mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 09:42:45 +01:00

This adds support for using About with SFTP remotes. This works by calling the df command remotely.
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// Package sftp provides a filesystem interface using github.com/pkg/sftp
// +build !plan9
package sftp
import (
sshagent "github.com/xanzy/ssh-agent"
const (
connectionsPerSecond = 10 // don't make more than this many ssh connections/s
var (
currentUser = readCurrentUser()
func init() {
fsi := &fs.RegInfo{
Name: "sftp",
Description: "SSH/SFTP Connection",
NewFs: NewFs,
Options: []fs.Option{{
Name: "host",
Help: "SSH host to connect to",
Required: true,
Examples: []fs.OptionExample{{
Value: "example.com",
Help: "Connect to example.com",
}, {
Name: "user",
Help: "SSH username, leave blank for current username, " + currentUser,
}, {
Name: "port",
Help: "SSH port, leave blank to use default (22)",
}, {
Name: "pass",
Help: "SSH password, leave blank to use ssh-agent.",
IsPassword: true,
}, {
Name: "key_file",
Help: "Path to PEM-encoded private key file, leave blank or set key-use-agent to use ssh-agent.",
}, {
Name: "key_file_pass",
Help: `The passphrase to decrypt the PEM-encoded private key file.
Only PEM encrypted key files (old OpenSSH format) are supported. Encrypted keys
in the new OpenSSH format can't be used.`,
IsPassword: true,
}, {
Name: "key_use_agent",
Help: `When set forces the usage of the ssh-agent.
When key-file is also set, the ".pub" file of the specified key-file is read and only the associated key is
requested from the ssh-agent. This allows to avoid ` + "`Too many authentication failures for *username*`" + ` errors
when the ssh-agent contains many keys.`,
Default: false,
}, {
Name: "use_insecure_cipher",
Help: "Enable the use of the aes128-cbc cipher. This cipher is insecure and may allow plaintext data to be recovered by an attacker.",
Default: false,
Examples: []fs.OptionExample{
Value: "false",
Help: "Use default Cipher list.",
}, {
Value: "true",
Help: "Enables the use of the aes128-cbc cipher.",
}, {
Name: "disable_hashcheck",
Default: false,
Help: "Disable the execution of SSH commands to determine if remote file hashing is available.\nLeave blank or set to false to enable hashing (recommended), set to true to disable hashing.",
}, {
Name: "ask_password",
Default: false,
Help: "Allow asking for SFTP password when needed.",
Advanced: true,
}, {
Name: "path_override",
Default: "",
Help: `Override path used by SSH connection.
This allows checksum calculation when SFTP and SSH paths are
different. This issue affects among others Synology NAS boxes.
Shared folders can be found in directories representing volumes
rclone sync /home/local/directory remote:/directory --ssh-path-override /volume2/directory
Home directory can be found in a shared folder called "home"
rclone sync /home/local/directory remote:/home/directory --ssh-path-override /volume1/homes/USER/directory`,
Advanced: true,
}, {
Name: "set_modtime",
Default: true,
Help: "Set the modified time on the remote if set.",
Advanced: true,
// Options defines the configuration for this backend
type Options struct {
Host string `config:"host"`
User string `config:"user"`
Port string `config:"port"`
Pass string `config:"pass"`
KeyFile string `config:"key_file"`
KeyFilePass string `config:"key_file_pass"`
KeyUseAgent bool `config:"key_use_agent"`
UseInsecureCipher bool `config:"use_insecure_cipher"`
DisableHashCheck bool `config:"disable_hashcheck"`
AskPassword bool `config:"ask_password"`
PathOverride string `config:"path_override"`
SetModTime bool `config:"set_modtime"`
// Fs stores the interface to the remote SFTP files
type Fs struct {
name string
root string
opt Options // parsed options
features *fs.Features // optional features
config *ssh.ClientConfig
url string
mkdirLock *stringLock
cachedHashes *hash.Set
poolMu sync.Mutex
pool []*conn
connLimit *rate.Limiter // for limiting number of connections per second
// Object is a remote SFTP file that has been stat'd (so it exists, but is not necessarily open for reading)
type Object struct {
fs *Fs
remote string
size int64 // size of the object
modTime time.Time // modification time of the object
mode os.FileMode // mode bits from the file
md5sum *string // Cached MD5 checksum
sha1sum *string // Cached SHA1 checksum
// readCurrentUser finds the current user name or "" if not found
func readCurrentUser() (userName string) {
usr, err := user.Current()
if err == nil {
return usr.Username
// Fall back to reading $USER then $LOGNAME
userName = os.Getenv("USER")
if userName != "" {
return userName
return os.Getenv("LOGNAME")
// Dial starts a client connection to the given SSH server. It is a
// convenience function that connects to the given network address,
// initiates the SSH handshake, and then sets up a Client.
