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// Package fs is a generic file system interface for rclone object storage systems
package fs
import (
// Constants
const (
// ModTimeNotSupported is a very large precision value to show
// mod time isn't supported on this Fs
ModTimeNotSupported = 100 * 365 * 24 * time.Hour
// MaxLevel is a sentinel representing an infinite depth for listings
MaxLevel = math.MaxInt32
// Globals
var (
// UserAgent for Fs which can set it
UserAgent = "rclone/" + Version
// Filesystem registry
fsRegistry []*RegInfo
// ErrorNotFoundInConfigFile is returned by NewFs if not found in config file
ErrorNotFoundInConfigFile = errors.New("didn't find section in config file")
ErrorCantPurge = errors.New("can't purge directory")
ErrorCantCopy = errors.New("can't copy object - incompatible remotes")
ErrorCantMove = errors.New("can't move object - incompatible remotes")
ErrorCantDirMove = errors.New("can't move directory - incompatible remotes")
ErrorDirExists = errors.New("can't copy directory - destination already exists")
ErrorCantSetModTime = errors.New("can't set modified time")
ErrorDirNotFound = errors.New("directory not found")
ErrorObjectNotFound = errors.New("object not found")
ErrorLevelNotSupported = errors.New("level value not supported")
ErrorListAborted = errors.New("list aborted")
ErrorListOnlyRoot = errors.New("can only list from root")
ErrorIsFile = errors.New("is a file not a directory")
ErrorNotDeleting = errors.New("not deleting files as there were IO errors")
ErrorCantMoveOverlapping = errors.New("can't move files on overlapping remotes")
// RegInfo provides information about a filesystem
type RegInfo struct {
// Name of this fs
Name string
// Description of this fs - defaults to Name
Description string
// Create a new file system. If root refers to an existing
// object, then it should return a Fs which which points to
// the parent of that object and ErrorIsFile.
NewFs func(name string, root string) (Fs, error)
// Function to call to help with config
Config func(string)
// Options for the Fs configuration
Options []Option
// Option is describes an option for the config wizard
type Option struct {
Name string
Help string
Optional bool
Examples OptionExamples
// OptionExamples is a slice of examples
type OptionExamples []OptionExample
// Len is part of sort.Interface.
func (os OptionExamples) Len() int { return len(os) }
// Swap is part of sort.Interface.
func (os OptionExamples) Swap(i, j int) { os[i], os[j] = os[j], os[i] }
// Less is part of sort.Interface.
func (os OptionExamples) Less(i, j int) bool { return os[i].Help < os[j].Help }
// Sort sorts an OptionExamples
func (os OptionExamples) Sort() { sort.Sort(os) }
// OptionExample describes an example for an Option
type OptionExample struct {
Value string
Help string
// Register a filesystem
// Fs modules should use this in an init() function
func Register(info *RegInfo) {
fsRegistry = append(fsRegistry, info)
// ListFser is the interface for listing a remote Fs
type ListFser interface {
// List the objects and directories of the Fs starting from dir
// dir should be "" to start from the root, and should not
// have trailing slashes.
// This should return ErrDirNotFound (using out.SetError())
// if the directory isn't found.
// Fses must support recursion levels of fs.MaxLevel and 1.
// They may return ErrorLevelNotSupported otherwise.
List(out ListOpts, dir string)
// Fs is the interface a cloud storage system must provide
type Fs interface {
// NewObject finds the Object at remote. If it can't be found
// it returns the error ErrorObjectNotFound.
NewObject(remote string) (Object, error)
// Put in to the remote path with the modTime given of the given size
// May create the object even if it returns an error - if so
// will return the object and the error, otherwise will return
// nil and the error
Put(in io.Reader, src ObjectInfo) (Object, error)
// Mkdir makes the directory (container, bucket)
// Shouldn't return an error if it already exists
Mkdir() error
// Rmdir removes the directory (container, bucket) if empty
// Return an error if it doesn't exist or isn't empty
Rmdir() error
// Info provides an interface to reading information about a filesystem.
type Info interface {
// Name of the remote (as passed into NewFs)
Name() string
// Root of the remote (as passed into NewFs)
Root() string
// String returns a description of the FS
String() string
// Precision of the ModTimes in this Fs
Precision() time.Duration
// Returns the supported hash types of the filesystem
Hashes() HashSet
// Object is a filesystem like object provided by an Fs
type Object interface {
// String returns a description of the Object
String() string
// SetModTime sets the metadata on the object to set the modification date
SetModTime(time.Time) error
// Open opens the file for read. Call Close() on the returned io.ReadCloser
Open() (io.ReadCloser, error)
// Update in to the object with the modTime given of the given size
Update(in io.Reader, src ObjectInfo) error
// Removes this object
Remove() error
// ObjectInfo contains information about an object.
