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// Package fstest provides utilities for testing the Fs
package fstest
// FIXME put name of test FS in Fs structure
import (
// Globals
var (
RemoteName = flag.String("remote", "", "Remote to test with, defaults to local filesystem")
Verbose = flag.Bool("verbose", false, "Set to enable logging")
DumpHeaders = flag.Bool("dump-headers", false, "Set to dump headers (needs -verbose)")
DumpBodies = flag.Bool("dump-bodies", false, "Set to dump bodies (needs -verbose)")
Individual = flag.Bool("individual", false, "Make individual bucket/container/directory for each test - much slower")
LowLevelRetries = flag.Int("low-level-retries", 10, "Number of low level retries")
UseListR = flag.Bool("fast-list", false, "Use recursive list if available. Uses more memory but fewer transactions.")
// ListRetries is the number of times to retry a listing to overcome eventual consistency
ListRetries = flag.Int("list-retries", 6, "Number or times to retry listing")
// MatchTestRemote matches the remote names used for testing
MatchTestRemote = regexp.MustCompile(`^rclone-test-[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789]{24}$`)
// Seed the random number generator
func init() {
// Initialise rclone for testing
func Initialise() {
// Never ask for passwords, fail instead.
// If your local config is encrypted set environment variable
// "RCLONE_CONFIG_PASS=hunter2" (or your password)
fs.Config.AskPassword = false
// Override the config file from the environment - we don't
// parse the flags any more so this doesn't happen
// automatically
if envConfig := os.Getenv("RCLONE_CONFIG"); envConfig != "" {
config.ConfigPath = envConfig
if *Verbose {
fs.Config.LogLevel = fs.LogLevelDebug
if *DumpHeaders {
fs.Config.Dump |= fs.DumpHeaders
if *DumpBodies {
fs.Config.Dump |= fs.DumpBodies
fs.Config.LowLevelRetries = *LowLevelRetries
fs.Config.UseListR = *UseListR
// Item represents an item for checking
type Item struct {
Path string
Hashes map[hash.Type]string
ModTime time.Time
Size int64
WinPath string
// NewItem creates an item from a string content
func NewItem(Path, Content string, modTime time.Time) Item {
i := Item{
Path: Path,
ModTime: modTime,
Size: int64(len(Content)),
hash := hash.NewMultiHasher()
buf := bytes.NewBufferString(Content)
_, err := io.Copy(hash, buf)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to create item: %v", err)
i.Hashes = hash.Sums()
return i
// CheckTimeEqualWithPrecision checks the times are equal within the
// precision, returns the delta and a flag
func CheckTimeEqualWithPrecision(t0, t1 time.Time, precision time.Duration) (time.Duration, bool) {
dt := t0.Sub(t1)
if dt >= precision || dt <= -precision {
return dt, false
return dt, true
// CheckModTime checks the mod time to the given precision
func (i *Item) CheckModTime(t *testing.T, obj fs.Object, modTime time.Time, precision time.Duration) {
dt, ok := CheckTimeEqualWithPrecision(modTime, i.ModTime, precision)
assert.True(t, ok, fmt.Sprintf("%s: Modification time difference too big |%s| > %s (%s vs %s) (precision %s)", obj.Remote(), dt, precision, modTime, i.ModTime, precision))
// CheckHashes checks all the hashes the object supports are correct
func (i *Item) CheckHashes(t *testing.T, obj fs.Object) {
require.NotNil(t, obj)
types := obj.Fs().Hashes().Array()
for _, Hash := range types {
// Check attributes
sum, err := obj.Hash(context.Background(), Hash)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.True(t, hash.Equals(i.Hashes[Hash], sum), fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s: %v hash incorrect - expecting %q got %q", obj.Fs().String(), obj.Remote(), Hash, i.Hashes[Hash], sum))
// Check checks all the attributes of the object are correct
func (i *Item) Check(t *testing.T, obj fs.Object, precision time.Duration) {
i.CheckHashes(t, obj)
assert.Equal(t, i.Size, obj.Size(), fmt.Sprintf("%s: size incorrect file=%d vs obj=%d", i.Path, i.Size, obj.Size()))
i.CheckModTime(t, obj, obj.ModTime(context.Background()), precision)
// WinPath converts a path into a windows safe path
func WinPath(s string) string {
return strings.Map(func(r rune) rune {
switch r {
case '<', '>', '"', '|', '?', '*', ':':
return '_'
return r
}, s)
// Normalize runs a utf8 normalization on the string if running on OS
// X. This is because OS X denormalizes file names it writes to the
// local file system.