func Dial(network, addr string, sshConfig *ssh.ClientConfig) (*ssh.Client, error) {
dialer := fshttp.NewDialer(fs.Config)
conn, err := dialer.Dial(network, addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c, chans, reqs, err := ssh.NewClientConn(conn, addr, sshConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ssh.NewClient(c, chans, reqs), nil
// conn encapsulates an ssh client and corresponding sftp client
type conn struct {
sshClient *ssh.Client
sftpClient *sftp.Client
err chan error
// Wait for connection to close
func (c *conn) wait() {
c.err <- c.sshClient.Conn.Wait()
// Closes the connection
func (c *conn) close() error {
sftpErr := c.sftpClient.Close()
sshErr := c.sshClient.Close()
if sftpErr != nil {
return sftpErr
return sshErr
// Returns an error if closed
func (c *conn) closed() error {
select {
case err := <-c.err:
return err
return nil
// Open a new connection to the SFTP server.
func (f *Fs) sftpConnection() (c *conn, err error) {
// Rate limit rate of new connections
err = f.connLimit.Wait(context.Background())
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "limiter failed in connect")
c = &conn{
err: make(chan error, 1),
c.sshClient, err = Dial("tcp", f.opt.Host+":"+f.opt.Port, f.config)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "couldn't connect SSH")
c.sftpClient, err = sftp.NewClient(c.sshClient)
if err != nil {
_ = c.sshClient.Close()
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "couldn't initialise SFTP")
go c.wait()
return c, nil
// Get an SFTP connection from the pool, or open a new one
func (f *Fs) getSftpConnection() (c *conn, err error) {
for len(f.pool) > 0 {
c = f.pool[0]
f.pool = f.pool[1:]
err := c.closed()
if err == nil {
fs.Errorf(f, "Discarding closed SSH connection: %v", err)
c = nil
if c != nil {
return c, nil
return f.sftpConnection()
// Return an SFTP connection to the pool
// It nils the pointed to connection out so it can't be reused
// if err is not nil then it checks the connection is alive using a
// Getwd request
func (f *Fs) putSftpConnection(pc **conn, err error) {
c := *pc
*pc = nil
if err != nil {
// work out if this is an expected error
underlyingErr := errors.Cause(err)
isRegularError := false
switch underlyingErr {
case os.ErrNotExist:
isRegularError = true
switch underlyingErr.(type) {
case *sftp.StatusError, *os.PathError:
isRegularError = true
// If not a regular SFTP error code then check the connection
if !isRegularError {
_, nopErr := c.sftpClient.Getwd()
if nopErr != nil {
fs.Debugf(f, "Connection failed, closing: %v", nopErr)
_ = c.close()
fs.Debugf(f, "Connection OK after error: %v", err)
f.pool = append(f.pool, c)
// shellExpand replaces a leading "~" with "${HOME}" and expands all environment
// variables afterwards.
func shellExpand(s string) string {
if s != "" {
if s[0] == '~' {
s = "${HOME}" + s[1:]
s = os.ExpandEnv(s)
return s
// NewFs creates a new Fs object from the name and root. It connects to
// the host specified in the config file.