type ObjectInfo interface {
// Fs returns read only access to the Fs that this object is part of
Fs() Info
// Hash returns the selected checksum of the file
// If no checksum is available it returns ""
Hash(HashType) (string, error)
// Storable says whether this object can be stored
Storable() bool
// BasicInfo common interface for Dir and Object providing the very
// basic attributes of an object.
type BasicInfo interface {
// Remote returns the remote path
Remote() string
// ModTime returns the modification date of the file
// It should return a best guess if one isn't available
ModTime() time.Time
// Size returns the size of the file
Size() int64
// Purger is an optional interfaces for Fs
type Purger interface {
// Purge all files in the root and the root directory
// Implement this if you have a way of deleting all the files
// quicker than just running Remove() on the result of List()
// Return an error if it doesn't exist
Purge() error
// Copier is an optional interface for Fs
type Copier interface {
// Copy src to this remote using server side copy operations.
// This is stored with the remote path given
// It returns the destination Object and a possible error
// Will only be called if src.Fs().Name() == f.Name()
// If it isn't possible then return fs.ErrorCantCopy
Copy(src Object, remote string) (Object, error)
// Mover is an optional interface for Fs
type Mover interface {
// Move src to this remote using server side move operations.
// This is stored with the remote path given
// It returns the destination Object and a possible error
// Will only be called if src.Fs().Name() == f.Name()
// If it isn't possible then return fs.ErrorCantMove
Move(src Object, remote string) (Object, error)
// DirMover is an optional interface for Fs
type DirMover interface {
// DirMove moves src to this remote using server side move
// operations.
// Will only be called if src.Fs().Name() == f.Name()
// If it isn't possible then return fs.ErrorCantDirMove
// If destination exists then return fs.ErrorDirExists
DirMove(src Fs) error
// UnWrapper is an optional interfaces for Fs
type UnWrapper interface {
// UnWrap returns the Fs that this Fs is wrapping
UnWrap() Fs
// PutUncheckeder is an optional interface for Fs
type PutUncheckeder interface {
// Put in to the remote path with the modTime given of the given size
// May create the object even if it returns an error - if so
// will return the object and the error, otherwise will return
// nil and the error
// May create duplicates or return errors if src already
// exists.
PutUnchecked(in io.Reader, src ObjectInfo) (Object, error)
// CleanUpper is an optional interfaces for Fs
type CleanUpper interface {
// CleanUp the trash in the Fs
// Implement this if you have a way of emptying the trash or
// otherwise cleaning up old versions of files.
CleanUp() error
// ObjectsChan is a channel of Objects
type ObjectsChan chan Object
// ListOpts describes the interface used for Fs.List operations
type ListOpts interface {
// Add an object to the output.
// If the function returns true, the operation has been aborted.
// Multiple goroutines can safely add objects concurrently.
Add(obj Object) (abort bool)
// Add a directory to the output.
// If the function returns true, the operation has been aborted.
// Multiple goroutines can safely add objects concurrently.
AddDir(dir *Dir) (abort bool)
// IncludeDirectory returns whether this directory should be
// included in the listing (and recursed into or not).
IncludeDirectory(remote string) bool
// SetError will set an error state, and will cause the listing to
// be aborted.
// Multiple goroutines can set the error state concurrently,
// but only the first will be returned to the caller.
SetError(err error)
// Level returns the level it should recurse to. Fses may
// ignore this in which case the listing will be less
// efficient.
Level() int
// Buffer returns the channel depth in use
Buffer() int
// Finished should be called when listing is finished
// IsFinished returns whether Finished or SetError have been called
IsFinished() bool
// Objects is a slice of Object~s
type Objects []Object
// ObjectPair is a pair of Objects used to describe a potential copy
// operation.