func Normalize(name string) string {
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
name = norm.NFC.String(name)
return name
// Items represents all items for checking
type Items struct {
byName map[string]*Item
byNameAlt map[string]*Item
items []Item
// NewItems makes an Items
func NewItems(items []Item) *Items {
is := &Items{
byName: make(map[string]*Item),
byNameAlt: make(map[string]*Item),
items: items,
// Fill up byName
for i := range items {
is.byName[Normalize(items[i].Path)] = &items[i]
is.byNameAlt[Normalize(items[i].WinPath)] = &items[i]
return is
// Find checks off an item
func (is *Items) Find(t *testing.T, obj fs.Object, precision time.Duration) {
remote := Normalize(obj.Remote())
i, ok := is.byName[remote]
if !ok {
i, ok = is.byNameAlt[remote]
assert.True(t, ok, fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected file %q", remote))
if i != nil {
delete(is.byName, i.Path)
delete(is.byName, i.WinPath)
i.Check(t, obj, precision)
// Done checks all finished
func (is *Items) Done(t *testing.T) {
if len(is.byName) != 0 {
for name := range is.byName {
t.Logf("Not found %q", name)
assert.Equal(t, 0, len(is.byName), fmt.Sprintf("%d objects not found", len(is.byName)))
// makeListingFromItems returns a string representation of the items
// it returns two possible strings, one normal and one for windows
func makeListingFromItems(items []Item) (string, string) {
nameLengths1 := make([]string, len(items))
nameLengths2 := make([]string, len(items))
for i, item := range items {
remote1 := Normalize(item.Path)
remote2 := remote1
if item.WinPath != "" {
remote2 = item.WinPath
nameLengths1[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%d)", remote1, item.Size)
nameLengths2[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%d)", remote2, item.Size)
return strings.Join(nameLengths1, ", "), strings.Join(nameLengths2, ", ")
// makeListingFromObjects returns a string representation of the objects
func makeListingFromObjects(objs []fs.Object) string {
nameLengths := make([]string, len(objs))
for i, obj := range objs {
nameLengths[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%d)", Normalize(obj.Remote()), obj.Size())
return strings.Join(nameLengths, ", ")
// filterEmptyDirs removes any empty (or containing only directories)
// directories from expectedDirs
func filterEmptyDirs(t *testing.T, items []Item, expectedDirs []string) (newExpectedDirs []string) {
dirs := map[string]struct{}{"": struct{}{}}
for _, item := range items {
base := item.Path
for {
base = path.Dir(base)
if base == "." || base == "/" {
dirs[base] = struct{}{}
for _, expectedDir := range expectedDirs {
if _, found := dirs[expectedDir]; found {
newExpectedDirs = append(newExpectedDirs, expectedDir)
} else {
t.Logf("Filtering empty directory %q", expectedDir)
return newExpectedDirs
// CheckListingWithPrecision checks the fs to see if it has the
// expected contents with the given precision.
// If expectedDirs is non nil then we check those too. Note that no
// directories returned is also OK as some remotes don't return
// directories.
func CheckListingWithPrecision(t *testing.T, f fs.Fs, items []Item, expectedDirs []string, precision time.Duration) {
if expectedDirs != nil && !f.Features().CanHaveEmptyDirectories {
expectedDirs = filterEmptyDirs(t, items, expectedDirs)
is := NewItems(items)
ctx := context.Background()
oldErrors := accounting.Stats(ctx).GetErrors()
var objs []fs.Object
var dirs []fs.Directory
var err error
var retries = *ListRetries
sleep := time.Second / 2
wantListing1, wantListing2 := makeListingFromItems(items)
gotListing := "<unset>"
listingOK := false
for i := 1; i <= retries; i++ {
objs, dirs, err = walk.GetAll(ctx, f, "", true, -1)
if err != nil && err != fs.ErrorDirNotFound {
t.Fatalf("Error listing: %v", err)
gotListing = makeListingFromObjects(objs)
listingOK = wantListing1 == gotListing || wantListing2 == gotListing
if listingOK && (expectedDirs == nil || len(dirs) == len(expectedDirs)) {
// Put an extra sleep in if we did any retries just to make sure it really
// is consistent (here is looking at you Amazon Drive!)