func NewFs(name, root string, m configmap.Mapper) (fs.Fs, error) {
// Parse config into Options struct
opt := new(Options)
err := configstruct.Set(m, opt)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if opt.User == "" {
opt.User = currentUser
if opt.Port == "" {
opt.Port = "22"
sshConfig := &ssh.ClientConfig{
User: opt.User,
Auth: []ssh.AuthMethod{},
HostKeyCallback: ssh.InsecureIgnoreHostKey(),
Timeout: fs.Config.ConnectTimeout,
if opt.UseInsecureCipher {
sshConfig.Config.Ciphers = append(sshConfig.Config.Ciphers, "aes128-cbc")
keyFile := shellExpand(opt.KeyFile)
// Add ssh agent-auth if no password or file specified
if (opt.Pass == "" && keyFile == "") || opt.KeyUseAgent {
sshAgentClient, _, err := sshagent.New()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "couldn't connect to ssh-agent")
signers, err := sshAgentClient.Signers()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "couldn't read ssh agent signers")
if keyFile != "" {
pubBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(keyFile + ".pub")
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to read public key file")
pub, _, _, _, err := ssh.ParseAuthorizedKey(pubBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to parse public key file")
pubM := pub.Marshal()
found := false
for _, s := range signers {
if bytes.Equal(pubM, s.PublicKey().Marshal()) {
sshConfig.Auth = append(sshConfig.Auth, ssh.PublicKeys(s))
found = true
if !found {
return nil, errors.New("private key not found in the ssh-agent")
} else {
sshConfig.Auth = append(sshConfig.Auth, ssh.PublicKeys(signers...))
// Load key file if specified
if keyFile != "" {
key, err := ioutil.ReadFile(keyFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to read private key file")
clearpass := ""
if opt.KeyFilePass != "" {
clearpass, err = obscure.Reveal(opt.KeyFilePass)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
signer, err := ssh.ParsePrivateKeyWithPassphrase(key, []byte(clearpass))
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to parse private key file")
sshConfig.Auth = append(sshConfig.Auth, ssh.PublicKeys(signer))
// Auth from password if specified
if opt.Pass != "" {
clearpass, err := obscure.Reveal(opt.Pass)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sshConfig.Auth = append(sshConfig.Auth, ssh.Password(clearpass))
// Ask for password if none was defined and we're allowed to
if opt.Pass == "" && opt.AskPassword {
_, _ = fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "Enter SFTP password: ")
clearpass := config.ReadPassword()
sshConfig.Auth = append(sshConfig.Auth, ssh.Password(clearpass))
return NewFsWithConnection(name, root, opt, sshConfig)
// NewFsWithConnection creates a new Fs object from the name and root and a ssh.ClientConfig. It connects to
// the host specified in the ssh.ClientConfig
func NewFsWithConnection(name string, root string, opt *Options, sshConfig *ssh.ClientConfig) (fs.Fs, error) {
f := &Fs{
name: name,
root: root,
opt: *opt,
config: sshConfig,
url: "sftp://" + opt.User + "@" + opt.Host + ":" + opt.Port + "/" + root,
mkdirLock: newStringLock(),
connLimit: rate.NewLimiter(rate.Limit(connectionsPerSecond), 1),
f.features = (&fs.Features{
CanHaveEmptyDirectories: true,
// Make a connection and pool it to return errors early
c, err := f.getSftpConnection()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "NewFs")
f.putSftpConnection(&c, nil)
if root != "" {
// Check to see if the root actually an existing file
remote := path.Base(root)
f.root = path.Dir(root)
if f.root == "." {
f.root = ""
_, err := f.NewObject(remote)
if err != nil {
if err == fs.ErrorObjectNotFound || errors.Cause(err) == fs.ErrorNotAFile {
// File doesn't exist so return old f
f.root = root
return f, nil
return nil, err
// return an error with an fs which points to the parent
return f, fs.ErrorIsFile
return f, nil
// Name returns the configured name of the file system
func (f *Fs) Name() string {
return f.name
// Root returns the root for the filesystem
func (f *Fs) Root() string {
return f.root
// String returns the URL for the filesystem
func (f *Fs) String() string {
return f.url
// Features returns the optional features of this Fs
func (f *Fs) Features() *fs.Features {
return f.features
// Precision is the remote sftp file system's modtime precision, which we have no way of knowing. We estimate at 1s
func (f *Fs) Precision() time.Duration {
return time.Second
// NewObject creates a new remote sftp file object
func (f *Fs) NewObject(remote string) (fs.Object, error) {
o := &Object{
fs: f,
remote: remote,
err := o.stat()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return o, nil
// dirExists returns true,nil if the directory exists, false, nil if
// it doesn't or false, err
func (f *Fs) dirExists(dir string) (bool, error) {
if dir == "" {
dir = "."
c, err := f.getSftpConnection()
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Wrap(err, "dirExists")
info, err := c.sftpClient.Stat(dir)
f.putSftpConnection(&c, err)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false, nil
return false, errors.Wrap(err, "dirExists stat failed")
if !info.IsDir() {
return false, fs.ErrorIsFile
return true, nil
// List the objects and directories in dir into entries. The
// entries can be returned in any order but should be for a
// complete directory.