type ObjectPair struct {
src, dst Object
// ObjectPairChan is a channel of ObjectPair
type ObjectPairChan chan ObjectPair
// Dir describes a directory for directory/container/bucket lists
type Dir struct {
Name string // name of the directory
When time.Time // modification or creation time - IsZero for unknown
Bytes int64 // size of directory and contents -1 for unknown
Count int64 // number of objects -1 for unknown
// Remote returns the remote path
func (d *Dir) Remote() string {
return d.Name
// ModTime returns the modification date of the file
// It should return a best guess if one isn't available
func (d *Dir) ModTime() time.Time {
if !d.When.IsZero() {
return d.When
return time.Now()
// Size returns the size of the file
func (d *Dir) Size() int64 {
return d.Bytes
// Check interface
var _ BasicInfo = (*Dir)(nil)
// DirChan is a channel of Dir objects
type DirChan chan *Dir
// Find looks for an Info object for the name passed in
// Services are looked up in the config file
func Find(name string) (*RegInfo, error) {
for _, item := range fsRegistry {
if item.Name == name {
return item, nil
return nil, errors.Errorf("didn't find filing system for %q", name)
// Pattern to match an rclone url
var matcher = regexp.MustCompile(`^([\w_ -]+):(.*)$`)
// ParseRemote deconstructs a path into configName, fsPath, looking up
// the fsName in the config file (returning NotFoundInConfigFile if not found)
func ParseRemote(path string) (fsInfo *RegInfo, configName, fsPath string, err error) {
parts := matcher.FindStringSubmatch(path)
var fsName string
fsName, configName, fsPath = "local", "local", path
if parts != nil && !isDriveLetter(parts[1]) {
configName, fsPath = parts[1], parts[2]
var err error
fsName, err = ConfigFile.GetValue(configName, "type")
if err != nil {
return nil, "", "", ErrorNotFoundInConfigFile
// change native directory separators to / if there are any
fsPath = filepath.ToSlash(fsPath)
fsInfo, err = Find(fsName)
return fsInfo, configName, fsPath, err
// NewFs makes a new Fs object from the path
// The path is of the form remote:path
// Remotes are looked up in the config file. If the remote isn't
// found then NotFoundInConfigFile will be returned.
// On Windows avoid single character remote names as they can be mixed
// up with drive letters.
func NewFs(path string) (Fs, error) {
fsInfo, configName, fsPath, err := ParseRemote(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return fsInfo.NewFs(configName, fsPath)
// DebugLogger - logs to Stdout
var DebugLogger = log.New(os.Stdout, "", log.LstdFlags)
// makeLog produces a log string from the arguments passed in
func makeLog(o interface{}, text string, args ...interface{}) string {
out := fmt.Sprintf(text, args...)
if o == nil {
return out
return fmt.Sprintf("%v: %s", o, out)
// Debug writes debugging output for this Object or Fs
func Debug(o interface{}, text string, args ...interface{}) {
if Config.Verbose {
DebugLogger.Print(makeLog(o, text, args...))
// Log writes log output for this Object or Fs. This should be
// considered to be Info level logging.
func Log(o interface{}, text string, args ...interface{}) {
if !Config.Quiet {
log.Print(makeLog(o, text, args...))
// ErrorLog writes error log output for this Object or Fs. It
// unconditionally logs a message regardless of Config.Quiet or
// Config.Verbose.
func ErrorLog(o interface{}, text string, args ...interface{}) {
log.Print(makeLog(o, text, args...))
// CheckClose is a utility function used to check the return from
// Close in a defer statement.
func CheckClose(c io.Closer, err *error) {
cerr := c.Close()
if *err == nil {
*err = cerr
// NewStaticObjectInfo returns a static ObjectInfo
// If hashes is nil and fs is not nil, the hash map will be replaced with
// empty hashes of the types supported by the fs.
func NewStaticObjectInfo(remote string, modTime time.Time, size int64, storable bool, hashes map[HashType]string, fs Info) ObjectInfo {
info := &staticObjectInfo{
remote: remote,
modTime: modTime,
size: size,
storable: storable,
hashes: hashes,
fs: fs,
if fs != nil && hashes == nil {
set := fs.Hashes().Array()
info.hashes = make(map[HashType]string)
for _, ht := range set {
info.hashes[ht] = ""
return info
type staticObjectInfo struct {
remote string
modTime time.Time
size int64
storable bool
hashes map[HashType]string
fs Info
func (i *staticObjectInfo) Fs() Info { return i.fs }
func (i *staticObjectInfo) Remote() string { return i.remote }
func (i *staticObjectInfo) ModTime() time.Time { return i.modTime }
func (i *staticObjectInfo) Size() int64 { return i.size }
func (i *staticObjectInfo) Storable() bool { return i.storable }
func (i *staticObjectInfo) Hash(h HashType) (string, error) {
if len(i.hashes) == 0 {
return "", ErrHashUnsupported
if hash, ok := i.hashes[h]; ok {
return hash, nil
return "", ErrHashUnsupported