if i != 1 {
extraSleep := 5*time.Second + sleep
t.Logf("Sleeping for %v just to make sure", extraSleep)
sleep *= 2
t.Logf("Sleeping for %v for list eventual consistency: %d/%d", sleep, i, retries)
if doDirCacheFlush := f.Features().DirCacheFlush; doDirCacheFlush != nil {
t.Logf("Flushing the directory cache")
assert.True(t, listingOK, fmt.Sprintf("listing wrong, want\n %s or\n %s got\n %s", wantListing1, wantListing2, gotListing))
for _, obj := range objs {
require.NotNil(t, obj)
is.Find(t, obj, precision)
// Don't notice an error when listing an empty directory
if len(items) == 0 && oldErrors == 0 && accounting.Stats(ctx).GetErrors() == 1 {
// Check the directories
if expectedDirs != nil {
expectedDirsCopy := make([]string, len(expectedDirs))
for i, dir := range expectedDirs {
expectedDirsCopy[i] = WinPath(Normalize(dir))
actualDirs := []string{}
for _, dir := range dirs {
actualDirs = append(actualDirs, WinPath(Normalize(dir.Remote())))
assert.Equal(t, expectedDirsCopy, actualDirs, "directories")
// CheckListing checks the fs to see if it has the expected contents
func CheckListing(t *testing.T, f fs.Fs, items []Item) {
precision := f.Precision()
CheckListingWithPrecision(t, f, items, nil, precision)
// CheckItems checks the fs to see if it has only the items passed in
// using a precision of fs.Config.ModifyWindow
func CheckItems(t *testing.T, f fs.Fs, items ...Item) {
CheckListingWithPrecision(t, f, items, nil, fs.GetModifyWindow(f))
// CompareItems compares a set of DirEntries to a slice of items and a list of dirs
// The modtimes are compared with the precision supplied
func CompareItems(t *testing.T, entries fs.DirEntries, items []Item, expectedDirs []string, precision time.Duration, what string) {
is := NewItems(items)
var objs []fs.Object
var dirs []fs.Directory
wantListing1, wantListing2 := makeListingFromItems(items)
for _, entry := range entries {
switch x := entry.(type) {
case fs.Directory:
dirs = append(dirs, x)
case fs.Object:
objs = append(objs, x)
// do nothing
t.Fatalf("unknown object type %T", entry)
gotListing := makeListingFromObjects(objs)
listingOK := wantListing1 == gotListing || wantListing2 == gotListing
assert.True(t, listingOK, fmt.Sprintf("%s not equal, want\n %s or\n %s got\n %s", what, wantListing1, wantListing2, gotListing))
for _, obj := range objs {
require.NotNil(t, obj)
is.Find(t, obj, precision)
// Check the directories
if expectedDirs != nil {
expectedDirsCopy := make([]string, len(expectedDirs))
for i, dir := range expectedDirs {
expectedDirsCopy[i] = WinPath(Normalize(dir))
actualDirs := []string{}
for _, dir := range dirs {
actualDirs = append(actualDirs, WinPath(Normalize(dir.Remote())))
assert.Equal(t, expectedDirsCopy, actualDirs, "directories not equal")
// Time parses a time string or logs a fatal error
func Time(timeString string) time.Time {
t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, timeString)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to parse time %q: %v", timeString, err)
return t
// LocalRemote creates a temporary directory name for local remotes
func LocalRemote() (path string, err error) {
path, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "rclone")
if err == nil {
// Now remove the directory
err = os.Remove(path)
path = filepath.ToSlash(path)
// RandomRemoteName makes a random bucket or subdirectory name
// Returns a random remote name plus the leaf name
func RandomRemoteName(remoteName string) (string, string, error) {
var err error
var leafName string
// Make a directory if remote name is null
if remoteName == "" {
remoteName, err = LocalRemote()
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
} else {
if !strings.HasSuffix(remoteName, ":") {
remoteName += "/"
leafName = "rclone-test-" + random.String(24)
if !MatchTestRemote.MatchString(leafName) {
log.Fatalf("%q didn't match the test remote name regexp", leafName)
remoteName += leafName
return remoteName, leafName, nil
// RandomRemote makes a random bucket or subdirectory on the remote
// from the -remote parameter
// Call the finalise function returned to Purge the fs at the end (and
// the parent if necessary)
// Returns the remote, its url, a finaliser and an error
func RandomRemote() (fs.Fs, string, func(), error) {
var err error
var parentRemote fs.Fs
remoteName := *RemoteName
remoteName, _, err = RandomRemoteName(remoteName)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", nil, err
remote, err := fs.NewFs(remoteName)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", nil, err
finalise := func() {
if parentRemote != nil {
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Failed to purge %v: %v", parentRemote, err)
return remote, remoteName, finalise, nil
// Purge is a simplified re-implementation of operations.Purge for the
// test routine cleanup to avoid circular dependencies.
// It logs errors rather than returning them
func Purge(f fs.Fs) {
ctx := context.Background()
var err error
doFallbackPurge := true
if doPurge := f.Features().Purge; doPurge != nil {
doFallbackPurge = false
fs.Debugf(f, "Purge remote")
err = doPurge(ctx)
if err == fs.ErrorCantPurge {
doFallbackPurge = true
if doFallbackPurge {
dirs := []string{""}
err = walk.ListR(ctx, f, "", true, -1, walk.ListAll, func(entries fs.DirEntries) error {
var err error
entries.ForObject(func(obj fs.Object) {
fs.Debugf(f, "Purge object %q", obj.Remote())
err = obj.Remove(ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("purge failed to remove %q: %v", obj.Remote(), err)
entries.ForDir(func(dir fs.Directory) {
dirs = append(dirs, dir.Remote())
return nil
for i := len(dirs) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
dir := dirs[i]
fs.Debugf(f, "Purge dir %q", dir)
err := f.Rmdir(ctx, dir)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("purge failed to rmdir %q: %v", dir, err)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("purge failed: %v", err)