// dir should be "" to list the root, and should not have
// trailing slashes.
// This should return ErrDirNotFound if the directory isn't
// found.
func (f *Fs) List(dir string) (entries fs.DirEntries, err error) {
root := path.Join(f.root, dir)
ok, err := f.dirExists(root)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "List failed")
if !ok {
return nil, fs.ErrorDirNotFound
sftpDir := root
if sftpDir == "" {
sftpDir = "."
c, err := f.getSftpConnection()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "List")
infos, err := c.sftpClient.ReadDir(sftpDir)
f.putSftpConnection(&c, err)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "error listing %q", dir)
for _, info := range infos {
remote := path.Join(dir, info.Name())
// If file is a symlink (not a regular file is the best cross platform test we can do), do a stat to
// pick up the size and type of the destination, instead of the size and type of the symlink.
if !info.Mode().IsRegular() {
oldInfo := info
info, err = f.stat(remote)
if err != nil {
if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
fs.Errorf(remote, "stat of non-regular file/dir failed: %v", err)
info = oldInfo
if info.IsDir() {
d := fs.NewDir(remote, info.ModTime())
entries = append(entries, d)
} else {
o := &Object{
fs: f,
remote: remote,
entries = append(entries, o)
return entries, nil
// Put data from <in> into a new remote sftp file object described by <src.Remote()> and <src.ModTime()>
func (f *Fs) Put(in io.Reader, src fs.ObjectInfo, options ...fs.OpenOption) (fs.Object, error) {
err := f.mkParentDir(src.Remote())
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Put mkParentDir failed")
// Temporary object under construction
o := &Object{
fs: f,
remote: src.Remote(),
err = o.Update(in, src, options...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return o, nil
// PutStream uploads to the remote path with the modTime given of indeterminate size
func (f *Fs) PutStream(in io.Reader, src fs.ObjectInfo, options ...fs.OpenOption) (fs.Object, error) {
return f.Put(in, src, options...)
// mkParentDir makes the parent of remote if necessary and any
// directories above that
func (f *Fs) mkParentDir(remote string) error {
parent := path.Dir(remote)
return f.mkdir(path.Join(f.root, parent))
// mkdir makes the directory and parents using native paths
func (f *Fs) mkdir(dirPath string) error {
defer f.mkdirLock.Unlock(dirPath)
if dirPath == "." || dirPath == "/" {
return nil
ok, err := f.dirExists(dirPath)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "mkdir dirExists failed")
if ok {
return nil
parent := path.Dir(dirPath)
err = f.mkdir(parent)
if err != nil {
return err
c, err := f.getSftpConnection()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "mkdir")
err = c.sftpClient.Mkdir(dirPath)
f.putSftpConnection(&c, err)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "mkdir %q failed", dirPath)
return nil
// Mkdir makes the root directory of the Fs object
func (f *Fs) Mkdir(dir string) error {
root := path.Join(f.root, dir)
return f.mkdir(root)
// Rmdir removes the root directory of the Fs object
func (f *Fs) Rmdir(dir string) error {
// Check to see if directory is empty as some servers will
// delete recursively with RemoveDirectory
entries, err := f.List(dir)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Rmdir")
if len(entries) != 0 {
return fs.ErrorDirectoryNotEmpty
// Remove the directory
root := path.Join(f.root, dir)
c, err := f.getSftpConnection()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Rmdir")
err = c.sftpClient.RemoveDirectory(root)
f.putSftpConnection(&c, err)
return err
// Move renames a remote sftp file object
func (f *Fs) Move(src fs.Object, remote string) (fs.Object, error) {
srcObj, ok := src.(*Object)
if !ok {
fs.Debugf(src, "Can't move - not same remote type")
return nil, fs.ErrorCantMove
err := f.mkParentDir(remote)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Move mkParentDir failed")
c, err := f.getSftpConnection()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Move")
err = c.sftpClient.Rename(
path.Join(f.root, remote),
f.putSftpConnection(&c, err)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Move Rename failed")
dstObj, err := f.NewObject(remote)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Move NewObject failed")
return dstObj, nil
// DirMove moves src, srcRemote to this remote at dstRemote
// using server side move operations.
