mirror of https://github.com/rclone/rclone synced 2024-10-17 03:01:13 +02:00
2018-08-26 17:20:38 +01:00

132 lines
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package fs
import (
// Global
var (
// Config is the global config
Config = NewConfig()
// Read a value from the config file
// This is a function pointer to decouple the config
// implementation from the fs
ConfigFileGet = func(section, key string) (string, bool) { return "", false }
// Set a value into the config file
// This is a function pointer to decouple the config
// implementation from the fs
ConfigFileSet = func(section, key, value string) {
Errorf(nil, "No config handler to set %q = %q in section %q of the config file", key, value, section)
// CountError counts an error. If any errors have been
// counted then it will exit with a non zero error code.
// This is a function pointer to decouple the config
// implementation from the fs
CountError = func(err error) {}
// ConfigProvider is the config key used for provider options
ConfigProvider = "provider"
// ConfigInfo is filesystem config options
type ConfigInfo struct {
LogLevel LogLevel
StatsLogLevel LogLevel
DryRun bool
CheckSum bool
SizeOnly bool
IgnoreTimes bool
IgnoreExisting bool
IgnoreErrors bool
ModifyWindow time.Duration
Checkers int
Transfers int
ConnectTimeout time.Duration // Connect timeout
Timeout time.Duration // Data channel timeout
Dump DumpFlags
InsecureSkipVerify bool // Skip server certificate verification
DeleteMode DeleteMode
MaxDelete int64
TrackRenames bool // Track file renames.
LowLevelRetries int
UpdateOlder bool // Skip files that are newer on the destination
NoGzip bool // Disable compression
MaxDepth int
IgnoreSize bool
IgnoreChecksum bool
NoUpdateModTime bool
DataRateUnit string
BackupDir string
Suffix string
UseListR bool
BufferSize SizeSuffix
BwLimit BwTimetable
TPSLimit float64
TPSLimitBurst int
BindAddr net.IP
DisableFeatures []string
UserAgent string
Immutable bool
AutoConfirm bool
StreamingUploadCutoff SizeSuffix
StatsFileNameLength int
AskPassword bool
UseServerModTime bool
MaxTransfer SizeSuffix
MaxBacklog int
StatsOneLine bool
Progress bool
// NewConfig creates a new config with everything set to the default
// value. These are the ultimate defaults and are overriden by the
// config module.
func NewConfig() *ConfigInfo {
c := new(ConfigInfo)
// Set any values which aren't the zero for the type
c.LogLevel = LogLevelNotice
c.StatsLogLevel = LogLevelInfo
c.ModifyWindow = time.Nanosecond
c.Checkers = 8
c.Transfers = 4
c.ConnectTimeout = 60 * time.Second
c.Timeout = 5 * 60 * time.Second
c.DeleteMode = DeleteModeDefault
c.MaxDelete = -1
c.LowLevelRetries = 10
c.MaxDepth = -1
c.DataRateUnit = "bytes"
c.BufferSize = SizeSuffix(16 << 20)
c.UserAgent = "rclone/" + Version
c.StreamingUploadCutoff = SizeSuffix(100 * 1024)
c.StatsFileNameLength = 40
c.AskPassword = true
c.TPSLimitBurst = 1
c.MaxTransfer = -1
c.MaxBacklog = 10000
return c
// ConfigToEnv converts an config section and name, eg ("myremote",
// "ignore-size") into an environment name
func ConfigToEnv(section, name string) string {
return "RCLONE_CONFIG_" + strings.ToUpper(strings.Replace(section+"_"+name, "-", "_", -1))
// OptionToEnv converts an option name, eg "ignore-size" into an
// environment name "RCLONE_IGNORE_SIZE"
func OptionToEnv(name string) string {
return "RCLONE_" + strings.ToUpper(strings.Replace(name, "-", "_", -1))