mirror of https://github.com/rclone/rclone synced 2024-10-16 01:41:12 +02:00
Josh Soref d0888edc0a Spelling fixes
Fix spelling of: above, already, anonymous, associated,
authentication, bandwidth, because, between, blocks, calculate,
candidates, cautious, changelog, cleaner, clipboard, command,
completely, concurrently, considered, constructs, corrupt, current,
daemon, dependencies, deprecated, directory, dispatcher, download,
eligible, ellipsis, encrypter, endpoint, entrieslist, essentially,
existing writers, existing, expires, filesystem, flushing, frequently,
hierarchy, however, implementation, implements, inaccurate,
individually, insensitive, longer, maximum, metadata, modified,
multipart, namedirfirst, nextcloud, obscured, opened, optional,
owncloud, pacific, passphrase, password, permanently, persimmon,
positive, potato, protocol, quota, receiving, recommends, referring,
requires, revisited, satisfied, satisfies, satisfy, semver,
serialized, session, storage, strategies, stringlist, successful,
supported, surprise, temporarily, temporary, transactions, unneeded,
update, uploads, wrapped

Signed-off-by: Josh Soref <jsoref@users.noreply.github.com>
2020-10-14 15:21:31 +01:00

181 lines
5.5 KiB
Executable File

Generate a markdown changelog for the rclone project
import os
import sys
import re
import datetime
import subprocess
from collections import defaultdict
r"^Add .* to contributors$",
r"^Start v\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?-DEV development$",
r"^Version v\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?$",
IGNORE_RE = re.compile("(?:" + "|".join(IGNORE_RES) + ")")
CATEGORY = re.compile(r"(^[\w/ ]+(?:, *[\w/ ]+)*):\s*(.*)$")
backends = [ x for x in os.listdir("backend") if x != "all"]
backend_aliases = {
"amazon cloud drive" : "amazonclouddrive",
"acd" : "amazonclouddrive",
"google cloud storage" : "googlecloudstorage",
"gcs" : "googlecloudstorage",
"azblob" : "azureblob",
"mountlib": "mount",
"cmount": "mount",
"mount/cmount": "mount",
backend_titles = {
"amazonclouddrive": "Amazon Cloud Drive",
"googlecloudstorage": "Google Cloud Storage",
"azureblob": "Azure Blob",
"ftp": "FTP",
"sftp": "SFTP",
"http": "HTTP",
"webdav": "WebDAV",
STRIP_FIX_RE = re.compile(r"(\s+-)?\s+((fixes|addresses)\s+)?#\d+", flags=re.I)
STRIP_PATH_RE = re.compile(r"^(backend|fs)/")
IS_FIX_RE = re.compile(r"\b(fix|fixes)\b", flags=re.I)
def make_out(data, indent=""):
"""Return a out, lines the first being a function for output into the second"""
out_lines = []
def out(category, title=None):
if title == None:
title = category
lines = data.get(category)
if not lines:
if indent != "" and len(lines) == 1:
out_lines.append(indent+"* " + title+": " + lines[0])
out_lines.append(indent+"* " + title)
for line in lines:
out_lines.append(indent+" * " + line)
return out, out_lines
def process_log(log):
"""Process the incoming log into a category dict of lists"""
by_category = defaultdict(list)
for log_line in reversed(log.split("\n")):
log_line = log_line.strip()
hash, author, timestamp, message = log_line.split("|", 3)
message = message.strip()
if IGNORE_RE.search(message):
match = CATEGORY.search(message)
categories = "UNKNOWN"
if match:
categories = match.group(1).lower()
message = match.group(2)
message = STRIP_FIX_RE.sub("", message)
message = message +" ("+author+")"
message = message[0].upper()+message[1:]
seen = set()
for category in categories.split(","):
category = category.strip()
category = STRIP_PATH_RE.sub("", category)
category = backend_aliases.get(category, category)
if category in seen:
#print category, hash, author, timestamp, message
return by_category
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print("Syntax: %s vX.XX vX.XY" % sys.argv[0], file=sys.stderr)
version, next_version = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]
log = subprocess.check_output(["git", "log", '''--pretty=format:%H|%an|%aI|%s'''] + [version+".."+next_version])
log = log.decode("utf-8")
by_category = process_log(log)
# Output backends first so remaining in by_category are core items
out, backend_lines = make_out(by_category)
out("mount", title="Mount")
out("vfs", title="VFS")
out("local", title="Local")
out("cache", title="Cache")
out("crypt", title="Crypt")
backend_names = sorted(x for x in list(by_category.keys()) if x in backends)
for backend_name in backend_names:
if backend_name in backend_titles:
backend_title = backend_titles[backend_name]
backend_title = backend_name.title()
out(backend_name, title=backend_title)
# Split remaining in by_category into new features and fixes
new_features = defaultdict(list)
bugfixes = defaultdict(list)
for name, messages in by_category.items():
for message in messages:
if IS_FIX_RE.search(message):
# Output new features
out, new_features_lines = make_out(new_features, indent=" ")
for name in sorted(new_features.keys()):
# Output bugfixes
out, bugfix_lines = make_out(bugfixes, indent=" ")
for name in sorted(bugfixes.keys()):
# Read old changelog and split
with open("docs/content/changelog.md") as fd:
old_changelog = fd.read()
heading = "# Changelog"
i = old_changelog.find(heading)
if i < 0:
raise AssertionError("Couldn't find heading in old changelog")
i += len(heading)
old_head, old_tail = old_changelog[:i], old_changelog[i:]
# Update the build date
old_head = re.sub(r"\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d", str(datetime.date.today()), old_head)
# Output combined changelog with new part
today = datetime.date.today()
new_features = "\n".join(new_features_lines)
bugfixes = "\n".join(bugfix_lines)
backend_changes = "\n".join(backend_lines)
## %(next_version)s - %(today)s
[See commits](https://github.com/rclone/rclone/compare/%(version)s...%(next_version)s)
* New backends
* New commands
* New Features
* Bug Fixes
%(backend_changes)s""" % locals())
if __name__ == "__main__":