// Will only be called if src.Fs().Name() == f.Name()
// If it isn't possible then return fs.ErrorCantDirMove
// If destination exists then return fs.ErrorDirExists
func (f *Fs) DirMove(src fs.Fs, srcRemote, dstRemote string) error {
srcFs, ok := src.(*Fs)
if !ok {
fs.Debugf(srcFs, "Can't move directory - not same remote type")
return fs.ErrorCantDirMove
srcPath := path.Join(srcFs.root, srcRemote)
dstPath := path.Join(f.root, dstRemote)
// Check if destination exists
ok, err := f.dirExists(dstPath)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "DirMove dirExists dst failed")
if ok {
return fs.ErrorDirExists
// Make sure the parent directory exists
err = f.mkdir(path.Dir(dstPath))
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "DirMove mkParentDir dst failed")
// Do the move
c, err := f.getSftpConnection()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "DirMove")
err = c.sftpClient.Rename(
f.putSftpConnection(&c, err)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "DirMove Rename(%q,%q) failed", srcPath, dstPath)
return nil
// Hashes returns the supported hash types of the filesystem
func (f *Fs) Hashes() hash.Set {
if f.cachedHashes != nil {
return *f.cachedHashes
if f.opt.DisableHashCheck {
return hash.Set(hash.None)
c, err := f.getSftpConnection()
if err != nil {
fs.Errorf(f, "Couldn't get SSH connection to figure out Hashes: %v", err)
return hash.Set(hash.None)
defer f.putSftpConnection(&c, err)
session, err := c.sshClient.NewSession()
if err != nil {
return hash.Set(hash.None)
sha1Output, _ := session.Output("echo 'abc' | sha1sum")
expectedSha1 := "03cfd743661f07975fa2f1220c5194cbaff48451"
_ = session.Close()
session, err = c.sshClient.NewSession()
if err != nil {
return hash.Set(hash.None)
md5Output, _ := session.Output("echo 'abc' | md5sum")
expectedMd5 := "0bee89b07a248e27c83fc3d5951213c1"
_ = session.Close()
sha1Works := parseHash(sha1Output) == expectedSha1
md5Works := parseHash(md5Output) == expectedMd5
set := hash.NewHashSet()
if !sha1Works && !md5Works {
if sha1Works {
if md5Works {
_ = session.Close()
f.cachedHashes = &set
return set
// About gets usage stats
func (f *Fs) About() (*fs.Usage, error) {
c, err := f.getSftpConnection()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "About get SFTP connection")
session, err := c.sshClient.NewSession()
f.putSftpConnection(&c, err)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "About put SFTP connection")
var stdout, stderr bytes.Buffer
session.Stdout = &stdout
session.Stderr = &stderr
escapedPath := shellEscape(f.root)
if f.opt.PathOverride != "" {
escapedPath = shellEscape(path.Join(f.opt.PathOverride, f.root))
if len(escapedPath) == 0 {
escapedPath = "/"
err = session.Run("df -k " + escapedPath)
if err != nil {
_ = session.Close()
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "About invocation of df failed. Your remote may not support about.")
