIMEOUT_TCP_DEFAULT_MILLISECONDS = 7000; /** * HTTP response timeout */ private static final int TIMEOUT_HTTP_DEFAULT_MILLISECONDS = 10000; /** * Response code of a successful API call */ private static final int HTTP_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS = 200; private SBRequester() { } private static void handleConnectionError(@NonNull String toastMessage, @Nullable Exception ex) { if (Settings.SB_TOAST_ON_CONNECTION_ERROR.get()) { Utils.showToastShort(toastMessage); } if (ex != null) { Logger.printInfo(() -> toastMessage, ex); } } @NonNull public static SponsorSegment[] getSegments(@NonNull String videoId) { Utils.verifyOffMainThread(); List segments = new ArrayList<>(); try { HttpURLConnection connection = getConnectionFromRoute(SBRoutes.GET_SEGMENTS, videoId, SegmentCategory.sponsorBlockAPIFetchCategories); final int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode(); if (responseCode == HTTP_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { JSONArray responseArray = Requester.parseJSONArray(connection); final long minSegmentDuration = (long) (Settings.SB_SEGMENT_MIN_DURATION.get() * 1000); for (int i = 0, length = responseArray.length(); i < length; i++) { JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) responseArray.get(i); JSONArray segment = obj.getJSONArray("segment"); final long start = (long) (segment.getDouble(0) * 1000); final long end = (long) (segment.getDouble(1) * 1000); String uuid = obj.getString("UUID"); final boolean locked = obj.getInt("locked") == 1; String categoryKey = obj.getString("category"); SegmentCategory category = SegmentCategory.byCategoryKey(categoryKey); if (category == null) { Logger.printException(() -> "Received unknown category: " + categoryKey); // should never happen } else if ((end - start) >= minSegmentDuration || category == SegmentCategory.HIGHLIGHT) { segments.add(new SponsorSegment(category, uuid, start, end, locked)); } } Logger.printDebug(() -> { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("Downloaded segments:"); for (SponsorSegment segment : segments) { builder.append('\n').append(segment); } return builder.toString(); }); runVipCheckInBackgroundIfNeeded(); } else if (responseCode == 404) { // no segments are found. a normal response Logger.printDebug(() -> "No segments found for video: " + videoId); } else { handleConnectionError(str("revanced_sb_sponsorblock_connection_failure_status", responseCode), null); connection.disconnect(); // something went wrong, might as well disconnect } } catch (SocketTimeoutException ex) { handleConnectionError(str("revanced_sb_sponsorblock_connection_failure_timeout"), ex); } catch (IOException ex) { handleConnectionError(str("revanced_sb_sponsorblock_connection_failure_generic"), ex); } catch (Exception ex) { // Should never happen Logger.printException(() -> "getSegments failure", ex); } // Crude debug tests to verify random features // Could benefit from: // 1) collection of YouTube videos with test segment times (verify client skip timing matches the video, verify seekbar draws correctly) // 2) unit tests (verify everything else) if (false) { segments.clear(); // Test auto-hide skip button: // Button should appear only once segments.add(new SponsorSegment(SegmentCategory.INTRO, "debug", 5000, 120000, false)); // Button should appear only once segments.add(new SponsorSegment(SegmentCategory.SELF_PROMO, "debug", 10000, 60000, false)); // Button should appear only once segments.add(new SponsorSegment(SegmentCategory.INTERACTION, "debug", 15000, 20000, false)); // Button should appear _twice_ (at 21s and 27s) segments.add(new SponsorSegment(SegmentCategory.SPONSOR, "debug", 21000, 30000, false)); // Button should appear only once segments.add(new SponsorSegment(SegmentCategory.OUTRO, "debug", 24000, 27000, false)); // Test seekbar visibility: // All three segments should be viewable on the seekbar segments.add(new SponsorSegment(SegmentCategory.MUSIC_OFFTOPIC, "debug", 200000, 300000, false)); segments.add(new SponsorSegment(SegmentCategory.SPONSOR, "debug", 200000, 250000, false)); segments.add(new SponsorSegment(SegmentCategory.SELF_PROMO, "debug", 200000, 330000, false)); } return segments.toArray(new SponsorSegment[0]); } public static void submitSegments(@NonNull String videoId, @NonNull String category, long startTime, long endTime, long videoLength) { Utils.verifyOffMainThread(); try { String privateUserId = SponsorBlockSettings.getSBPrivateUserID(); String start = String.format(Locale.US, TIME_TEMPLATE, startTime / 1000f); String end = String.format(Locale.US, TIME_TEMPLATE, endTime / 1000f); String duration = String.format(Locale.US, TIME_TEMPLATE, videoLength / 1000f); HttpURLConnection connection = getConnectionFromRoute(SBRoutes.SUBMIT_SEGMENTS, privateUserId, videoId, category, start, end, duration); final int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode(); final String messageToToast; switch (responseCode) { case HTTP_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS: messageToToast = str("revanced_sb_submit_succeeded"); break; case 409: messageToToast = str("revanced_sb_submit_failed_duplicate"); break; case 403: messageToToast = str("revanced_sb_submit_failed_forbidden", Requester.parseErrorStringAndDisconnect(connection)); break; case 429: messageToToast = str("revanced_sb_submit_failed_rate_limit"); break; case 400: messageToToast = str("revanced_sb_submit_failed_invalid", Requester.parseErrorStringAndDisconnect(connection)); break; default: messageToToast = str("revanced_sb_submit_failed_unknown_error", responseCode, connection.getResponseMessage()); break; } Utils.showToastLong(messageToToast); } catch (SocketTimeoutException ex) { // Always show, even if show connection toasts is turned off Utils.showToastLong(str("revanced_sb_submit_failed_timeout")); } catch (IOException ex) { Utils.showToastLong(str("revanced_sb_submit_failed_unknown_error", 0, ex.getMessage())); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.printException(() -> "failed to submit segments", ex); } } public static void sendSegmentSkippedViewedRequest(@NonNull SponsorSegment segment) { Utils.verifyOffMainThread(); try { HttpURLConnection connection = getConnectionFromRoute(SBRoutes.VIEWED_SEGMENT, segment.UUID); final int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode(); if (responseCode == HTTP_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { Logger.printDebug(() -> "Successfully sent view count for segment: " + segment); } else { Logger.printDebug(() -> "Failed to sent view count for segment: " + segment.UUID + " responseCode: " + responseCode); // debug level, no toast is shown } } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.printInfo(() -> "Failed to send view count", ex); // do not show a toast } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.printException(() -> "Failed to send view count request", ex); // should never happen } } public static void voteForSegmentOnBackgroundThread(@NonNull SponsorSegment segment, @NonNull SegmentVote voteOption) { voteOrRequestCategoryChange(segment, voteOption, null); } public static void voteToChangeCategoryOnBackgroundThread(@NonNull SponsorSegment segment, @NonNull SegmentCategory categoryToVoteFor) { voteOrRequestCategoryChange(segment, SegmentVote.CATEGORY_CHANGE, categoryToVoteFor); } private static void voteOrRequestCategoryChange(@NonNull SponsorSegment segment, @NonNull SegmentVote voteOption, SegmentCategory categoryToVoteFor) { Utils.runOnBackgroundThread(() -> { try { String segmentUuid = segment.UUID; String uuid = SponsorBlockSettings.getSBPrivateUserID(); HttpURLConnection connection = (voteOption == SegmentVote.CATEGORY_CHANGE) ? getConnectionFromRoute(SBRoutes.VOTE_ON_SEGMENT_CATEGORY, uuid, segmentUuid, categoryToVoteFor.keyValue) : getConnectionFromRoute(SBRoutes.VOTE_ON_SEGMENT_QUALITY, uuid, segmentUuid, String.valueOf(voteOption.apiVoteType)); final int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode(); switch (responseCode) { case HTTP_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS: Logger.printDebug(() -> "Vote success for segment: " + segment); break; case 403: Utils.showToastLong( str("revanced_sb_vote_failed_forbidden", Requester.parseErrorStringAndDisconnect(connection))); break; default: Utils.showToastLong( str("revanced_sb_vote_failed_unknown_error", responseCode, connection.getResponseMessage())); break; } } catch (SocketTimeoutException ex) { Utils.showToastShort(str("revanced_sb_vote_failed_timeout")); } catch (IOException ex) { Utils.showToastShort(str("revanced_sb_vote_failed_unknown_error", 0, ex.getMessage())); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.printException(() -> "failed to vote for segment", ex); // should never happen } }); } /** * @return NULL, if stats fetch failed */ @Nullable public static UserStats retrieveUserStats() { Utils.verifyOffMainThread(); try { UserStats stats = new UserStats(getJSONObject(SBRoutes.GET_USER_STATS, SponsorBlockSettings.getSBPrivateUserID())); Logger.printDebug(() -> "user stats: " + stats); return stats; } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.printInfo(() -> "failed to retrieve user stats", ex); // info level, do not show a toast } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.printException(() -> "failure retrieving user stats", ex); // should never happen } return null; } /** * @return NULL if the call was successful. If unsuccessful, an error message is returned. */ @Nullable public static String setUsername(@NonNull String username) { Utils.verifyOffMainThread(); try { HttpURLConnection connection = getConnectionFromRoute(SBRoutes.CHANGE_USERNAME, SponsorBlockSettings.getSBPrivateUserID(), username); final int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode(); String responseMessage = connection.getResponseMessage(); if (responseCode == HTTP_STATUS_CODE_SUCCESS) { return null; } return str("revanced_sb_stats_username_change_unknown_error", responseCode, responseMessage); } catch (Exception ex) { // should never happen Logger.printInfo(() -> "failed to set username", ex); // do not toast return str("revanced_sb_stats_username_change_unknown_error", 0, ex.getMessage()); } } public static void runVipCheckInBackgroundIfNeeded() { if (!SponsorBlockSettings.userHasSBPrivateId()) { return; // User cannot be a VIP. User has never voted, created any segments, or has imported a SB user id. } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (now < (Settings.SB_LAST_VIP_CHECK.get() + TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(3))) { return; } Utils.runOnBackgroundThread(() -> { try { JSONObject json = getJSONObject(SBRoutes.IS_USER_VIP, SponsorBlockSettings.getSBPrivateUserID()); boolean vip = json.getBoolean("vip");;; } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.printInfo(() -> "Failed to check VIP (network error)", ex); // info, so no error toast is shown } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.printException(() -> "Failed to check VIP", ex); // should never happen } }); } // helpers private static HttpURLConnection getConnectionFromRoute(@NonNull Route route, String... params) throws IOException { HttpURLConnection connection = Requester.getConnectionFromRoute(Settings.SB_API_URL.get(), route, params); connection.setConnectTimeout(TIMEOUT_TCP_DEFAULT_MILLISECONDS); connection.setReadTimeout(TIMEOUT_HTTP_DEFAULT_MILLISECONDS); return connection; } private static JSONObject getJSONObject(@NonNull Route route, String... params) throws IOException, JSONException { return Requester.parseJSONObject(getConnectionFromRoute(route, params)); } }