_ = session.Close()
usageTotal, usageUsed, usageAvail := parseUsage(stdout.Bytes())
if usageTotal < 0 || usageUsed < 0 || usageAvail < 0 {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "About failed to parse information")
usage := &fs.Usage{
Total: fs.NewUsageValue(usageTotal),
Used: fs.NewUsageValue(usageUsed),
Free: fs.NewUsageValue(usageAvail),
return usage, nil
// Fs is the filesystem this remote sftp file object is located within
func (o *Object) Fs() fs.Info {
return o.fs
// String returns the URL to the remote SFTP file
func (o *Object) String() string {
if o == nil {
return "<nil>"
return o.remote
// Remote the name of the remote SFTP file, relative to the fs root
func (o *Object) Remote() string {
return o.remote
// Hash returns the selected checksum of the file
// If no checksum is available it returns ""
func (o *Object) Hash(r hash.Type) (string, error) {
var hashCmd string
if r == hash.MD5 {
if o.md5sum != nil {
return *o.md5sum, nil
hashCmd = "md5sum"
} else if r == hash.SHA1 {
if o.sha1sum != nil {
return *o.sha1sum, nil
hashCmd = "sha1sum"
} else {
return "", hash.ErrUnsupported
if o.fs.opt.DisableHashCheck {
return "", nil
c, err := o.fs.getSftpConnection()
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "Hash get SFTP connection")
session, err := c.sshClient.NewSession()
o.fs.putSftpConnection(&c, err)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "Hash put SFTP connection")
var stdout, stderr bytes.Buffer
session.Stdout = &stdout
session.Stderr = &stderr
escapedPath := shellEscape(o.path())
if o.fs.opt.PathOverride != "" {
escapedPath = shellEscape(path.Join(o.fs.opt.PathOverride, o.remote))
err = session.Run(hashCmd + " " + escapedPath)
if err != nil {
_ = session.Close()
fs.Debugf(o, "Failed to calculate %v hash: %v (%s)", r, err, bytes.TrimSpace(stderr.Bytes()))
return "", nil
_ = session.Close()
str := parseHash(stdout.Bytes())
if r == hash.MD5 {
o.md5sum = &str
} else if r == hash.SHA1 {
o.sha1sum = &str
return str, nil
var shellEscapeRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`[^A-Za-z0-9_.,:/@\n-]`)
// Escape a string s.t. it cannot cause unintended behavior
// when sending it to a shell.
func shellEscape(str string) string {
safe := shellEscapeRegex.ReplaceAllString(str, `\$0`)
return strings.Replace(safe, "\n", "'\n'", -1)
// Converts a byte array from the SSH session returned by
// an invocation of md5sum/sha1sum to a hash string
// as expected by the rest of this application
func parseHash(bytes []byte) string {
return strings.Split(string(bytes), " ")[0] // Split at hash / filename separator
// Parses the byte array output from the SSH session
// returned by an invocation of df into
// the disk size, used space, and avaliable space on the disk, in that order.
// Only works when `df` has output info on only one disk
func parseUsage(bytes []byte) (int64, int64, int64) {
lines := strings.Split(string(bytes), "\n")
if len(lines) < 2 {
return -1, -1, -1
split := strings.Fields(lines[1])
if len(split) < 6 {
return -1, -1, -1
spaceTotal, err := strconv.ParseInt(split[1], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return -1, -1, -1
spaceUsed, err := strconv.ParseInt(split[2], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return -1, -1, -1
spaceAvail, err := strconv.ParseInt(split[3], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return -1, -1, -1
return spaceTotal * 1024, spaceUsed * 1024, spaceAvail * 1024
// Size returns the size in bytes of the remote sftp file
func (o *Object) Size() int64 {
return o.size
// ModTime returns the modification time of the remote sftp file
func (o *Object) ModTime() time.Time {
return o.modTime
// path returns the native path of the object
func (o *Object) path() string {
return path.Join(o.fs.root, o.remote)
// setMetadata updates the info in the object from the stat result passed in
func (o *Object) setMetadata(info os.FileInfo) {
o.modTime = info.ModTime()
o.size = info.Size()
o.mode = info.Mode()
// statRemote stats the file or directory at the remote given
func (f *Fs) stat(remote string) (info os.FileInfo, err error) {
c, err := f.getSftpConnection()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "stat")
absPath := path.Join(f.root, remote)
info, err = c.sftpClient.Stat(absPath)
f.putSftpConnection(&c, err)
return info, err
// stat updates the info in the Object
func (o *Object) stat() error {
info, err := o.fs.stat(o.remote)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return fs.ErrorObjectNotFound
return errors.Wrap(err, "stat failed")
if info.IsDir() {
return errors.Wrapf(fs.ErrorNotAFile, "%q", o.remote)
return nil
// SetModTime sets the modification and access time to the specified time
// it also updates the info field
func (o *Object) SetModTime(modTime time.Time) error {
c, err := o.fs.getSftpConnection()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "SetModTime")
if o.fs.opt.SetModTime {
err = c.sftpClient.Chtimes(o.path(), modTime, modTime)
o.fs.putSftpConnection(&c, err)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "SetModTime failed")
err = o.stat()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "SetModTime stat failed")
return nil
// Storable returns whether the remote sftp file is a regular file (not a directory, symbolic link, block device, character device, named pipe, etc)
func (o *Object) Storable() bool {
return o.mode.IsRegular()
// objectReader represents a file open for reading on the SFTP server
type objectReader struct {
sftpFile *sftp.File
pipeReader *io.PipeReader
done chan struct{}
func newObjectReader(sftpFile *sftp.File) *objectReader {
pipeReader, pipeWriter := io.Pipe()
file := &objectReader{
sftpFile: sftpFile,
pipeReader: pipeReader,
done: make(chan struct{}),
go func() {
// Use sftpFile.WriteTo to pump data so that it gets a
// chance to build the window up.
_, err := sftpFile.WriteTo(pipeWriter)
// Close the pipeWriter so the pipeReader fails with
// the same error or EOF if err == nil
_ = pipeWriter.CloseWithError(err)
// signal that we've finished
return file
// Read from a remote sftp file object reader
func (file *objectReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
n, err = file.pipeReader.Read(p)
return n, err
// Close a reader of a remote sftp file
func (file *objectReader) Close() (err error) {
// Close the sftpFile - this will likely cause the WriteTo to error
err = file.sftpFile.Close()
// Close the pipeReader so writes to the pipeWriter fail
_ = file.pipeReader.Close()
// Wait for the background process to finish
return err
// Open a remote sftp file object for reading. Seek is supported
func (o *Object) Open(options ...fs.OpenOption) (in io.ReadCloser, err error) {
var offset, limit int64 = 0, -1
for _, option := range options {
switch x := option.(type) {
case *fs.SeekOption:
offset = x.Offset
case *fs.RangeOption:
offset, limit = x.Decode(o.Size())
if option.Mandatory() {
fs.Logf(o, "Unsupported mandatory option: %v", option)
c, err := o.fs.getSftpConnection()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Open")
sftpFile, err := c.sftpClient.Open(o.path())
o.fs.putSftpConnection(&c, err)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Open failed")
if offset > 0 {
off, err := sftpFile.Seek(offset, io.SeekStart)
if err != nil || off != offset {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "Open Seek failed")
in = readers.NewLimitedReadCloser(newObjectReader(sftpFile), limit)
return in, nil
// Update a remote sftp file using the data <in> and ModTime from <src>
func (o *Object) Update(in io.Reader, src fs.ObjectInfo, options ...fs.OpenOption) error {
// Clear the hash cache since we are about to update the object
o.md5sum = nil
o.sha1sum = nil
c, err := o.fs.getSftpConnection()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Update")
file, err := c.sftpClient.Create(o.path())
o.fs.putSftpConnection(&c, err)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Update Create failed")
// remove the file if upload failed
remove := func() {
c, removeErr := o.fs.getSftpConnection()
if removeErr != nil {
fs.Debugf(src, "Failed to open new SSH connection for delete: %v", removeErr)
removeErr = c.sftpClient.Remove(o.path())
o.fs.putSftpConnection(&c, removeErr)
if removeErr != nil {
fs.Debugf(src, "Failed to remove: %v", removeErr)
} else {
fs.Debugf(src, "Removed after failed upload: %v", err)
_, err = file.ReadFrom(in)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Update ReadFrom failed")
err = file.Close()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Update Close failed")
err = o.SetModTime(src.ModTime())
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Update SetModTime failed")
return nil
// Remove a remote sftp file object
func (o *Object) Remove() error {
c, err := o.fs.getSftpConnection()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Remove")
err = c.sftpClient.Remove(o.path())
o.fs.putSftpConnection(&c, err)
return err
// Check the interfaces are satisfied
var (
_ fs.Fs = &Fs{}
_ fs.PutStreamer = &Fs{}
_ fs.Mover = &Fs{}
_ fs.DirMover = &Fs{}
_ fs.Object = &Object{}